You must already have Vmware Fusion installed on your Mac.
Step 1: Open Vmware Fusion, go to File -> Import menu and select the Red PNDA .ova file. Click "Continue".
Step 2: Click "Save" on the default location prompted. Click on "Retry" if it complains about the import.
Wait until the import is finished and then click "Finish".
Click "Upgrade" if prompted
Click "Yes" if prompted.
Step 3: Right click on the Red PNDA VM and click on "Linked Clone" & click "Save" on the default location prompted.
Step 4: Start the Cloned Red PNDA VM
Step 8: Use the default credentials (pnda/pnda) to login.
Step 7: Run the ifconfig
command to check which network interface is reachable from host machine. In this example it is eth0
Step 9: Run the following command:
sudo bash /home/pnda/ eth0
If prompted for s password, enter pnda
Open a browser and navigate to reachable address. In this example, the address is
Congratulations! You successfully installed Red PNDA.
By default, the virtual machine network adapter is configured for 'host-only' operation. By using this type of adapter, you’ll be able to access a private, virtual network consisting solely of your host and any guest virtual machines. Any of the virtual machines can access each other, but you can't access outside traffic i.e. reach the Internet.
If you need Internet access, consider changing the network adapter's configuration from 'Private to my Mac' to 'Share with my Mac' (although, this is Mac-specific, similar steps apply for Vmware Workstation for Windows/Linux).
Be sure to reboot your VM if you change the network settings and run the
script as shown in Step 9 above.