allows you to use Notion as a CMS for pages built with hugo. You can use it as a cli or even automate your blog repo to update itself with the Github Action.
- Notion database for your articles.
- Notion API secret token.
- Hugo powered blog.
The cli shows the executable flags when using flag —help
$> notion-blog —help
The binary looks for a config file called notionblog.config.json
in the directory where it is executed. You can see the example config in notionblog.config.json.
To use it as a Github Action, you can follow the example of the repository in .github/worflows/notion.yml.
This is only required if you are not going to use the repo as a Github Action. The compilation is simple as Golang installs everything for you.
go build -o ./bin/main cmd/main/main.go
You can compile any form of the app (cli or binary) by compiling the main file in any of the packages in cmd/
notion-blog is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.