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Record for the papers I have read and want to read


  • 对现在已有方法的一个基本梳理;
  • 对已有方法的一个发展的脉络,后面的人是如何在之前进行打补丁的,效果如何;
  • 后面的方法打补丁的方式,对于经典的方法肯定不能简单地进行评论,还是需要进行关系的梳理;
  • 当前的挑战和将来需要完成的工作。
  • 主要的目的是要自我感觉,给自己的工作进行梳理,然后找出不足,找到可能的改进方向。


  • Non-rigid
  • Multi-view
  • correspondence-free;
    • ICP...
  • correspondence-based
  • Global的一些发展
  • Future work

PSR(Point Set Registration)



  • Point Set Registration via Particle Filtering and Stochastic Dynamics

    Sandhu, Romeil, Samuel Dambreville, and Allen Tannenbaum. "Point set registration via particle filtering and stochastic dynamics." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 32.8 (2009): 1459-1473.


  • Model-Based Clustering, Discriminant Analysis, and Density Estimation

    • 作为GMM的数学基础,可以进行参考。

To Read


  • Diffeomorphic Matching of Distributions: A New Approach for Unlabelled Point-Sets and Sub-Manifolds Matching

    Glaunes, J., Trouvé, A., & Younes, L. (2004, June). Diffeomorphic matching of distributions: A new approach for unlabelled point-sets and sub-manifolds matching. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004. CVPR 2004. (Vol. 2, pp. II-II). IEEE.

    Citations: 234

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Diffeomorphic Matching of Distributions A New Approach for Unlabelled Point-Sets and Sub-Manifolds Matching.pdf)

  • Uncertainty Modeling and Model Selection for Geometric Inference

    Kanatani, K. I. (2004). Uncertainty modeling and model selection for geometric inference. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 26(10), 1307-1319.

    Citations: 86

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Uncertainty Modeling and Model Selection for Geometric Inference.pdf)


  • The Motion Coherence Theory

    Yuille, Alan L., and Norberto M. Grzywacz. "The motion coherence theory." ICCV. 1988.

    Citations: 185

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/The Motion Coherence Theory.pdf)

  • Non-rigid point set registration: Coherent Point Drift 📗

    Myronenko, A., Song, X., & Carreira-Perpinán, M. A. (2007). Non-rigid point set registration: Coherent point drift. Advances in neural information processing systems, 19, 1009.

    Citations: 383

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Non-rigid point set registration Coherent Point Drift.pdf)

  • MLMD: Maximum Likelihood Mixture Decoupling for Fast and Accurate Point Cloud Registration

    Eckart, Ben, et al. "Mlmd: Maximum likelihood mixture decoupling for fast and accurate point cloud registration." 2015 International Conference on 3D Vision. IEEE, 2015.

    Citations: 44

Partial Overlapping

  • Fully Automatic Registration of 3D Point Clouds ✔️ (Not really understand)

    Makadia, Ameesh, Alexander Patterson, and Kostas Daniilidis. "Fully automatic registration of 3D point clouds." 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'06). Vol. 1. IEEE, 2006.

    Citations: 410

    [url] [pdf]

    • Summary
      • This paper propose a registration method using global features to register point sets. The paper claims that it can handle the registration problem in the case of overlap is about 40%(Low overlap.)
      • The features extraction are realized by EGI(Extended Gaussian Image), it is a kind of distribution to represent the directional variable(Though this paper describe it by histogram). The rotation estimation is then computed by optimizing correletion of two histograms. (By the way, this kind of features is translation-invariant).
      • Translation is computed based on the rotation got from step 2.

PCA-based Algorithm

  • Shape Matching and Anisotropy

    Kazhdan, Michael, Thomas Funkhouser, and Szymon Rusinkiewicz. "Shape matching and anisotropy." ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Papers. 2004. 623-629.

    Citations: 124

    [[pdf]](./papers/Shape Matching and Anisotropy.pdf)

    • keywords: isanisotropy
    • 不准备读了, 引用这篇文献的文章都没有关于点云配准的;并且,里面提到的东西,我也不太懂。暂时不看,以后有机会再看吧。

Fuzzy Algorithms

  • SFCM: A Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm of Extracting the Shape Information of Data

    Bui, Quang-Thinh, et al. "SFCM: A fuzzy clustering algorithm of extracting the shape information of data." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 29.1 (2020): 75-89.

    Citations: 9

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/SFCM A Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm of Extracting the Shape Information of Datahe Shape Information of Data.pdf)

  • Hyperplane Division in Fuzzy C-Means: Clustering Big Data

    Shen, Yinghua, et al. "Hyperplane division in fuzzy C-means: Clustering big data." IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28.11 (2019): 3032-3046.

  • A Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithm

    Pal, Nikhil R., et al. "A possibilistic fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm." IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems 13.4 (2005): 517-530.

    Citations: 1300

  • Adaptive fuzzy segmentation of magnetic resonance images

    Pham, Dzung L., and Jerry L. Prince. "Adaptive fuzzy segmentation of magnetic resonance images." IEEE transactions on medical imaging 18.9 (1999): 737-752.

    Citations: 1005

  • Unsupervised Optimal Fuzzy Clustering

    Gath, Isak, and Amir B. Geva. "Unsupervised optimal fuzzy clustering." IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 11.7 (1989): 773-780.

