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Deno Devs Reverse Job Board

Deno Devs is a reverse job board for developers looking to work with Deno.

Getting Started Locally


You may install these manually or with pkgx developer environment setup if desired.

These require manual setup (but are optional):

Setup the repo

  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone
    cd denodevs
  2. Create a .env file to store environmental variables:

    cp .example.env .env

Auth (OAuth)


  1. Register a new GitHub OAuth application with the following values:

    • Application name = a name of your own choosing
    • Homepage URL = http://localhost:8000
    • Authorization callback URL = http://localhost:8000/callback
  2. Once registered, copy the Client ID value to the GITHUB_CLIENT_ID value in your .env file.

  3. Click Generate a new client secret and copy the resulting client secret to the GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable in your .env file.


  1. Create a Google account if you don't already have one.
  2. Accept the T&C for your account on Google Cloud Console.
  3. Go to "APIs & Services"
  4. Create a project for Deno Devs development
  5. With that project selected, create an OAuth consent screen with the following settings:
    1. External (not Internal)
    2. App name Deno Devs
    3. User support email: select any email associated with your account
    4. Authorized domains: localhost by default for dev
    5. Developer contact information: any email address you'd like
    6. OAuth scopes:
      1. openid
      2. ./auth/
      3. ./auth/userinfo.profile
    7. Test users
      1. Add any email addresses you'd like to use for testing (up to 100)
  6. Under "Credentials," "+ Create Credentials," "OAuth Cliend ID"
    1. Application type Web application
    2. Name Deno Devs
    3. Authorized JavaScript origins http://localhost (or however you're hostiing dev)
    4. Authorized redirect URIs
      1. http://localhost/googleCallback
      2. if you'd like to use the OAuth 2.0 Playground to test that everything is working (optional)
    5. Set the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET in your .env file
  7. Go to "Enabled APIs & Services," click "+ Enable Apis and Services"
    1. Search for "people" to find the "Google People API", click on it
    2. Click "Enable"


By default emails will be sent to the console rather than sent via Resend. If you have a Resend API key, that can be set at RESEND_API_KEY, but you'll still need to turn off SEND_EMAIL_TO_CONSOLE (=false).

You can also test changes to emails via the Admin area (explained in the next section).

Admin Access

In order to access the Admin area, you'll need to either use the default passwords or update them.

Caution: By default local development traffic is not secured and these values are sent via basic auth, so do not use anything you wouldn't want public (because it essentially is).


Securing Local Traffic (optional)

If you do set up a local SSL certficate, the following environment values will need to be updated:


Payments and Subscriptions using Stripe (optional)

Note: Stripe is only enabled if the STRIPE_SECRET_KEY environment variable is set.

  1. Copy your Stripe secret key as STRIPE_SECRET_KEY into your .env file. We recommend using the test key for your development environment.
  2. Run deno task init:stripe and follow the instructions. This automatically creates your "Premium tier" product and configures the Stripe customer portal.

    Note: go to tools/init_stripe.ts if you'd like to learn more about how the init:stripe task works.

  3. Listen locally to Stripe events:
    stripe listen --forward-to localhost:8000/api/stripe-webhooks --events=customer.subscription.created,customer.subscription.deleted
  4. Copy the webhook signing secret to .env as STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET.

Note: You can use Stripe's test credit cards to make test payments while in Stripe's test mode.

Running the Server

Finally, start the server by running:

deno task start

Go to http://localhost:8000 to begin playing with your new SaaS app.

Bootstrapping your local Database (Optional)

TODO: This currently doesn't work

deno task db:seed

To see all the values in your local Deno KV database, run

deno task db:dump

And all kv pairs will be logged to stdout

To reset your Deno KV database, run

deno task db:reset

Since this operation is not recoverable, you will be prompted to confirm deletion before proceeding.


To come...

Before submitting, run the following to check the formatting, linting, and types and run tests in one hit:

deno task ok

Goals and Philosophy

To come...