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Install CSI driver with Helm 3



  • make controller only run on control plane node: --set controller.runOnControlPlane=true
  • set replica of controller as 1: --set controller.replicas=1 (only applied for NFS protocol)
  • specify different cloud config secret for the driver:
    • --set controller.cloudConfigSecretName
    • --set controller.cloudConfigSecretNamesapce
    • --set node.cloudConfigSecretName
    • --set node.cloudConfigSecretNamesapce
  • switch to repository in Azure China: --set
  • Microk8s based kubernetes recommended settings:
    • --set linux.kubelet="/var/snap/microk8s/common/var/lib/kubelet" - sets correct path to microk8s kubelet even though a user has a folder link to it.

install a specific version

helm repo add azurefile-csi-driver
helm install azurefile-csi-driver azurefile-csi-driver/azurefile-csi-driver --namespace kube-system --version 1.31.2

install on RedHat/CentOS

helm install azurefile-csi-driver azurefile-csi-driver/azurefile-csi-driver --namespace kube-system --set linux.distro=fedora

install driver with customized driver name, deployment name

  • following example would install a driver with name file2
helm install azurefile2-csi-driver azurefile-csi-driver/azurefile-csi-driver --namespace kube-system --set"" --set"csi-azurefile2-controller" --set --set serviceAccount.controller=csi-azurefile2-controller-sa --set serviceAccount.node=csi-azurefile2-node-sa --set linux.dsName=csi-azurefile2-node --set windows.dsName=csi-azurefile2-node-win --set node.livenessProbe.healthPort=39613

search for all available chart versions

helm search repo -l azurefile-csi-driver

uninstall CSI driver

helm uninstall azurefile-csi-driver -n kube-system

latest chart configuration

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the latest Azure File CSI Driver chart and default values.

