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Containers (Docker or Podman)

Demo environment

It is simple to setup the tracker with the default configuration and run it using the pre-built public docker image:

With Docker:

docker run -it torrust/tracker:latest

or with Podman:

podman run -it torrust/tracker:latest


  • Tested with recent versions of Docker or Podman.


The Containerfile (i.e. the Dockerfile) Defines Three Volumes:

VOLUME ["/var/lib/torrust/tracker","/var/log/torrust/tracker","/etc/torrust/tracker"]

When instancing the container image with the docker run or podman run command, we map these volumes to the local storage:

./storage/tracker/lib -> /var/lib/torrust/tracker
./storage/tracker/log -> /var/log/torrust/tracker
./storage/tracker/etc -> /etc/torrust/tracker

NOTE: You can adjust this mapping for your preference, however this mapping is the default in our guides and scripts.

Pre-Create Host-Mapped Folders:

Please run this command where you wish to run the container:

mkdir -p ./storage/tracker/lib/ ./storage/tracker/log/ ./storage/tracker/etc/

Matching Ownership ID's of Host Storage and Container Volumes

It is important that the torrust user has the same uid $(id -u) as the host mapped folders. In our entry script, installed to /usr/local/bin/ inside the container, switches to the torrust user created based upon the USER_UID environmental variable.

When running the container, you may use the --env USER_ID="$(id -u)" argument that gets the current user-id and passes to the container.

Mapped Tree Structure

Using the standard mapping defined above produces this following mapped tree:

├── lib
│   ├── database
│   │   └── sqlite3.db     => /var/lib/torrust/tracker/database/sqlite3.db [auto populated]
│   └── tls
│       ├── localhost.crt  => /var/lib/torrust/tracker/tls/localhost.crt [user supplied]
│       └── localhost.key  => /var/lib/torrust/tracker/tls/localhost.key [user supplied]
├── log                    => /var/log/torrust/tracker (future use)
└── etc
    └── tracker.toml        => /etc/torrust/tracker/tracker.toml [auto populated]

NOTE: you only need the tls directory and certificates in case you have enabled SSL.

Building the Container

Clone and Change into Repository

# Inside your dev folder
git clone; cd torrust-tracker

(Docker) Setup Context

Before starting, if you are using docker, it is helpful to reset the context to the default:

docker context use default

(Docker) Build

# Release Mode
docker build --target release --tag torrust-tracker:release --file Containerfile .

# Debug Mode
docker build --target debug --tag torrust-tracker:debug --file Containerfile .

(Podman) Build

# Release Mode
podman build --target release --tag torrust-tracker:release --file Containerfile .

# Debug Mode
podman build --target debug --tag torrust-tracker:debug --file Containerfile .

Running the Container

Basic Run

No arguments are needed for simply checking the container image works:

(Docker) Run Basic

# Release Mode
docker run -it torrust-tracker:release

# Debug Mode
docker run -it torrust-tracker:debug

(Podman) Run Basic

# Release Mode
podman run -it torrust-tracker:release

# Debug Mode
podman run -it torrust-tracker:debug


The arguments need to be placed before the image tag. i.e.

run [arguments] torrust-tracker:release

Environmental Variables:

Environmental variables are loaded through the --env, in the format --env VAR="value".

The following environmental variables can be set:

  • TORRUST_TRACKER_PATH_CONFIG - The in-container path to the tracker configuration file, (default: "/etc/torrust/tracker/tracker.toml").
  • TORRUST_TRACKER_API_ADMIN_TOKEN - Override of the admin token. If set, this value overrides any value set in the config.
  • TORRUST_TRACKER_DATABASE_DRIVER - The database type used for the container, (options: sqlite3, mysql, default sqlite3). Please Note: This dose not override the database configuration within the .toml config file.
  • TORRUST_TRACKER_CONFIG - Load config from this environmental variable instead from a file, (i.e: TORRUST_TRACKER_CONFIG=$(cat tracker-tracker.toml)).
  • USER_ID - The user id for the runtime crated torrust user. Please Note: This user id should match the ownership of the host-mapped volumes, (default 1000).
  • UDP_PORT - The port for the UDP tracker. This should match the port used in the configuration, (default 6969).
  • HTTP_PORT - The port for the HTTP tracker. This should match the port used in the configuration, (default 7070).
  • API_PORT - The port for the tracker API. This should match the port used in the configuration, (default 1212).


