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["artificial intelligence ai lab no amit kumar patel bct introduction constraint an artificial neural network ann is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way biological nervous systems such as the brain process information the key element of this paradigm is the novel structure of the information p rocessing system it is composed of a large number of highly interconnected processing elements neurons working in unison to solve specific problems anns like people learn by example an ann is configured for a specific application such as pattern re cognition or data classification through a learning process learning in biological systems involves adjustments to the synaptic connections that exist between the neurons this is true of anns as well why use artificial neural networks artificial neu ral networks with their remarkable ability to derive meaning from complicated or imprecise data can be used to extract patterns and detect trends that are too complex to be noticed by either humans or other computer techniques a trained artificial neura l network can be thought of as an expert in the category of information it has been given to analyze this expert can then be used to provide projections given new situations of interest and answer what if questions other advantages include adap tive learning an ability to learn how to do tasks based on the data given for training or initial experience self organization an ann can create its own organization or representation of the information it receives during learning time real tim e operation ann computations may be carried out in parallel and special hardware devices are being designed and manufactured which take advantage of this capability fault tolerance via redundant information coding partial destruction of a network l eads to the corresponding degradation of performance however some network capabilities may be retained even with major network damage a simple neuron an artificial neuron is a device with many inputs and one output the neuron has two modes of operation the training mode and the using mode in the training mode the neuron can be trained to fire or not for particular input patterns in the using mode when a taught input pattern is detected at the input its associated output becomes the current outp ut if the input pattern does not belong in the taught list of input patterns the firing rule is used to determine whether to fire or not figure a simple neuron network layers the commonest type of artificial neural network consists of three groups or layers of units a layer of input units is connected to a layer of hidden units which is connected to a layer of output units see figure figure a simple feed forward network the activity of the input units represents the raw information that is fed into the network the activity of each hidden unit is determined by the activities of the input units and the weights on the connections between the input and the hidden units the behavior of the output units depends on the ac tivity of the hidden units and the eights between the hidden and output units this simple type of network is interesting because the hidden units are free to construct their own representations of the input the weights between the input and hidden units determine when each hidden unit is active and so by modifying these weights a hidden unit can choose what it represents we also distinguish single layer and multi layer architectures the single layer organization in which all units are connected to one another constitutes the most general case and is of more potential computat ional power than hierarchically structured multi layer organizations in multilayer networks units are often numbered by layer instead of following a global numbering perceptrons the most influential work on neural nets in the s went under the head ing of perceptrons a term coined by frank rosenblatt the perceptron see figure turns out to be an mcp model neuron with weighted inputs with some additional fixed pre processing units labeled a a aj ap are called association units and their task is to extract specific localized featured from the input images perceptrons mimic the basic idea behind the mammalian visual system they were mainly used in pattern recognition even though their capabilities extended a lot more figure a perceptron transfer functions the behavior of an ann depends on both the weights and the input output function transfer function that is specified for the units this function typically falls into one of three categories for linear or ramp the output activity is proportional to the total weighted output for threshold units the output is set at one of two levels depending on whether the total input is greater than or less than some threshold value for sigmoid units the out put varies continuously but not linearly as the input changes sigmoid units bear a greater resemblance to real neurons than do linear or threshold units but all three must be considered rough approximations to make an artificial neural network that pe rforms some specific task we must choose how the units are connected to one another and we must set the weights on the connections appropriately the connections determine whether it is possible for one unit to influence another the weights specify the s trength of the influence we can teach a network to perform a particular task by using the following procedure we present the network with training examples which consist of a pattern of activities for the input units together with the desired pattern of activities for the output units we determine how closely the actual output of the network matches the desired output we change the weight of each connection so that the network produces a better approximation of the desired output implementation of logic functions in this practical we will learn how basic logic functions can be implemented and trained using matlab the primitive procedure is explained by implementing a input and gate x column for inputs zi column for true output program generate and function using mcculloch pitts neural net by a matlab program solution the truth table for the and function is as follows x y z x and y the matlab program is given by program and function using mcculloch pitts neuron clear clc getting weights and threshold value disp enter weights w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloch pitts net for andnot function disp weights of neuron disp w di sp w disp threshold value disp theta assignment draw neural network weight adjustment at each step experiment with variation of initial weighting values clear clc w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloch pitts net for andnot function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output discussion in the above program we train the neural network for the and not gate logic we provide various weights and thresh holds and check if the output corresponds to the actual truth table and then repeat asking for new weight adjustments until and the actual result matches the truth table and hence we find the actual weights and the threshold assignment similarly develop a mcculloch pitts neural net for or nand and nor gate and draw neural nets nand clear clc w input weight w for nand gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input w eight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nand function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output nor clear clc w input weight w for nor gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and o r nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nor function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output or clear clc w input weight w for or gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and t hershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for or function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output discussion for the nand nor and or gates we again follow the same principal as per question where we keep assigning and adjusting the weights until and unless we match with the actual truth table provided in z variable in the above code where x and x are the inputs then as we get the result that matches the actual the truth table the neural network is said to have learnt and have been assigned weights and threshold for that gate assignment perform test for bipolar model as well bipolar nan d clear clc w input weight w for nand gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nand function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output bipolar nor clear clc w input weight w for nor gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i th eta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nor function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output bipolar or clear clc w input weight w for or gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for or function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output discussion in the bipolar implementation we provide inputs as for high and for low unlike the previous ones where we provide for low then we perform the weight adjustment again and as the result matches we find the weights and the threshold value s assignment implement mcculloch pitts neural network model for xor and give all the formula you used in the implementation draw the mlps used for the implementation of above functions the mlp used for the implementation of xor gate is mlp for xor the formulae used in the implementation are z in x w x w w z in x w x w w z in y w y w w clear clc w input bias w follow the input sequence as as w w w w w w w w w w input weight w w input weight w w input bias w w input weight w w input weight w w input bias w w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value thershold is for all theta input theta theta input theta theta input theta y y y x x z con while con z in x w x w w z in x w x w w for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end z in y w y w w for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta theta input theta theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for xor function disp biases disp w disp w disp w disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp threshold values disp theta d isp theta disp theta output discussion in this implementation of xor gate we use multiple layer perceptron where there is a hidden layer as well here single level perceptron cannot yield the result so we use mlp as shown in figure above the i nputs are provided to the first layer whose output is provided to the second layer which in turn produces the final output the weights are adjusted unless it matches the actual output and here the threshold is also adjusted which is for this case assig nment implement mlp model for xor by using backpropagation algorithm clear clc w w w w w w w w w r y y y x x z d d d con while con for i z in x i w x i w w y activation function z in z in x i w x i w w y activa tion function z in z in y w y w w y activation function z in d z i y y y d in d w d d in y y d in d w d d in y y w w r d w w r d y w w r d y w w r d w w r d x i w w r d x i w w r d w w r d x i w w r d x i con con end end disp backpropagation net for xor function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp check intr while intr disp enter check value i input i i input i k i w i w w k activation function k k i w i w w k activation function k k k w k w w k activation function k disp output of net disp k disp enter to continue to abort intr input continue end output discussion in the backpropagation method we initially assign some values to the weights and then we repeat to adjust the weights without any external intervention or interaction for a large number of times times here in each loop for every pair of inputs we calculate all the outputs at each layer and instead of a threshold we use activation function and then we calculate the adjusted weights and enter the next loop after the network gets trained we can check for an in put for example we provided and and got as the output which is close to conclusion hence we can develop neural networks for various gates like nand nor or using mcculloh pits approach and also the bipolar approach we can also develop xor gate using various approaches which include mccullog pits method as well as backpropagation method ", " tribhuwan university institute of engineering central campus pulchowk a lab report on artificial intelligence lab experiments date submission date submitted by submitted to department of name anish parajuli group a electronics and computer roll no bct engineering artificial intelligence lab introduction to first order predicate logic fopl first order logic first order logic is a collection of formal systems used in mathematics philosophy linguistics and computer science first order logic uses quantified variables over non logical objects and allows the use of sentences that contain variables so that rather than propositions such as socrates is a man one can have expressions in the form there exists x such that x is socrates and x is a man and there exists is a quantifier while x is a variable this disting uishes it from propositional logic which does not use quantifiers or relation the use of symbolic logic to represent knowledge is not new in that it predates the modern computer by a number of decades even so the application of logic as a practical me ans of representing and manipulating knowledge was not demonstrated until the early s today first order predicate logic fopl or predicate calculus has assumed one of the important roles in ai for representing the knowledge the understanding of fop l for ai student has several benefits one logic offers the formal approach to reasoning that has a sound theoretical foundation next the structure of fopl is flexible enough to permit the accurate representation of the natural language reasonably well xanimals x loves ram x poppy is a dog dog poppy x ygrandparent x y parent and child are inverse relation x yparent x