Releases: microsoft/CSS-Exchange
Releases · microsoft/CSS-Exchange
- 2bd5f59 Merge pull request #708 from microsoft/main
- f0ccb12 Merge pull request #702 from tweekerz/main
- 52980b3 Reorganize
- 7b241d0 updates to script
- 255d4ba Merge branch 'main' into main
- c0c8781 Merge branch 'main' into main
- 0495b37 updates to AMSI script
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- db2ee82 Merge pull request #707 from microsoft/main
- f7bee27 Merge pull request #706 from microsoft/dpaul-HCRevertChange
- 1b807d1 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-HCRevertChange
- 13a1313 Merge pull request #705 from microsoft/bilong-verbose
- 50ac22b Updated link to
- 29ecc03 Revert commit
- 8c1fb12 Merge branch 'main' into bilong-verbose
- c2e72eb Replace verbose output with a catch
- 51a50a5 Merge pull request #704 from microsoft/dpaul-VssTesterComSecurity
- a55fc53 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-VssTesterComSecurity
See More
- fd19781 Updated to link for COM Security
- 4255f52 Merge pull request #703 from microsoft/dpaul-VssTesterComSecurity
- c16e803 Clarified where the event 2003 was located at
- 8c2543e Updated first step to clarify where to run the dcomcnfg command
- 1bfdbaa Added COM+ Security check for Administrators group locally
- aa66d0c Updated wording for "possible" permissions issue if detected
- ef86a6f Added docs on COM security
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- c8618e9 Merge pull request #699 from microsoft/main
- 308c274 Merge pull request #695 from microsoft/dpaul-HCUpdates
- f547724 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-HCUpdates
- 168d268 Merge pull request #697 from microsoft/bilong-setupassist-strictmode
- a964e0d Merge branch 'main' into bilong-setupassist-strictmode
- 6769079 Merge pull request #698 from microsoft/bilong-ruleerror
- 76d0795 Add Verbose output to track down rule error
- c17a4e1 Make DisplayName check work in StrictMode
- 44fe164 Fixed file name typo
- a6ed960 Fixed bug on trying to get app pool information on MSExchangeMapiFrontEndAppPool
See More
- 09954fb Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/bilong-colorizedtable' into dpaul-HCUpdatedAppPools
- b0f0035 check for Web App Pool Periodic Restarts
- 2cc0e78 Output even if only one object
- efad701 Added new output column style for Exchange App Pool outputs
- 62414a7 Improved Get-ExchangeAppPoolsInformation to use Get-AppPool
- 98440db Merge branch 'bilong-colorizedtable' into dpaul-HCUpdatedAppPools
- e704617 StringOutput should not be required
- 8d2200f Add a way to capture string output
- 179e7e7 Add IndentSpaces parameter
- 2830263 CodeFormatter
- a78648b Add Out-Columns for colorized column output
- cc50072 Merge branch 'bilong-apppoolsettings' into dpaul-HCUpdates
- e5bbb5f Regex must catch any value between quotes
- 6fafe97 Make codeformatter happy
- b6a8983 Handle scenario where section has no settings
- ec79c78 Adjust regex to capture times properly
- c22b06f Get all app pool settings as an object
- 3c23ead Adding link for Server Component State
- af29237 Added the override of Write-Host to Health Checker
- 0c98eed Added functions to set the foreground color if matching warning or error
- 6ea3aa4 Created Write-Host to help handle color issues
- 8444bf7 Changed inactive component to Red writing
- 7fe4d2f Created links [ #690 ]
- 0e8127b Removed Support of Amazon's Hypervisor
- 25fe6e0 Comment out VMware best practices for cores
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- ca14d1e Merge pull request #694 from microsoft/main
- 287fa1e Merge pull request #693 from hazemembaby/haembab-addnewcondition
- 11a710b remove commented lines
- 439576a Merge branch 'main' of
- 90d912b Merge pull request #691 from microsoft/lusassl-wordingfix
- 7052d95 Merge branch 'main' of into lusassl-wordingfix
- b94ee09 Wording adjusted
- 11864f0 Merge pull request #689 from microsoft/matt-simple
- 07d962d Merge branch 'matt-simple' of into matt-simple
