Tested with YD ESP32-S3 N16R8 ~9€ (similar to ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1) with an ili9341 display and Arduino IDE 2.1.0 ( PlatformIO ).
This test based on the test with an ESP32-DevKitC v4 here
Share SPI - MOSI, MISO and CLK, so you need only 11 Pin's for 3 SPI devices.
GPIO | USB | TFT | Touch | SD-Card | Description |
15 | DP_P0 | D+ ( green ) | |||
16 | DM_P0 | D- ( white ) | |||
18 | DP_P1 | D+ ( green ) | |||
17 | DM_P1 | D- ( white ) | |||
3.3V ! (red) | |||||
GND ( black ) | |||||
------ | ------- | ------- | ------- | --------- | ---------------- |
EN | RESET | RST | |||
11 | SDI | T_DIN | (SD_MOSI) | MOSI | |
13 | (SDO) | T_DO | (SD_MISO) | MISO | |
12 | SCK | T-CLK | (SD_SCK) | CLK | |
7 | DC | DC | |||
10 | CS | CS (TFT) | |||
6 | T_CS | CS (Touch) | |||
(SD_CS) | (not used) | ||||
T_IRQ | IRQ (not used) | ||||
GND | GND | ||||
VCC | 3.3V | ||||
LED | 3.3V |
D+ and D- are directly connected to the GPIO's without using any resistor. SD-card is not used in this test. USB is connected to 3.3V instead of 5V. This was not intended, but some USB devices will work with it, so i kept it. GPIO9 and GPIO8 do also work with ESP32-USB-Soft-Host.
One goal of this test was, to use the USB-OTG-Connector for usb devices, but GPIO19 and GPIO20 doesn't work here. The connector "usb-otg" on the back of this board is soldered, so usb devices get about 4.65V from the usb-uart connector via one diode. See schematics.
Arduino IDE | My setup | Remark |
Board | ESP32S3 Dev Module | |
Port | COM3 | |
-------------------- | -------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
USB CDC On Boot | Disabled | for upload and serial monitor on COM3 ! |
CPU Frequency | 240MHz (Wifi) | |
Core Debug Level | None | |
USB DFU On Boot | Disabled | |
Erase All Flash ... | Disabled | |
Events Run On | Core 1 | |
Flash Mode | QIO 80MHz | |
Flash Size | 16MB (128Mbit) | |
JTAG Adapter | Disabled | so serial monitor stays on COM3 |
Arduino Runs On | Core 1 | |
USB Firmare MSC ... | Disabled | |
Partition scheme | 8M with spiffs ... | |
PSRAM | Disabled | |
Upload Mode | UART0 / Hardware CDC | upload on COM3 |
Upload Speed | 921600 | |
USB Mode | USB-OTG (TinyUSB) | necessary for ESP32-USB-Soft-Host S2,S3 |
The lines with remark should be necessary for ESP32-USB-Soft-Host and the ESP32 S2 and S3. Using PlatformIO and esp32-s3-devkitc-1 there must be set the following flags in platformio.ini :
; don't use spaces in build_flags before and after the "=" !!!
build_unflags =
-D ARDUINO_USB_MODE=1 ; necessary for esp32-s3-devkitc-1.json
build_flags =
-D ARDUINO_USB_MODE=0 ; 0= USB-OTG(TinyUSB), 1= Hardware USB CDC
-D ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT=0 ; 0= upload and serial monitor on COM3
-Wno-narrowing ; disable [-Wnarrowing] errors
- Arduino :
- Install the libraries "lvgl", "TFT_eSPI" and "LovyanGFX".
- Copy the program file(s) from the folder "Arduino/" and especially "Arduino/libraries/", which contain all configuration files and the library "ESP32-USB-Soft-Host-main" version 1.0.4 .
- Copy the demos folder "Arduino\libraries\lvgl\demos" to "Arduino\libraries\lvgl\ src\demos"
- Copy the examples folder "Arduino\libraries\lvgl\examples" to "Arduino\libraries\lvgl\ src\examples".
- PlatformIO :
- Copy all files from the folder "PlatformIO/S3_LVGL_LovyanGFX_USB/" to your project folder.
- PlatformIO should now install the missing libraries.
- Copy the folder ".pio/libdeps/esp32-s3-devkitc-1/lvgl/demos" to ".pio/libdeps/esp32-s3-devkitc-1/lvgl/src/demos".
- Copy the folder ".pio/libdeps/esp32-s3-devkitc-1/lvgl/examples" to ".pio/libdeps/esp32-s3-devkitc-1/lvgl/src/examples".
Some details about installation and configuration of the libraries LVGL, TFT_eSPI and LovyanGFX can be found here. All modified files can be found above in the folder Arduino or PlatformIO. Version 0.1.4 of ESP32-USB-Soft-Host is used and must be copied e.g. from here
S3_LVGL_TFT_eSPI_USB.ino ( PlatformIO version does not work ).
- Libraries needed : LVGL , TFT_eSPI and ESP32-USB-Soft-Host 0.1.4.
- Mouse and all mouse buttons are working fine in LVGL.
- Custom mouse cursor is shown (see comments in "Cursor_XXxXX.c" files).
- Keyboard works except special keys ( äöü߀... ).
- Mouse position x/y , buttons and Keyboard keys are shown in the serial monitor.
LVGL_Arduino_USB_Lovyan.ino ( PlatformIO version ).
- Version for the library LovyanGFX
The target of these programs is to find out how HID mice and keyboards can be used with an ESP32-S3.
Some informations can be found in the folders AppData and .platformio
GPIO19 and GPIO20 does not work (yet?) with ESP32-USB-Soft-Host.
The PlatformIO version S3_LVGL_TFT_eSPI_USB does not work. Kernel panic. Why ?
There is a nice solution with Espressif IDF can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPlPRkPx1_8&ab_channel=ThatProject