Version 4.0.7, July 22, 2017
Author: M. Westenberg (
Copyright: M. Westenberg (
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
of the MIT License which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Maintained by Maarten Westenberg (
New features in version 4.0.8 (August 05, 2017)
- This release updates for memory leaks in NTP routines (see ESP-sc-gway.h file for NTP_INTR
- OLED support contributed by Dorijan Morelj (based on Adreas Spies' release)
New features in version 4.0.7 (July 22, 2017)
- This release contains merely updates to memory leaks and patches to avoid chip resets etc.
- The webinterface allows the user to see more parameters and has buttons to set/reset these parameters.
- By setting debug >=2, the webinterface will display more information.
- The gateway allows OTA (Over the Air) update. Please have an Apple "Bonjour" somewhere on your network (included in iTunes) and you will see the network port in the "Port" section of your IDE.
New features in version 4.0.4 (June 24, 2017):
- Review of the _wwwServer.ino file. Repaired some of the bugs causing crashes of the webserver.
- Updated the file with more cofniguration information
New features in version 4.0.3 (June 22, 2017):
- Added CMAC functions so that the sensor functions work as expected over TTN
- Webserver prints a page in chunks now, so that memory usage is lower and more heap is left over for variables
- Webserver does refresh every 60 seconds
- Implemented suggested change of M. for answer to PKT_PULL_RESP
- Updated to correctly displa all headers
- Several small bug fixes
New features in version 4.0.0 (January 26, 2017)):
- Implement both CAD (Channel Activity Detection) and HOP functions (HOP being experimental)
- Message history visible in web interface
- Repaired the WWW server memory leak (due to String assignments)
- Still works on one interrupt line (GPIO15), or can be configured to work with 2 interrupt lines for dio0 and dio1 for two or more interrupt lines (better performance for automatic SF setting?)
- Webserver with debug level 3 and level 4 (for interrupt testing). dynamic setting thorugh the web interface. Level 3 and 4 will show more info on sf, rssi, interrupt flags etc.
- Tested on Arduino IDE 1.18.0
- See for documentation
New features in version 3.3.0 (January 1, 2017)):
- Redesign of the Webserver interface
- Use of the SPIFFS filesystem to store SSID, Frequency, Spreading Factor and Framecounter to survice reboots and resets of the ESP8266
- Possibility to set the Spreading Factor dynamically throug the web interface
- Possibility to set the Frequency in the web interface
- Reset the Framecounter in te webinterface
New features in version 3.2.2 (December 29, 2016)):
- Repair the situation where WIFIMANAGER was set to 0 in the ESP-sc-gway.h file. The sketch would not compile which is now repaired
- The compiler would issue a set of warnings related to the ssid and passw setting in the ESP-sc-geway.h file. Compiler was complaining (and it should) because char* were statically initialised and modified in the code.
New features in version 3.2.1 (December 20, 2016)):
- Repair the status messages to the server. All seconds, minutes, hours etc. are now reported in 2 digits. The year is reported in 4 digits.
New features in version 3.2.0 (December 08, 2016)):
- Several bugfixes
New features in version 3.1 (September 29, 2016)):
- In the ESP-sc-gway.h it is possible to set the gateway as sensor node as well. Just set the DevAddr and AppSKey in the _sensor.ino file and be able to forward any sensor or other values to the server as if they were coming from a LoRa node.
- If the #define _STRICT_1CH is set (to 1) then the system will be able to send downlink messages to LoRa nodes that are strict 1-channel devices (all frequencies but frequency 0 are disabled and Spreading Factor (SF) is fixed to one value).
- Code clean-up. The code has been made smaller in the area of loraWait() functions and where the radio is initiated for receiving of transmitting messages.
- Several small bug fixes
- Licensing, the license has been changed to MIT
New features in version 3.0 (September 27, 2016):
- WiFiManager support
- Limited SPIFF (filesystem) support for persistent data storage
- Added functions to webserver. Webserver port now 80 by default (!)
- Supports ABP nodes (TeensyLC and Arduino Pro-mini)
- Supports OTAA functions on TeensyLC and Arduino Pro-Mini (not all of them) for SF7 and SF8.
- Supports SF7, SF8. SF7 is tested for downstream communication
- Listens on configurable frequency and spreading factor
- Send status updates to server (keepalive)
- PULL_DATA messages to server
- It can forward messages to two servers at the same time (and read from them as well)
- DNS support for server lookup
- NTP Support for time sync with internet time servers
- Webserver support (default port 8080)
- .h header file for configuration
Not (yet) supported:
- SF7BW250 modulation
- FSK modulation
- RX2 timeframe messages at frequency 869,525 MHz are not (yet) supported.
- SF9-SF12 downlink messaging available but needs more testing
The source files of the gateway sketch in this repository is made available under the MIT license. The libraries included in this repository are included for convenience only and all have their own license, and are not part of the ESP 1ch gateway code.