Releases: microsoft/CSS-Exchange
Releases · microsoft/CSS-Exchange
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | |
CopyMissingDlls.ps1 | |
DLT365Groupsupgrade.ps1 | |
EOMT.ps1 | |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | |
ExTRA.ps1 | |
FixInstallerCache.ps1 | |
Get-MRMDetails.ps1 | |
SetupAssist.ps1 | |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | |
Test-HMAEAS.ps1 | |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | |
Troubleshoot-ModernSearch.ps1 | |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | |
VSSTester.ps1 | |
- b8f0149 Merge pull request #462 from microsoft/main
- cdd23f9 Merge pull request #461 from microsoft/bilong-versioncheck
- 6252b93 Generate CSV for easy version checks
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.12.1219 |
CopyMissingDlls.ps1 | v21.03.24.1141 |
DLT365Groupsupgrade.ps1 | v21.04.12.0959 |
EOMT.ps1 | v21.03.26.0835 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.04.07.0728 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.04.13.1539 |
FixInstallerCache.ps1 | v21.03.25.1230 |
Get-MRMDetails.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.19.2315 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.29.0022 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.04.13.2339 |
Test-HMAEAS.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.18.1335 |
Troubleshoot-ModernSearch.ps1 | v21.04.12.1828 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.04.08.1615 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.03.19.2247 |
- 517e774 Merge pull request #460 from microsoft/main
- aa9655a Merge pull request #459 from microsoft/bilong-ssvperf2
- 702b726 EntryId does not work reliably. We'll have to use Identity.
- 021d55a We must compare against $true to get the correct result
- 29bf7a6 Fix FoldersToMailDisable output
- 8ce9816 Merge pull request #458 from microsoft/dev
- 0fad119 Made changes to command to be able to run in PowerShell and cmd
- e779ec1 Highlight the action
- 9207f5d Assume the CSV file is where we would put it
- 249d888 Mark progress bar completed when done
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.12.1219 |
CopyMissingDlls.ps1 | v21.03.24.1141 |
DLT365Groupsupgrade.ps1 | v21.04.12.0959 |
EOMT.ps1 | v21.03.26.0835 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.04.07.0728 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1152 |
FixInstallerCache.ps1 | v21.03.25.1230 |
Get-MRMDetails.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.19.2315 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.29.0022 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.04.13.0952 |
Test-HMAEAS.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.18.1335 |
Troubleshoot-ModernSearch.ps1 | v21.04.12.1828 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.04.08.1615 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.03.19.2247 |
- a6ec0e3 Merge pull request #457 from microsoft/main
- 92e7247 Merge pull request #456 from microsoft/bilong-ssvperf2
- 3780ba8 Explicitly pass EntryId to decrease time by about 30%
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.12.1219 |
CopyMissingDlls.ps1 | v21.03.24.1141 |
DLT365Groupsupgrade.ps1 | v21.04.12.0959 |
EOMT.ps1 | v21.03.26.0835 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.04.07.0728 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1152 |
FixInstallerCache.ps1 | v21.03.25.1230 |
Get-MRMDetails.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.19.2315 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.29.0022 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.04.12.2320 |
Test-HMAEAS.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.18.1335 |
Troubleshoot-ModernSearch.ps1 | v21.04.12.1828 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.04.08.1615 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.03.19.2247 |
- bf40f16 Merge pull request #455 from microsoft/main
- ff5563f Merge pull request #454 from microsoft/bilong-consolidatessv
- 102282a Add readme for Public Folder scripts
- 2cabc04 Adjust progress bar
- 5722e0c Improve progress indicator
- b5b88df Remove redundant statement
- 650f51b Use jobs to retrieve folder data concurrently
- 8a152c3 Make CSV start processing faster
- 6b918ec Make mail enabled validation part of SourceSideValidations
- 0399841 Make RemoveInvalidPermissions a switch instead of separate script
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.12.1219 |
CopyMissingDlls.ps1 | v21.03.24.1141 |
DLT365Groupsupgrade.ps1 | v21.04.12.0959 |
EOMT.ps1 | v21.03.26.0835 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.04.07.0728 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1152 |
FixInstallerCache.ps1 | v21.03.25.1230 |
Get-MRMDetails.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.22.2046 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.19.2315 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.29.0022 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.04.02.1708 |
Test-HMAEAS.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.18.1335 |
Troubleshoot-ModernSearch.ps1 | v21.04.12.1828 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.1721 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.03.19.2247 |
- eeb5ffa Merge pull request #453 from microsoft/main
- fe456a0 Merge pull request #452 from microsoft/dpaul-BigFunnelDev
- 5fda338 Include additional information to debug log that we are currently collecting
- 9c06b73 Included IndexStatus for quick determination of item's indexing status
- bd39f6f Get Full Mailbox Index Message Statistics
- b34adc2 MatchSubjectSubstring only use in SubjectAndFolder Parameter Set Name
- 7025dd2 Change to Unlimited for normal Get-MessageIndexState
- 091e541 Display message if we can't find items
- c44608b Improved README information
- 5dbacae Fix bug trying to get mailbox archive information
See More
- 5271e6b Changed IsArchive and IsPublicFolder to switches
- 2cc61c3 Changed from User to Mailbox and removed "UserEmail"
- 2d30e99 Added more diagnostic information to output and grouped areas better
- 9869903 Log output for the results and debug information
- a0886cd Changed how we enable Unlimited switch in Get-StoreQuery
- a25acae Including Message Subject to the results.
