Each pull request should address a single issue, and contain both the fix as well as a description of how the pull request and tests that validate that the PR fixes the issue in question.
For significant feature additions, we like to have an open issue in MariaDB JIRA. It is expected that discussion will have taken place in the attached issue.
These are the set of tools which are required in order to complete any build. Follow the links to download and install them on your own before continuing.
- At least one GPG Key see https://help.github.com/en/articles/generating-a-new-gpg-key
- Oracle JDK 8 ( with JCE policies if using TLS/SSL)
- IDE (eclipse / netbean / intelliJ) with maven and GIT plugins
Before downloading source, fork the project to your own repository, and use your repository as source.
- master : correspond to the last released version
- develop : Develop new features for upcoming releases (compatible with java 8)
- develop-jre6 : maintenance branch compatible with java 6 / 7
Before any submission : Run the test locally : by default, you need to have a MySQL/MariaDB server on localhost:3306 with a database named "testj" and a user root without password. so you can run
mvn test
You can change those parameter by adding -DdbUrl parameter. like :
mvn test -DdbUrl=jdbc:mariadb://*****
You can launch a specific test by adding -Dtest
mvn test -Dtest=org.mariadb.jdbc.JdbcParserTest
When all test are passing, you can package project. Additional tests , like javadoc formatting, code style validation will be done :
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
If operation succeed, a new mariadb-java-client jar will be on the target folder.
You can activate travis to validate your repository. The advantage of travis compare to running test locally is that it will launch tests for a combination of those parameters :
- oraclejdk8 and if your work is on develop-jre6 branch
- openjdk6
- openjdk7
server :
- MariaDB 5.5
- MariaDB 10.0
- MariaDB 10.1
- MariaDB 10.2
- MySQL 5.6
- MySQL 5.7
max_allowed_packet : (this permit to check multipacket send)
- 8M
- 20M
- 40M
For that, you have to go on travis website, connect with your github account, and activate your mariadb-connector-j repository. After this step, every push to your repository will launch a travis test.
When your repository has the correction/change done, you can submit a pull request by clicking the "Pull request" button on github. Please detail the operation done in your request.
Distributed under the terms of the GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL).