There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.
There was one NOTE:
❯ checking installed package size ... NOTE installed size is 5.9Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: extdata 5.0Mb
extdata has been compressed as much as possible -- data in that folder is necessary to run the package.
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
We have addressed each of the notes in the test as noted below:
- Maintainer: ‘Carrie Daymont’
Size of tarball: 5529529 bytes
The package has been compressed as much as possible, as noted above -- data included is necessary to run the package.
- NOTE Examples with CPU (user + system) or elapsed time > 5s user system elapsed ext_bmiz 6.911 0.120 0.925 simple_bmi 6.740 0.167 0.783 adjustcarryforward 6.494 0.140 1.179 longwide 5.072 0.135 0.834 Examples with CPU time > 2.5 times elapsed time user system elapsed ratio simple_bmi 6.740 0.167 0.783 8.821 read_anthro 2.323 0.060 0.276 8.634 ext_bmiz 6.911 0.120 0.925 7.601 longwide 5.072 0.135 0.834 6.243 adjustcarryforward 6.494 0.140 1.179 5.627
Examples have been reduced in length or set to donttest.
- Running ‘testthat.R’ [230s/74s] Running R code in ‘testthat.R’ had CPU time 3.1 times elapsed time
Tests have been set to not run on CRAN.
There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.
There was one note:
❯ checking installed package size ... NOTE installed size is 5.9Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: extdata 5.0Mb
extdata has been compressed as much as possible -- data in that folder is necessary to run the package.
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
There were no ERRORs, WARNINGs, or NOTEs.
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
There were no ERRORs, WARNINGs, or NOTEs.
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
We have addressed each of the notes in the manual test as below:
- Package CITATION file contains call(s) to old-style personList() or as.personList(). Please use c() on person objects instead. Package CITATION file contains call(s) to old-style citEntry() or citHeader()/citFooter(). Please use bibentry() instead, possibly with arguments 'header' and 'footer'.
We have updated the citation accordingly.
There were no ERRORs, WARNINGs, or NOTEs.
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
There were no ERRORs, WARNINGs, or NOTEs.
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
There were no ERRORs, WARNINGs, or NOTEs.
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
There were no ERRORs, WARNINGs, or NOTEs.
We have addressed each of the notes in the manual test as below:
- Possibly misspelled words in DESCRIPTION: Anthropometric (3:25) anthropometric (22:56)
These are not misspelled.
- Please write TRUE and FALSE instead of T and F. (Please don't use 'T' or 'F' as vector names.), e.g.:
This has been corrected throughout functions in package.
- Please replace \dontrun with \donttest. Please unwrap the examples if they are executable in < 5 sec, or replace \dontrun{} with \donttest{}.
\dontrun has been replaced with \donttest.
- Please ensure that your functions do not write by default or in your examples/vignettes/tests in the user's home filespace (including the package directory and getwd()). This is not allowed by CRAN policies. Please omit any default path in writing functions. In your examples/vignettes/tests you can write to tempdir().
I have gone through all functions in package and affected functions have been adjusted/confirmed to not write by default to user directory. All examples with directory output have been adjusted to use tempdir().
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.
There was 1 NOTE:
- checking installed package size ... NOTE installed size is 9.8Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: doc 5.7Mb extdata 3.3Mb
doc should not be included in build (listed in .Rbuildignore) and extdata has been compressed as much as possible -- data in that folder is necessary to run the package.
We have addressed each of the notes in the manual test as below:
- Possibly misspelled words in DESCRIPTION: Anthropometric (3:25) anthropometric (22:56)
These are not misspelled.
- Package has a VignetteBuilder field but no prebuilt vignette index.
Vignette files are now added to Rbuildignore, VignetteBuilder removed.
- Files in the 'vignettes' directory but no files in 'inst/doc': 'adult-algorithm.Rmd', 'configuration.Rmd', 'installation.Rmd', 'large-data-sets.Rmd', 'next-steps.Rmd', 'output.Rmd', 'quickstart.Rmd', 'usage.Rmd', 'utilities.Rmd'
Vignette files are now added to Rbuildignore.
- Directory 'inst/doc' does not exist. Package vignettes without corresponding single PDF/HTML: 'adult-algorithm.Rmd' 'configuration.Rmd' 'installation.Rmd' 'large-data-sets.Rmd' 'next-steps.Rmd' 'output.Rmd' 'quickstart.Rmd' 'usage.Rmd' 'utilities.Rmd'
Vignette files are now added to Rbuildignore.
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.
There was 1 NOTE:
- checking installed package size ... NOTE installed size is 9.8Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: doc 5.7Mb extdata 3.3Mb
doc should not be included in build (listed in .Rbuildignore) and extdata has been compressed as much as possible -- data in that folder is necessary to run the package.
We have addressed each of the notes in the manual test as below:
- Possibly misspelled words in DESCRIPTION: Anthropometric (3:25) anthropometric (22:56)
These are not misspelled.
License components with restrictions and base license permitting such: MIT + file LICENSE File 'LICENSE': MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018-2022 Carrie Daymont
Permission is...
License has been changed to CRAN template.
- Size of tarball: 5826685 bytes
Vignette building has been removed, size is now around ~3.7 MB.
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.
There was 1 NOTE:
- checking installed package size ... NOTE installed size is 9.8Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: doc 5.7Mb extdata 3.3Mb
doc should not be included in build (listed in .Rbuildignore) and extdata has been compressed as much as possible -- data in that folder is necessary to run the package.
We have addressed each of the notes in the pretest as below:
- Possibly misspelled words in DESCRIPTION: Anthropometric (3:25) anthropometric (22:56)
These are not misspelled.
- Examples with CPU (user + system) or elapsed time > 10s user system elapsed cleangrowth 4.01 0.3 18.2
cleangrowth() example has been changed to \donttest{}
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.
There was 1 NOTE:
- checking installed package size ... NOTE installed size is 9.8Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: doc 5.7Mb extdata 3.3Mb
doc should not be included in build (listed in .Rbuildignore) and extdata has been compressed as much as possible -- data in that folder is necessary to run the package.
We have addressed each of the notes in the pretest as below:
- Possibly misspelled words in DESCRIPTION: Anthropometric (3:25) anthropometric (22:56)
These are not misspelled.
- Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: URL: From: inst/doc/configuration.html Status: 200 Message: OK CRAN URL not in canonical form The canonical URL of the CRAN page for a package is
This has been fixed.
- The Description field should start with a capital letter.
This has been fixed ('growthcleanr' removed, includes capitalized).
- Examples with CPU (user + system) or elapsed time > 10s user system elapsed cleangrowth 4.01 0.3 18.2
cleangrowth() example has been shortened (run on fewer subjects).
- Check: Overall checktime, Result: NOTE Overall checktime 13 min > 10 min
Tests have been shortened (elapsed time locally ~80s).
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.
There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.
There was 1 NOTE:
- checking installed package size ... NOTE installed size is 9.8Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: doc 5.7Mb extdata 3.3Mb
doc should not be included in build (listed in .Rbuildignore) and extdata has been compressed as much as possible -- data in that folder is necessary to run the package.
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.