- 30e676e Added PublicFolder and Archive options
- 50ff8b5 Improved the Folder output information and querying
- a7b972a Added Ability to Include a Search Query String
- 1520e16 Merge pull request #451 from microsoft/bilong-m365groups
- e679319 Make download link more obvious
- 57f876d Merge pull request #450 from hazemembaby/main
- 9fcfce9 Add Readme file
- ce9e2e5 Merge pull request #439 from technion/mitigationsversion
- 66d7b67 Fix Exchange versions on UM mitigation
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.12.1219 |
CopyMissingDlls.ps1 | v21.03.24.1141 |
DLT365Groupsupgrade.ps1 | v21.04.08.1653 |
EOMT.ps1 | v21.03.26.0835 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.03.16.1226 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1152 |
FixInstallerCache.ps1 | v21.03.25.1230 |
Get-MRMDetails.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.22.2046 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.19.2315 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.29.0022 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.04.02.1708 |
Test-HMAEAS.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.18.1335 |
Troubleshoot-ModernSearch.ps1 | v21.04.06.1107 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.1721 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.03.19.2247 |
- 46fa31f Merge pull request #441 from microsoft/main
- 4f399fa Merge pull request #438 from hazemembaby/haembab-m365script
- 37c983d Added SuppressMessageAttribute
- ad4b164 run .build\CodeFormatter.ps1 -Save from powershell7
- 685fd74 Merge pull request #440 from microsoft/bilong-requireps7
- e4ab80f Let the user know when we need PS7+
- 7aca662 replace global variable
- f1c7718 edit some function formats
- 9f7756e Add new script that checks for Distribution Group eligibility for upgrade to O365 group
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.12.1219 |
CopyMissingDlls.ps1 | v21.03.24.1141 |
EOMT.ps1 | v21.03.26.0835 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.03.16.1226 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1152 |
FixInstallerCache.ps1 | v21.03.25.1230 |
Get-MRMDetails.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.22.2046 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.19.2315 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.29.0022 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.04.02.1708 |
Test-HMAEAS.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.18.1335 |
Troubleshoot-ModernSearch.ps1 | v21.04.06.1107 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.1721 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.03.19.2247 |
- 89b264c Merge pull request #437 from microsoft/main
- 9ad69f2 Merge pull request #436 from microsoft/dpaul-BigFunnelDev
- c4b64ae Fixed Bug Finding Original Parameter name
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.12.1219 |
CopyMissingDlls.ps1 | v21.03.24.1141 |
EOMT.ps1 | v21.03.26.0835 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.03.16.1226 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1152 |
FixInstallerCache.ps1 | v21.03.25.1230 |
Get-MRMDetails.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.22.2046 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.19.2315 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.29.0022 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.04.02.1708 |
Test-HMAEAS.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.18.1335 |
Troubleshoot-ModernSearch.ps1 | v21.04.02.1538 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.1721 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.03.19.2247 |
- b4f02f2 Merge pull request #434 from microsoft/main
- 35c0133 Merge pull request #432 from microsoft/dpaul-BigFunnelDev
- 2c75dc0 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-BigFunnelDev
- 642f618 Merge pull request #433 from microsoft/bilong-sourcesidevalidations
- 3d67bca Merge branch 'main' into bilong-sourcesidevalidations
- e3403f5 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-BigFunnelDev
- c3e046f Removed old script and updated readme
- 11a04e4 Added Folder Restriction Back
- ecba60b Initial check in of Troubleshoot-ModernSearch.ps1
- 7cefffc Merge pull request #431 from microsoft/FixPipeLine
See More
- 921c23e Allow running from other folders in development
- b8aed1a Match both . and $PSScriptRoot with a single regex
- 3ac4783 Need be able to find $PSScriptRoot for dot loaded files
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
BigFunnel-FindItem.ps1 | v21.03.17.2209 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.12.1219 |
CopyMissingDlls.ps1 | v21.03.24.1141 |
EOMT.ps1 | v21.03.26.0835 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.03.16.1226 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1152 |
FixInstallerCache.ps1 | v21.03.25.1230 |
Get-MRMDetails.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.22.2046 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.19.2315 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.28.2258 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.03.22.0941 |
Test-HMAEAS.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.18.1335 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.1721 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.03.19.2247 |
- 6dbf776 Merge pull request #430 from microsoft/main
- 033df6e Merge pull request #429 from microsoft/dpaul-vsstester
- 7081b28 Included download link similar to other pages
- 48f8ef5 Merge pull request #426 from microsoft/dpaul-setup
- 69af7da Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-setup
- cd22e61 Merge pull request #423 from skouti2/patch-1
- 0c32896 Merge branch 'main' into patch-1
- 6456dd2 Additional MSI issues added for trying to install product object not referenced [ #84 ]
- 6574d2d Additional MSI issues added for trying to install product Fatal Error [ #84 ]
- 71d18af Additional MSI issues added for trying to install product [ #84 ]
See More
- 5292a2c Initial Check in of MSI Issues Check [ #84 ]
- 67c4108 User doesn't need to be in ORG Man if delegated setup.
