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Reference: MXNet-Neuron Compilation Python API

The MXNet-Neuron compilation Python API provides a method to compile model graph for execution on Inferentia.


import mxnet as mx mx.contrib.neuron.compile(sym, args, aux, inputs, **compile_args)


Within the graph or subgraph, the compile method selects and sends Neuron-supported operations to Neuron-Compiler for compilation and saves the compiled artifacts in the graph. Uncompilable operations are kept as original operations for framework execution.

The compiled graph can be saved using the MXNet save_checkpoint and served using MXNet Model Serving. Please see MXNet-Neuron Model Serving for more information about exporting to saved model and serving using MXNet Model Serving.

Options can be passed to Neuron compiler via the compile function. For example, the “--num-neuroncores” option directs Neuron compiler to compile each subgraph to fit in the specified number of NeuronCores. This number can be less than the total available NeuronCores on an Inf1 instance. See Neuron Compiler CLI for more information about compiler options.


  • sym - Symbol object loaded from symbol.json file
  • args - args/params dictionary loaded from params file
  • aux - aux/params dictionary loaded from params file
  • inputs - a dictionary with key/value mappings for input name to input numpy arrays
  • kwargs (optional) - a dictionary with key/value mappings for MXNet-Neuron compilation and Neuron Compiler options.
    • For example, to limit the number of NeuronCores per subgraph, use compile_args={'--num-neuroncores' : N} where N is an integer representing the maximum number of NeuronCores per subgraph.
    • Additional compiler flags can be passed using 'flags' : [<flags>] where is a comma separated list of strings. See Neuron GatherInfo Tool for example of passing debug flags to compiler.
    • Advanced option to exclude node names: compile_args={'excl_node_names' : [<node names>]} where is a comma separated list of node name strings.


  • sym - new partitioned symbol
  • args - modified args/params
  • auxs - modified aux/params

Example Usage: Compilation

The following is an example usage of the compilation, with default compilation arguments:

import mxnet as mx
sym, args, aux = mx.contrib.neuron.compile(sym, args, aux, inputs={'data' : img})

Example Usage: Extract Compilation Statistics

To extract operation counts, insert the following code after compile step (assume csym is the compiled MXNet symbol):

import json

# Return list of nodes from MXNet symbol
def sym_nodes(sym):
  return json.loads(sym.tojson())['nodes']

# Return number of operations in node list  
def count_ops(graph_nodes):
  return len([x['op'] for x in graph_nodes if x['op'] != 'null'])

# Return triplet of compile statistics
# - count of operations in symbol database
# - number of Neuron subgraphs
# - number of operations compiled to Neuron runtime  
def get_compile_stats(sym):
  cnt = count_ops(sym_nodes(sym))
  neuron_subgraph_cnt = 0
  neuron_compiled_cnt = 0
  for g in sym_nodes(sym):
    if g['op'] == '_neuron_subgraph_op':
      neuron_subgraph_cnt += 1
      for sg in g['subgraphs']:
        neuron_compiled_cnt += count_ops(sg['nodes'])
  return (cnt, neuron_subgraph_cnt, neuron_compiled_cnt)

original_cnt = count_ops(sym_nodes(sym))
post_compile_cnt, neuron_subgraph_cnt, neuron_compiled_cnt = get_compile_stats(csym)
print("INFO:mxnet: Number of operations in original model: ", original_cnt)
print("INFO:mxnet: Number of operations in compiled model: ", post_compile_cnt)
print("INFO:mxnet: Number of Neuron subgraphs in compiled model: ", neuron_subgraph_cnt)
print("INFO:mxnet: Number of operations placed on Neuron runtime: ", neuron_compiled_cnt)
INFO:mxnet: Number of operations in original model:  67
INFO:mxnet: Number of operations in compiled model:  4
INFO:mxnet: Number of Neuron subgraphs in compiled model:  2
INFO:mxnet: Number of operations placed on Neuron runtime:  65