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SPDX Merge

Merge one or more SBOMs into one parent SBOM
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Tool for merging SPDX files

This tool integrates multiple SPDX JSON formatted Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) into a parent SBOM, either by consolidating all the contents into a single file or by creating references to multiple files.

The tool works with SPDX 2.2 and SPDX 2.3 versions.


Combine multiple SPDX JSON/Tag value files into a single parent Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) in one of two ways:

  • Deep Merge - Combines the contents of all SBOM files into a single comprehensive parent file, incorporating all the information about the package dependencies and their relationships.
  • Shallow Merge - Generates a parent SBOM that references multiple SBOM files in the externalDocumentRefs section.

How to use

Manual Installation

SPDX Tools (spdx-tools) needs to be installed as a prerequisite for this application to work. It is listed in the requirements.txt file.
Run the following command to install all necessary dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Execute the command with the required inputs:

    python spdxmerge/SPDXMerge --docpath <folder path of the SBOMs to be merged>
                         --outpath <folder path where the merged file will be saved> (optional)
                         --name <product name>
                         --version <product version>
                         --mergetype <0 for deep merge/1 for shallow merge>
                         --author <organization or author name>
                         --email <org/author email>
                         --docnamespace <namespace for SPDX document>
                         --filetype <expected SBOM file format for JSON/T for Tag value>

🔹 New Update: Version Input

To establish a unique "DESCRIBES" relationship in the SPDX document, a root package must be created.
For this, we now require both name and version as input parameters.

GitHub Action

  - name: Checkout project
    uses: actions/checkout@v3
  - name: Run SPDX Merge tool to merge spdx files 
    uses: philips-software/SPDXMerge@v0.2.0
      docpath: ${{github.workspace}}/Test 
      name: sample-sbom                   
      version: 1.0.0                      
      mergetype: 1                         
      author: "Kung Fury"                  
      email: ""          
      filetype: J                          
      docnamespace: ""
  - name: Check result
    run: cat merged-SBoM.json

Docker Image

docker run -it --rm \
  -v $(PWD):/code \
  -v $(PWD)/output/:/output \
  -e DOCPATH='/code' \
  -e OUTPATH='/output' \
  -e NAME='' \
  -e VERSION='' \  
  -e MERGETYPE='' \
  -e AUTHOR='' \
  -e EMAIL='' \
  -e FILETYPE='' \


  • Option for Organization, Author tag in document creation

SPDX Merge is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Merge one or more SBOMs into one parent SBOM

SPDX Merge is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.