- Internal improvements
- Extension of GWB support to positioning via @NUM operator in GWB structures
- GWB support
- IUPAC Export for GWB sequences
Relax requirement restrictions to allow for RDKit versions newer then 2021-09-02
Implementation of a CLI for GlyLES including debugging
- CLI for GlyLES
Release for publication in Journal of Cheminformatics
- Incorporate for networkx 3.0 use in glycowork
Release for publication in Journal of Cheminformatics
- ?,?-Anhydro configurations of glycan implemented for structural representation
- Open-form representations for "-aric", "-onic", "-ulosonic", and "-ulosaric" glycans
- Example notebooks and documentation on ReadTheDocs.
- 99% of the structures in the glycowork database can be converted (if they are convertible).
- Bug fixed
- Patch for full representation mode of glycans
- Logging levels based on python logging module introduced instead of own logging mix
- Ternary and Quarternary branching is now possible. Monomers may have up to four children in the tree-like structure of a glycan.
- More tests for the new functionality
- Support for two new IUPAC representations (full and simplified according to SNFG) beside the current IUPAC-condensed
- Now supporting most of the functional groups in CSDB and glycowork.
- Monomers only in RDKit representation possible. NetworkX-implementation has been removed
- Adding of functional groups completely reworked
- Comments and code style improved, also a bit of a cleanup
- Default output-type is
instead of commandline prints
- Bug fixed in ANTLR4 package version requirement
Release for 17th German Conference on Cheminformatics and EuroSAMPL Satellite Workshop (Link)
- Length restrictions for glycans lifted, now also glycan trees of depth > 9 parsable
- Improved descriptions in READMEs
- Detailed description
- Two more tests for the length of branches
- Changelog
- Improved descriptions in README
- More tests
- More parsable and translatable modifications
- Representation of Neuraminic Acid
- Bug fixes regarding C1-atom detection
- More tests
- Bugs with modifications fixed
- More tests
- Bugs with modifications reported in README
- Distinction in pyranoses and furanoses
- More tests
- Description in README
- README made parsable for pypi
- Code style and README improvements
Initial release
- Code base to convert SMILES from IUPAC notation to SMILES notation