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Intel RealSense ID Examples

Instructions for Windows

Instructions for Linux

Windows - Compilation and usage


How to build:

Use CMake version 3.13 or above:

Default build:

  1. Download or Clone the repository.
  2. In cloned folder, open command line and run the following:
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..

Build with OpenCV (for C# preview):

  1. Install precompiled OpenCV on Windows:

    1. Download opencv-4.3.0-vc14_vc15.exe
    2. Extract installation to: C:\openCV_4.3
    3. Set Environment variable OpenCV_DIR pointing to C:\openCV_4.3\opencv\build folder.
  2. Build as following:

> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake -D RSID_PREVIEW=1 ..
  1. In build folder you should have full visual studio solution. run RealSenseID.sln.
  2. Build solution.
  3. Copy from *C:\openCV_4.3\opencv\build\x64\vc15\bin* the files: [opencv_world430.dll, opencv_world430d.dll] to your sample binary location <rsid_staging>/build/bin/ <Debug/Release>
  4. After building solution you will find in \build\bin<Debug/Release> three executables:
  • rsid_csharp_example.exe
  • rsid_cpp_example.exe
  • rsid_c_example.exe


How to run example apps

Make sure you have connected the Intel RealSense ID F450 / F455 device to your PC.

Run Windows "Device Manager" and check in which COM port the device was recognized (It should appear under Ports (COM & LPT) (For example: COM3)

C# Example:

  1. Edit "rsid_csharp_example.exe.config" file located in bin folder (where .exe files are located) as following:
    • Edit COM number to like the one you saw previously at Device Manager
    • Edit USB Type - to USB or UART depends of the connection you choose to connect the device to.
  2. Simply Run: rsid_csharp_example.exe

C++ Example:

At bin folder (where .exe files are located) run command line and run the app as following:

rsid_cpp_example.exe <port> <usb/uart>

For Example:

rsid_cpp_example.exe COM3 usb

C Example:

At bin folder (where .exe files are located) run command line and run the app as following:

rsid_c_example.exe <port> <usb/uart>

For Example:

rsid_c_example.exe COM3 usb

Linux - Compilation and usage

*** instructions for Ubuntu 18.4 ***


  • CMake - 3.13.0 or higher.

How to compile:

  1. Download or Clone the repository.
  2. In main folder, Open Terminal and run the following:
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
> make
  1. After building solution you will find in \build\bin\ two executables:
    1. rsid_c_example
    2. rsid_cpp_example


How to run example apps

First make sure you have connected the Intel RealSense ID F450 / F455 Camera to your PC.

  1. Check in which Port the device was recognized by running:


    (you should see something like: ACM#<# port number>)

  2. Grant permission to that USB port by running the following command (# - Port number):

    sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM#

C++ Example:

At bin folder (where .exe files are located) run command line and run the app as following:

./rsid_cpp_example <port> <usb/uart>

For Example:

./rsid_cpp_example.exe COM3 usb

C Example:

At bin folder (where .exe files are located) run command line and run the app as following:

./rsid_c_example <port> <usb/uart>

For Example:

./rsid_c_example.exe COM3 usb