Golang implementation of the RSS feed parser explicitly for the PreDB.me website (uses minimal Atom 2.0 feed type without pub date).
- HTTP GET https://predb.me/?rss=1
An example:
<rss xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" version="2.0"> ... </rss>
into XML struct:- 1x top item
<channel> ... </channel>
contains - 40x nested
<item> ... </item>
items which each contain - 1x
<title> ... </title>
for each item
- 1x top item
Create a list of the 40 titles, while caching the information of the latest title (first
is the latest) -
Run steps 1.-3. every
Send daily summary of all CZ/CZECH releases via e-mail:
crontab -e
# Get releases every 2 minutes
*/2 * * * * /home/lmaly/predb | grep -i "\.CZ\.\|czech\|\-CZ\-" >> predb_cz```
cat /etc/cron.daily/predb
# Variables
PREDB_CZ=$(cat /home/lmaly/predb_cz | sort | uniq)
TODAY=$(date -u)
# Main function
if [ -z "$PREDB_CZ" ]
echo "PREDB_CZ is empty!"
echo -e "FROM: ${MAILTO_USER}\nTO: ${MAILTO_USER}\nSubject: Predb.me matches for ${TODAY}\n\n${PREDB_CZ}" | sendmail -t
# Cleanup
cat /dev/null > /home/lmaly/predb_cz
Unfortunately not all international releases will make it to the main RSS feed. To search specificly for a language section, this feed should be used: https://predb.me/?rss=1&language=czech (or search query https://predb.me/?search=czech&rss=1).
As an alternative/backup, similar RSS feeds exist - https://predb.ovh/api/v1/rss. Same URL has HTTP REST API for searching: https://predb.ovh/api/v1/?q=foobar.
Last update: Fri May 8 00:08:42 UTC 2020