All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add other badges to the list (3be0d1c)
- allow diacritics in token name and fix #1 (9a05e5c)
- cache images and improve error handling (e014130)
- calculate new version from lists (a59e27a)
- fetch remote and upload new list (5b20d9c)
- handle missing decimals and build initial list object (d14c6e7)
- include list logo in json file (5c1ba23)
- initial ens handling (8667c53)
- optionally, also pin hash to (562bd3e)
- output to file (8859d7c)
- prepare for use with cron (81d8cb5)
- pull tokens from t2cr (61844ac)
- set ens name after uploading list (6d02393)
- shorten erc20 badge name (8cb69ce)
- shrink image from t2cr and upload to ipfs (284501e)
- take token decimal places from curate, if possible (99bd933)
- update erc20 badge description (ede08ed)
- validate generated object against @uniswap/token-lists schema (6a6a8e1)
- validate list file against uniswap json schema (fee9d0d)
- build before running script (9667926)
- expected node version (8cbe656)
- infura timeouts and outdate cache (7264f70)
- invalid token names should not prevent new lists from being published (c38235a)
- missing empty string (b6df940)
- missing fetch definition (ca107d0)
- prevent tokens that fail ticker regex from publishing the list (0ccfcf1)
- regex issue with badge description (1ac9bcc)
- update node version and fix log output (868a908)