    Citations: 2276

  • Adaptive Hierarchical Probabilistic Model Using Structured Variational Inference for Point Set Registration


  • TEASER: Fast and Certifiable Point Cloud Registration ✔️ ❓

    Yang, Heng, Jingnan Shi, and Luca Carlone. "Teaser: Fast and certifiable point cloud registration." IEEE Transactions on Robotics 37.2 (2020): 314-333.

    Citations: 135

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/TEASER-Fast and Certifiable Point Cloud.pdf)

    [[notes]](./notes/TEASER-Fast and Certifiable Point

  • Linearly Converging Quasi Branch and Bound Algorithms for Global Rigid Registration ✔️ ⛔

    Dym, Nadav, and Shahar Ziv Kovalsky. "Linearly converging quasi branch and bound algorithms for global rigid registration." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2019.

    Citations: 8

    [[pdf]](./papers/Linearly Converging Quasi Branch and Bound Algorithms for Global Rigid Registration.pdf)

    • Acceleration based on the BnBs search, the time complexity changes from $1/\epsilon$ to $ log(1/\epsilon)$ —— where $\epsilon$ is the accuracy.
  • Precision Range Image Registration Using a Robust Surface Interpenetration Measure and Enhanced Genetic Algorithms ✔️

    Silva, L., Bellon, O. R. P., & Boyer, K. L. (2005). Precision range image registration using a robust surface interpenetration measure and enhanced genetic algorithms. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 27(5), 762-776.

    Citations: 281

    [url] [pdf]

    • Use robust genetic algorithm to search in the pose space and get a good registration result.
    • More robust and accurate than ICP
    • Slower than ICP
  • Globally Optimal Linear Model Fitting with Unit-Norm Constraint

    Liu, Yinlong, et al. "Globally Optimal Linear Model Fitting with Unit-Norm Constraint." International Journal of Computer Vision (2022): 1-14.

  • Point Set Registration via Particle Filtering and Stochastic Dynamics

    Sandhu, Romeil, Samuel Dambreville, and Allen Tannenbaum. "Point set registration via particle filtering and stochastic dynamics." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 32.8 (2009): 1459-1473.

    Citations: 127

  • Convex Global 3D Registration With Lagrangian Duality

    Briales, Jesus, and Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez. "Convex global 3d registration with lagrangian duality." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017.

    Citations: 50


  • Acceleration of Non-Rigid Point Set Registration With Downsampling and Gaussian Process Regression

    Hirose, Osamu. "Acceleration of non-rigid point set registration with downsampling and Gaussian process regression." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43.8 (2020): 2858-2865.

    Citations: 4


  • Point Set Registration with Global-local Correspondence and Transformation Estimation

    Zhang, Su, et al. "Point set registration with global-local correspondence and transformation estimation." Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2017.

    Citations: 35

  • Probabilistic Model for Robust Affine and Non-Rigid Point Set Matching

    Qu, Han-Bing, et al. "Probabilistic model for robust affine and non-rigid point set matching." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 39.2 (2016): 371-384.

    Citations: 31

To Read

  • Fine-To-Coarse Global Registration of RGB-D Scans
  • Locality Preserving Matching

Not classified

  • Provably Approximated Point Cloud Registration ✔️

    Jubran, Ibrahim, et al. "Provably Approximated Point Cloud Registration." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021.

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Provably Approximated Point Cloud Registration.pdf)


  • Convex Hull Aided Registration Method (CHARM) ✔️

    Fan, Jingfan, et al. "Convex hull aided registration method (CHARM)." IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23.9 (2016): 2042-2055.


  • Robust low-overlap 3-D point cloud registration for outlier rejection ✔️

    Stechschulte, John, Nisar Ahmed, and Christoffer Heckman. "Robust low-overlap 3-D point cloud registration for outlier rejection." 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2019.

    Citations: 4


  • The Richer Representation the Better Registration ✔️

    Rouhani, Mohammad, and Angel Domingo Sappa. "The richer representation the better registration." IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22.12 (2013): 5036-5049.

    Citations: 25


  • Gravitational Approach for Point Set Registration ✔️

    Golyanik, Vladislav, Sk Aziz Ali, and Didier Stricker. "Gravitational approach for point set registration." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2016.

    Citations: 36


  • Efficient Registration of High-Resolution Feature Enhanced Point Clouds ✔️

    Jauer, Philipp, et al. "Efficient registration of high-resolution feature enhanced point clouds." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 41.5 (2018): 1102-1115.

    Citations: 21


  • Fast Rotation Search with Stereographic Projections for 3D Registration ✔️

    Parra Bustos, Alvaro, Tat-Jun Chin, and David Suter. "Fast rotation search with stereographic projections for 3d registration." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2014.

    Citations: 87


  • Context-Aware Gaussian Fields for Non-rigid Point Set Registration ✔️

    Wang, Gang, et al. "Context-aware Gaussian fields for non-rigid point set registration." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2016.

    Citations: 30


  • Fine-To-Coarse Global Registration of RGB-D Scans ✔️

    Halber, Maciej, and Thomas Funkhouser. "Fine-to-coarse global registration of rgb-d scans." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017.

    Citations: 66


  • Discriminative Optimization: Theory and Applications to Point Cloud Registration ✔️

    Vongkulbhisal, Jayakorn, Fernando De la Torre, and Joao P. Costeira. "Discriminative optimization: Theory and applications to point cloud registration." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2017.