Socket ports used internally within the container can be mapped to with the --publish argument.

The format is: --publish [optional_host_ip]:[host_port]:[container_port]/[optional_protocol], for example: --publish

The default ports can be mapped with the following:

--publish \
--publish \
--publish \

NOTE: Inside the container it is necessary to expose a socket with the wildcard address so that it may be accessible from the host. Verify that the configuration that the sockets are wildcard.


By default the container will use install volumes for /var/lib/torrust/tracker, /var/log/torrust/tracker, and /etc/torrust/tracker, however for better administration it good to make these volumes host-mapped.

The argument to host-map volumes is --volume, with the format: --volume=[host-src:]container-dest[:<options>].

The default mapping can be supplied with the following arguments:

--volume ./storage/tracker/lib:/var/lib/torrust/tracker:Z \
--volume ./storage/tracker/log:/var/log/torrust/tracker:Z \
--volume ./storage/tracker/etc:/etc/torrust/tracker:Z \

Please not the :Z at the end of the podman --volume mapping arguments, this is to give read-write permission on SELinux enabled systemd, if this doesn't work on your system, you can use :rw instead.

Complete Example:

With Docker

## Setup Docker Default Context
docker context use default

## Build Container Image
docker build --target release --tag torrust-tracker:release --file Containerfile .

## Setup Mapped Volumes
mkdir -p ./storage/tracker/lib/ ./storage/tracker/log/ ./storage/tracker/etc/

## Run Torrust Tracker Container Image
docker run -it \
    --env USER_ID="$(id -u)" \
    --publish \
    --publish \
    --publish \
    --volume ./storage/tracker/lib:/var/lib/torrust/tracker:Z \
    --volume ./storage/tracker/log:/var/log/torrust/tracker:Z \
    --volume ./storage/tracker/etc:/etc/torrust/tracker:Z \

With Podman

## Build Container Image
podman build --target release --tag torrust-tracker:release --file Containerfile .

## Setup Mapped Volumes
mkdir -p ./storage/tracker/lib/ ./storage/tracker/log/ ./storage/tracker/etc/

## Run Torrust Tracker Container Image
podman run -it \
    --env USER_ID="$(id -u)" \
    --publish \
    --publish \
    --publish \
    --volume ./storage/tracker/lib:/var/lib/torrust/tracker:Z \
    --volume ./storage/tracker/log:/var/log/torrust/tracker:Z \
    --volume ./storage/tracker/etc:/etc/torrust/tracker:Z \

Docker Compose

The docker-compose configuration includes the MySQL service configuration. If you want to use MySQL instead of SQLite you should verify the /etc/torrust/tracker/tracker.toml (i.e ./storage/tracker/etc/tracker.toml) configuration:

db_driver = "MySQL"
db_path = "mysql://db_user:db_user_secret_password@mysql:3306/torrust_tracker"

Build and Run:

docker build --target release --tag torrust-tracker:release --file Containerfile .

mkdir -p ./storage/tracker/lib/ ./storage/tracker/log/ ./storage/tracker/etc/

USER_ID=$(id -u) \
    docker compose up --build

After running the compose up command you will have two running containers:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                   PORTS                                                                                                                             NAMES
06feacb91a9e   torrust-tracker   "cargo run"              18 minutes ago   Up 4 seconds   >1212/tcp, :::1212->1212/tcp,>7070/tcp, :::7070->7070/tcp,>6969/udp, :::6969->6969/udp   torrust-tracker-1
34d29e792ee2   mysql:8.0         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   18 minutes ago   Up 5 seconds (healthy)>3306/tcp, :::3306->3306/tcp, 33060/tcp                                                                              torrust-mysql-1

And you should be able to use the application, for example making a request to the API:

You can stop the containers with:

docker compose down

Additionally, you can delete all resources (containers, volumes, networks) with:

docker compose down -v

Access Mysql with docker

These are some useful commands for MySQL.