y child y x rules combine facts to increase knowledge of the system son x y male x child x x is a son of y if x is male and x is a child of y monkey banana problem problem statement a monkey is in a room suspended from the ceiling is a bunch of bananas beyond the monkey s reach however in the room there are also a chair and a stick the ceiling is just the right height so that a monkey standing on a chair could knock the bananas down with the stick the monkey knows how to move around carry other things arou nd reach for the bananas and wave a stick in the air what is the best sequence of actions for the monkey now the problem is to use fopl to represent this monkey banana problem and prove that monkey can reach the bananas program code predicates in room symbol dexterous symbol tall symbol can move symbol symbol symbol can reach symbol symbol get on symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol close symbol symbol under symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol clauses in room bananas in room chair in room monkey dexterous monkey tall chair can move monkey chair bananas can climb monkey chair can reach x y dexterous x close x y close x z get on x y under y z tall y get on x y can climb x y under y z in room x in room y in room z can move x y z goal can reach monkey appple output no assignment i write the following statements in fopl form and by converting them into prolog program test the given goal who sells weapons to hostile nations is a criminal every enemy of america is a hostile x enemy of america x iraque has some missiles x missile x belongs x iraq iraque were sold by george george is an american american george iraque is a country country iraq iraque is the enemy of america missiles are weapo ns weapon missile program code predicates hostile string enemy of america string american string criminal string sells missiles string string has missile string country string clauses criminal x american x sells missiles x y hostile y enemy of america x hostile x enemy of america iraq hostile x country x has missile iraq sells missiles george iraq american george hostile x country iraq goal output yes discussion the goal of the above program is to fine whether george is a criminal or not based on the giv en predicate logic according to the statements every american who sells weapons to hostile nation is a criminal and every enemy of america is hostile missiles are weapon and iraq is a hostile nation in our program george is an american and he sells missiles to iraq now since george being an american citizen sells weapons to hostile nation hence it can be inferred that george is a criminal assignment ii write the following statements in fopl form and by converting them into prolog program test the different goals horses are mammals x horse x mammal x an offspring of a horse is a horse offspring y x horse y parent parent bluebeard charlie offspring and parents are inverse relations x yparent x y offsring y x every mammal has a parent x mammal x yparent y x bluebeard is a horse horse bluebeard program code predicates horse string mammals string offspring string string parent string string clauses parent bluebeard charlie horse bluebeard horse x mammals x offspring x y horse y mammals x parent y x offspring x y offspring x y parent y x goal horse charlie output yes discussion the goal of the above p rogram is to fine whether charlie is a horse or not based on the giv en predicate logic horses are mammal and offspring of a horse is a horse every mammal has a statements that charlie is also a horse conclusion thus after performing the programs in this lab se ssion we became familiar about the fopl first order predicate logic and then converting them to the pr olog program wh ich is based on predicate logic ", " first order predicate logic artifi cial intelligence lab report ankit shrestha bct submitted to department of electr onics and computer engineering central campus pulchowk i o e t u first order predicate logic page ankit shrestha ankitstha gmail com bct theory introduction to first order predicate logic fopl the use of symbolic logic to represent knowledge is not new in that it predates the modern computer by a number of decades even so the application of logic as a practical means of representing and manipulating knowledge was not demonstrated until the ear ly s today first order predicate logic fopl or predicate calculus has assumed one of the important roles in ai for representing the knowledge the understanding of fopl for ai student has several benefits one logic offers the formal approach to r easoning that has a sound theoretical foundation next the structure of fopl is flexible enough to permit the accurate representation of the natural language reasonably well for example ram loves all animals xanimals x loves ram x poppy is a dog dog poppy x ygrandparent x y zparent x z parent z y parent and child are inverse relation x yparent x y child y x rules combine facts to increase knowledge of the system s on x y male x child x x is a son of y if x is male and x is a child of y monkey banana problem monkey banana problem is the famous problem in ai where there is a room containing a monkey a chair and bananas that have been hung from the center of the ceiling of the room out of reach from monkey if the monkey is clever enough he can reach the bananas by placing the chair directly below the bananas and climbing on the top of the chair now the problem is to use fopl to represent this monkey banana problem and prove that monkey can reach the bananas first order predicate logic page ankit shrestha ankitstha gmail com bct program exa mple i predicates in room symbol dexterous symbol tall symbol can move symbol symbol symbol can reach symbol symbol get on symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol close symbol symbol under symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol clauses in room bananas in room chair in room monkey dexterous monkey tall chair can move monkey chair bananas can climb monkey chair can reach x y dexterous x close x y close x z get on x y under y z tall y get on x y can climb x y under y z in room x in room y in room z can move x y z goal can reach monkey appple output no when goal can reach monkey banana output yes first order predicate logic page ankit shrestha ankitstha gmail com bct assignment every american who sells weapons to hostile nations is a criminal criminal x every enemy of america is a hostile x enemy of america x hostile x iraque has some missiles x missile x belongs x iraq all missiles of iraque were sold by george sells missile x y george is an american american george iraque is a country country iraq iraque is the enemy of america missiles are weapens weapon missile predicates hostile string enemy of america string american string criminal string sells missiles string string has missile string country string clauses criminal x american x sells missiles x y hostile y enemy of america x hostile x enemy of america iraq hostile x country x has missile iraq sells missiles george iraq american george country iraq goal first order predicate logic page ankit shrestha ankitstha gmail com bct criminal george output yes assignment horse s are mammals x horse x mammal x a n offspring of a horse is a horse horse y b parent bluebeard charlie offspring and parents are inverse relations x yparent x y offsring y x e very mammal has a parent x mammal x yparent y x bluebeard is a horse horse bluebeard predicates h orse string mammals string offspring string string parent string string clauses horse x mammals x offspring x y horse y mammals x parent y x offspring x y offspring x y parent y x first order predicate logic page ankit shrestha ankitstha gmail com bct goal horse charlie output yes discussion first order predicate language fopl has been used in the examples and assignments of this lab to model natural language problems into statements for logical solution fopl has been used here for an accurate representation of the natural language problems by forming predicates for various statements fopl provides a formal approach for reasoning a nd has a very sound theoretical foundation prolog has been used in all the examples and assignments of the lab for the implementation of fopl in the assignments fopl was first designed for all the given statements of the natural language problem and the fopl was used for developing logic for the program to solve the given problem conclusion hence from this lab we familiarized ourselves with first order predicate logic fopl and its implementation in prolog and understood its basic concepts ", "a report on introduction to first order predicate logic fopl artificial intelligence lab iii submitted by prasidha karki bct submitted to department of electronics and computer engineering pulchowk campus lalitpur j uly theory introduction to first order predicate logic fopl the use of symbolic logic to represent knowledge is not new in that it predates the modern computer by a number of decades even so the application of logic as a practical means of representing and manipulating knowledge was not demonstrated until the ear ly s today first order predicate logic fopl or predicate calculus has assumed one of the important roles in ai for representing the knowledge the understanding of fopl for ai student has several benefits one logic offers the formal approach to reasoning that has a sound theoretical foundation next the structure of fopl is flexible enough to permit the accurate representation of the natural language reasonably well for example ram loves all animals xanimals x loves ram x poppy is a dog dog poppy x ygrandparent x y zparent x z parent z y monkey banana problem predicates in room symbol dexterous symbol tall symbol can move symbol symbol symbol can reach symbol symbol get on symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol close symbol symbol under symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol clauses in room bananas in room chair in room monkey dexterous monkey tall chair can move monkey chair bananas can climb monkey chair can reach x y dexterous x close x y close x z get on x y under y z tall y get on x y can climb x y under y z in room x in room y in room z can move x y z goal can reach monkey apple output no discussion here the in room symbol predicate ensures that the chair bananas and the monkey are in the room by passing them in the predicate as an argument the monkey cannot reach the apple bananas in the program monkey can reach the chair if monkey is dexterous and the chair to be reached is closer to the monkey for the chair to be close to the monkey monkey should be able to get on the chair and it should be under bananas and the chair should be tall for the chair to be under bananas all the three should be in room and the monkey be able to move to bananas through chair which is provided in the fact so the monkey can reach bananas but not apple which is not in the room assignment write the following statements in fopl form and by converting them into prolog program test the given goal every american who sells weapons to hostile nations is a criminal every enemy of america is a hostile iraq has some missiles all missiles of iraq were sold by george george is an american iraq is a country iraq is the enemy of america missiles are weapons program predicates hostile string enemy of america string american string criminal string sells missiles string string has missile string country string clauses criminal x american x sells missiles x y hostile y enemy of america x hostile x enem y of america iraq hostile x country x has missile iraq sells missiles george iraq american george country iraq goal criminal george output yes discussion we have the goal to prove george as criminal with the help of clauses defined initially criminal is defined in the predicate section criminal string as every american who sells missiles to the hostile nation every enemy of america is considered hostil e as defined in the predicate section enemy of america string iraq is considered as enemy of america country is recognized as hostile if it is the enemy of america iraq has weapons as missiles as stated in the section has missile string george sell s missiles to iraq as defined in the predicate section sells missiles string george is an american as defined in the clause section american string passing george as argument iraq is recognized as the hostile nation in the clause section country str and from the above sequence of clauses this statement turns out to be true assignment write the following statements in fopl form and by converting them into prolog program test the different goals horses are mammals an offspring of a horse is a horse offspring and parents are inverse relations every mammal has a parent now check is charlie a horse program predicates horse string mammals string offspring string string parent string string clauses mammals x offspring x horse y mammals x parent y x offspring x y offspring x y parent y x goal output yes discussion we are trying to show that charlie is a horse for this purpose initially we define bluebeard as parent of charlie in the clause section then bluebeard is co nsidered as horse with the predicate horse string instantiated with argument bluebeard in the clause section then horse string predicate is defined in the clause section recursively since the offspring of horse is a horse besides offspring and pare nt are the inverse relations defined in the clause section respectively showing bidirectional relationship between parent and the offspring every mammal has a parent so while defining mammals string under the clause section both parent and offspring pr edicate is called conclusion from the lab problems and some assignment it was clear that first order p redicate logic fopl can be used to realize various real life situations in logical form and prolog can be used to implement it however the order of the fopl is of prime importance in drawing conclusion inappropriate order might res ult in infinite loop here the logic