    Citations: 27



Outlier Removal

  • A Practical O(N2) Outlier Removal Method for Point Cloud Registration

    Li, Jiayuan. "A practical O (N2) outlier removal method for point cloud registration." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2021).

    Citations: 6

  • Guaranteed Outlier Removal for Point Cloud Registration with Correspondences

    Bustos, Alvaro Parra, and Tat-Jun Chin. "Guaranteed outlier removal for point cloud registration with correspondences." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 40.12 (2017): 2868-2882.

    Citations: 76

Feature Detection

Feature Detection 的含义是“检测”特征点,例如“line", "coner", "edge"等,而 Feature Descriptor 是如何描述这些这些点的特征

Feature Descriptors

  • Aligning Point Cloud Views using Persistent Feature Histograms (PFH) ✔️

    Rusu, Radu Bogdan, et al. "Aligning point cloud views using persistent feature histograms." 2008 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems. IEEE, 2008.

    Citations: 768

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Aligning Point Cloud Views using Persistent Feature Histograms.pdf)

    • Use persistent point feature histograms to describe a feature point in a point set.

      • Four features are extracted to describe a feature point.(3 angels based on norm, 1based on distance);
      • The ration is computed and showed in histograms, which can be used as a vector;
    • By analyzing the persistence of the features at different scales, we extract an optimal set which best characterizes a given point cloud.

      • By comparing the point with global description.

      • In order to select the best feature points for a given cloud, we analyze the neighborhood of each point p multiple times, by enclosing p on a sphere of radius ri and p as its center. We vary r over an interval depending on the point cloud size and density, and compute the local point feature histograms for every point.

      • By comparing the feature histogram of each point against the µ-histogram using a distance metric (see below), and building a distribution of distances (see Figure 8 – note that it can be approximated with a Gaussian distribution) , we can perform a statistical analysis of each feature’s persistence over multiple radii.

    • Pros and cons

      • pros

        • By using a higher dimensionality (16D) for characterizing the local geometry at a point p, the estimated features are robust in the presence of outliers, and invariant to the position, orientation, or sampling density of the cloud.
        • Expressive enough.
      • cons

        • For real-time or near real-time applications however, the computation of Point Feature Histograms in dense point neighborhoods can represent one of the major bottlenecks in the registration framework.

    • ❓ How to get correspondence? ( Refer to[9] )

  • Fast Point Feature Histograms (FPFH) for 3D registration (FPFH) ✔️

    Rusu, R. B., Blodow, N., & Beetz, M. (2009, May). Fast point feature histograms (FPFH) for 3D registration. In 2009 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (pp. 3212-3217). IEEE.

    Citations: 2755

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Fast Point Feature Histograms (FPFH) for 3D Registration.pdf)

    • Simplified PFH algo, which reduces the computational complexity of the algorithm from $O(n\cdot k^2)$ to $O(n·k)$;

    • Pros and cons

      • Pros: Compared to FPH, it reduce the computational cost.
      • Cons: Handcrafted features are generally designed to work with relatively clean range data like laser scans, and may not work very well with the scans collected by commodity depth sensors
  • Demisting the Hough Transform for 3D Shape Recognition and Registration ✔️ 💛

    Woodford, Oliver J., et al. "Demisting the Hough transform for 3D shape recognition and registration." International Journal of Computer Vision 106.3 (2014): 332-341.

    Citations: 82

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Demisting the Hough transform for 3D shape recognition and registration.pdf)

    • 💛 Just roughly reading
    • Add two extensions to standard Hough Transform: 1) The intrinsic Hough transform which reduces the memory consuming; 2) minimum-entropy Hough transform which increases the detection accuracy.
  • Fast Registration Based on Noisy Planes With Unknown Correspondences for 3-D Mapping

    Pathak, K., Birk, A., Vaškevičius, N., & Poppinga, J. (2010). Fast registration based on noisy planes with unknown correspondences for 3-D mapping. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 26(3), 424-441.

    Citations: 257

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Fast Registration Based on Noisy Planes With Unknown Correspondences for 3-D Mapping.pdf)

  • Using spin images for efficient object recognition in cluttered 3D scenes

    Johnson, Andrew E., and Martial Hebert. "Using spin images for efficient object recognition in cluttered 3D scenes." IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 21.5 (1999): 433-449.

    Citations: 3080

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Using Spin Images for Efficient Object Recognition in Cluttered 3D Scenes.pdf)

  • 4-points congruent sets for robust pairwise surface registration

    Aiger, Dror, Niloy J. Mitra, and Daniel Cohen-Or. "4-points congruent sets for robust pairwise surface registration." ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 papers. 2008. 1-10.

    Citations: 687

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/4-Points Congruent Sets for Robust Pairwise Surface Registration.pdf)

  • Super 4PCS Fast Global Pointcloud Registration via Smart Indexing

    Mellado, Nicolas, Dror Aiger, and Niloy J. Mitra. "Super 4pcs fast global pointcloud registration via smart indexing." Computer graphics forum. Vol. 33. No. 5. 2014.

    Citations: 393

    • Summary
  • Robust Point Matching for Nonrigid Shapes by Preserving Local Neighborhood Structures ✔️

    Zheng, Y., & Doermann, D. (2006). Robust point matching for nonrigid shapes by preserving local neighborhood structures. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 28(4), 643-649.

