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World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 21 revisions

This is a PHP5 object oriented View library.

You can add a master template from which you can load View Objects as partials or you can use the View Object to render partials only. (ie: header, menu, content, sidebar, footer)

[code] <?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); /**

  • View Object PHP5

  • Renders a layout with partials (blocks) inside.

  • Renders partials only (header,content,footer. etc).

  • Allows a plugin or module to render a partial.

  • Version 3.0.3 Wiredesignz (c) 2008-08-16 **/ class View { public $layout;

    private $partials = array();

    private $vars = array();

    private static $ci;

    public function __construct($file = NULL, $data = NULL) //specify a layout file to use { (isset(self::$ci)) OR self::$ci =& get_instance();

      $this->layout = $file;
      (is_array($data)) AND $this->vars = $data;


    public function load($view, $file = NULL, $data = NULL) //create a partial { if (is_object($view)) { $this->partials = $view; } else { if ( ! isset($this->partials[$view]))

              $this->partials[$view] = (is_object($file)) ? $file : new View($file);
          return $this->partials[$view];


    public function __set($variable, $value) { if (is_array($value))

          else $this->set($variable, $value);


    public function set($var, $value = NULL) //store data for this view { if (is_array($var))

          $this->vars = array_merge($this->vars, $var); 
          else $this->vars[$var] = $value;


    public function __get($variable) { return $this->fetch($variable); }

    public function fetch($key = NULL) //returns data value(s) { return ($key) ? (isset($this->vars[$key])) ? $this->vars[$key] : NULL : $this->vars; }

    public function __toString() {
    return $this->render(TRUE); }

    public function render($render = FALSE) // create the page { if ($this->layout) { self::$ci->load->vars($this->partials); return self::$ci->load->view($this->layout, $this->vars, $render); } else { ob_start();

          foreach($this->partials as $partial) 
          if ($render) return ob_get_clean();
          echo ob_get_clean();

    } } [/code]


Load the View library from application/libraries. [code]



Add a master layout (template) file [code]

$this->view->layout = 'master_layout_file'; // or leave this empty to render partials only


Add data to the master template view [code]



Add a partial file and (optional) $data [code]

$header = $this->view->load('header', 'header_file', $data);


Partials are View objects too, so you can add partials to partials [code]

$header->load('sub_header', 'sub_header_file', $data);


Add data to any partial [code]



Render your View [code]


// using __toString()

echo $this->view


Inside your master template [code]

<?php echo $header; ?>



The View Object can use other objects (including modules) to render a partial. Simply add a render() method to your object and load it like any partial. [code]

$this->view->load('login', $this->object);


When the View Object is called to render it will in turn call your Object->render() method. [code]

$login->render(); // = $this->object->render();

//using __toString()

<?php echo $login; ?>


[size=5]Add Parts:[/size]

Content parts can be added to as you go, simply create a partial, and use the returned object to add as many sub-partials as are needed. [code]

$content = $this->view->load('content');

foreach ($sub_contents as $part) { $content->load($part->id, $part->partial, $part->data); }



View Objects can also be created independently, they can have their own partials and then they can be added to the master view. [code]

$content = new View();

$content->load('part1','partial_file',$article_1); $content->load('part2','partial_file',$article_2); $content->load('part3','partial_file',$article_3);

$this->view->load('content', $content);


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