running project (default) :
symfony server:start
To generate a new app secret for your Symfony application, you can use the bin/console command provided by Symfony. Here is how you can do it: Open your terminal. Navigate to the root directory of your Symfony project. Run the following command to generate a new secret:
php bin/console secrets:generate-keys
This command will generate a new secret key and store it in the .env file. You can then copy this key and replace the APP_SECRET value in your .env file. Alternatively, you can manually generate a random secret key using PHP:
php -r 'echo bin2hex(random_bytes(16));'
This will output a random 32-character hexadecimal string that you can use as your APP_SECRET. Replace the APP_SECRET value in your .env file with this new key.
###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
###< symfony/framework-bundle ###
php bin/console about
composer require symfony/serializer symfony/validator
To use this system:
POST /product/new
"name": "Premium Widget",
"product_points": 100,
"prix": 49.99
POST /checkout
"use_points": 0
POST /checkout
"use_points": 500
POST /admin/grant-points
"user_id": 123,
"points": 1000
Run symfony console make:migration
to generate migrations for new fields
Update your Postman collection with new endpoints
INSERT INTO loyalty_settings (id, points_to_money_ratio) VALUES (1, 0.1);