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37 lines (25 loc) · 2.11 KB

File metadata and controls

37 lines (25 loc) · 2.11 KB




  • remove normalize.css dependency
  • remove 'sans-serif' font-family from css - font will be inherited from parent node



  • onChange, onSelect, onNav are called with date string first, and then the moment instance. So the first 2 args are inverted from previous versions
  • add support for better i18n - through locale, weekStartDay and weekDayNames props
  • made viewDate and view controlled. Introduced uncontrolled alternatives defaultViewDate(default to date or now) and defaultView (defaults to "month")
  • add onViewDateChange and onViewChange props that can be used to handle the changes for the respective properties
  • add navOnDateClick - defaults to true. If false, will not navigate to the date that was clicked, even if that date is in the prev/next month
  • add dayFormat, monthFormat, yearFormat

Starting v 2.0.0 react-date-picker is moved to zippyui.


  • today and gotoSelected are renamed as todayText and gotoSelectedText. Old names are now deprecated, and will be removed in a future minor version.
  • add renderFooter prop, which can be used to render a different footer.
  • change the behavior of renderDay prop: if it now returns undefined, we assume it just changed props, so we render the default cell, with the updated props. This means you can use renderDay both to affect the props object passed to day cells and/or the render a completely different cell


  • renderDay & onRenderDay properties are available to allow full control over day-cell rendering
  • onNav is called with new args: moment, text, view, direction - where moment is a date as a momentjs instance, text is the date formatted as text, the view is the view name ('month','year','decade') and direction is 1 (nav to next period) or -1 (nav to prev period)
  • onSelect is called with new args: moment, text, view