offers the formal approach to reasoning that has a sound theoretical foundation next the structure of fopl is flexible enough to permit the accuracy representation of the natural language reasoning as well ", "artificial neural network an artificial neural network ann is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way biological nervous systems such as the brain process information the idea of anns is based on the belief that working of human brain by making the right connections can be imitated using silicon and wires a s living neurons and dendrites the human brain is composed of billion nerve cells called neurons they are connected to other thousand cells by axons stimuli from e xternal environment or inputs from sensory organs are accepted by dendrites these inputs create electric impulses which quickly travel through the neural network a neuron can then send the message to other neuron to handle the issue or does not send it forward anns are composed of multiple nodes which imitate biological neurons of human brain the neurons are connected by links and they interact with each other the nodes can take input data and perform simple operations on the data the result of thes e operations is passed to other neurons the output at each node is called its activation or node value each link is associated with weight anns are capable of learning which takes place by altering weight values the following illustration shows a simp machine learning in anns supervised learning example the teacher feeds some example data about which the teacher already knows the answers for example pattern recognizing the ann comes up with guesses while recognizing then the teacher provides the ann with the answers the network then compares it unsupervised learning answers for example searching for a hidden pattern in this case clustering i e dividing a set of elements i nto groups according to some unknown pattern is carried out based on the existing data sets present reinforcement learning decision by observing its environment if the observation is negative the net work adjusts its weights to be able to make a different required decision the next time implementations of logic functions program generate andnot function using mcculloh pitts neural net by a matlab x column for inputs zi column for true output x x b bia s y x and x t truth table for and function matlab program andnot function using mcculloch pitts neuron clear clc getting weights and threshold value disp enter weights w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloch pitts net for andnot function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output enter weights weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value weight w weight w theta output of net mcculloch pitts net for andnot function weights of neuron threshold value assignment draw neural network weight adjustment at each step experiment with variation of initial weighting values initially assume we ight initially assume weight to be zero i e w w b formulae wi new wi old xi t b new b old t assignment similarly develop a mcculloch pitts neural net for or nand and nor gate and draw neural nets matlab program or nand nor function using mcculloch pitts neuron function assign function neural name ex ex th w w x ex x ex theta th name name y switch name z z z end con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value w input weight w w i nput weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloch pitts net for function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta clear clc getting operation name ate and nor for nor gate getting weights and threshold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta neural name th w w end output run type nand for nand gate or for or gate and nor for nor gate enter operation in capital operation name or enter weights weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net net is n ot learning enter another set of weights and threshold value weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net mcculloh pitts net for function weights of neuron threshold value run type nand for nand gate or for or gate and nor for nor gate enter operation in capital operation name nand enter weights weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net mcculloh pitts net for function weights of neuron threshold value run type nand for nand gate or for or gate and nor for nor gate enter operation in capital operation name nor enter weights weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net mcculloh pitts net for function weights of neuron threshold value assignment perform test for bipolar model as well the truth table for the and function is given as x x y truth table for and function matlab program perceptron for and funtion clear clc x t w b alpha input ent er learning rate theta input ent er threshold value con epoch while con con for i yin b x i w x i w if yin theta y end if yin theta yin theta y end if yin theta y end if y t i con for j w j w j alpha t i x j i end b b alpha t i end end epoch epoch end disp perceptron for and funtion disp final weight matrix disp w disp final bias disp b output enter learning rate enter threshold value perceptron for and funtion final weight matrix final bias assignment implement mcculloch pitts neural network model for xor and give all the formula you used in the implementation draw the mlps used for the implementation of above functions for the mcculloh pitts neural network model for xor previous single layer perc eptron network cannot represent xor gate so we need multiple network layer approach consisting of input layer hidden layer and output layer the multilayered perceptron implementation of xor gate is as follow figure mcp mlp implementation of xor function x x y truth table for xor function formulas used inputs to hidden layer z in x w x w z in x w x w for i i i if z in i theta y i else y i if z in i theta y i else y i input to output layer y in y v y v for i i i if y in i theta y i else y i matlab program xor function using mcculloch pitts neuron clear clc getting weights and threshold value disp enter weights w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w v input weight v v input weight v disp enter threshold value theta input theta x x z con while con zin x w x w zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end if zin i theta y i else y i end end yin y v y v for i if yin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w v input weight v v input weight v t heta input theta end end disp mcculloch pitts net for xor function disp weights of neuron z disp w disp w disp weights of neuron z disp w disp w disp weights of neuron y disp v disp v disp threshold value disp theta output enter weights weight w weight w weight w weight w weight v weight v enter threshold value theta output of net mcculloc h pitts net for xor function weights of neuron z weights of neuron z weights of neuron y threshold value assignment implement mlp model for xor by using back propagation algorithm xor using back propagation function xor back function y binsig x sigmoid function y exp x end function y binsig x derivative purpose y binsig x binsig x end clc clear initialize weight and bias and hi dden layer v v zeros matrix with as element b b for input and so on b bias for output layer w w zeros x t alpha learning rate mf momentum factor con epoch while con e for i feed forward for j zin j b j for i zin j zin j x i i v i j end z j binsig zin j activation function end yin b z w y i binsig yin back propagation error delk t i y i binsig yin error for output layer network w weight correction for o p layer delb alpha delk bias weight correction for network delinj delk w for hidden layer for j delj j delinj j binsig zin j delta test m for hidden neuron end for j for i delv i j alpha delj j x i i mf v i j v i j end end delb alpha delj w w v v weight update w w delw b b delb v v delv b b delb e e t i y i end if e con end epoch epoch end disp epoch disp e v b w b end end of program output bpn for xor function total epoch error weight matrix and bias v b w b discussion and conclusion in this lab we came to know about the neural network and logic function including and or nand nor and xor were implemented using matlab and several algorithm were used to implement those gates and neural network were also drawn ", " a report on lab iv submitted by shova thapa bct submitted to department of electronics and computer engineering pulchowk campus lalitpur neural networks anns are computing systems inspired by the biological neural networks that constitute animal brains bas ed on a collection of connected units called artificial neurons analogous to axons in a biological brain su ch systems learn progressively improve performance to do tasks by considering examples generally without task specific programming for example in image recognition they might learn to identify images that contain cats by analyzing example images that have been manually labeled as cat or no cat and using the analytic results to identify cats in other images each connection synapse between neurons can transmit a signal to another neuron the receiving postsynaptic neuron can process the signal s and then signal downstream neurons connected to it neurons may have state generally represented by real numbers typically between and neurons and synapses may also have a weight that varies as learni ng proceeds which can increase or decrease the strength of the signal that it sends downstream further they may have a threshold such that only if the aggregate signal is below or above that level is the downstream signal sent typically neurons are organized in layers different layers may perform different kinds of transformations on their inputs signals travel from the first input to the last output layer possibly after traversing the layers multiple times the original goal of the neural network approach was to solve problems in the same way that a human brain would over time attention focused on matching specific mental abilities leading to deviations from biology such as back propagation or passing information in the reverse direction and adjusting the network to reflect that information neural networks have been used on a variety of tasks including comp uter vision speech recognition machine translatio n social network filtering playing board and video games medical diagnosis and in many other domains the most common type of artificial neural network consists of three groups or layers of units a layer of input units is connected to a layer of hidden units which is connected to a layer of output units perceptrons the most influential work on neural nets in the s went under the heading of perceptrons a term coined by frank rosenblatt the perceptron see figure turns out to be an mcp model neuron with weighted inputs with some additional fixed pre pr ocessing units labeled a a aj ap are called association units and their task is to extract specific localized featured from the input images perceptrons mimic the basic idea behind the mammalian visual system they were mainly used in pattern reco gnition even though their capabilities extended a lot more transfer functions the behavior of an ann depends on both the weights and the input output function transfer function that is specified for the units this function typically falls into on e of three categories for linear or ramp the output activity is proportional to the total weighted output for threshold units the output is set at one of two levels depending on whether the total input is greater than or less than some threshold va lue for sigmoid units the output varies continuously but not linearly as the input changes sigmoid units bear a greater resemblance to real neurons than do linear or threshold units but all three must be considered rough approximations assignmen t output assignment nand clear clc w input weight w for nand gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nand function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output or clear clc w input weight w for or gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for or function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output nor clear clc w input weight w for nor gate use wt as i e w w and th eta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nor function disp weights of neuron dis p w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output assignment bipolarnand clear clc w input weight w for nand gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the out put so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not lea rning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nand function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output bipolaror clear clc w input weight w for or gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end disp mcculloh pitts net for or function disp weights of neu ron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output bipolarnor clear clc w input weight w for nor gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the ou tput so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nor functio n disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp thresh old value disp theta output assignment clear clc w input bias w follow the input sequence as as w w w w w w w w w w input weight w w input weight w w input bias w w input weight w w input we ight w w input bias w w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value thershold is for all theta input theta theta input theta theta input theta y y y x x z con while con z in x w x w w z in x w x w w for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end z in y w y w w for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta theta input theta theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for xor function disp biases disp w disp w disp w disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp threshold values disp theta disp theta disp theta assignment clear clc w w w w w w w output fig mlp w w r y y y x x z d d d con while con for i z in