diff --git a/Lean/Egg/Tests/Conditional.lean b/Lean/Egg/Tests/Conditional.lean index 91fa7a8..00fc8da 100644 --- a/Lean/Egg/Tests/Conditional.lean +++ b/Lean/Egg/Tests/Conditional.lean @@ -72,31 +72,6 @@ example {p q r : Prop} (h₁ : p) (h₂ : p ↔ q) (h₃ : q → (p ↔ r)) : p example {p q r : Prop} (h₁ : p) (h₂ : p ↔ q) (h₃ : q ↔ r) (h₄ : r → (p ↔ s)) : p ↔ s := by egg [h₂, h₃, h₄; h₁] --- This test checks that we don't consider non-propositional arguments as conditions to a rewrite. -/-- -info: [egg.rewrites] Rewrites - [egg.rewrites] Basic (1) - [egg.rewrites] #0(∅): h - [egg.rewrites] ?l₁ = ?l₂ - [egg.rewrites] LHS MVars - [?l₁: [.unconditionallyVisible]] - [egg.rewrites] RHS MVars - [?l₂: [.unconditionallyVisible]] - [egg.rewrites] Tagged (0) - [egg.rewrites] Builtin (0) - [egg.rewrites] Derived (0) - [egg.rewrites] Definitional - [egg.rewrites] Hypotheses (0) - [egg.rewrites] Pruned (0) --/ -#guard_msgs(info, drop error) in -egg_no_defeq in -set_option trace.egg.rewrites true in -set_option egg.genTcProjRws false in -set_option egg.builtins false in -example (l₁ l₂ : List Nat) (h : ∀ (α : Type) (l₁ l₂ : List α), l₁ = l₂) : l₁ = l₂ := by - egg [h] - /- TODO: Example of a sensible theorem (rewrite) with an unbound condition: `Nat.zero_lt_of_lt` We could still try a best effort approach which checks the set of facts for statements of the