Titan is a dataset made to train an AI NWP emulator on France.
- 3 data sources: Analyses from AROME, ANTILOPE (rain data calibrated with rain gauges) and analyses and forecasts from ARPEGE (coupling model)
- 1 hour timestep
- Depth: 3.5 years
- Format GRIB2 (conversion to npy possible)
3 days of data stored on HuggingFace
To download :
# Make sure you have git-lfs installed (https://git-lfs.com)
git lfs install
git clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/meteofrance/titan
Then adapt the PY4CAST_TITAN_PATH
env variable to put your titan path (cf doc).
GRIB2 files are grouped in folders per hour. Each folder contains 14 grib files. Each grib file contains several parameters, grouped per model, grid, leadtime (0h ou 1h for flux) and level.
The parameters in each grib are described here:
File name | Model | Grid | Level | Parameters |
ANTJP7CLIM_1S100_60_SOL | ANTILOPE | FRANXL1S100 (0.01°) | Ground | Cumulated Rainfall on next 1h |
PA_01D_10M | ARPEGE | EURAT01 (0.1°) | 10m | U, V |
PA_01D_2M | ARPEGE | EURAT01 (0.1°) | 2m | T, HU |
PA_01D_ISOBARE | ARPEGE | EURAT01 (0.1°) | 24 Isobaric levels | Z, T, U, V, HU |
PA_01D_MER | ARPEGE | EURAT01 (0.1°) | Sea | P |
PAAROME_1S100_ECH0_10M | AROME | EURW1S100 (1.3 km) | 10m | U, V |
PAAROME_1S100_ECH0_2M | AROME | EURW1S100 (1.3 km) | 2m | T, HU |
PAAROME_1S100_ECH0_SOL | AROME | EURW1S100 (1.3 km) | Ground | RESR_SNOW |
PAAROME_1S100_ECH1_10M | AROME | EURW1S100 (1.3 km) | 10m | U_RAF, V_RAF |
PAAROME_1S100_ECH1_SOL | AROME | EURW1S100 (1.3 km) | Ground | PRECIP, WATER, SNOW |
PAAROME_1S40_ECH0_ISOBARE | AROME | EURW1S40 (2.5 km) | 24 Isobaric levels | Z, T, U, V, VV2, HU, CIWC, CLD_WATER, CLD_RAIN, CLD_SNOW, CLD_GRAUPL |
PAAROME_1S40_ECH0_MER | AROME | EURW1S40 (2.5 km) | Sea | P |
PAAROME_1S40_ECH0_SOL | AROME | EURW1S40 (2.5 km) | Ground | COLUMN_VAPO |
PAAROME_1S40_ECH1_SOL | AROME | EURW1S40 (2.5 km) | Ground | FLTHERM, FLSOLAR |
Size of GRIB2 files for 1 hour : ~ 480 Mo
Size of compressed file for one day : ~ 6 Go
Size of compressed dataset for 1 year : ~ 2.2 To
The Titan default configuration uses only a very small subdomain on britany and only one parameter 2m temperature, on the 3 day sample dataset (2023-01-01 to 2023-01-03). It should work for training out of the box. The titan_full
configuration uses 2 years of data, more parameters and a bigger domain.
Rescale and pre-save the dataset as NPY (saves time during training!) :
python py4cast/datasets/titan/__init__.py conv-npy-and-rescale --path-config config/datasets/titan_full.json
Prepare the dataset and precompute stats :
python py4cast/datasets/titan/__init__.py prepare --path-config config/datasets/titan_full.json
Launch a training :
python bin/train.py --dataset titan --dataset_conf config/datasets/titan_full.son
Other usefull commands:
Print informations about the dataset:
python py4cast/datasets/titan/__init__.py describe --path-config config/datasets/titan_full.json
Plot one sample of the dataset:
python py4cast/datasets/titan/__init__.py plot --path-config config/datasets/titan_full.json
Data loading speed test:
python py4cast/datasets/titan/__init__.py speedtest --path-config config/datasets/titan_full.json
Plot all the parameters available in Titan for one time step:
python py4cast/datasets/titan/plot_data.py
2024/07/26 : At the moment, the dataloader only works with data from AROME, with parameters from the 0.01° and 0.025° grids. Options for multi-model data will be added later.
ANTILOPE data are commercial, so they will not be included in the public sample of the dataset.