Date 12/1/2019
Same as prior release
Date 11/29/2019
Initial release packaged with DLAMI.
N/A, initial release.
See user guide here:
N/A - first release
- Must install TensorBoard-Neuron by itself, or after regular TensorBoard is installed. If regular Tensorboard is installed after TensorBoard-Neuron, it may overwrite some needed files.
- Utilization missing in Op Profile due to missing FLOPs calculation (see overview page instead)
- Neuron Profile plugin may not immediately show up on launch (try reloading the page)
- Graphs with NeuronOps may take a long time to load due to attribute size
- Instructions that cannot be matched to a framework layer/operator name show as “” (blank)
- CPU Usage section in chrome-trace is not applicable
- Debugger currently supports TensorFlow only
- Visualization requires a TensorFlow-compatible graph