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Derek Jones edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 9 revisions

Category:Library::Community | Category:Library::phpBB | Category:Library::phpBB

[h2]Changelog[/h2] Version 1.1 (13.09.2009): Small changes to the library and added a very simple usage example Version 1.0 (05.08.2009): Initial release


[h2]Discussion and support[/h2] [url=]phpBB3 library at forums[/url]


<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

* CodeIgniter phpBB3 Library
* CodeIgniter phpBB3 bridge (access phpBB3 user sessions and other functions inside your CodeIgniter applications).
* @author Tomaž Muraus
* @version    1.1
* @link
class Phpbb_library
    public $CI;
    protected $_user;

     * Constructor.
    public function __construct()
        if (!isset($this->CI))
            $this->CI =& get_instance();

        // Set the variables scope
        global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $user, $auth, $cache, $db, $config, $template, $table_prefix;

        define('IN_PHPBB', TRUE);
        define('FORUM_ROOT_PATH', '/path/to/your/phpbb3/installation/');

        $phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : FORUM_ROOT_PATH;
        $phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);

        // Include needed files
        include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
        include($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx);
        include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_user.' . $phpEx);
        include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_display.' . $phpEx);
        include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_privmsgs.' . $phpEx);
        include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_posting.' . $phpEx);

        // Initialize phpBB user session

        // Save user data into $_user variable
        $this->_user = $user;

     * Returns information from the user data array.
     * @param string $key Item key.
     * @return string/boolean User information on success, FALSE otherwise.
    public function getUserInfo($key)
        if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_user->data))
            return $this->_user->data[$key];
            return FALSE;

     * Returns user status.
     * @return boolean TRUE is user is logged in, FALSE otherwise.
    public function isLoggedIn()
        return $this->_user->data['is_registered'];

     * Checks if the currently logged-in user is an administrator.
     * @return boolean TRUE if the currently logged-in user is an administrator, FALSE otherwise.
    public function isAdministrator()
        return $this->isGroupMember('administrators');

     * Checks if the currently logged-in user is a moderator.
     * @return boolean TRUE if the currently logged-in user is a moderator, FALSE otherwise.
    public function isModerator()
        return  $this->isGroupMember('moderators');

     * Checks if a user is a member of the given user group.
     * @param string $group Group name in lowercase.
     * @return boolean TRUE if user is a group member, FALSE otherwise.
    public function isGroupMember($group)
        $groups = array_map(strtolower, $this->getUserGroupMembership());

        if (in_array($group, $groups))
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;

     * Returns information for a given user.
     * @param int $userId User ID.
     * @return array/boolean Array with user information on success, FALSE otherwise.
    public function getUserById($userId)
        global $table_prefix;

        $this->CI->db->from($table_prefix . 'users');
        $this->CI->db->where('user_id', $userId);

        $query = $this->CI->db->get();

        if ($query->num_rows() == 1)
            return $query->row_array();
            return FALSE;

     * Returns information for a given user.
     * @param string $username User name.
     * @return array/boolean Array with user information on success, FALSE otherwise.
    public function getUserByName($username)
        global $table_prefix;

        $this->CI->db->from($table_prefix . 'users');
        $this->CI->db->where('username', $username);

        $query = $this->CI->db->get();

        if ($query->num_rows() == 1)
            return $query->row_array();
            return FALSE;

     * Returns all user groups.
     * @return array User groups.
    public function getUserGroupMembership()
        global $table_prefix;

        $userId = $this->_user->data['user_id'];

        $this->CI->db->from($table_prefix . 'groups g');
        $this->CI->db->from($table_prefix . 'user_group u');
        $this->CI->db->where('u.user_id', $userId);
        $this->CI->db->where('u.group_id', 'g.group_id', FALSE);

        $query = $this->CI->db->get();

        foreach ($query->result_array() as $group)
            $groups[] = $group['group_name'];

        return $groups;

