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3 - App Development with KRM

estimated time: 2-3 hours

Now that we've set up Continuous Deployment for the Cymbal Bank app, you might be asking yourself, how did the application code actually get into those production containers? What if the code gets updated?

If you look inside the cymbalbank-app-config/ manifests, and look at the image tags for any of the Deployments in the prod/ overlay, you'll see that for Demo 2, pre-built sample images were initially provided for you:

      - name: contacts

In this demo, we'll explore how an app developer can get a new Cymbal Bank feature from their editor into production.

What you'll learn

  • How to set up a Kubernetes development environment using VSCode and Google Cloud Code
  • How the skaffold tool works with container builders like Docker to auto-build source code, and deploy to Kubernetes
  • How to integrate skaffold with the kustomize manifests we saw in part 2
  • How to stage pull requests in Kubernetes automatically
  • How to set up a complete CI/CD pipeline, building on the Continuous Deployment workflow from part 2


  1. Complete demo parts 1 and 2.