x i w x i w w y activation function z in z in x i w x i w w y activation function z in z in y w y w w y activation function z in d z i y y y d in d w d d in y y d in d w d d in y y w w r d w w r d y w w r d y w w r d w w r d x i w w r d x i w w r d w w r d x i w w r d x i con con end end disp backpropagation net for xor function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp check intr while intr disp enter check value i input i i input i k i w i w w k activation function k k i w i w w k activation function k k k w k w w k activation function k disp output of net disp k disp enter to continue to abort intr input continue end output discussion we wrote and run the programs in matlab to simulate various logical gates and their bipolar variants including xor with backpropagation perceptron was developed for nand or andnot nor and their bipolar variants except xor gate two neurons were connected serially for xor gate for each problem weights and threshold values were taken as input and then checked to see if they generated d esired output this process was repeated correct output were obtained conclusion thus from this lab session we became familiarized with t he concept of neurons neural networks and perceptron ", " ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org comparison between traditional approach and object oriented approach in software engineering development nabil mohammed ali munassar phd student rd year of computer science engineering jawaharlal nehru technological university kuktapally hyderabad andhra pradesh india dr a govardhan professor of computer science engineering principal jntuh of engineering college jagityal karimnagar dt a p india abstract t his pa per discusses the comparison between tr aditional approaches and object oriented approach traditional approach has a lot of models that deal with different types of projects such as waterfall spiral iterative and v shaped but all of them and other lack flexibility to deal with other kinds of projects like object oriented object oriented software engineering oose is an object modeling language and methodology the approach of using object oriented techniques for designing a system is referred to as object oriented design object oriented development approaches are best suited to projects that will imply systems using emerging object technologies to construct manage and assemble those objects into useful computer applications object oriented design is the continuation of object oriented analysis continuing to center the development focus on object modeling techniques keywords s software engineering traditional approach object oriented approach analysis design deployment test me thodology compariso n between traditional approach and object oriented approach i i ntroduction all software especially large pieces of software produced by many people should be produced using some kind of methodology even small pieces of software developed by one person c an be improved by keeping a methodology in mind a methodology is a systematic way of doing things it is a repeatable process that we can follow from the earliest stages of software development through to the maintenance of an installed system as well as the process a methodology should specify what we re expected to produce as we follow the process a methodology will also include recommendation or techniques for resource management planning scheduling and other management tasks good widely availabl e methodologies are essential for a mature software industry a good methodology will address at least the following issues planning scheduling resourcing workflows activities roles artifacts education there are a number of phases common to every development regardless of methodology starting with requirements capture and ending with maintenance during the last few decades a number of software development models have been proposed and discussed within the software engineering community with the traditional approach you re expected to move forward gracefully from one phase to the other with the modern approach on the other hand you re allowed to perform each phase m ore than once and in any order ii t raditional a pproach there are a n umber of phases common to every development regardless of methodology starting with requirements capture and ending with maintenance with the traditional approach will be expected to move forward gracefully from one phase to the other the list below d escribes the common phases in software development a requirements requirements capture is about discovering what is going to achieve with new piece of software and has two aspects business modeling involves understanding the context in which software will operate a system requirement modeling or functional specification means deciding what capabilities the new soft ware will have and writing down those capabilities b analysis analysis means understanding what are dealing with before design ing a solution it need s to be clear about the relevant entities their properties and their inter relationships also need s to be able to verify understanding this can involve customers and end users since they re like ly to be subject matter experts c design in the design phase will work out how to solve the problem in other words make decisions based on experience estimation and intuition about what software which will write and how will deploy it system design breaks the system down into logical subsystems processes and physical subsystems computers and networks decides how machines will comm unicate and chooses the right techn ologies for the job and so on d specification specification is an often ignored or at least often neglected phase the term specification is used in different ways by different developers for example the output of the requirements phase is a specification of what the system must be able to do the output of analysis is a specification of what are dealing with and so on ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org code test system information engineering analysis design e implementation in this phase is writing pieces of code that work together to form subsys tems which in turn collaborate to form the whole system the sort of the task which is carried out during the implementation phase is write the method bodies for the inventory class in such a way that they conform to their specification f testing w hen the software is complete it must be tested against the system requirements to see if it fits the original goals it is a good idea for programmers to perform small tests as they go along to improve the quality of the code that they deliver g depl oyment in the deployment phase are concerned with getting the hardware and software to the end users along with manuals and training materials this may be a complex process involving a gradual planned transition from the old way of working to the new one h maintenance when the system is deployed it has only just been born a long life stretches before it during which it has to stand up to everyday use this is where the real testing happens the sort of the problem which is discovered discover during the maintenance phase is when the log on window opens it still contains the last password entered as the software developers we normally interested in maintenance because of the faults bugs that are found in software must find the faults and remove them as quickly as possible rolling out fixed versions of the software to keep the end users happy as well as faults users may discover deficiencies things that the system should do but doesn t and extra requirements things that wou ld improve the system figure the linear sequential model iii o bject o riented a pproach in object oriented approach a system is viewed as a set of objects all object orientation experts agree that a good methodology is essential for software development especially when working in teams thus quite a few methodologies have been invente d over the last decade broadly speaking all object oriented methodologies are alike they have similar phases and similar artifacts but there are many small differences object oriented methodologies tend not to be too prescriptive the developers are given some choice about whether they use a particular type of diagram for example therefore the development team must select a methodology and agree which artifacts are to be produced before they do any detailed planning or scheduling in general eac h methodology addresses the philosophy behind each of the phases the workflows and the individual activities within each phase the artifacts that should be produced diagrams textual descriptions and code dependencies between the artifacts notations for the different kinds of artifact s the need to model static structure and dynamic behavior static modeling involves deciding what the logical or physical parts of the system should be and how they should be connected together dynamic modeling is abou t deciding how the static parts should collaborate roughly speaking static modeling describes how we construct and initialize the system while dynamic modeling describes how the system should behave when it s running typically we produce at least one static model and one dynamic model during each phase of the development some methodologies especially the more comprehensive ones have alternative development paths geared to different types and sizes of development the benefits of object oriente d development are reduced time to market greater product flexibility and schedule predictability and the risks of them are performance and start up costs a analysis the aim of the analysis process is to analyze specify and define the system which i s to be built in this phase we build models that will make it easier for us to understand the system the models that are developed during analysis are oriented fully to the application and not the implementation environment they are essential models that are independent of such things as operating system programming language dbms processor distribution or hardware configuration two different models are developed in analysis the requirements model and the analysis model these are based on requi rement specifications and discussions with the prospective users the first model the requirements model should make it possible to delimit the system and to define what functionality should take place within it for this purpose we develop a conceptual picture of the system using problem domain objects and also specific interface descriptions of the system if it is meaningful for this system we also describe the system as a number of use cases that are performed by a number of actor s the analysis model is an architectural model used for analysis of robustness it gives a conceptual configuration of the system consisting of various object classes active controllers domain entities and interface objects the purpose of this model is to find a robust and extensible structure for the system as a base for construction each of the object types has its own special purpose for this robustness and together they will offer the total functionality that was specified in the requirements mo del to manage the development the analysis model may combine objects into subsystems ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org b construction we build our system through construction based on the analysis model and the requirements model created by the analysis process the construction process lasts until the coding is completed and the included units have been tested there are three main reas ons for a construction process the analysis model is not sufficiently formal adaptation must be made to the actual implementation environment we want t o do internal validation of the analysis results the construction activity produces two models th e design model and the implementation model construction is thus divided into two phases design and implementation each of which develops a model the design model is a further refinement and formalization of the analysis model where consequences of the implementation environment have been taken into account the implementation model is the actual implementation code of the system c testing testing is an activity to verify that a correct system is being built testing is traditionally an expensive activity primarily because many faults are not detected until late in the development to do effective testing we must have as a goal that every test should detect a fault unit testing is performed to test a specific unit where a unit can be of varying size from a class up to an entire subsystem the unit is initially tested structurally that is white box testing this means that we use our knowledge of the inside of the unit to test it we have various coverage criteria for the test the minimum be ing to cover all statements however coverage criteria can be hard to define due to polymorphism many branches are made implicit in an object oriented system however polymorphism also enhances the independence of each object making them easier to tes t as standalone units the use of inheritance also complicates testing since we may need to retest operations at different levels in the inheritance hierarchy on the other hand since we typically have less code there is less to test specification test ing of a unit is done primarily from the object protocol so called black box testing here we use equivalence partitioning to find appropriate test cases test planning must be done early along with the identification and specification of tests d u ml by the mid s the best known methodologies were those invented by ivar jacobson james rumbaugh and grady booch each had his own consulting company using his own methodology and his own notation by jacobson and rumbaugh had joined rational c orporation and they had developed a set of notations which became known as the unified modeling language uml the three amigos as they have become known donated uml to the object management group omg for safekeeping and improvement omg is a not for