Parameter Description Default
azureCredentialFileConfigMap alternative ConfigMap name for the credentials file azure-cred-file alternative driver name
driver.customUserAgent custom userAgent ``
driver.userAgentSuffix userAgent suffix OSS-helm
driver.azureGoSDKLogLevel Azure go sdk log level ``(no logs), DEBUG, `INFO`, `WARNING`, `ERROR`, etc.
feature.enableGetVolumeStats allow GET_VOLUME_STATS on agent node true
feature.enableVolumeMountGroup indicates whether enabling VOLUME_MOUNT_GROUP true
feature.fsGroupPolicy CSIDriver FSGroupPolicy value ReadWriteOnceWithFSType(available values: ReadWriteOnceWithFSType, File, None)
image.baseRepo base repository of driver images
image.azurefile.repository azurefile-csi-driver container image /oss/kubernetes-csi/azurefile-csi
image.azurefile.tag azurefile-csi-driver container image tag ``
image.azurefile.pullPolicy azurefile-csi-driver image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.csiProvisioner.repository csi-provisioner container image /oss/kubernetes-csi/csi-provisioner
image.csiProvisioner.tag csi-provisioner container image tag v5.2.0
image.csiProvisioner.pullPolicy csi-provisioner image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.csiResizer.repository csi-resizer container image /oss/kubernetes-csi/csi-resizer
image.csiResizer.tag csi-resizer container image tag v1.13.2
image.csiResizer.pullPolicy csi-resizer image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.livenessProbe.repository liveness-probe container image /oss/kubernetes-csi/livenessprobe
image.livenessProbe.tag liveness-probe container image tag v2.15.0
image.livenessProbe.pullPolicy liveness-probe image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.nodeDriverRegistrar.repository csi-node-driver-registrar container image /oss/kubernetes-csi/csi-node-driver-registrar
image.nodeDriverRegistrar.tag csi-node-driver-registrar container image tag v2.13.0
image.nodeDriverRegistrar.pullPolicy csi-node-driver-registrar image pull policy IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods)
customLabels Custom labels to add into metadata {}
serviceAccount.create whether create service account of csi-azurefile-controller, csi-azurefile-node, and snapshot-controller true
serviceAccount.controller name of service account for csi-azurefile-controller csi-azurefile-controller-sa
serviceAccount.node name of service account for csi-azurefile-node csi-azurefile-node-sa
serviceAccount.snapshotController name of service account for csi-snapshot-controller csi-snapshot-controller-sa
rbac.create whether create rbac for this driver true driver name in rbac role azurefile name of driver deployment csi-azurefile-controller
controller.cloudConfigSecretName cloud config secret name of controller driver azure-cloud-provider
controller.cloudConfigSecretNamespace cloud config secret namespace of controller driver kube-system
controller.allowEmptyCloudConfig Whether allow running controller driver without cloud config true
controller.replicas replicas of csi-azurefile-controller 2
controller.labels controller deployment extra labels {}
controller.annotations controller deployment extra annotations {}
controller.podLabels controller pods extra labels {}
controller.podAnnotations controller pods extra annotations {}
controller.hostNetwork hostNetwork setting on controller driver(could be disabled if controller does not depend on MSI setting) true
controller.metricsPort metrics port of csi-azurefile-controller 29614
controller.livenessProbe.healthPort health check port for liveness probe 29612
controller.runOnMaster run controller on master node(deprecated on k8s 1.25+) false
controller.runOnControlPlane run controller on control plane node false
controller.attachRequired enable attach/detach (only valid for vhd disk feature) false
controller.logLevel controller driver log level 5
controller.resources.csiProvisioner.limits.memory csi-provisioner memory limits 500Mi
controller.resources.csiProvisioner.requests.cpu csi-provisioner cpu requests 10m
controller.resources.csiProvisioner.requests.memory csi-provisioner memory requests 20Mi
controller.resources.csiAttacher.limits.memory csi-attacher memory limits 500Mi
controller.resources.csiAttacher.requests.cpu csi-attacher cpu requests 10m
controller.resources.csiAttacher.requests.memory csi-attacher memory requests 20Mi
controller.resources.csiResizer.limits.memory csi-resizer memory limits 500Mi
controller.resources.csiResizer.requests.cpu csi-resizer cpu requests 10m
controller.resources.csiResizer.requests.memory csi-resizer memory requests 20Mi
controller.resources.csiSnapshotter.limits.memory csi-snapshotter memory limits 400Mi
controller.resources.csiSnapshotter.requests.cpu csi-snapshotter cpu requests 10m
controller.resources.csiSnapshotter.requests.memory csi-snapshotter memory requests 20Mi
controller.resources.livenessProbe.limits.memory liveness-probe memory limits 100Mi
controller.resources.livenessProbe.requests.cpu liveness-probe cpu requests 10m
controller.resources.livenessProbe.requests.memory liveness-probe memory requests 20Mi
controller.resources.azurefile.limits.memory azurefile memory limits 800Mi
controller.resources.azurefile.requests.cpu azurefile cpu requests 10m
controller.resources.azurefile.requests.memory azurefile memory requests 20Mi
controller.kubeconfig configure kubeconfig path on controller node '' (empty, use InClusterConfig by default)
controller.tolerations controller pod tolerations
controller.affinity controller pod affinity {}
controller.nodeSelector controller pod node selector {}
node.cloudConfigSecretName cloud config secret name of node driver azure-cloud-provider
