In your command-line on Windows:
c:\> npm i ideamart-sdk --save
In your terminal on Mac OS X/Linux:
$npm i ideamart-sdk --save
In Node.js:
// Load full IdeaMart SMS SDK build
const IdeaMart = require('ideamart-sdk');
// Load SMSReceiver and SMSSender Modules separately
const SMSReceiver = IdeaMart.SMSReceiver;
const SMSSender = IdeaMart.SMSSender;
// Define the mandatory data that are needed for the API to function
const SERVER_URL = 'http://localhost:7000/sms/send';
const APP_ID = 'APP_000001';
const APP_PASSWORD = 'password';
// Create new sender instance to send a SMS.
const sender = new SMSSender.SMS(SERVER_URL, APP_ID, APP_PASSWORD);
// Sample route to test if the request response is working correctly.'/send', (req, res) => {
// Extract the request data from request body using SMSReceiver module.
const receiver = new SMSReceiver.SMS(req.body);
//Extract address and message from request body.
const address = receiver.getAddress();
const message = receiver.getMessage();
// Send the SMS to the sender
sender.sendSMS(message, address);
// Return status for testing purposes when testing using Postman
- axios: Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js