    Citations: 366

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Robust Point Matching for Nonrigid Shapes by Preserving Local Neighborhood Structures.pdf)

    • This paper gives an very direct and clear idea to find the correspondence between two transformmed point set: in the problem of rigid registration, the distance of a given point $x_i$ to other point $x_o$ will be the same with the corresponding point $y_i$ with other points $y_o$.
    • So if we construct the matrix which is of the size $M\times N$ $P$, the correspondence is described by a matrix P and the element of the matrix means the correspondence of the correspondending relationship between two points.
    • The problem is converted to a seperate combinational optimization problem.
  • Shape Matching and Object Recognition Using Shape Contexts

    Belongie, Serge, Jitendra Malik, and Jan Puzicha. "Shape matching and object recognition using shape contexts." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 24.4 (2002): 509-522.

    Citations: 8300

  • 3DMatch: Learning Local Geometric Descriptors from RGB-D Reconstructions

    Zeng, Andy, et al. "3dmatch: Learning local geometric descriptors from rgb-d reconstructions." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2017.

    Citations: 477

  • SpinNet: Learning a General Surface Descriptor for 3D Point Cloud Registration ✔️

    Ao, Sheng, et al. "Spinnet: Learning a general surface descriptor for 3d point cloud registration." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021.

    Citations: 23


    • Summary:
      • This paper proposes a neural network to learn correspondence point-wise, the core idea is transforming the raw point cloud to a cylindrical space, which can be used to maintain rotation invariance. The rotation invariance is beneficial to generalization.
  • Geometric Transformer for Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration

    Qin, Zheng, et al. "Geometric Transformer for Fast and Robust Point Cloud Registration." arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.06688 (2022).

  • NARF: 3D Range Image Features for Object Recognition

    Steder, Bastian, et al. "NARF: 3D range image features for object recognition." Workshop on Defining and Solving Realistic Perception Problems in Personal Robotics at the IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Vol. 44. 2010.

    Citations: 248

  • STORM: Structure-based Overlap Matching for Partial Point Cloud Registration

    Wang, Yujie, et al. "STORM: Structure-based Overlap Matching for Partial Point Cloud Registration." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (2022).

    Citations: 0

  • Colored Point Cloud Registration Revisited

    Park, Jaesik, Qian-Yi Zhou, and Vladlen Koltun. "Colored point cloud registration revisited." Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2017.

    Citations: 142

Feature-based Registration

  • PHASER: A Robust and Correspondence-Free Global Pointcloud Registration ✔️ (Not really)

    Bernreiter, Lukas, et al. "PHASER: a Robust and Correspondence-free Global Pointcloud Registration." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6.2 (2021): 855-862.

    Citations: 3


    • Summary

      • The proposed method is similar to Fully Automatic Registration of 3D Point Clouds. First, the raw point cloud is projected on the sphere. The spherical Fourier transform is conducted and estimating rotation.
      • After getting rotation, the translation is estimated on spatial frequency domain.
  • Efficient Global Point Cloud Registration by Matching Rotation Invariant Features Through Translation Search ✔️

    Liu, Yinlong, et al. "Efficient global point cloud registration by matching rotation invariant features through translation search." Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). 2018.

    Citations: 40

    [url] [pdf]

    [[notes]](./notes/Efficient Global Point Cloud Registration by Matching Rotation Invariant Features Through Translation

    • Summary

      • The method aims to find the global optimization for rigid pairwise optimization. The transformation is decomposed computing optimal translation and optimal rotation separately. Specifically, optimal translation $t^$ is computed first, and then rotation $r^$ is computed then.

      • For computing $t^$, the rotation-invariant features is constructed by two points $x_1$ and $x_2$: $$ p_{i} = { |x_1|, |x_2|, |x_1 - x_2| }^{T} $$ is rotation invariant. Based on the consensus set constructed by two point sets. Constructed the cost function and optimized it by BnB-search to get optimal $t^$ .

      • After finding the $t^*$, using local-method to compute $R$ or use RANSAC to get $R$ directly.

    • cons:

      • No code, the compared baseline methods are few.
  • Super4PCS: Fast Global Pointcloud Registration via Smart Indexing

    Mellado, Nicolas, Dror Aiger, and Niloy J. Mitra. "Super 4pcs fast global pointcloud registration via smart indexing." Computer graphics forum. Vol. 33. No. 5. 2014.

    Citations: 399

  • Random sample consensus: a paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography (RANSAC) ✔️ ❌

    Fischler, Martin A., and Robert C. Bolles. "Random sample consensus: a paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography." Communications of the ACM 24.6 (1981): 381-395.

    Citations: 28407

    • Summary
      • A basic method, for registration, given the data correspondence, the RANSAC searches the transformation space and finds the optimal transformation which can make the consensus set largest.
    • Cons
      • Slow in converge and low accuracy with large outlier.[Ref](Guaranteed Outlier Removal for Point Cloud Registration with Correspondences)
    • It has many variants, need to read.
  • Least-Squares Fitting of Two 3-D Point Sets

    Arun, K. Somani, Thomas S. Huang, and Steven D. Blostein. "Least-squares fitting of two 3-D point sets." IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 5 (1987): 698-700.