profit industry consortium founded in to promote open standards for enterprise level object technology their ot her well known work is corba use case diagram a use case is a static description of some way in which a system or a business is used by its customers its users or by other systems a use case diagram shows how system use cases are related to each other and how the users can get at them each bubble on a use case diagram represents a use case and each stick person represents a user figure depicts a car rental store accessible over the internet from this picture we can extract a lot of information quite easily for example an assistant can make a reservation a customer can look for car models members can log on users mus t be logged on before they c an make reservations and so on figure a use case d iagram class diagram analysis level a class diagram shows which classes exist in the business during analysis or in the system itself during subsystem design figure shows an example of an analysis level class diagram with each class represented as a labeled box as well as the classes themselves a class diagram shows how objects of these classes can be connected together for example figure shows that a carmodel has inside it a carmodeldetails referred to as its details u view car model details extends u extended by u preconditions none a customer selects one of the matching car models b customer requests details of the selected car model c icoot displays details of the selected car model make engine size price description advert and poster d if customer is a logged on member extend with u postconditions icoot has displayed details of selected car models nonfunctional requirements r adverts should be displayed using a streaming protocol rather than requ iring a download ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org figure a class d iagram at the a nalysis l evel communication diagram a communication diagram as its name suggests shows collaborations between objects the one shown in figure describes the process of reserving a car model over the internet a member tells the memberui to reserve a carmodel the member ui tells the reservationhome to create a reservation for the given carmodel and the current member the memberui then asks the new reservation for its number and returns this to the member deployment diagram a deployment diagram shows how the complete d system will be deployed on one or more machines a deployment diagram can include all sorts of features such as machines processes files and dependencies figure shows that any number of htmlclient nodes each hosting a web browser and guiclient nod es communicate with two server machines each hosting a webserver and a cootbusinessserver each web server communicates with a cootbusinessserver and each cootbusinessserver communicates with a dbms runni ng on one of two dbserver nodes figure a communication d iagram figure a deployment diagram class diagram design level the class diagram shown in figure uses the same notation as the one introduced in figure the only difference is that design level class diagrams tend to use mor e of the available notation because they are more detailed this one expands on part of the analysis class diagram to show methods constructors and navigability ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org figure a design level c lass d iagram sequence diagram a sequence diagram shows interactions between objects communication diagrams also show interactions between objects but in a way that emphasizes links rather than sequence sequence diagrams are used during subsystem design but they are equally applicab le to dynamic modeling during analysis system design and even requirements capture the diagram in figure specifies how a member can log off from the system messages are shown as arrows flowing between vertical bars that represent objects each object is named at the top of its bar time flows down the page on a sequence diagram so figure specifies in brief a member asks the authenticationservlet to logoff the authenticationservlet passes the request on to the authenticationserver reading the i d from the browser session the authenticationserver finds the corresponding member object and tells it to set its session id to the member passes this request on to its internetaccount finally the member is presented with the home page figure a sequence d iagram from the d esign p hase iv c omparison between t raditonal a pproach and o bject o riented a pproach to d evelopment in s oftware e ngineering summarize the comparison between traditional approach and object oriented approach shows t hrough the table t able c omparison between t raditional a pproach and o bject o riented a pproach table i traditional approach object oriented approach used to develop the traditional projects that uses procedural programming used to develop object oriented projects that depends on object oriented programming uses common processes likes analysis design implementation and testing uses uml notations likes use case class diagram communication diagram development diagram and sequence d iagram depends on the size of projects and type of projects depends on the experience of the team and complexity of projects through the numbers of objects need s to large duration sometimes to development the large projects need to more time than traditional approach and leads that to more cost the problem of traditional approach using classical life cycle the object oriented software life cycle identifies the three traditional activities of analysis design and implementation ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org figure i llustrate t he d ifferent m odels o f t raditional a pproach with different p rojects from the previous figure which illustrate s the five models from traditional approach that deal s with three types of projects where we notice the waterfall model deals properly with large and medium projects like spiral model and iterative model that need s more time more cost and experience for team however the v shape model and xp model use proper ly with medium and small projects because they need little time and some experience of team to perform projects figure illustrate t he d ifferent c riteria complexity experience and cost for traditional approach and object oriented approach from the previous chart illustrate s the some criteria such as complexity experience and cost in traditional approach this criterion depends on the type of model and size of project but in general as shows from figure is little above from the middle however the object oriented approach depends on the complexity of project that leads to increase the cost than other approach v c onclusion and f uture w ork after completing this paper it is concluded that as with any technology or tool invented by human beings all se methodologies have limitations t he software engineering develop ment has two ways to develop the projects that traditional approach and object oriented approach the traditional a pproach uses traditional projects that use d in development of their procedural programming like c this approach leads software developers to focus on decomposition of larger algorithms into smaller ones the object oriented approach uses to development t he object oriented projects that use the object oriented programming like c and java the object oriented approach to software development has a decided advantage over the traditional approach in dealing with complexity and the fact that most contempora ry languages and tools are object oriented finally some topics can be suggested for future works design the model that includes the features of traditional approach and object oriented approach to develop and deals with different projects in software e ngineering updating some traditional approach to be able to use different type s of projects simplifying the object oriented approach through its steps to use the smallest projects that deal with simple programming r eferences mike o docherty object o riented analysis and design understanding system development with uml john wiley sons ltd england oriented software engineering systems sweden th edition springer science business media inc third edition oriented analysis and design addison wesley longman inc second edition mcgraw hill th edition oriented a the relationships between classical software engineering and agile method ering notes vol no authors profile nabil mohammed ali munassar was born in jeddah saudi arabia in he studied computer science at university of science and technology yemen from to in he received the bachelor degre e he studied master of information technology at arab academic yemen from to now he ph d student rd year of cse at jawaharlal nehru technological university jntu hyderabad a p india he is working as associate professor in computer s cience engineering college in university of science and technology yemen his areas of interest include software engineering system analysis and design databases and object oriented technologies traditiona app complixity experience cost object oriented app ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org dr a govardhan received ph d degree in computer scie nce and engineering from jawaharlal nehru technological university in m tech from jawaharlal nehru university in and b e from osmania university in he is working as a principal of jawaharlal nehru technological university jagitial he has published around papers in various national and international journals conferences his research of interest includes databases data warehousing mining information retrieval computer networks image processing software engineering search eng ines and object oriented technologies ", "sr network engineer sr network engineer delta airlines eagan mn email me on indeed indeed com r b bb over years of experience cisco juniper jncia and experience with designing architecting deploying and troubleshooting network security infrastructure on routers switches l l firewalls of various vendor equipment extensive work experience with cisco routers cisco switches load balancers and firewalls experience in layer routing and layer switching dealt with nexus models like k k k series cisco router models like series and cisco catalyst series switches expertise in installing configuring and troubleshooting of cisco routers hands on experience in troubleshooting and deploying of various ip routing protocols eigrp rip v ospf is is bgp implemented security policies using acl ipsec vpn aaa security tacacs and radius on different series of routers and firewalls installation and configuration of cisco series switches cisco series routers experience with cisco datacenter switches nexus and hands on experience with f load balancers ltm gtm series like for the corporate applications designing and configuring of ospf bgp on juniper routers mx mx and srx firewalls srx srx expertise in configuration of routing protocols and deployment of ospf eigrp bgp and policy routing over cisco routers experience with design and deployment of mpls layer vpn mpls traffic engineering mpls qos experience in adding rules and monitoring checkpoint firewall traffic through smart dashboard and smart view tracker applications configured client to site vpn using ssl client on cisco asa ver configured asa firewall to support cisco vpn client on windows xp vista installation configuration and troubleshooting of f load balancers experience with designing deploying and troubleshooting lan wan frame relay ether channel ip routing protocols ripv ospf eigrp bgp acl s nat vlan stp vtp implemented redundancy with hsrp vrrp glbp ether channel technology lacp pagp etc strong hands on experience on pix firewalls asa firewalls implemented security policies using acl firewall ipsec ssl vpn ips ids aaa tacacs radius experience working with cisco ios xr on the asr devices for mpls deployments efficient designing of ip addressing scenario using vlsm and sub netting configured security policies including nat pat vpn s and access control lists extensive experience using microsoft suite like word visio excel powerpoint willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience sr network engineer delta airlines eagan mn july to present description delta airlines is a american airline with its headquarters and largest hub at hartsfeild jackson atlanta international airport in atlanta ga the airline along with its subsidiaries operate over flights daily and serve an extensive domestic and international network that includes destinations in countries on six continents responsibilities responsible for designing and implementation of customer s network and security infrastructure involved in complete lan wan extranet redesign including ip address planning designing installation pre configuration of network equipment testing and maintenance in both campus and branch networks responsible for cisco asa firewall administration across our networks and support customer with the configuration and maintenance of the firewall systems experience with end to end migration of dmz server including vendor connectivity experience with designing implementing and troubleshooting cisco routers and switches using different routing protocols like ospf eigrp bgp isis and mpls l vpn vrf experience with converting cisco ios to cisco nexus nx os in the data center environment experience with configuring nexus fabric extender fex which acts as a remote line card module for the nexus experience in configuring upgrading and verifying the nx os operating system actively involved in switching technology administration including creating and managing vlans port security x trunking q rpvst inter vlan routing and lan security on cisco catalyst r e e and nexus switches configuring ipsec vpn on srx series firewalls worked extensively in configuring monitoring and troubleshooting cisco s asa security appliance failover dmz zoning configuring vlans routing nating with the firewalls as per the design provided load balancing towards access layer from