- 3569bed Removed unused parts
See More
- 5c63de9 Merge branch 'main' into matt-simple
- 7d86a2c Fixed issue with null Modified Properties
- 286c43f Removed end process return results as ready
- 5ed6ac6 Removed Agree parameter to get inline with other tools
- 9a31cc7 fixed Bad parameter value
- 1f3dfcc Merge pull request #688 from microsoft/dpaul-CodeFormatterFix
- deb6495 Move build back to Azure
- d736ca0 replaced quote type
- 9eff607 Correct override justification typo
- 50e53ce Adding in override for ManagedAvailabilityTroubleshooter [ #687 ]
- ea30f47 Addressing PSAvoidUsingPositionalParameters
- 785ab35 Addressed PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments with override
- 8ecb5c4 Forgot to include missing parameter in Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute
- f65c45b Moved Shared Functions from Test-ExchangeAVExclusions to local
- 0a23d4c Override PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions on Start-SleepWithProgress
- 6f0de00 Override PSUseApprovedVerbs on Load-Module
- 9f63558 Addressed PSAvoidUsingComputerNameHardcoded
- 5fbbe5d Fix script analyzer warnings
- e2ea18b Addressed PSAvoidAssignmentToAutomaticVariable
- 2a9c587 Addressed PSUseProcessBlockForPipelineCommand
- d142c86 Addressed PSAvoidUsingWMICmdlet
- b7715e8 Addressed PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull
- 04193e1 Addressed PSAvoidTrailingWhitespace
- fc185af Fixed Pester Test
- 3a1400c Addressed PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments
- edf26a0 Fixed bug in analyzer engine
- 687a567 Addressed Get-Encoding being an alias
- 7ba53dc Added OutputType
- 0aba0e1 Adding PSReviewUnusedParameter to exclude rule and removed overrides
- 608c614 Removed IncludeRules from settings that overrides defaults
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- a2f38b5 Merge pull request #686 from microsoft/main
- f283e75 Merge pull request #685 from microsoft/bilong-homeMDBCheck
- 38dcb57 Refine the homeMDB check
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- e817eb6 Merge pull request #684 from microsoft/main
- aac38db Merge pull request #683 from microsoft/bilong-rodctest
- 7a45304 Clarify RODC test message and remove KB link
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- adc0ded Merge pull request #681 from microsoft/main
- 57d7dd9 Merge pull request #680 from microsoft/bilong-cve
- 55faa8c Remove Schema Admin check
- 58c2913 Merge pull request #679 from microsoft/bilong-cve [ #678 ]
- 69ab89c sls alias fails on 2008 R2
- 6517022 Merge pull request #677 from microsoft/bilong-cve [ #676 ]
- e782664 Remove language-specific portion of regex
- 4bf9a7b Find schema role owner using language-agnostic approach
- 90fef62 Merge pull request #663 from microsoft/dpaul-LoggerFunctions
- 2705902 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-LoggerFunctions
See More
- 5bbde51 Merge pull request #669 from microsoft/lusassl-ProxyWork
- 68c8401 Merge branch 'main' into lusassl-ProxyWork
- 4cbb359 Merge pull request #674 from microsoft/dpaul-FixDocsLink
- 390870d Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-FixDocsLink
- a3d2df6 Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-FixDocsLink
- e25cd2a Corrected name from SimpleAdminAuditLog to SimpleAuditLogReport
- dbf1674 Renamed file to match script name
- b30638f Merge branch 'lusassl-ProxyWork' of into lusassl-ProxyWork
- 2475969 Function added to validate proxy usage
- 2d6fa11 Merge branch 'main' into lusassl-ProxyWork
- a0a3e2c Test-ScriptVersion proxy auth work
- adcdfef Added Position to avoid passing parameter name with it
- 371c609 New iteration of New-LoggerObject
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- 7ade330 Merge pull request #675 from microsoft/main
- 2880155 Merge pull request #671 from microsoft/bilong-setupassist
- 219fa2c Merge branch 'main' into bilong-setupassist
- 07bd7a8 Merge pull request #673 from microsoft/bilong-cve