node.cloudConfigSecretNamespace cloud config secret namespace of node driver kube-system
node.allowEmptyCloudConfig Whether allow running node driver without cloud config true
node.allowInlineVolumeKeyAccessWithIdentity Whether allow accessing storage account key using cluster identity for inline volume false
node.maxUnavailable maxUnavailable value of driver node daemonset 1
node.livenessProbe.healthPort health check port for liveness probe 29613
node.logLevel node driver log level 5
snapshot.enabled whether enable snapshot feature false
snapshot.image.csiSnapshotter.repository csi-snapshotter container image /oss/kubernetes-csi/csi-snapshotter
snapshot.image.csiSnapshotter.tag csi-snapshotter container image tag v8.2.0
snapshot.image.csiSnapshotter.pullPolicy csi-snapshotter image pull policy IfNotPresent
snapshot.image.csiSnapshotController.repository snapshot-controller container image /oss/kubernetes-csi/snapshot-controller
snapshot.image.csiSnapshotController.tag snapshot-controller container image tag v8.2.0
snapshot.image.csiSnapshotController.pullPolicy snapshot-controller image pull policy IfNotPresent snapshot controller name csi-snapshot-controller
snapshot.snapshotController.replicas the replicas of snapshot-controller 2
snapshot.snapshotController.labels snapshot controller deployment extra labels {}
snapshot.snapshotController.annotations snapshot controller deployment extra annotations {}
snapshot.snapshotController.podLabels snapshot controller pods extra labels {}
snapshot.snapshotController.podAnnotations snapshot controller pods extra annotations {}
snapshot.snapshotController.resources.limits.memory csi-snapshot-controller memory limits 500Mi
snapshot.snapshotController.resources.requests.cpu csi-snapshot-controller cpu requests 10m
snapshot.snapshotController.resources.requests.memory csi-snapshot-controller memory requests 20Mi
linux.enabled whether enable linux feature true
linux.dsName name of driver daemonset on linux csi-azurefile-node
linux.dnsPolicy dnsPolicy setting of driver daemonset on linux Default (available values: Default, ClusterFirst, ClusterFirstWithHostNet, None)
linux.kubelet configure kubelet directory path on Linux agent node node /var/lib/kubelet
linux.kubeconfig configure kubeconfig path on Linux agent node '' (empty, use InClusterConfig by default)
linux.distro configure ssl certificates for different Linux distribution(available values: debian, fedora)
linux.mountPermissions mounted folder permissions 0777
linux.enableRegistrationProbe enable kubelet-registration-probe on Linux driver config true
linux.tolerations linux node driver tolerations
linux.affinity linux node pod affinity {}
linux.nodeSelector linux node pod node selector {}
linux.labels linux node daemonset extra labels {}
linux.annotations linux node daemonset extra annotations {}
linux.podLabels linux node pods extra labels {}
linux.podAnnotations linux node pods extra annotations {}
linux.resources.livenessProbe.limits.memory liveness-probe memory limits 100Mi
linux.resources.livenessProbe.requests.cpu liveness-probe cpu requests 10m
linux.resources.livenessProbe.requests.memory liveness-probe memory requests 20Mi
linux.resources.nodeDriverRegistrar.limits.memory csi-node-driver-registrar memory limits 100Mi
linux.resources.nodeDriverRegistrar.requests.cpu csi-node-driver-registrar cpu requests 30m
linux.resources.nodeDriverRegistrar.requests.memory csi-node-driver-registrar memory requests 20Mi
linux.resources.azurefile.limits.memory azurefile memory limits 200Mi
linux.resources.azurefile.requests.cpu azurefile cpu requests 10m
linux.resources.azurefile.requests.memory azurefile memory requests 20Mi
windows.enabled whether enable windows feature true
windows.dsName name of driver daemonset on windows csi-azurefile-node-win
windows.useHostProcessContainers whether deploy driver daemonset with HostProcess containers on windows true
windows.kubelet configure kubelet directory path on Windows agent node 'C:\var\lib\kubelet'
windows.kubeconfig configure kubeconfig path on Windows agent node `` (empty, use InClusterConfig by default)
windows.enableRegistrationProbe enable kubelet-registration-probe on windows driver config true
windows.tolerations windows node driver tolerations
windows.affinity windows node pod affinity {}
windows.nodeSelector windows node pod node selector {}
windows.labels windows node daemonset extra labels {}
windows.annotations windows node daemonset extra annotations {}
windows.podLabels windows node pods extra labels {}
windows.podAnnotations windows node pods extra annotations {}
windows.resources.livenessProbe.limits.memory liveness-probe memory limits 150Mi
windows.resources.livenessProbe.requests.cpu liveness-probe cpu requests 10m
windows.resources.livenessProbe.requests.memory liveness-probe memory requests 40Mi
windows.resources.nodeDriverRegistrar.limits.memory csi-node-driver-registrar memory limits 150Mi
windows.resources.nodeDriverRegistrar.requests.cpu csi-node-driver-registrar cpu requests 10m
windows.resources.nodeDriverRegistrar.requests.memory csi-node-driver-registrar memory requests 40Mi
windows.resources.azurefile.limits.memory azurefile memory limits 600Mi
windows.resources.azurefile.requests.cpu azurefile cpu requests 10m
windows.resources.azurefile.requests.memory azurefile memory requests 40Mi
workloadIdentity.clientID client ID of workload identity ''
workloadIdentity.tenantID [optional] If the AAD application or user-assigned managed identity is not in the same tenant as the cluster then set tenantID with the AAD application or user-assigned managed identity tenant ID ''


  • Add --wait -v=5 --debug in helm install command to get detailed error
  • Use kubectl describe to acquire more info