- b3d390a Create BreakupSetupLog.NotPublished.ps1
- dcb08d8 Added ProcessNeedsToBeClosedOnUpgrade Check
- 33c63ca Fixed bug on INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS
- e962dd2 New Check to find DCs on 2013 setup logs
- 0b791b5 Added object "CN=Folder Hierarchies..." already exists check with Action Plan [ #70 ]
- cf097e1 Fixed bug to find Replace on InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
- 9604cca Added Service Disabled Action
- f0731b1 Changed variable name to avoid clashing
- 974ca0d Added Setup.exe Build Number to Output
- 85604d4 Fixed Formatting
- 5fbc8a9 Added an additional Reboot Check
- fa65d82 Added Schema Master Site Information in additional Context and testing
- 7dcc70e Created Log Scrubber
- 5e3e965 Moved Pending Reboot After ADException detection
- 78ebcee Added Additional Testing Statements for Current Pester Tests
- f7b6f09 Warnings should be displayed first
- dbbaab6 Merge pull request #425 from microsoft/dpaul-SetupNew
- 70e2ab6 Fixed Code Formatting
- fd7de48 Added Pester Testing to Azure Pipeline
- 393f6e2 Upgraded Pester to use v5.1.1 for Azure Pipeline
- dd50402 Added position on SetupLog [ #240 ]
- 227ad99 Added logic to detect a previous attempt to run setup
- e1f240d Align help headers
This list of changes was auto generated.
Script Versions
Script | Version |
Analyze-SpaceDump.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
BigFunnel-FindItem.ps1 | v21.03.17.2209 |
Compare-MailboxStatistics.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
CompareExchangeHashes.ps1 | v21.03.12.1219 |
CopyMissingDlls.ps1 | v21.03.24.1141 |
EOMT.ps1 | v21.03.23.1925 |
ExchangeMitigations.ps1 | v21.03.16.1226 |
ExPerfAnalyzer.ps1 | v21.01.07.2150 |
ExTRA.ps1 | v21.02.22.1152 |
FixInstallerCache.ps1 | v21.03.25.1230 |
Get-MRMDetails.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
RemoveInvalidPermissions.ps1 | v21.02.22.2046 |
SetupAssist.ps1 | v21.03.19.2315 |
SetupLogReviewer.ps1 | v21.03.24.2011 |
SourceSideValidations.ps1 | v21.03.22.0941 |
Test-HMAEAS.ps1 | v21.03.09.2125 |
Test-ProxyLogon.ps1 | v21.03.18.1335 |
ValidateMailEnabledPublicFolders.ps1 | v21.03.01.1721 |
VSSTester.ps1 | v21.03.19.2247 |
- c5ff450 Merge pull request #422 from microsoft/main
- da495ac Merge pull request #421 from microsoft/dpaul-setup
- 30bcf79 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-setup
- d664d10 Multiple files found with same RevisionNumber [ #418 ]
- 5ab3b59 Fixed Time formatting on cert check
- 1467516 Fixed a few minor issues
- d494bf6 Merge pull request #420 from dbacon247/main
- 26b0c37 updated readme to include DoNotRemediate option
- 2f0a4ab Merge pull request #12 from microsoft/main
- c64a9fd Merge pull request #419 from microsoft/dpaul-setup
See More
- 9c25d11 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-setup
- eb0114c Fixed Pester for new logic
- 5e042b1 Return Object with Context on Test Functions
- f055a61 Merge pull request #417 from svajda/main
- c73fe26 Quick & dirty -WhatIf support for CopyMissingDlls.ps1
- 6ca6bf6 Added [System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo]::InvariantInfo to [DateTime]::Parse
- 661e47c Merged in PR into the new style of SetupLogReviewer
- d88dc16 Merge branch 'dpaul-SetupPR' into dpaul-setup
- dfb7d25 Merge pull request #409 from lusassl-msft/ExpiredAuthCert
- a280498 Fixed code formatting issues
- 7d663db Minor adjustments to handle non en-US datetime
- 4f2f25e New test: Test-ExpiredCertificateInUse
- 0a5cffd Changed to 3 because of no longer including empty string in FirstErrorWithContextToLine
- 1d79f3b Added Last Error Information
- b282b47 Breakdown of SetupLogReviewer to smaller script and using an object to manage
- 575b51d Fixed Pester Testing from -OtherWellKnownObjects change
This list of changes was auto generated.