- cae18f9 Merge branch 'main' into bilong-setupassist
- 195833c Merge branch 'main' into bilong-cve
- 3a509d7 Merge pull request #672 from microsoft/bilong-vcredist
- b8a0b79 Adjust docs
- 68879e3 Add test for DC FQDN
- 1c070bb Ensure that $installed is not a null
- 766406d Merge pull request #668 from microsoft/main
- 85d4128 Merge pull request #667 from microsoft/bilong-docs
- 01c5fea Merge branch 'main' into bilong-docs
- f50730c Add help and docs
- 4dd664e Fix docs typo
- cef8b1e Merge pull request #666 from microsoft/dpaul-HCLogging
- 53b15da Set all output files to have the similar starting name of "HealthChecker"
- ef1cece Added server name to debug log file name
- b21f1ee Merge pull request #665 from microsoft/bilong-storagegroup
- 60bdc67 Bail if not in Schema Admins
See More
- 29454a7 Add doc to fill in later
- a5e5eb2 Write a log if we have unexpected values
- 27fa277 Move to Security folder
- d0e4906 Make sure we use the Schema Master
- 605f9b4 CVE-2021-34470 script
- d7201a4 Merge pull request #660 from microsoft/dpaul-MajorUpdates
- 02ee0ff Merge branch 'main' into dpaul-MajorUpdates
- 215884b Merge pull request #664 from microsoft/bilong-languagemode
- f66f95c Check for FullLanguage mode
- 9d93748 Fixed logical issue with smb1Settings check
- ddcebff Removed class definition for Smb1ServerSettings
- 02dd28d Added Identity to Confirm-ExchangeShell
- 9f1adc8 Updated Get-Smb1ServerSettings to not use bitwise
- 5c6998e Validate in Param vs in Begin
- d2f4f05 Prevent GetValueKind if GetValue doesn't return anything
- 3d77f2b Set the result from Get-RemoteRegistryValue to a variable before setting it to class object
- f766d67 Added value type in Get-LmCompatibilityLevelInformation
- 129e574 Pass CatchActionFunction to Invoke-CatchActionErrorLoop
- 799a152 Added position in Invoke-CatchActionErrorLoop
- 385469b Fixed Case on $osReturnValue
- 9606742 Removed Write-VerboseOutput and just using Write-Verbose
- 2d761d4 Removed Invoke-RegistryGetValue as it is replaced by Get-RemoteRegistryValue
- 2506430 Adding the dot loading files to right source file in Health Checker
- 4ee1dc7 Updated files that were in extern to be able to quickly moved to Shared if required
- 3cfd36c Moved Get-ServerRole.ps1 to the correct location
- ea3c219 Merge pull request #659 from microsoft/bilong-owners
- b593511 Moved all extern files from Data Collection in Health Checker
- a25dbd9 Removed Get-ServerRebootPending.ps1 from Health Checker
- 5fd54e3 Updated files in Shared
- a3ad77a Corrected file name of Get-ServerRebootPending.ps1
- aadb2d9 Add Nasir to Emerging Issues approvers
- 7f2d779 Merge pull request #658 from microsoft/bilong-owners
- 20b1084 Add emerging issues approvers
- 6fc9e0a Merge pull request #657 from microsoft/bilong-emerging
- 6c3b570 Adjust table formatting
- ec5bbf5 Merge pull request #656 from microsoft/Batre-MSFT-patch-1
- 71f2709 Bring back page metadata
- bffa929 Added emerging issues for July
- 9b708d8 Merge pull request #655 from microsoft/bilong-emerging
- a100e7f Merge branch 'main' into bilong-emerging
- af4d82a Remove space from URL
- 017cda8 Merge pull request #654 from microsoft/bilong-emerging
- 314a34d Add Google Analytics
- d83d606 Add Emerging Issues page
- 0c76ea0 Reduce the Home script table to only key scripts
- 29483b0 Merge pull request #648 from microsoft/lusassl-June21SUWordingFix
- fc66bf4 CVE-2021-34470 check improved
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- 26f74c6 Merge pull request #650 from microsoft/main
- fdea1d8 Merge pull request #649 from microsoft/bilong-clearmailboxsd
- a4cb37f Move Clear-MailboxPermission over from my personal repo
- 90b0d3f Merge pull request #645 from microsoft/lusassl-hcupdateonly
- 27cb367 Merge branch 'main' into lusassl-hcupdateonly
- 8902b91 Merge pull request #647 from microsoft/bilong-autoupdate
- f7fc956 Do not validate script version if unsigned
- 6854ace New feature: ScriptUpdateOnly
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