    Citations: 4768


  • Integrating Deep Semantic Segmentation Into 3-D Point Cloud Registration

    Zaganidis, Anestis, et al. "Integrating deep semantic segmentation into 3-d point cloud registration." IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3.4 (2018): 2942-2949.


    Citations: 48



  • PointDSC: Robust Point Cloud Registration using Deep Spatial Consistency

    Bai, Xuyang, et al. "Pointdsc: Robust point cloud registration using deep spatial consistency." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021.

    Citations: 17

    [pdf] [code]

  • PRNet: Self-Supervised Learning for Partial-to-Partial Registration

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/PRNet Self-Supervised Learning for Partial-to-Partial Registration.pdf)

  • The Perfect Match: 3D Point Cloud Matching with Smoothed Densities


  • PREDATOR: Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Low Overlap ✔️ 🔴

    Huang, Shengyu, et al. "PREDATOR: Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Low Overlap." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021.

    Citations: 29

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/PREDATOR Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Low Overlap.pdf)

    • Our model is specifically designed to handle (also) point-cloud pairs with low overlap.
    • The core of the model is an overlap attention module that enables early information exchange between the point clouds’ latent encodings, in order to infer which of their points are likely to lie in their overlap region.
    • ❓所以这个模型的输出是啥?
  • Sampling Network Guided Cross-Entropy Method for Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration ✔️

    Jiang, Haobo, et al. "Sampling network guided cross-entropy method for unsupervised point cloud registration." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021.

    Citations: 1

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Sampling Network Guided Cross-Entropy Method for Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration.pdf)

    • Reformulate the registration problem as a reinforcement learning problem.
  • Deep Hough Voting for Robust Global Registration

    Lee, Junha, et al. "Deep Hough Voting for Robust Global Registration." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2021.

    Citations: 2

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Deep Hough Voting for Robust Global Registration.pdf)

  • PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation

    Qi, C. R., Su, H., Mo, K., & Guibas, L. J. (2017). Pointnet: Deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 652-660).

    Citations: 6347

    [url] [pdf]

    [[notes]](./notes/PointNet Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and

  • PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space

    Qi, C. R., Yi, L., Su, H., & Guibas, L. J. (2017). Pointnet++: Deep hierarchical feature learning on point sets in a metric space. arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.02413.

    Citations: 4083

  • PointNetLK: Robust & Efficient Point Cloud Registration using PointNet

    Aoki, Yasuhiro, et al. "Pointnetlk: Robust & efficient point cloud registration using pointnet." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019.

    Citations: 282

  • PointDSC: Robust Point Cloud Registration using Deep Spatial Consistency

    Bai, Xuyang, et al. "Pointdsc: Robust point cloud registration using deep spatial consistency." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021.

    Citations: 17

  • Deep Global Registration ✔️

    Choy, Christopher, Wei Dong, and Vladlen Koltun. "Deep global registration." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2020.

    Citations: 122

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Deep Global Registration.pdf)

    • This paper propose a registration algorithm based-on deep-learning.
    • It uses the network to find the inlier features(The used features provided by "FCGF"); Use a kind of function to calculate the coarse alignment; Use the gradient-based methods to get a find registration.
    • Some thoughts: The positions of the points can also be regarded as a kind of "features".
  • Deep Closest Point: Learning Representations for Point Cloud Registration ✔️

    Wang, Yue, and Justin M. Solomon. "Deep closest point: Learning representations for point cloud registration." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2019.

    Citations: 319


    • Summary

      • Three steps: 1) Features extraction; 2) Soft correspondence; 3) SVD compute transformation.
    • Why

      • Soft correspondence: differentiable.
    • cons

      • Object-level input.(Which means the size of input point set is about 500-5k points).
  • 3DRegNet: A Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Registration ✔️

    Pais, G. Dias, et al. "3dregnet: A deep neural network for 3d point registration." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2020.

    Citations: 62


    • Summary
      • Two neural work. One is for classifcation, and the other one is for regression. The classification network classify the input correspondence as inliers and outliers.(Compared to RANSAC). The regression network use the input inlier correspondence to compute the transformation(Compared to FGR).
    • Why
    • Comments
      • The paper investigates the performance of different representations of the rotation.
  • Large-scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation with Superpoint Graphs

    Landrieu, Loic, and Martin Simonovsky. "Large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation with superpoint graphs." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2018.

    Citations: 660

  • 3D Local Features for Direct Pairwise Registration

    Deng, Haowen, Tolga Birdal, and Slobodan Ilic. "3d local features for direct pairwise registration." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019.

    Citations: 64

  • PPFNet: Global Context Aware Local Features for Robust 3D Point Matching (PPFNet) ✔️

    Deng, Haowen, Tolga Birdal, and Slobodan Ilic. "Ppfnet: Global context aware local features for robust 3d point matching." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2018.

    Citations: 264


    • Summary
      • The correspondence: The input is pair-points, the motivation is similar PPF(hand crafter features), to find the local features. The output is the correspondence. These Networks aim to find invariant features.
      • How to compute the transformation: RANSAC
    • Comments
      • The shortcomings of the hand-crafted features: The hand-crafted features(such as FPFH) only consider the local features of the points, which may spread widely in the two point set, thus resulting in incorrect correspondence.
      • The author mentions that using set-input (pair or small patch) as the input of the network is beneficial to develop the invariance properties.

