TREE-QMC is a quartet-based method for estimating species trees directly from gene trees or characters, like the popular methods ASTRAL and Weighted ASTRAL/ASTER. However, TREE-QMC uses a different algorithmic approach than ASTRAL/ASTER, based on the Quartet Max Cut (QMC) framework of Snir and Rao.
To learn more about the TREE-QMC and weighted TREE-QMC, check out Han & Molloy, Genome Res, 2023 and Han & Molloy, Systematic Biology, 2025, respectively.
TREE-QMC also implements some convenient features:
- TREE-QMC allows multi-labeled trees (i.e., MUL-trees) as input.
- TREE-QMC allows character data as input; in particular, it can be used to estimate species trees under the neutral Wright-Fisher model with MLE branch lengths, referred to as
mode in Springer et al., J Heredity, 2020 and Molloy, Gatesy & Springer, Syst Biol, 2022. Although species trees can also be constructed from multi-state characters we do not make guarantees about performance. - TREE-QMC computes Partitioned Coalescence Support (PCS), specifically Quartet Quadrapartition Support (QQS) values, around a focal branch, as described by Gatesy et al., Mol Phy Evol, 2019.
Check out the tutorial for gene trees and the tutorial for character matrices.
TREE-QMC is based on the Quartet Max Cut (QMC) framework introduced by Sagi Snir and Satish Rao; see Snir & Rao, IEEE/ACM TCBB, 2010 and Avni, Cohen & Snir, Syst Biol, 2015. TREE-QMC contributes fast algorithms for constructing the quartet graph directly from the input trees, rather than explicitly enumerating all quartets or sampling quartets.
TREE-QMC now implements efficient (and brute force) algorithms for the quartet weighting schemes introduced by Chao Zhang and Siavash Mirarab; see Zhang & Mirarab, Mol Biol Evol, 2022. It also implements quartet support with the approach of Sayyari & Mirarab, Mol Biol Evol, 2016.
TREE-QMC uses MQLib for its max cut heuristic; see Dunning, Gupta, & Silberholz, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2018.
TREE-QMC uses toms743 for its Lambert's W approximation; see Fritsch, Shafer & Crowley, Communications of the ACM, 1973 and Barry, Barry & Culligan-Hensley, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 1995.
To build TREE-QMC, use commands:
git clone
cd TREE-QMC/external/MQLib
cd ../..
g++ -std=c++11 -O2 \
-I external/MQLib/include -I external/toms743 \
-o tree-qmc \
src/*.cpp external/toms743/toms743.cpp \
external/MQLib/bin/MQLib.a -lm \
-DVERSION=\"$(cat version.txt)\"
To run TREE-QMC, use command:
./tree-qmc -i <input file>
#1. For convenience, add the directory containing the tree-qmc
binary to your PATH
variable so that you can type tree-qmc
instead of <path to tree-qmc binary>tree-qmc
. For bash, this can be done by adding
export PATH=$PATH:"path to tree-qmc binary"
to ~/.bash_profile
file (or ~/.bashrc
#2. If you are having strange problems, try removing the \r
characters from the input files and trying again:
cat file.txt | tr -d '\r' > newfile.txt
To see the TREE-QMC usage options, use command:
./tree-qmc -h
The output help message should be
=================================== TREE-QMC ===================================
tree-qmc (-i|--input) <input file>
**If the directory containing the tree-qmc binary is not part of $PATH, replace
eplace tree-qmc with <path to tree-qmc binary>/tree-qmc in the command above**
Help Options:
Prints this help message.
Input Options:
(-i|--input) <input file>
File with gene trees in newick format (required)
Input are characters rather than trees
Missing states are N, -, and ?
Input are binary characters i.e. bipartitions
Missing states are N, -, and ?
[(-a|-mapping) <mapping file>]
File with individual/leaf names (1st col) mapped to species (2nd col)
[(--root) <list of species separated by commas>]
Root species tree at given species if possible
[(--rootonly) <species tree file>]
Root species tree in file and then exit
[(--supportonly) <species tree file>]
Compute quartet support for species tree in file and then exit
[(--pcsonly) <species tree file>]
Compute partitioned coalescent support (PCS) for specified branch in
species tree in file (anotate branch with PCS) and then exit
Output Options:
[(-o|--output) <output file>]
File for writing output species tree (default: stdout)
Compute quartet support for output species tree
[(--writetable) <table file>]
Write branch and quartet support information to CSV
Write character matrix as trees (newick strings) to output and exit
Algorithm Options:
Use hybrid weighting scheme (-w h)
Use fast algorithm that does not support weights or polytomies (-w f)
Use presets for bayesian support (-n 0.333 -x 1.0 -d 0.333)
Use presets for likelihood support (-n 0.0 -x 1.0 -d 0.0)
Use presets for boostrap support (-n 0 -x 100 -d 0)
[(-c|--contract) <float>]
Contract internal branches with support less than specified threshold
after mapping suport to the interval 0 to 1
Advanced Options:
[(-w|--weight) <character>]
Weighting scheme for quartets; see paper for details
-w n: none (default)
-w h: hybrid of support and length (recommended)
-w s: support only
-w l: length only
-w f: none fast
Refines polytomies arbitrarily so faster algorithm can be used
[(-n|--min) <float>]
Minimum value of input branch support
[(-x|--max) <float>]
Maximum value of input branch support
[(-d|--default) <float>]
Default branch support to use if branch input tree is missing support
Default branch length is 0.0
[(--norm_atax) <integer>]
Normalization scheme for artificial taxa; see paper for details
--norm_atax 0: none
--norm_atax 1: uniform
--norm_atax 2: non-uniform (default)
[(-e|--execution) <execution mode>]
-e 0: run efficient algorithm (default)
-e 1: run brute force algorithm for testing
-e 2: compute weighted quartets, then exit
-e 3: compute good and bad edges, then exit
[(-v|--verbose) <verbose mode>]
-v 0: write no subproblem information (default)
-v 1: write CSV with subproblem information (subproblem ID, parent
problem ID, depth of recursion, total # of taxa, # of artifical
taxa, species names)
-v 2: write CSV with subproblem information (info from v1 plus # of
of elements in f, # of pruned elements in f, # of zeroes in f)
[(--polyseed) <integer>]
Seeds random number generator with prior to arbitrarily resolving
polytomies. If seed is set to -1, system time is used;
otherwise, seed should be positive (default: 12345).
[(--maxcutseed) <integer>]
Seeds random number generator prior to calling the max cut heuristic
but after the preprocessing phase. If seed is set to -1, system time
is used; otherwise, seed should be positive (default: 1).
[--shared <use shared taxon data structure to normalize quartet weights>]
Do NOT use unless there are NO missing data!!!
Contact: Post issue to Github (
or email Yunheng Han ( & Erin Molloy (
If you use TREE-QMC or weighted TREE-QMC in your work, please cite:
Han and Molloy, 2023, Improving quartet graph construction for scalable
and accurate species tree estimation from gene trees, Genome Research,
Han and Molloy, 2024, Improved robustness to gene tree incompleteness,
estimation errors, and systematic homology errors with weighted TREE-QMC,