From c69854ee609b65a7595e14f109097a8897825c98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edoardo Luppi
I've avoided What's New content for a long time, both because I didn't have the time to write
- and because there was nothing really worthy of announcing.
Some of you might have already noticed it, most not yet probably, but the modal commit workflow
@@ -28,31 +26,33 @@
I've invested quite some time on improving my commit experience, and I've always loved the focused approach
of IDEA's commit dialog. Its UI widgets are positioned in the perfect way to carefully examine the commit's changeset,
- while also visualizing the commit's message.
+ while also visualizing the commit's message and options.
To be clear, I've investigated every possible option that is available for the non-modal workflow,
- and the result has always been subpar compared to the modal dialog. It's just not the proper way in my opinion.
+ and the result has always been subpar compared to the modal dialog. It's just not the proper way to commit in my opinion.
Good question.
- The stated reasons are:
+ The stated reasons for the removal are:
I'm not done yet, because they've actually removed
- a second feature!
+ a second feature.
The future of committing in IntelliJ IDEA
- However, today is a special occasion.
+ and because there was nothing really worthy of announcing. However, today is a special occasion.
The future of committing in IntelliJ IDEA
That doesn't apply to the non-modal alternative: by default a small portion of a toolwindow is dedicated to the
- commit message, totally separated from the rest of the context. Is committing a secondary activity now, and not
- what we most frequently do during the day? Don't we deserve a tailored experience based on preference?
+ commit message, totally separated from the rest of the context. You can also read more about non-modal pitfalls
+ in the linked issue.
+ Is committing a secondary activity now, and not what we most frequently do during the day?
Why non-modal?
- The reality is IDEA as a platform has always suffered
- from modality issues. Plus we now have remote development, which apparently doesn't work well with modal dialogs.
+ The reality is IDEA as a platform has always suffered from modality issues.
+ Plus we now have remote development, which apparently doesn't work well with modal dialogs.
- Honestly no idea what that means. The dialog doesn't have any sort of performance impact.
+ Honestly no idea what that means, the dialog doesn't have any sort of performance impact.
I've played around with every class related to that dialog so it's not that I'm writing random words.
Why non-modal?
The cherry on top
The dropdown menu
- that you could open from the completion popup to adjust how completion works has now been removed.
+ that you could open from the completion popup to adjust how completion works is more there.
No idea why, was it yet another maintenance effort that isn't affordable anymore?
Closing remarks
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Closing remarks
But we know very well what that means.
- So, now that you're aware of what's happening feel free to leave a comment on the referenced issues, + Now that you're aware of what's happening feel free to leave a comment on the referenced issues, or to simply ignore this message if you don't see any problem with those changes.