A person who has either a Grant or a Submission associated with them. All Users must be associated with a Person.
Field | Type | Description |
id* | String | Unique Person URI |
firstName | String | First name(s) of person |
middleName | String | Middle name(s) of person |
lastName | String | Last name(s) of person |
displayName* | String | Name for display. Separate names may not be available, but a person should always at least have a display name. |
email* | String | Contact email for person |
institutionalId | String | ID assigned by person's institution |
orcidId | String | ORCID ID for the person |
affiliation | String | Affiliation string for the person. Where Person is embedded in a Submission or Grant, this is the affiliation relevant to that item. |
created* | DateTime | Date the record was created |
lastModified* | DateTime | Date the record was last modified |
autogenerated fields are in bold and are readonly