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Deploy the DAOS Cluster Example


These instructions describe how to deploy a DAOS Cluster using the example in terraform/examples/daos_cluster.

Deployment tasks described in these instructions:

  • Deploy a DAOS cluster using Terraform
  • Perform DAOS administrative tasks to prepare the storage
  • Mount a DAOS container with DFuse (DAOS FUSE)
  • Store files in a DAOS container
  • Unmount the container
  • Remove the deployment (terraform destroy)

Clone the repository

Clone the daos-stack/google-cloud-daos repository and change your working directory to the DAOS Cluster example directory.

cd ~/
git clone
cd ~/google-cloud-daos/terraform/examples/daos_cluster

Create a terraform.tfvars file

Before you run terraform you need to create a terraform.tfvars file in the terraform/examples/daos_cluster directory.

The terraform.tfvars file contains the variable values for the configuration.

To ensure a successful deployment of a DAOS cluster there are two pre-configured terraform.tfvars.*.example files that you can choose from.

You will need to decide which of these files to copy to terraform.tfvars.

The terraform.tfvars.tco.example file

The terraform.tfvars.tco.example contains variables for a DAOS cluster deployment with

  • 16 DAOS Client instances

  • 4 DAOS Server instances

    Each server instance has sixteen 375GB NVMe SSDs

To use the terraform.tfvars.tco.example file

cp terraform.tfvars.tco.example terraform.tfvars

The terraform.tfvars.perf.example file

The terraform.tfvars.perf.example contains variables for a DAOS cluster deployment with

  • 16 DAOS Client instances

  • 4 DAOS Server instances

    Each server instances has four 375GB NVMe SSDs

To use the terraform.tfvars.perf.example file run

cp terraform.tfvars.perf.example terraform.tfvars

Update variables in terraform.tfvars

Now that you have a terraform.tfvars file you need to replace the variable placeholders in the file with the values from your active gcloud configuration.

To update the variables in terraform.tfvars run

PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)')
REGION=$(gcloud config list --format 'value(compute.region)')
ZONE=$(gcloud config list --format 'value(')

sed -i "s/<project_id>/${PROJECT_ID}/g" terraform.tfvars
sed -i "s/<region>/${REGION}/g" terraform.tfvars
sed -i "s/<zone>/${ZONE}/g" terraform.tfvars

Deploy the DAOS cluster

Billing Notification!

Running this example will incur charges in your project.

To avoid surprises, be sure to monitor your costs associated with running this example.

Don't forget to shut down the DAOS cluster with terraform destroy when you are finished.

Deploy with Terraform

To deploy the DAOS cluster

terraform init
terraform plan -out=tfplan
terraform apply tfplan

List the instances

Verify that the daos-client and daos-server instances are running.

gcloud compute instances list \
  --filter="name ~ daos" \

Perform DAOS administration tasks

After your DAOS cluster has been deployed you can log into the first DAOS server instance to perform administrative tasks.

Log into the first DAOS server instance

Log into the first server instance

gcloud compute ssh daos-server-0001

Verify that all daos-server instances have joined

The DAOS Management Tool dmg is meant to be used by administrators to manage the DAOS storage system and pools.

You will need to run dmg with sudo.

Use dmg to verify that the DAOS storage system is ready.

sudo dmg system query -v

The State column should display "Joined" for all servers.

Rank UUID                                 Control Address   Fault Domain      State  Reason
---- ----                                 ---------------   ------------      -----  ------
0    0796c576-5651-4e37-aa15-09f333d2d2b8 /daos-server-0001 Joined
1    f29f7058-8abb-429f-9fd3-8b13272d7de0 /daos-server-0003 Joined
2    09fc0dab-c238-4090-b3f8-da2bd4dce108 /daos-server-0002 Joined
3    2cc9140b-fb12-4777-892e-7d190f6dfb0f /daos-server-0004 Joined

Create a Pool

View the amount of free NVMe storage.

sudo dmg storage query usage

The output will look different depending on which terraform.tfvars.*.example file you copied to create the terraform.tfvars file.

The output will look similar to this

Hosts            SCM-Total SCM-Free SCM-Used NVMe-Total NVMe-Free NVMe-Used
-----            --------- -------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------
daos-server-0001 48 GB     48 GB    0 %      1.6 TB     1.6 TB    0 %
daos-server-0002 48 GB     48 GB    0 %      1.6 TB     1.6 TB    0 %
daos-server-0003 48 GB     48 GB    0 %      1.6 TB     1.6 TB    0 %
daos-server-0004 48 GB     48 GB    0 %      1.6 TB     1.6 TB    0 %

This shows how much NVMe-Free space is available for each server.

Create a pool named pool1 that uses the total NVMe-Free for all servers.

TOTAL_NVME_FREE="$(sudo dmg storage query usage | awk '{split($0,a," "); sum += a[10]} END {print sum}')TB"
echo "Total NVMe-Free: ${TOTAL_NVME_FREE}"
sudo dmg pool create --size="${TOTAL_NVME_FREE}" --tier-ratio=3 --label=pool1

View the ACLs on pool1

sudo dmg pool get-acl pool1
# Owner: root@
# Owner Group: root@
# Entries:

Here we see that root owns the pool.

Add an ACE that will allow any user to create a container in the pool

sudo dmg pool update-acl -e A::EVERYONE@:rcta pool1

This completes the administration tasks for the pool.

For more information about pools see

Log out of the first server instance

Now that the administrative tasks have been completed, you may log out of the first server instance.


Create a Container

User tasks such as creating and mounting a container will be done on the first client

Log into the first DAOS client instance

Log into the first client instance

gcloud compute ssh daos-client-0001

Create a container in the pool

daos container create --type=POSIX --properties=rf:0 --label=cont1 pool1

For more information about containers see

Mount the container

Mount the container with dfuse

mkdir -p "${MOUNT_DIR}"
dfuse --singlethread --pool=pool1 --container=cont1 --mountpoint="${MOUNT_DIR}"
df -h -t fuse.daos

You can now store files in the DAOS container mounted on ${HOME}/daos/cont1.

For more information about DFuse see the DAOS FUSE section of the User Guide.

Use the Storage

The cont1 container is now mounted on ${HOME}/daos/cont1

Create a 20GiB file which will be stored in the DAOS filesystem.

cd ${HOME}/daos/cont1
time LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ \
  dd if=/dev/zero of=./test21G.img bs=1G count=20

Unmount the container and logout of the first client

cd ~/
fusermount -u "${HOME}/daos/cont1"

Remove DAOS cluster deployment

To destroy the DAOS cluster run

terraform destroy

This will destroy all DAOS server and client instances.


You have successfully deployed a DAOS cluster using the terraform/examples/daos_cluster example!