core layer using f network load balancers managed the f big ip gtm ltm appliances which include writing irules ssl offload and everyday task of creating wip and vips involved in disaster recovery activity like diverting all the traffic from the production data center to disaster recovery data center deployed a large scale hsrp solution to improve the uptime of collocation customers in the event of core router becoming unreachable configured and designed lan networks with access layer switches such as cisco switches configuring virtual chassis for juniper switches ex firewalls srx implemented hsrp on the cisco g layer switches and eigrp ospf on cisco routers the layer switch cisco xl switches cisco xl switches for load balancing and failover configuring asa firewall and allow deny rules for network traffic extensive knowledge and troubleshooting in data communication protocols and standards including tcp ip udp ieee token ring cable modem pppoe adsl multilayer switching dod standards monitoring and troubleshooting of wireless issues in the network environment asa firewalls ospf eigrp bgp isis mpls l vpn vrf vlan port security trunking nexus switches wip vip tcp ip udp ieee token ring cable modem adsl multilayer switching dod standards network analyst fidelity investments merrimack nhfeb to may description fidelity investments is an american multinational financial services corporation it is the fourth largest mutual fund and financial services group in the world fidelity investments manages a large family of mutual funds provides fund distribution and investment advice services as well as providing discount brokerage services retirement services wealth management securities execution life insurance responsibilities experience with supporting both network and security infrastructure in the data center environment and campus environment which involved with devices such as routers switches firewalls and wireless access points strong hands on experience on asa firewalls implemented security policies using acl firewall ipsec ssl vpn ips ids aaa tacacs radius experience with implementing cisco vss on the user distribution switches upgraded ios on the different asa flavors like and firewalls working with mpls designs from the pe to ce and also configuring vrf on pe routers experience with designing and deployment of mpls traffic engineering configuring rip ospf eigrp bgp mpls qos atm and frame relay strategies for the expansion of the mpls vpn networks working knowledge of cisco ios cisco ios xr cisco cat os cisco nx os junos experience with configuring bgp in the data center and also using bgp as a wan protocol and manipulating bgp attributes design and deployment of mpls qos mpls multicasting per company standards implemented site to site vpn in juniper srx as per customer implemented various ex srx j series juniper devices experience with deploying fabric path using nexus devices experience with configuring vpc vdc and otv between the data centers as a layer extension maintenance and troubleshooting of lan wan ip routing multilayer switching performing on site data center support including monitoring electrical power switch alarms network alerts and access logs configuring rip ospf and static routing on juniper m and mx series routers configuring vlan spanning tree vstp snmp on ex series switches dealt with monitoring tools like solar winds cisco works network packet capture tools like wire shark maintained a network with more than network devices some end hosts and the other network devices like dhcp dns servers firewall servers environment acl ipsec ssl vpn ips ids aaa rip ospf eigrp bgp mpls qos atm frame relay vstp snmp dhcp dns servers firewall network engineer dimension data irvine ca october to december description dimension data is a global company specializing in information technology services with operations on every inhabited continent dimension data s focus area include network integration security solutions data center solutions converged communications customer interactive solutions and support services responsibilities configuration and administration of cisco and juniper routers and switches administration and diagnostics of lan and wan with in depth knowledge of tcp ip nat ppp isdn and associates network protocols and services involved in design and implementation of data center migration worked on implementation strategies for the expansion of the mpls vpn networks experience in migration of frame relay based branches to mpls based technology using multilayer stackable switch like series and series router configuring vlans and implementing inter vlan routing testing e voicemail media gateways upgrading and troubleshooting cisco ios to the cisco switches and routers configure and troubleshoot juniper ex series switches and routers configuring site to site to vpn connectivity implementation of hsrp ipsec static route ipsec over gre and dynamic routing protocol involved in configuring cisco net flow for network performance and monitoring involved in designing and implementation of wireless ipt devices involved in configuration of cisco ace switches configuring ipsla monitor to track the different ip route when disaster occurs involved in implementing planning and preparing disaster recovery having meetings with the application group and gathering requirements for disaster recovery involved in smart view tracker to check the firewall traffic troubleshooting hardware and network related problems environment nat ppp isdn tcp ip series switch series router inter vlan hsrp ipsec static route ipsla smart view tracker network engineer gap inc pleasanton cafeb to august description gap inc or gap is an american worldwide clothing and accessories retailer it was founded in by donald fisher and doris f fisher and is headquartered in san francisco ca responsibilities responsible for the installation configuration maintenance and troubleshooting of the company network duties included monitoring network performance using various network tools to ensure the availability integrity and confidentiality of application and equipment configured and troubleshoot ospf and eigrp involved in troubleshooting of dns dhcp and other ip conflict problems planning and configuring the routing protocols such as ospf rip and static routing on the routers wan infrastructure runsospf bgp as core routing protocol support various routers like series routers tested authentication in ospf and bgp switching related tasks included implementing vlans vtp stp and configuring on the fast ethernet channel between switches responsible for configuring a site to site vpn on vpn concentrator series between head office and branch office installation configuration of cisco vpn concentrator for vpn tunnel with cisco vpn hardware software client and pix firewall configured firewall logging dmzs related security policies monitoring worked on cisco layer switches spanning tree vlan hands on experience working with security issues like applying acl s configuring nat and vpn responsible for internal and external accounts and managing lan wan and checking for security involved in network migrations configuring cisco and juniper devices router switches dynamic routing protocol configuration like rip and ospf troubleshooting level network problems nat and ipsec configuration on cisco routers creating private vlans preventing vlan hopping attacks mitigating spoofing with snooping ip source guard environment dns dhcp cisco routers series vlans vtp stp site to site vpn pix firewall nat acl vlan hopping attacks spoofing network engineer pune maharashtra may to december description lan security plays a significant part in the security strategy of enterprise networks nevis networks is a specialist in the area of enterprise lan security providing multi layered scalable and highly unified solutions to combat advanced threats responsibilities experience with cisco switches and routers physical cabling ip addresses wide area network configurations frame relay and atm configured the cisco router as ip firewall and for natting configured static nat dynamic nat dynamic nat overloading install and configure servers desktops and networking equipment used wireshark to analyze the networks recommended and implemented improved documentation including troubleshooting checklists escalation guidelines phone numbers and status report educational emailing protocols migration of rip v to ospf bgp routing protocols created vlan and inter vlan routing with multilayer switching configured of ip allocation and sub netting for all applications and servers and other needs throughout the company using flsm vlsm addressing performed redistribution with ospf eigrp rip version and to enable communication with backbone provide assistance to network manager and serve as secondary network support involved in installing and configuring pix e firewall used various network sniffers like ethereal tcp dump etc designed network connectivity and network security between various offices and data center installed and configured routers including along with cisco switches including and environment nat ripv eigrp ospf frame relay atm bgp ethereal tcp dump cisco routers cisco switches education technology jawaharlal nehru technological university hyderabad andhra pradesh in ", "junior network engineer junior network engineer university of maryland orthopaedic and rehabilitation institute laurel md email me on indeed indeed com r c abc faa f d career summary to pursue a career that is challenging yet rewarding while exhibiting strong analytical customer service problem solving negotiation teaching and organizational skills adept administrator with years of experience implementing processes to create more efficient organizations in the areas of administration human resources and operations self motivated leader with ability to research plan coordinate problem solve and execute complex and multiple tasks in fast paced environments strong analytical interpersonal and team building skills excellent oral and written communication skills proficient with the microsoft office work experience junior network engineer university of maryland orthopaedic and rehabilitation institute april to present internship with the senior network engineer of various umms locations trouble shooting lan and wan connections layer and layer routing rip eigrp ospf bgp and mpls stacking and configuring multiple switches layer and layer with cisco switches and routers manages and understands the important issues that have connections with administering and maintaining business infrastructure including network connectivity net access email and other task with network connection understands the subjects associated in administering as well as maintaining business wan perform switch audits using fluke networks link runner senior financial control specialist works with umms september to present oversees the financial payment functions within the department and serve as departmental extension for accounts payable as they relate to processing of transactions serves as a liaison as it relates to vendor payment disputes executes communicates and enforce changes in department procedures to staff and umms departments works with umms facilities to organize and maintain system processes as it relates to accounts payable works with department managers at all facilities with various specific needs including the analysis of the budget variance issues assists them in understanding pmm system and transaction processing issues offers guidance and direction to assist accounts payable staff when required assists medical system departments and vendors in understanding accounts payable policies and procedures and the procurement process communicates to the respective medical system departments and vendors regarding invoice price quantity item type or other discrepancies and clarifies resolve or obtains information in accordance with departmental procedures works with purchasing and receiving to resolve invoice discrepancy issues and resolve routine vendor request or questions concerning payment under general direction leads and implements accounts payable performance improvement initiatives inputting exception hours into a database respond to customer concerns research billing status and resolve customer concerns administrative assistant iii patient placement and resource allocation september to november perform diversified administrative duties and serve as aaiii and referral coordinator to the sr director of patient placement and resource allocation staffing and resource office infection control respiratory therapy wound care employee health psychiatry ethics committee pharmacy and case management departments duties include but are not limited to provide administrative and technical support for the director and various departments provide organization and expedite office support while providing administrative instructions in the absence of the director supervisor prepare and review a variety of materials to make necessary corrections and recommendations for review and approval in accordance with departmental procedures act as staffing coordinator in the absence of the administrative staffing coordinator assistant schedule conferences and meetings with appropriate accommodations and locations attend ethics committee staff meetings for note taking minutes prepare final formal submission submit inpatient referrals for approval or denial secure location for all incoming patient coordinate and communicate admission details and patient demographics to inpatient rehabilitation units contact facilities and process forms of patients transitions to other levels of care in the absence of the supervisor monthly tracking of professional licensures timely renewals expired licenses and disciplinary actions for monthly managers report for all licensed staff nurses respiratory therapy dieticians dentistry etc create and prepare monthly surgical letters per surgeon indication of surgical site infections or non infection for infection control