Graph-Based / Spectral-Based

  • Spectral Correspondence for Point Pattern Matching

    Carcassoni, M., & Hancock, E. R. (2003). Spectral correspondence for point pattern matching. Pattern Recognition, 36(1), 193-204.

    Citations: 271

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Spectral Correspondence for Point Pattern Matching.pdf)

  • Thirty Years of Graph Matching in Pattern Recognition

    Conte, D., Foggia, P., Sansone, C., & Vento, M. (2004). Thirty years of graph matching in pattern recognition. International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence, 18(03), 265-298.

    Citations: 1758

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Thirty Years of Graph Matching in Pattern Recognition.pdf)

  • Structural Graph Matching Using the EM Algorithm and Singular Value Decomposition

    Luo, Bin, and Edwin R. Hancock. "Structural graph matching using the EM algorithm and singular value decomposition." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 23.10 (2001): 1120-1136.

    Citations: 459

  • A unified framework for alignment and correspondence ✔️ ❌

    Luo, B., & Hancock, E. R. (2003). A unified framework for alignment and correspondence. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 92(1), 26-55.

    Citations: 73

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/A unified framework for alignment and correspondence.pdf)

    • Summary

      • About the method: Some paper refers to it as Graph Matching. Some paper(CPD) refers it as probalistic method similar to CPD, but the difference lies in the solution of M-step. (The later one is widely accepted.)
    • Understanding(May not be correct)

      • I think the main idea is that the proposed method model the correspondence and the alignment as two probability. The algorithm follows a 2-step E-M process to compute the correspondence and alignment separately.

        The difference from the previous methods is the framework to update the correspondence and transformation parameters.

      • Need to read the previous papers first

  • Graphical Models and Point Pattern Matching

    Caetano, T. S., Caelli, T., Schuurmans, D., & Barone, D. A. C. (2006). Graphical models and point pattern matching. IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 28(10), 1646-1663.

    Citations: 171

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Graphical Models and Point Pattern Matching.pdf)

  • 3D Shape Registration Using Spectral Graph Embedding and Probabilistic Matching

    Sharma, Avinash, Radu Horaud, and Diana Mateus. "3D shape registration using spectral graph embedding and probabilistic matching." arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.11166 (2021).

    Citations: 14

Different kinds of Improvements


Multiple Point set

  • Joint Alignment of Multiple Point Sets with Batch and Incremental Expectation-Maximization

    Evangelidis, G. D., & Horaud, R. (2017). Joint alignment of multiple point sets with batch and incremental expectation-maximization. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 40(6), 1397-1410.

    Citations: 87

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Joint Alignment of Multiple Point Sets with Batch and Incremental Expectation-Maximization.pdf)

  • Multiview registration for large data sets

Non-rigid Point set

  • A new point matching algorithm for non-rigid registration

    Chui, H., & Rangarajan, A. (2003). A new point matching algorithm for non-rigid registration. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 89(2-3), 114-141.

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/A new point matching algorithm for non-rigid registration.pdf)


  • A comprehensive survey on point cloud registration

    Huang, X., Mei, G., Zhang, J., & Abbas, R. (2021). A comprehensive survey on point cloud registration. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.02690.

    Citations: 10

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/A comprehensive survey on point cloud registration.pdf)

    [[detailed notes]](./notes/A comprehensive survey on point cloud

  • Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds A review and benchmark

    Dong, Zhen, et al. "Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds: A review and benchmark." ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 163 (2020): 327-342.

    Citations: 90

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds A reviewand benchmark.pdf) [[detailed notes]](./notes/Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds A reviewand

  • A Review of Point Cloud Registration Algorithms for Mobile Robotics

    Pomerleau, F., Colas, F., & Siegwart, R. (2015). A review of point cloud registration algorithms for mobile robotics. Foundations and Trends in Robotics, 4(1), 1-104.


    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/A Review of Point Cloud Registration Algorithms for Mobile Robotics.pdf)

  • Image Matching from Handcrafted to Deep Features: A Survey

    Ma, J., Jiang, X., Fan, A., Jiang, J., & Yan, J. (2021). Image matching from handcrafted to deep features: A survey. International Journal of Computer Vision, 129(1), 23-79.

    Citations: 155

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Image Matching from Handcrafted to Deep Features A Survey.pdf)

    • Registration is achieved by the minimization of a statistical discrepancy measure between the two density functions.
  • Deformable Medical Image Registration: A Survey

    Sotiras, A., Davatzikos, C., & Paragios, N. (2013). Deformable medical image registration: A survey. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 32(7), 1153-1190.

    Citations: 1413

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Deformable Medical Image Registration A Survey.pdf)

  • Registration of 3D Point Clouds and Meshes: A Survey from Rigid to Nonrigid

    Tam, Gary KL, et al. "Registration of 3D point clouds and meshes: A survey from rigid to nonrigid." IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19.7 (2012): 1199-1217.

    Citations: 621

  • Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds: A Survey

    Guo, Yulan, et al. "Deep learning for 3d point clouds: A survey." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 43.12 (2020): 4338-4364.

