This directory contains docker image and predefined genesis required to run private Binance Smart Chain network. The genesis file is based on BSC official testnet PoA genesis.
It's configured for one sealer account to allow running single node.
docker build --tag bsc-node ./devnet/docker/bsc-node --build-arg KEYSTORE_PASS=<SECRET>
Note: The to unlock existing keystore is "Perlia0". The docker folder contains test accounts which are copied during the docker build in the provisioning step.
See this page for information on how to create Ethereum accounts.
docker run -d -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 bsc-node
For ICON BTP purpose, we need to build from PR branch containing SHA3-256 FIPS 202 hash precompile.
For detail build instructions please read BSC readme or alternatively running the following script will build from the target branch using a docker image.