coordinator update healthstream a learning management system with mandatory annual ppd tuberculosis for employees submit requests for interpreter services as well as preparing and maintaining invoices for the a p department maintain calendar of all daily interpreting schedules bi weekly payroll reconciliation using kronos time and attendance system to reduce payroll errors and increase data accuracy track leave balances branch product manager tti inc february to august duties include but were not limited to acted as liaison between manufacturer representatives and branch sales representatives negotiated prices to yield highest possible gross profit built effective relationships with all manufacturer representatives to foster goodwill for company interfaced with manufacturer representatives to avert and resolve issues conducted training session to upgrade sales representative product knowledge provided technical product knowledge for sales representatives with cross reference material provided current manufacturer product and price catalogues to sales representatives maintained and updated manuals of ship and debits by customer researched competitor products policies and pricing participated actively in company total quality process acquired market share data from manufacturer representatives and suppliers reads analyze and interprets business periodicals professional journals technical procedures and governmental regulations writes reports correspondence and procedure manuals analyzes impact of decisions before execution calculates discounts interest commissions proportions and percentages tti inc columbia md february to august branch product manager assistant customer service representative tti inc to duties include but were not limited to supported branch product manager and sales representatives expedited orders shipments from manufacturers and or customers resolve customer concerns i e issues problems administrative assistant to general administrative duties education customer service catonsville community college baltimore md december certification anne arundel community college hanover md december ", "network engineer intern network engineer intern email me on indeed indeed com r ec f bfce a work experience network engineer intern iq solutions rockville md september to december assisting senior network engineer with enterprise firewall settings and activation implementing mac address filtering to allow trusted connections get secured access to the network liaising with the it infrastructure team to log assessment and inventory check for all networking and it equipment activation and setup of aruba device networks for employees accessing remotely liaising with networking team on enterprise data center shift project to a remote location in the coming months programmer analyst trainee quality assurance cognizant technology solutions chennai tamil nadu september to may managed quality assurance testing cycles for pharmaceutical client astrazeneca performed local and full regression testing cycles pertaining to client user interfaces and online databases connectivity liaised with product management and development teams on application remediation within software development life cycles led knowledge transfer sessions with new quality assurance teams and recommend new testing strategies bsnl govt of india bangalore karnataka july to august mpls technology solutions collaborated with engineering teams with specification designs and implementations of managed leased line networks designed and implemented multi protocol label switches for bangalore post office branches implemented managed leased network topology and surveyed main hlr routers throughout city of bangalore published best practice findings pertaining to provisioning of multi protocol label switching into district telecom centers education master of science in telecommunication and management university of maryland college park md september to may bachelor of engineering in telecommunications bms institute of technology bangalore karnataka september to june skills databases less than year access less than year bgp less than year c less than year ccna less than year additional information technical skills programming languages and tools java c c matlab html python databases certification github linux ubuntu windows and osx cisco ios mentum planet windows keil nmap aircrack metasploit kali linux firewalls mininet linux ubuntu sas viewer windows excel powerpoint access word windows keynote os x ccna commands networking protocols bgp tcp ip udp mpls vpn mlln ipv arp rip v v ospf dns dnssec dhcp ethernet dvr sdn ", "network engineer co op network security engineer new york ny email me on indeed indeed com r d d cf f network security engineer with an expertise to design and troubleshoot complex networks looking for a fulltime opportunity starting from august to become an asset to the company willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer co op sei investments philadelphia pa march to december contributed towards the network development for sei investments as a network engineer maintained the network performance by troubleshooting tickets using magic ticketing system on a daily basis and performed required configuration changes to the network responsible for configuring and maintaining the existing lan and wan infrastructure and was actively assisting to deploy new projects proficient in the use and configuration of different protocols dhcp dns hsrp eigrp ospf bgp mpls dmvpn worked in deploying waas wan optimization device for the company which led to optimized traffic and also provided support for the technology performed periodic health checks and performance analysis on firewall configured and maintained sets of acl s in the core network network security intern web security appliance mumbai maharashtra may to july network management advanced work experience with cisco tools ciscoworks infoblox grid manager whatsup gold clean access manage network monitoring wireshark scrutinizer cisco waas waas express cisco wsa riverbed steel response arx c asdm firewalls asa asa routers c c c c network security intern ongc infocom communication systems mumbai india may july observed many networks and scada implementation to connect onshore and offshore rigs with few security protocols trained in the usage of ids ips and firewalls in order to protect the critical scada network from the external networks participated in different risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies for the company under the cyber defense team and have worked around technologies like penetration testing and have been acquainted with protocol analyzer wireshark to apply filters actively trained under the incident response team and support and explored the different incident response procedures security policy training was one of the main elements of the work position education master s in telecommunications engineering rochester institute of technology rochester ny august to august ccna rochester institute of technology bachelor of science in electrical engineering university of mumbai to skills ids year ips year linux year opnet year security year additional information skills gns firewalls network management routing switchi ng operating system windows mac os linux tools matlab packet tracer gns opnet wireshark asdm security ips ids tacacs radius firewalls incident response procedures operational security and cryptography ", "network engineer ii experienced cisco network engineer portland or email me on indeed indeed com r a d c willing to relocate to oregon washington state colorado authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer ii state of oregon salem or april to present network engineer ii subject matter expert contractor office of oregon state chief information officer state data center sustainability project supported replacement and redesign of state agencies dhs odot etc router and switch network converted oregon department of human services wireless network to flexconnect project music mobilizing unified systems and integrated communications sme for state voip migration responsible for configuring and designing state agencies voip router and switch network member of the oregon network architecture review team setup to assist with the stabilization of the oregon state voip network network engineer ibm daimler truck north america portland or october to april support of the dtna network which includes cisco routers switches wlc and wireless access points respond to trouble tickets created by server administrators and other engineers apply patches and performing minor ios upgrades on network devices manage equipment replacements and restore network services troubleshoot network latency and other connectivity problems update and manage dns records work with equipment vendor to resolve chronic network problems technical support engineer iii vocera communications inc san jose ca april to october responsibilities troubleshoot and analyze multicast traffic protocols sip rtp udp using wireshark troubleshoot wireless a b g n infrastructure which includes wireless lan controllers access points and mobile clients configure and troubleshoot dialogic media gateways troubleshoot call flow user group profiles and call permissions analyze server logs to troubleshoot and optimize server efficiency support hospital and health care facilities critical communications related to the vocera infrastructure skills used multicast troubleshooting customer support engineer ii cisco systems inc research triangle nc us june to april vise team virtual internetworking support engineer role focused specifically on failure resolution of network fault situations onsite at customer premises worldwide able to install and configure all cisco product families with few exceptions develop and deliver action plans to field engineers on part replacement activities remotely restore network services at customer location escalation contact for lower tier trained field engineers on ucs hardware replacement process smart fe program network engineer ii centurylink wake forest nc november to june provided tier technical support for dsl business customers ilecs clecs hotel services and centurylink technicians provisioned dslams ethernet and atm access switches and aggregation routers determined and diagnosed network outages remotely monitored and tested dsl lines and cpe equipment troubleshot iptv provisioning configuration issues provided assistance to team members when needed electrical qualifications technician contractor ibm research triangle nc us february to october tested electrical and signal properties of interconnect designs e g infiniband in a controlled lab environment ensured electrical designs met project specifications measured multiple parameters such as return loss attenuation insertion loss crosstalk and impedance responsible for stress testing designs and recording variances to electrical and signal properties data collection and data analysis updated and maintained information database assisted and reported findings head engineer network technician contractor teksystems inc raleigh nc january to february contracted technical skills to various industries on short term and long term projects fiber splicing flextronics inc wireless broadband and network performance testing of flarion technologies flash ofdm technology nextel network cabling glaxosmithkline dsl installations sprint network systems specialist time warner myrtle beach sc february to january responsible for supporting the high speed data road runner product trained new field technicians on road runner product assisted the network engineer in maintaining the network s head end equipment with direct supervision managed broadband equipment and ensured network equipment was configured properly provisioned cmts i e cisco ubr routers handled chronic network issues as part of a team involving field technicians road runner noc and sr network engineer completed and updated trouble tickets using remedy software communications technician iii at t broadband richmond va august to december pilot team member universal technician project one tech fix all trained in fiber technology troubleshoot and repaired broadband cable triple play services which integrated high speed data rf digital tv and telephony resolved network outages using outside plant system schematics provided on call support after hours as part of a scheduled rotation performed plant sweeps i e balanced amplifiers and nodes participated in cli cumulative leakage index measurement education networking technology and information wake technical community college skills wireshark years wireless site surveys years fiber optic splicing and terminanation years voip years certifications licenses a network i net fiber optic technology ccna september to september additional information qualifications hands on experienced network engineer with a strong background supporting lan wan networks in a field setting and fast paced noc environment highly skilled troubleshooting network connectivity issues and hardware problems adept at multitasking and managing teams and projects successfully demonstrated business management acumen and outstanding communication skills proven ability to effectively build a productive working environment with coworkers and clients skills hardware cisco routers cisco catalyst nexus switches cisco ucs servers dslams redback networks calix lucent stinger tellabs afc adtran ericsson marconi alcatel and entrisphere os platforms microsoft windows mac os microsoft exchange server familiar with linux unix and ms dos software vmware zabbix abacus bmc remedy nortel access care cisco webex teamviewer putty and other ssh clients equipment tektronix stealth and micro stealth signal test meters tektronix csa b signal analyzer tektronix c oscilloscope fluke networks dtx cable analyzer agilent e b and agilent es network analyzers siecor otdr sumitomo and fujikura fiber splicers ", "network engineer iii network engineer iii virtualization