Tool for creating localizations within the VARS database.
Author: Kevin Barnard (
VARS Localize requires Python 3.8 or later.
To install VARS Localize, run:
pip install vars-localize
To start the application, run:
vars-localize [-u URL]
Once the application launches, log in with your VARS username and password.
Search for a concept in the bar at the top left of the application, then select a concept from the list of results to populate a tree of imaged moments in the pane below. Select an observation from the children in the subtree of the imaged moment, and draw a bounding box around the observed concept by clicking and dragging.
You can double-click on any localization to edit its properties in a dialog. Additionally, a localization can be resized by dragging the square corners of its bounding box.
VARS Localize is made with PyQt6.
Copyright © 2019 Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute