This repository contains all the projects, notes, and exercises from the Complete JavaScript Course and the Ultimate React Course by Jonas Schmedtmann. It is an all-in-one resource to solidify your understanding of JavaScript, React, and related technologies by working through practical, real-world projects.
Master JavaScript from the ground up, with a focus on understanding the core concepts and applying them to real-world scenarios.
JavaScript Fundamentals
- Variables, Data Types, Operators
- Control Flow, Loops
- Functions, Scoping, and Hoisting
DOM Manipulation & Events
- Selecting & Updating the DOM
- Event Listeners & Handlers
JavaScript Behind the Scenes
- Execution Contexts, Hoisting, Closures
- The Call Stack, Event Loop
Advanced JavaScript Features
- ES6+ Syntax (Arrow Functions, Destructuring, Spread & Rest Operators)
- Promises, Async/Await
- Modules & Bundling with Webpack/Babel
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Prototypes & Inheritance
- ES6 Classes
Projects & Real-World Applications
- Modal Window, Mapty App
- Bankist Application & More!
A complete guide to mastering React, focusing on modern development practices and real-world applications.
React Fundamentals
- JSX, Components, Props, State Management
- Event Handling, Forms, Lists & Conditional Rendering
Advanced React
- React Hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext)
- Memoization, Performance Optimization
State Management
- Context API & React Redux Toolkit
Styling in React
- CSS Modules, Styled Components
React Router (v6.4+)
- Handling Navigation and Routing
Testing & Debugging
- Unit Testing with Jest
- Integration Testing with React Testing Library
- Deploying React Applications (Netlify, Vercel)
- JavaScript (ES6+): Promises, Async/Await, Closures, ES6 Modules, OOP
- React: Functional Components, React Hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext)
- Next.js: for full-stack React applications
- Redux Toolkit: Efficient global state management
- TanStack Query: for remote data state management
- REST APIs: for backend communication
- CSS: Flexbox, CSS Grid, CSS Modules, Styled Components
- Git & GitHub: Version control, Branching, and Merging
- Webpack & Babel: Module Bundling & Transpiling
- Testing: Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress (E2E Testing)
- Deployment: Netlify, Vercel
This repo contains various projects and exercises to practice the concepts covered in the courses, including:
- Pig Game – A simple dice game built with vanilla JavaScript.
- Mapty App – A workout tracking app with map integration, built using OOP and local storage.
- Bankist App – A modern banking app simulation using JavaScript for handling transactions, UI manipulation, and data storage.
- Forkify App – A recipe search application using API data with complex state management in JavaScript.
- React Budget App – A budget management app built using React, state management with Context API, and Hooks.
- React Projects with Redux – Advanced projects covering state management with Redux, React Router, and more.
- Full-Stack Next.js Project – A complete full-stack application using Next.js, with authentication and data fetching using React Query and Supabase.
To clone and run any of the projects locally, follow these steps:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Navigate into the project folder
cd Complete-JavaScript-and-Ultimate-React-Courses-by-Jonas-Schemedtmann
# Install dependencies for a project
npm install
# Start the development server (React Projects)
npm start