- Easy to use
- Looks like core functionality of Magento (at backend as well as frontend)
- Unencrypted code for easy customization
Go to Magento2 root folder
Enter following commands to install module:
composer config repositories.manishjoystripe git https://github.com/manishjoy/stripepayment-m2.git composer require manishjoy/module-stripepayment:dev-master
Wait while dependencies are updated.
Enter following commands to enable module:
php bin/magento module:enable ManishJoy_StripePayment --clear-static-content php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Enable and configure Stripe in Magento Admin under Stores/Configuration/Payment Methods/Credit Card (Stripe)
--- OR ---
Prerequisite | How to check | For more information |
Apache 2.2 or 2.4 | Ubuntu: apache2 -v CentOS: httpd -v |
Apache |
PHP 5.6.x, 7.1.x | php -v |
PHP Ubuntu PHP CentOS |
MySQL 5.6.x | mysql -u [root user name] -p |