Demo app for presentation about Spring Boot [@Kôlnička]( It illustrates usage of basic Spring Boot features and tools:
- @RestController - generate 1st REST webservice (GreetingController)
- @RestController - generate our own REST webservices which connects to DB (WishListController)
- Project Lombok - avoids boiler code e.g.generated getters, setters, constructors (example, documentation)
- Spring Data Repository - generate basic CRUD methods to work with entity Whish (WishRepository)
- Spring MockMvc - allows writing integration test for REST services (GreetingIntegrationTest, WishListIntegrationTest)
- Spring Data REST - automatic exposure of Spring Data repositories via REST API (spring-boot-starter-data-rest dependency )
- Flyway - tool to automate deployment of DB scripts / DB migration (Flyway init script, gradle dependency))
- H2 Console - tool to see your DB content (H2 Console)
Project uses H2 database stored in file (config). For tests DB is store just in memory. (config)
Useful runtime URLs:
Nice Spring Boot video tutorial: