A common way to represent errors in elixir is to return tuples of format {:error, term}
However term
is often a simple atom (or another tuple with simple atom).
I believe that a better way to represent errors is to use elixir Structs.
They bring some advantages:
- Structure of the error is enforced by compiler
- It is easier to deal with additional error context (Structs have fields)
- Structs can implement protocols
- Specifically: Structs can implement
protocol - a nice way to get a friendly formatted error message - Structs can implement behaviours
- Specifically: Structs can implement
behaviour. Client code can just raise error Struct as exception if it deems it sensible
This library is a thin wrapper to reduce boilerplate for defining Error structs that implement String.Chars
protocol and Exception
**Feel free to use this "Structs as Errors" pattern but please do not use this Library. You do not need any libs to use some architectural pattern. I have made this library to get rid of annoying duplication in internal company projects. I recommend you to tinker your own version tailored to your specific needs. **
However some usage examples:
# Basic Usage
module SomeModule do
require ExcError
def some_method
{:error, %SomeError{}}
{:error, %SomeError{} = my_error} = SomeModule.some_method()
# You can format error as string
some_text = "error #{my_error}"
# You can raise error as exception
raise my_error
# default type for struct is declared for you
@spec some_function() :: :ok | {:error, SomeError.t()}
# You can define some custom fields for your struct (just like in defstruct)
ExcError.define SomeError, :some_field, other_field: "default_value"
def my_method
{:error, %SomeError{some_field: "some-field-value"}}
# You can define methods for your struct
ExcError.define SomeError do
def some_method do
:ok = SomeError.some_method()
# You can define custom implementation for `String.Chars` protocol
ExcError.define HttpError, [:method, :url, :code] do
@impl true
def message(exc), do: "HTTP error method:#{exc.method} url:#{exc.url} code:#{exc.code}"
# If no custom fields are provided for your struct, ExcError defines :message field by default:
ExcError.define SomeError
"some message" = to_string(%SomeError{message: "some message"})
# You can define custom type for your struct
ExcError.define SomeError, [:custom_field] do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
custom_field: atom
# All defined structs have :cause field by default
# Use it to wrap other errors
ExcError.define SomeError
error_struct = SomeError.wrap({:error, :other_error})
:other_error = error_struct.cause
error_struct = SomeError.wrap(%SomeStruct{})
%SomeStruct{} = error_struct.cause
ExcError.define SomeOtherError, [:some_field]
error_struct = SomeOtherError.wrap({:error, :other_error}, some_field: "some-value")
:other_error = error_struct.cause
"some-value" = error_struct.some_field