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[h3]Database Migrations in CodeIgniter[/h3]
Migrations is a simple utility inspired by its Ruby on Rails counterpart that makes working with database changes a lot easier to development teams.
The concept is really simple: abstract each change to your database schema to a "migration" class in a way that other team members can apply (and undo) each change easily.
[h3]Common usage[/h3]
- Each individual in a team is suposedly working on their own installation of your system.
- Whenever a team member makes a change to their database schema, he extracts that change into a class called a "migration".
- When he is done working, he can move those "changes" to any other environment (the "live" environment, for example) and "install" each migration
Download and unzip the package: File:migrations.1.0.zip
Move its contents to your application folder.
A Database Utilities helper is included to make your migrations code a lot cleaner.
Edit config/migrations.php file in order to enable migrations and setting your migrations path.
[b]Note:[/b] It is recommended that migrations are disabled on your live environment when you are not migrating your schema. It is intended to add further security measures in future realeses.
[b]Note 2:[/b] Your migrations path should be write-enabled.
[h3]How it works[/h3]
Each migration is defined inside a file named in the following way:
Where ### is the version number of the migration and migration_unique_name is a unique name that must be formatted according to CI naming conventions.
The version number is very important, since it will determine the order in which the migrations are installed and uninstalled. If two or more migrations share the same version number, a conflict will be announced and the migration will not work until it is resolved by the user.
The name of the migration should be [b]unique[/b]. That is, no other migration can share its name (ignoring the version number and the first underscore). This is because a migration name is supposed to be descriptive as what it does when installed. For example 001_create_table_ratings.php would intuitively create a new table in our schema and it will be named "ratings".
If a development team defines a solid naming convention for their migrations, it would be very unlikely that two developers work on the same database migration without raising any alerts from the migrations utility.
Once the file has been created, a new class should be defined inside it. Classname should match the unique_name part of the file, and it must respect CI naming conventions (that is, first letter must be upper-case and the rest, lower-case).
The new class must implement the methods "up" and "down" which should work in oppossition. Whatever is done by "up" must be undone by "down"
[h3]Going up and down (applying/unapplying migrations)[/h3]
When you have your migrations files ready, you are ready to start applying your changes.
The migrate controller is in charge of doing this with two methods: [b]version[/b] and [b]install[/b]
When calling [b]version[/b] and specifying the desired version number, Migrate wil move [b]up[/b] or [b]down[/b] as many migrations as needed to reach the desired version, calling each migration method (corresponding to the direction of your migration) in the order specified by its number.
Example (migrations in this example are included in the zip):
Suppose you whish to add articles and comments to an existing schema. The first thing to do would by creating the required tables: "articles" and "comments".
So we create a new migration file located in our migrations path and name it 001_create_articles_schema.php
We numbered it 001 as it's the first migration we created and chose a meaningful name for it.
Then we open our editor and start coding for a change:
[code] <?php class Create_articles_schema {
function up() {
echo "Creating table 'articles'...";
create_table ( 'articles', array ( 'id_article' => array ( INTEGER, NOT_NULL ), 'title' => array ( STRING, LIMIT, 50), 'body' => TEXT, 'date_published' => DATE, 'author' => array ( STRING, LIMIT, 30, DEFAULT_VALUE, 'Anonymous' ), 'visible' => BOOLEAN ), 'id_article' );
echo "DONE
echo "Creating table 'comments'...";
create_table ( 'comments', array ( 'id_comment' => array ( INTEGER, NOT_NULL ), 'body' => TEXT, 'email' => STRING ), 'id_comment' );
echo "DONE
function down() {
echo "Droping table 'articles'...";
echo "DONE
echo "Droping table 'comments'...";
echo "DONE
?> [/code]
Both functions: [b]create_table[/b] and [b]drop_table[/b] are defined in the dbutil helper. If you do not want to use this helper, you can always call get_instance() to retrieve the CI instance and call each query in the traditional way.
As you can notice, the "up" method creates tables articles and comments, while the "down" method drops them both.
You might have also noticed the "echo" calls in both methods. This is cool because we might need to know what the migration utility is doing in case something goes wrong.
We can now open our browser and type in the URL http://yourdomain/index.php/migrate/version/1 and your migration will be executed, that is, your tables will be created.
Your schema is now at version 1. If type in the same url again, no migration will take place, as your schema is already updated to version 1.
To undo your migration type in http://yourdomain/index.php/migrate/version/0