     * Send user a private message.
     * @param int $senderId The sender's user ID.
     * @param string $senderIp The sender's IP address.
     * @param string $senderUsername The sender's username.
     * @param int $recipientId Recipient ID.
     * @param string $subject Message subject.
     * @param string $message Message body.
     * @param boolean $enableSignature Attach user signature?
     * @param boolean $enableBBcode Enable BB code?
     * @param boolean $enableSmilies Enable smiles?
     * @param boolean $enableUrls Enable URLs (automatically wrap URLs in <a> tag)?
    public function sendPrivateMessage($senderId, $senderIp = '', $senderUsername, $recipientId, $subject, $message, $enableSignature = FALSE, $enableBBcode = TRUE, $enableSmilies = TRUE, $enableUrls = TRUE)
        $uid = $bitfield = $options = '';

        generate_text_for_storage($message, $uid, $bitfield, $options, $enableBBcode, $enableUrls, $enableSmilies);

        $data = array
                        'from_user_id'            => $senderId,
                        'from_user_ip'            => $senderIp,
                        'from_username'            => $senderUsername,
                        'enable_sig'            => $enableSignature,
                        'enable_bbcode'            => $enableBBcode,
                        'enable_smilies'        => $enableSmilies,
                        'enable_urls'            => $enableUrls,
                        'icon_id'                => 0,
                        'bbcode_bitfield'        => $bitfield,
                        'bbcode_uid'            => $uid,
                        'message'                => $message,
                        'address_list'            => array('u' => array($recipientId => 'to'))

        submit_pm('post', $subject, $data, FALSE);

     * Add user to group.
     * @param int $userId User ID.
     * @param int $groupId The user group ID to add user to.
     * @param boolean $default If true, will set this group as the default group for the user being added.
     * @param boolean $leader If true, user will be a leader of the group.
     * @param boolean $pending If true, user needs to be approved before being shown in the group member list.
     * @return boolean/string FALSE on success, language string for the relevant error otherwise.
    public function addUserToGroup($userId, $groupId, $default = FALSE, $leader = FALSE, $pending = FALSE)
        return group_user_add($groupId, $userId, FALSE, FALSE, $default, $leader, $pending);

     * Create a new topic (topic will be posted with the currently logged-in user as an author).
     * @param int $forumId The forum ID.
     * @param string $subject Topic subject.
     * @param string $message Topic body.
     * @param boolean $enableSignature Attach user signature?
     * @param boolean $enableBBcode Enable BB code?
     * @param boolean $enableSmilies Enable smiles?
     * @param boolean $enableUrls Enable URLs (automatically wrap URLs in <a> tag)?
     * @return string Topic URL on success, forum URL otherwise.
    public function createNewTopic($forumId, $subject, $message, $enableSignature = FALSE, $enableBBcode = TRUE, $enableSmilies = TRUE, $enableUrls = TRUE)
        $poll = $uid = $bitfield = $options = '';

        generate_text_for_storage($subject, $uid, $bitfield, $options, false, false, false);
        generate_text_for_storage($message, $uid, $bitfield, $options, $enableBBcode, $enableUrls, $enableSmilies);

        $data = array
                        'forum_id'          => $forumId,
                        'icon_id'           => FALSE,

                        'enable_bbcode'     => $enableBBcode,
                        'enable_smilies'    => $enableSmilies,
                        'enable_urls'       => $enableUrls,
                        'enable_sig'        => $enableSignature,

                        'message'           => $message,
                        'message_md5'       => md5($message),

                        'bbcode_bitfield'   => $bitfield,
                        'bbcode_uid'        => $uid,

                        'post_edit_locked'  => 0,
                        'topic_title'       => $subject,
                        'notify_set'        => FALSE,
                        'notify'            => FALSE,
                        'post_time'         => 0,
                        'forum_name'        => '',
                        'enable_indexing'   => TRUE

        return submit_post('post', $subject, '', POST_NORMAL, $poll, $data);

/* End of file phpbb_library.php */
/* Location: ./application/libraries/phpbb_library.php */

[h2]Usage example[/h2]

This really short and simple example will display the username, user ID and the groups which the currently logged-in user belongs to (I'm sure you get the idea).


class Phpbb_library_test extends Controller
    function __construct()
    function index()
        if ($this->phpbb_library->isLoggedIn() === TRUE)
            $userId = $this->phpbb_library->getUserInfo('user_id');
            $username = $this->phpbb_library->getUserInfo('username');

            echo "Welcome $username (" . ($this->phpbb_library->isAdministrator() === TRUE ? "administrator" : "user") . "), your ID is $userId and you are member of the following groups";

            foreach ($this->phpbb_library->getUserGroupMembership() as $group)
                echo "$group <br />";
            echo "You are not logged-in.";

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