Requirements: Download AzCopy
Copy a Blob within the Azure CLI:
az storage blob copy start --source-account-name "storagepluralsight01" --source-account-key "00000000" --source-container "images" --source-blob "thomas.jpg" --account-name "storagepluralsight02" --account-key "00000000" --destination-container "pictures" --destination-blob "thomas.jpg"
Copy a Container within the Azure CLI:
az storage blob copy start-batch --source-account-name "storagepluralsight01" --source-account-key "00000000" --source-container "images" --account-name "storagepluralsight02" --account-key "00000000" --destination-container "pictures"
Upload local folder using AzCopy:
azcopy copy "C:\Documents" "[container]?[SAS]" --recursive=true
Copy a single blob using AzCopy:
azcopy copy "[container]/[blob]?[SAS]" "[container]/[blob]?[SAS]
Copy blobs between containers using AzCopy:
azcopy copy "[container]?[SAS]" "[container]?[SAS]" --recursive=true
Copy containers between storage accounts using AzCopy:
azcopy copy "[SAS]" "[SAS]" --recursive=true