    Citations: 452


    • 本文的行文结构大致是:按照CV中点云的任务来进行分析:shape classification, Object Detection and tracking, 3D point set Segmentation. 依据每个任务中的 deep learning 的应用进行分类,进行文献综述,并且每一个小章节有一个 summary, 其内容主要是:在测试集上的表现;缺点;未来的方向等。
  • LiDAR Odometry Methodologies for Autonomous Driving: A Survey

    Jonnavithula, Nikhil, Yecheng Lyu, and Ziming Zhang. "LiDAR Odometry Methodologies for Autonomous Driving: A Survey." arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.06120 (2021).

  • A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Feature Descriptors ✔️ ⭐

     Worth reading for survey

    Guo, Yulan, et al. "A comprehensive performance evaluation of 3D local feature descriptors." International Journal of Computer Vision 116.1 (2016): 66-89.

    Citations: 462

    [[pdf]](./papers/A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Feature Descriptors.pdf)

    • The evaluation paper of the local features descriptors, in the introduction of the paper, the author mention the skeleton of the paper: What's is the local descriptors, and the relevant algorithms; How to evaluate the local features, the meaning of the evaluation. The contribution and why to write the paper.

    • 一些值得借鉴的东西:

      • 为什么要做这篇论文:

        • Although a large number of feature descriptors have been proposed, they were exclusively designed for a specific application scenario.
        • they have only been tested on a limited number of datasets.
        • It is therefore, very challenging for developers to choose an appropriate descriptor for their particular appli- cation
        • Most of these evaluation articles tested only a small number of 3D local feature descriptors and for a specific application domain.

        —— 1) 选定的算法数目更多;2) 选定的测试集更多,之前的evaluation要么限定在某一两个测试环境,要么选定的算法比较少,无法做到统一的评估;3) 有一些没有被测试(robustness);

      • 自己要做什么包括:1) 选取的测试集一定要广泛;2) 选定的测试方法;3) 在实际的应用环境中进行测试(例如本文可以专注于某一个领域, robotics?)

    • 非常值得借鉴和学习本文的组织结构,是写evaluation paper的重要参考。此外,刨除结构,本文的内容也非常的重要,对于点云的描述子来说。

  • Recent developments and trends in point set registration methods

    Maiseli, Baraka, Yanfeng Gu, and Huijun Gao. "Recent developments and trends in point set registration methods." Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 46 (2017): 95-106.

    Citations: 90

  • Deformable Medical Image Registration: A Survey

    Sotiras, Aristeidis, Christos Davatzikos, and Nikos Paragios. "Deformable medical image registration: A survey." IEEE transactions on medical imaging 32.7 (2013): 1153-1190.

    Citations: 1443


  • Registration of Laser Scanning Point Clouds: A Review

    Cheng, Liang, et al. "Registration of laser scanning point clouds: A review." Sensors 18.5 (2018): 1641.


  • Beyond points: Evaluating recent 3D scan-matching algorithms

    Magnusson, Martin, et al. "Beyond points: Evaluating recent 3D scan-matching algorithms." 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2015.

    Citations: 68


  • Comparing ICP variants on real-world data sets ✔️

    Pomerleau, François, et al. "Comparing ICP variants on real-world data sets." Autonomous Robots 34.3 (2013): 133-148.

    Citations: 657

    [[pdf]](./papers/Comparing ICP variants on real-world data sets.pdf)

    • This paper mainly propose a stadnard pipeline of ICP algorithms, and provbide a open-source sofrware which can be used for comparing ICP algorithms. The pipeline consists of different modules, which can be tuned by parameters.

    • However, the paper's foucus is narrow, the main contribution of the paper is the software. It research the variants of ICP little. The content is much but with no focus, the experiments are a little superficial.

    • If I were the author, I will refer to the paper 《Efficient ICP and its variants》, this paper classify different metrics of ICP variants and compare the performance of these metrics. However, what I want to do? I want to verify the real performance of these metrics. So, the baseline and the criteria should be established. What the problems they can solve?

      The limitations of the paper is that it is more engineering, but not the theoretical.

    • ❓ However, how to express my idea if I wrote the paper?

      Refer to the paper: again! Though I can't get the content, but I should learn the main idea of it.

  • A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of 3-D Transformation Estimation Techniques in Point Cloud Registration

    Zhao, Bao, et al. "A comprehensive performance evaluation of 3-d transformation estimation techniques in point cloud registration." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70 (2021): 1-14.

    Citations: 2

  • Benchmarking urban six-degree-of-freedom simultaneous localization and mapping

    Wulf, Oliver, et al. "Benchmarking urban six‐degree‐of‐freedom simultaneous localization and mapping." Journal of Field Robotics 25.3 (2008): 148-163.

