' MODULE PURPOSE: Find number of lattice paths in 20x20 grid
' This sub runs the function below. Only one function created for this project
' First argument provided to function is number of rows, second is number of columns in grid
Sub letsrun()
Number = find_lattice(20, 20)
Debug.Print (Number)
End Sub
' Function will create 2d array, return last number in array
Public Function find_lattice(numrows As Integer, numcols As Integer) As Double
Dim masterarray() As Double
Dim colctr As Long
Dim rowctr As Long
colctr = 0
rowctr = 0
ReDim masterarray(numrows, numcols) As Double
'Loop to create 2d array
'First two rows are known and provided. They consist of 11111...x20 and 1....20
'First column in each row is known and is 1
'Remaining row/column data derived as this row index - 1 + last row this index.
Do While rowctr < numrows
Do While colctr < numcols
If rowctr = 0 Then
masterarray(rowctr, colctr) = 1
ElseIf rowctr = 1 Then
masterarray(rowctr, colctr) = colctr + 1
If colctr = 0 Then
masterarray(rowctr, colctr) = 1
masterarray(rowctr, colctr) = masterarray(rowctr, (colctr - 1)) + masterarray((rowctr - 1), colctr)
End If
End If
colctr = colctr + 1
colctr = 0
rowctr = rowctr + 1
find_lattice = masterarray(numrows, numcols)
End Function