Open a shell in the MySQL container using docker or docker-compose.

docker exec -it torrust-mysql-1 /bin/bash 
docker compose exec mysql /bin/bash

Connect to MySQL from inside the MySQL container or from the host:

mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -proot_secret_password

The when MySQL container is started the first time, it creates the database, user, and permissions needed. If you see the error "Host is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server" you can check that users have the right permissions in the database. Make sure the user root and db_user can connect from any host (%).

mysql> SELECT host, user FROM mysql.user;
| host      | user             |
| %         | db_user          |
| %         | root             |
| localhost | mysql.infoschema |
| localhost | mysql.session    |
| localhost | mysql.sys        |
| localhost | root             |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

If the database, user or permissions are not created the reason could be the MySQL container volume can be corrupted. Delete it and start again the containers.

SSL Certificates

You can use a certificate for localhost. You can create your localhost certificate and use it in the storage folder and the configuration file (tracker.toml). For example:

The storage folder must contain your certificates:

    ├── localhost.crt
    └── localhost.key

You have not enabled it in your tracker.toml file:

# ...
ssl_enabled = true
# ...

# ...
ssl_enabled = true
# ...

NOTE: you can enable it independently for each HTTP tracker or the API.

If you enable the SSL certificate for the API, for example, you can load the API with this URL:


Prod environment

In this section, you will learn how to deploy the tracker to a single docker container in Azure Container Instances.

NOTE: Azure Container Instances is a solution when you want to run an isolated container. If you need full container orchestration, including service discovery across multiple containers, automatic scaling, and coordinated application upgrades, we recommend Kubernetes.

Deploy to Azure Container Instance following docker documentation.

You have to create the ACI context and the storage:

docker context create aci myacicontext
docker context use myacicontext
docker volume create test-volume --storage-account torrustracker

You need to create all the files needed by the application in the storage dir storage/lib/database.

And finally, you can run the container:

docker run \
    --env USER_ID="$(id -u)" \
    --publish 6969:6969/udp \
    --publish 7070:7070/tcp \
    --publish 1212:1212/tcp \
    --volume torrustracker/lib:/var/lib/torrust/tracker:rw \
    --volume torrustracker/log:/var/log/torrust/tracker:rw \
    --volume torrustracker/etc:/etc/torrust/tracker:rw \

Detach from container logs when the container starts. By default, the command line stays attached and follows container logs.

docker run \
    --env USER_ID="$(id -u)" \
    --publish 6969:6969/udp \
    --publish 7070:7070/tcp \
    --publish 1212:1212/tcp \latest
    --volume torrustracker/lib:/var/lib/torrust/tracker:rw \
    --volume torrustracker/log:/var/log/torrust/tracker:rw \
    --volume torrustracker/etc:/etc/torrust/tracker:rw \

You should see something like this:

[+] Running 2/2
 ⠿ Group intelligent-hawking  Created                                                                                                                                                                    5.0s
 ⠿ intelligent-hawking        Created                                                                                                                                                                   41.7s
2022-12-08T18:39:19.697869300+00:00 [torrust_tracker::logging][INFO] logging initialized.
2022-12-08T18:39:19.712651100+00:00 [torrust_tracker::jobs::udp_tracker][INFO] Starting UDP server on:
2022-12-08T18:39:19.712792700+00:00 [torrust_tracker::jobs::tracker_api][INFO] Starting Torrust API server on:
2022-12-08T18:39:19.725124+00:00 [torrust_tracker::jobs::tracker_api][INFO] Torrust API server started

You can see the container with:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID          IMAGE                                                      COMMAND             STATUS              PORTS
intelligent-hawking                       Running   >6969/udp,>1212/tcp

After a while, you can use the tracker API and the UDP tracker with your BitTorrent client using this tracker announce URL udp://