    Citations: 75

To Read

  • Robust LIDAR localization using multiresolution Gaussian mixture maps for autonomous driving

    map using GMMs

Mapping & Fusion


  • SegMap Segment-based mapping and localization using data-driven descriptors

    Dube, Renaud, et al. "SegMap: Segment-based mapping and localization using data-driven descriptors." The International Journal of Robotics Research 39.2-3 (2020): 339-355. [[pdf]](./papers/SegMap Segment-based mapping and localization using data-driven descriptors.pdf) [url]

    [[notes]](./notes/SegMap Segment-based mapping and localization using data-driven

  • Recurrent-OctoMap: Learning State-Based Map Refinement for Long-Term Semantic Mapping With 3-D-Lidar Data

  • Sattler_Understanding_the_Limitations_of_CNN-Based_Absolute_Camera_Pose_Regression_CVPR_2019_paper


    A key result is that current approaches do not consistently outperform a handcrafted image retrieval baseline

  • Self-Supervised_Learning_of_Lidar_Segmentation_for_Autonomous_Indoor_Navigation

  • Semantic Fusion_Dense_3D_semantic_mapping_with_convolutional_neural_networks

    <ICRA 2017>



    Combine the CNNs with the SLAM system ElasticFusion. The camera is RGB-D, use the RGB image as the input;

  • SuMa++: Efficient LiDAR-based Semantic SLAM

    <IROS 2019>

  • Integrating Deep Semantic Segmentation into 3D point cloud registration

    <RA-L 2018>

    [[pdf]](./papers/Integrating Deep Semantic Segmentation into 3D point cloud registration.pdf)

    [[notes]](./notes/Integrating Deep Semantic Segmentation into 3D point cloud

    • 使用PointNet作为语义分割的前端,对三维点云进行像素级别的语义分割;
    • 将分割后的点云按照class进行集合分类,使用NDT算法,对两个点云中同类的点云进行配准;objective function优化各个class的损失的和
    • future work: end-to-end, get the transformation directly;

Math Basis

  • Global optimization through rotation space search


  • Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm

    Dempster, A. P., Laird, N. M., & Rubin, D. B. (1977). Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological), 39(1), 1-22.

    Citations: 65630

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm.pdf)

  • Computational Optimal Transport 📗

    Peyré, G., & Cuturi, M. (2019). Computational optimal transport: With applications to data science. Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning, 11(5-6), 355-607.

    [url] [[pdf]](./papers/Computational Optimal Transport.pdf)


Especially for some registration algorithms used widely in SLAM applications

  • LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time

    Zhang, Ji, and Sanjiv Singh. "LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time." Robotics: Science and Systems. Vol. 2. No. 9. 2014.

    [[pdf]](./papers/LOAM Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time.pdf)

    Citations: 1333

    • A SLAM framework considering the motion distortion in the process.
    • The registration process is finished by extracting features and use them to register two scans.
  • Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: Toward the Robust-Perception Age

    Cadena, Cesar, et al. "Past, present, and future of simultaneous localization and mapping: Toward the robust-perception age." IEEE Transactions on robotics 32.6 (2016): 1309-1332.

    Citations: 2316

  • PLADE: A Plane-Based Descriptor for Point Cloud Registration With Small Overlap

    Chen, Songlin, et al. "PLADE: A plane-based descriptor for point cloud registration with small overlap." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 58.4 (2019): 2530-2540.

    Citations: 33

  • Point-plane SLAM for hand-held 3D sensors

  • Point Set Registration With Semantic Region Association Using Cascaded Expectation Maximization


  • Occupancy map building through Bayesian exploration

    Francis, Gilad, et al. "Occupancy map building through bayesian exploration." The International Journal of Robotics Research 38.7 (2019): 769-792.

    Citations: 9

Data Set

  • Are we ready for autonomous driving? The KITTI vision benchmark suite (KITTI)

    Geiger, Andreas, Philip Lenz, and Raquel Urtasun. "Are we ready for autonomous driving? the kitti vision benchmark suite." 2012 IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. IEEE, 2012.

    Citations: 8397


  • Challenging data sets for point cloud registration algorithms

    Pomerleau, François, et al. "Challenging data sets for point cloud registration algorithms." The International Journal of Robotics Research 31.14 (2012): 1705-1711.

    [pdf] [data set]

Other Applications

  • Grasp pose detection in point clouds

    ten Pas, Andreas, et al. "Grasp pose detection in point clouds." The International Journal of Robotics Research 36.13-14 (2017): 1455-1473.

    Citations: 271

  • Self-calibration for a 3D laser

    Sheehan, Mark, Alastair Harrison, and Paul Newman. "Self-calibration for a 3D laser." The International Journal of Robotics Research 31.5 (2012): 675-687.

    Citations: 95


  • A Quantitative Analysis of Current Practices in Optical Flow Estimation and the Principles Behind Them

    Sun, Deqing, Stefan Roth, and Michael J. Black. "A quantitative analysis of current practices in optical flow estimation and the principles behind them." International Journal of Computer Vision 106.2 (2014): 115-137.

    Citations: 578

    [[pdf]](./papers/A Quantitative Analysis of Current Practices in Optical Flow Estimation and the Principles Behind Them.pdf)

    • A good example for survey.
  • Secrets of optical flow estimation and their principles

    Sun, Deqing, Stefan Roth, and Michael J. Black. "Secrets of optical flow estimation and their principles." 2010 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. IEEE, 2010.

    Citations: 1691

    [[pdf]](./papers/Secrets of Optical Flow Estimation and Their Principles.pdf)

  • Rotation Averaging

    Hartley, Richard, et al. "Rotation averaging." International journal of computer vision 103.3 (2013): 267-305.

    Citations: 475

    [[pdf]](./papers/Rotation Averaging.pdf)

    • The article intrduces how to calculate the average rotation of multiple rotations.
    • The summary recommends two good ways(No best and closed-form way)

  • What's the unstructured environment?

    Environment that contains many obstacles and where vehicle localization is difficult. Most natural environments are unstructured.