EVOKS (Editor for Vocabularies to Know Semantics) is a software for creating and publishing SKOS vocabularies and thesauri. It allows you to:
- create a SKOS vocabulary from scratch
- import SKOS vocabularies in RDF/XML or Turtle format
- edit SKOS vocabularies without using its textual representation
- work collaborativley
- publish the vocabulary with a single click in the vocabulary browser SKOSMOS
Caution Use of this software in a production environment or with external access is at your own risk. No warranties, guarantees, or liabilities are provided, and the software is offered as-is.
- See github issues of this repo for all known issues.
The main way to install EVOKS and its depending services is to build and run the docker images locally using docker compose.
- Unix-based system (e.g. Linux, MacOS, Windows using WSL (untested))
- Installation of most recent versions of
Clone this repository:
user@localhost:/home/user/$ git clone https://github.com/kit-data-manager/EVOKS.git Clone to 'EVOKS' [...] user@localhost:/home/user/$ cd EVOKS user@localhost:/home/user/EVOKS$
Copy .example.env and rename to .env
Open .env and change the variables if desired, see Overview of variables.
Caution Change of Fuseki and Postgres credentials is strongly recommended, especially if it will be accessible from outside
Open evoks/evoks/settings.py and change the SECRET_KEY. Use of a key generator like https://djecrety.ir/ is strongly recommended.
docker compose build
docker compose up
Open PUBLICURL:PROXYPORT/EVOKS_URL (as set in .env), with default values http://localhost:9000/ in your browser (opening in Firefox not working currently)
To open the vocabulary browser Skosmos, open PUBLICURL:PROXYPORT/skosmos-dev or PUBLICURL:PROXYPORT/skosmos-live
To stop the services, run
docker compose down
and to restartdocker compose up
VAR NAME | Default value | Description | Change recommended | |
INSTANCE_NAME | defaultinstance | Prefix of docker container names | no | |
PROXY_PORT | 9000 | Port where the proxy is located | no | |
PUBLICURL | localhost | (public) base URL under which the services will be reached ("http://" resp. "https://" is added automatically) | no | |
EVOKS_MAIL | example@example.de | Mailaddress for automatically sending notifications to the instance admin (typically the person who installed the service) | no | |
FUSEKI_PASSWORD | insecure_changeme | Default fuseki password, change especially if not used locally | yes | |
POSTGRES_USER | postgres | Default postgres username, change especially if not used locally | yes | |
POSTGRES_PASSWORD | insecure_changeme | Default postgres password, change especially if not used locally | yes | |
EVOKS_URL | / | path directory under which the web app (evoks) will be reached | no | |
POSTGRES_PORT | 8005 | (Developers only) Port of Postgres DB, service not forwarded to host if unset | no | |
FUSEKI_DEV_PORT | 8003 | (Developers only) Port of Fuseki Triple Store, service not forwarded directly to host if unset | no | |
FUSEKI_LIVE_PORT | 8004 | (Developers only) Port of Fuseki Triple Store (of published vocabularies), service not forwarded directly to host if unset | no | |
EVOKS_PORT | 8000 | (Developers only) Port of EVOKS, service not forwarded directly to host if unset | no | |
SKOSMOS_DEV_PORT | 8001 | (Developers only) Port of Skosmos for vocabulary development, service not forwarded directly to host if unset | no | |
SKOSMOS_LIVE_PORT | 8002 | (Developers only) Port of Skosmos for published vocabularies, , service not forwarded directly to host if unset | no |
You need to create an administrator account for EVOKS by performing the following steps:
- Run
docker ps
, look for<container_prefix>_web
) container - Run
docker exec -it <container_prefix>_web bash
accordingly) - Now you are within the container. Run:
python evoks/manage.py createsuperuser
- Follow instructions to create a superuser. You can choose whatever username, password and (arbitary) mailaddress you like
- Log into EVOKS using the email as username and the chosen password
Apply the Django deployment checklist. Most of it is already implemented, you should at least do the following:
- Setup https using the provided reverse proxy nginx
- Log into the web container and run
python evoks/manage.py check --deploy
and check & solve all issues - Make sure to set / change all variables in .env where it is recommended
- Open .env file
- Fill out
in this file. Caution: Be aware that the password is stored as plain text!
EMAIL_HOST_USER=your-email EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=your-password
- Open
and configure the SMTP server. E.g. for gmailEMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.gmail.com' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = TRUE
Most of the email providers (e.g. Gmail) do not accept Less Secure Apps by default, so you have to accept Less Secure Apps in the settings of the email you are using.
- Open .env file
- Adjust all variables marked as "(Developers only)" in the Overview of variables.
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up
Run the tests:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.test.yml up --abort-on-container-exit --exit-code-from web
Run tests within container (e.g. for test bug fixing):
Log into web container, cd to evoks, execute python manage.py test tests/model/ tests/migration/ tests/skosmos/ tests/fuseki/ tests/views/ tests/evoks
EVOKS is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. License owner: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Acknowledgement Development of this software product was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)—CRC 980 Episteme in Motion, Project-ID 191249397, and by the research program “Engineering Digital Futures” of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers.