The Kids First Data Resource Center GATK Create CNV Panel of Normals Workflow is a direct port of the GATK best practices workflow WDL. Use this workflow for creating a GATK CNV Panel of Normals given a list of normal samples aligned reads. Supports both WGS and WES/WXS.
Our Panel of Normal standards are the same as those defined in the Broad/GATK Documentation here:
In the best case scenario, you will have 40 samples derived from healthy tissue. Ideally these samples come from young and healthy individuals (thus eliminating the chance of a sample containing undiagnosed tumor tissue). Those 40 samples will then be processed in the same way as the tumor sample. Processing includes all technical variables through sequencing (library preparation, sequencing platform, etc.). For WGS or WXS that spans the allosomes, the samples used for the panel of normals should have uniform sex.
Often when working on a project, there will not be 40 normal samples available to the user. If multiple sequencing approaches/centers are used or you have allosomal regions of interest, the number of required normals can rapidly expand. If you are unable to acquire the 40 samples, it is still possible to create a smaller panel of normals. According to GATK, there is no definitive rule for the number of samples and even a small panel is better than no panel.
Internally, we have observed that as the panel becomes smaller, more calls are made and those calls are less accurate. For WGS, we have observed that once panels become smaller than 15 samples, the calls begin to noticeably deteriorate. For WXS, calling deteriorates somewhere under 25 samples.
It can be difficult to procure the 80 samples (40 male + 40 female) required to generate a male and female panel of normals. In case where you have around 40 samples total and perhaps less than 20 male and/or female samples, you might consider dropping allosomes from the analysis. If your analysis has no regions of interest on the allosomes, it might be best to drop those chromosomes from the panel of normals. The mixed-sex panel of normals will be applicable to all samples in your study at the cost of chrX and chrY calls.
It is possible to create a panel of normals from a single normal sample. Internally, we have observed that the calls generated from this scenario are highly erratic. In the case of WXS, the calls made had little overlap with the calls made from a larger panel. In the case of WGS, we had instances where the results looked slightly worse than the 15 sample panel of normals but we also had instances where the calls in no way resembled those from the larger panel. Again these results were all better than no panel but were far from what we would call reliable calls.
- Your tumor sample shares an sequencing approach with 40 normals samples (if your analysis includes allosomal regions, these samples must have the same sex as your tumor sample) in the same project.
- If not, reach out to the sequencing center that provided the tumor sample and request a set of normal samples that share the sequencing approach.
- If the center cannot provide such samples, search for public or similarly-controlled samples that share the sequencing approach. You will probably have most luck with WGS.
At this point you have exhausted your sample sources. From here you can evaluate where you stand:
40 or more
: you meet the GATK recommended minimum. Feel free to proceed.30 to 40
: the results do not meet the GATK minimum but the panel is still rather sizable and worth a run20 to 30
: calls from WXS or low-coverage WGS begin to deteriorate; run at your own risk!10 to 20
: calls from high-coverage WGS begin to deteriorate; run at your own risk!1 to 10
: do not trust calls without extensive follow-up analysis!!!
- prepares a genomic intervals list with PreprocessIntervals
- collects read coverage counts across the preprocessed intervals
- annotate the preprocessed intervals
- creates a CNV PoN with CreateReadCountPanelOfNormals using read coverage counts
- The intervals argument (
) is required for both WGS and WES workflows and accepts formats compatible with the GATK -L argument. These intervals will be padded on both sides by the amount specified bypadding
(default 250) and split into bins of length specified bybin_length
(default 1000; specify 0 to skip binning, e.g., for WES). For WGS, the intervals should simply cover the autosomal chromosomes (sex chromosomes may be included, but care should be taken to 1) avoid creating panels of mixed sex, and 2) denoise case samples only with panels containing only individuals of the same sex as the case samples). - Intervals can be blacklisted from coverage collection and all downstream steps
by using the blacklist intervals argument (
), which accepts formats compatible with the GATK -XL argument. This may be useful for excluding centromeric regions, etc. from analysis. Alternatively, these regions may be manually filtered from the final callset.