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jQuery datagridview manipulating the datagridview after creating

Maikel Bos edited this page Jul 18, 2020 · 12 revisions

It's possible to manipulate the datagridview via client-side javascript. The datagridview plugin can be called with a callback parameter function. The function provides access to the DataGridView object via this as a first parameter. It is possible to call the datagridview function multiple times on a selector; this will only create the grid once but provide access to the grid object on the first and on subsequent calls.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var selectedData;
    $('#example-table').datagridview(function(grid) {
        // this refers to the datagridview object
        selectedData = this.getSelectedData();
        // parameter grid also refers to the datagridview object

When creating the grid, the callback function becomes the second parameter of the call to the datagridview function.

<script type="text/javascript">
            { data: 'firstName' },
            { data: 'lastName' }
    }, function () {

Please note that this gives you access to the datagridview internal properties. Manipulating these properties is unsupported and can create unexpected side effects.


  • General
    • populate(metaData, data) populates the grid with the given DataGridViewMetaData object and data array
    • remove() removes the datagridview functionality and restores the element to its original condition
    • getMetaData() returns the currently used DataGridViewMetaData object to allow you to repopulate the grid
    • getData() returns the data array that was supplied when populating the grid last, if available
    • getTotals() returns the totals object that was supplied when populating the grid last, if available
    • isPopulated() returns true if the grid is populated and false if the grid is not populated; please note that an empty data array does count as populated but a null data object does not
    • getColumns() returns the currently used column definitions
    • initiatePaging(page, rowsPerPage) triggers a paging event with the current meta data and new page/rows per page
    • toggleColumnVisibility(id, visible) shows or hides the column referenced by the id; to find the id get the column id from getColumns
  • Selection
    • getSelectedRows() returns a jQuery object containing currently selected rows
    • getSelectedIndexes() returns an array containing the currently selected row indexes
    • getSelectedData() returns an array containing the currently selected data objects
    • setSelectedRows(selector) sets the selected rows by selector/selection/function/element
    • setSelectedIndexes(indexes) sets the selected rows by an array of indexes
    • setSelectedData(filter) sets the selected rows by a filter function
      • Filter function arguments are the standard array filter function arguments value, index, array
  • Internal
    • setColumnStyle() sets the width and visibility of the columns
    • createElement(tagName, className, attr1, ..., attrN) creates elements with the appropriate attributes
    • displaySortOrder() sets the sorting icon as needed
    • displayFooters() creates the footers based on the meta data
    • alterSelection(selectedRows, toggle, resetSelection) alters the selection and triggers selectionChanged event if needed
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