and automation technologies san jose ca email me on indeed indeed com r bf aae willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer iii virtualization and automation technologies february to present cisco systems inc feb to till date network engineer iii compute ucs b series and c series server ucs central imc supervisor storage products vmax vnxe and netapp protocols iscsi fcoe vsan networking nexus v nexus k port channels and vpc virtualization vsphere and vswitch s vds containers docker automation python and powershell os linux and windows r converged infra flex pod typical day looks like working with customer and help them in building the private cloud environments helping them in optimizing the cloud environments and performing health checks and risk assessments mentoring the new employees automating the routine tasks to improve the efficiency systems analyst hp gen lenovo and dell august to january servers storage products vmax vnxe and netapp and hp par protocols iscsi fcoe networking vsp switches datacenter networking and wireless controllers virtualization vsphere vswitch s vds automation python and powershell converged infra vblock and avaya podfx os winnows r and linux typical day looks like working with r d team and testing the features in converged infrastructure and helping in preparing the documents for the operations team exploring the new features and optimizing the configuration network test engineer teamf networks july to july networking protocols dhcp wireless controllers wireless access points rip ospf sslvpn dns arp vlan lan and wan technologies networking tools wireshark tcpdump programming lang embedded c os linux and windows r typical day looks like working with r d team and testing the networking protocols and fixing the support issues education embedded infotech august to june ", "network engineer network engineer ocala fl email me on indeed indeed com r a e e work experience network engineer think technologies group ocala fl august to august network engineer and systems administrator for this dynamic managed services provider responsible for the installation support and troubleshooting of hypervisors servers networks and related peripherals on customer networks nationwide both remote and on site provide excellent support to end users using a variety of remote and on site tools general manager mr pc ocala fl april to august supervised all operations for this full service it company including sales service support and personnel responsible for the sales service support installation and repair of workstations servers and networks and the supervision of other employees as well as purchasing and rma additional employment history and references upon request education bachelor of arts in radio television university of central florida skills active directory years apache years dns years firewall years iis years certifications licenses microsoft certified professional mcp vmware certified professional cx advanced certified voip engineer certified sonicwall security administrator watchguard certified professional comptia healthcare it technician additional information related skills windows server active directory group policy windows linux vmware cx and other voip phone systems tcp ip networking routing firewall switch management dns bind network printing iis apache web servers raid backup restore storagecraft veeam backupexec connectwise and labtech ", "network engineer network engineer zol networks fresh meadows ny email me on indeed indeed com r dc d professional ccna engineer with vast experience in networking operations administration management and support participant in a wide range of it consulting and integration services projects i have provided my skills and experience to the ny diamond industry for the last years i am a network project leader and manager who energizes a team to achieve results and obtaining my clients s satisfaction is always my number one goal excellent troubleshooter and problem solver under pressured situations professional reliable and motivated individual who loves to be part of a successful team authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer zol networks new york ny march to present network engineer responsible for worldwide security s daily isp wan lan operations providing ip services to over small and mid size companies in manhattan s diamond district bringing revenue to over in planned and designed company s noc provisioning metro ethernet and public class c addressing services planned and designed infrastructure services such as dns dhcp qos and hsrp designed and implemented layer and layer lan infrastructure redundancy and availability services like stp rstp vtp hsrp and vrrp provisioned layer ip ipv wan topologies using technologies like ppp gre and dmvpn in conjunction with dynamic routing protocols like ospf eirgp and ripv implemented in house networking technologies for service distribution migrating over the years from t internet services and shared back bone networks to high speed gigabit services implementing dedicated bandwidth plans stp technologies ipv vlsm sub netting and redundant high availability connections planning implementation management configuration and maintenance of clients complex multi vlans ip network environments planned it network infrastructure with ctos to ensure that networks are tailored and comply with their requirements and needs including designs for vpns voip services wifi lans and digital surveillance networks cloud hosted pbx and sip trunking voip platforms provisioning implementation and management of voip services in partnership with talking platforms usa management and administration of windows server running active directory snmp monitoring dns and dhcp design and implementation of digital video surveillance networks with exacq vision and hikvision platforms technical project manager tek systems inc april to october dmac project manager responsible for large scale corporate and trading relocations of up to users resulting in the merging of bank of america and fleet s it networks sites and infrastructure surveying and design planning infrastructure testing and installations for financial trading floors technical projects rollout coordinator and manager of up to technicians per project pc desktop technician responsible for setups and configuration of users pcs performed hardware and software upgrades and installations installation configuration and support of network devices handheld devices and laptops network technician stanhope networks january to april deployed extension of nyse network to remote site to accommodate employees relocation and to better their productivity upgraded trading posts infrastructure to provide higher data rate transfers resulting in better trading techniques implemented engineering firmware software procedures to critical and sensitive production equipment to improve overall network performance network support analyst directfit inc january to january provided tier desktop support to over employees resolved issues within hybrid multiuser network platforms included windows nt windows oracle systems performed lan wan operations troubleshot lotus notes messaging remote access issues network engineer project manager barnes wentworth inc june to december designed developed and implemented commercial and residential networks accommodating data voice and video technologies lowering costs for service and increasing owner s profits and ownership provided microsoft nt and novell support to small clients managed and supervised technical and electrical teams for various it projects network administrator revlon inc february to june administeered corporate finance s nodes novell network responsible for the daily administration and operation of novell servers led it globalization rollout project upgraded desktops os hardware and network connectivity to further better networks efficiency performed level desktop support for all corporate finance users designed and implemented backup library rd implemented configuration and installation of tcp ip windows nt and windows platforms rollouts to desktops supported and troubleshot daily network issues including mail applications and hardware issues education certification in access control galaxy systems frederick md july to july degree in digital electronic technology computer technology dover business college paramus nj january to december don bosco prep h s ramsey ramsey nj certificate in network technologies metropolitan institute of network technologies jersey city nj skills ccna routing switching layer routing ospf eigrp bgp layer switching vtp trunking stp and vlan management q ipv and ipv planning and subnetting wan lan wlan varied technologies soho networks implementations internet access implementations for customers supporting services from commercial isps in the city of new york hardware cisco routers and switches juniper routers and siwtches sonic wall firewalls netgear and linksys networking routers and switches windows based pcs macs servers pcs dell compaq hp gateway ibm laptops galaxy access control certified engineer technitian troubleshooter cat cat e cat fiber cabling infrastructure technician network testing and analyzing equipment operator software windows server windows windows tcp ip microsoft office suite galaxy access control systems exacq vision surveillance quickbooks antivirus and security software backup utility programs remote access and monitoring programs years certifications licenses ccna routing and switching galaxy system access control additional information excellent intuitive customer service skills excellent professional and personal references available upon request pursues and updates education constantly excellent communication and work ethic skills available for varied shifts overtime weekends and extracurricular projects fluent in spanish language excellent driving record ", "network engineer contractor network engineer contractor bonita springs fl email me on indeed indeed com r c d d cdc d network systems admin engineer i had obtained following industry certifications a net and cisco ccna and i m currently progressing towards the windows server certifications from mcsa all the way to mcse fluently speak and write english and spanish designing and installing microsoft windows servers active directory administration exchange o windows ms office suites vmware vsphere and hyperv hypervisors administration and cloud computing solutions cisco voip cucm cisco asa security appliances cisco enterprise switching and routing wireless technologies ubiquity meraki cisco and netgear design implementation and management of complete cisco merkai network solution symantec anti virus client and management platform experience and sophos puremessage linux management and python programing use of tools and software to monitor manage design administer and secure local area networks designed and implemented to solutions microsoft apple and open source chromebooks for various organizations meraki systems manager and airwatch mobile device management troubleshooting laptop desktop server hardware configuring and troubleshooting mac os x ios devices applications and settings communicate with techs and end users escalation decision making under pressure team work excellent documentation and strong customer service skills itil change management ability to work independently authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer contractor avow hospice naples fl september to june while working as network engineer for a prestigious nonprofit hospice home i was task with documenting the network including visio diagrams for a total of idf and mdf racks logical topology physical topology for the old flat network and the newly designed network topology project managed the design and implementation of a new network environment segmented with several vlans and redundant paths installing and configuring meraki access points meraki ms switches cisco isrs and meraki mx firewalls including an in premises and off premises data center for disaster recovery fail over links dedicated fiber link and vpn re configured cisco access points cisco catalyst switches and asa x administration of cucm ip phone system implemented new features and created step by step how to documents for common phone system procedures such as deploying new phones and voice mail boxes re purposing existing phones resetting passwords generating reports and other management procedures project managed and configured the addition of a second pri on a cisco isr voice gate way configuration of a port fxs card on one of the cisco isr router to utilize dids for analog lines as part of a faxing solution on a new administration building spliced and cross connected pots lines across buildings as part of the fax lines project assisted on the migration from exchange server to office updated ad user ac counts in order to populate the right information on various fields of o with a bulk ad user edit solution assisted on the process of transitioning end users to the newly implemented o participated on the transition from airwatch to meraki systems manager for our mobile manage ment solution implemented a wireless point to point connection between two buildings across a lake and mani pulated rstp port priority values to create an automatic failover link between two meraki access switches desktop support analyst contractor lehigh regional medical center lehigh acres fl august to october implementation of epic medical solutions software and end user training and troubleshooting assisted implementing over new computers and medical equipment including operating systems medical and administrative applications migrating users and computers to a new domain provided hands on hardware support such as connecting computers to the wired network and vlan administration also installed software updates and upgrades on the computers and workstations on the network configured new computers reconfigure and re purpose older machines and set up workstations for new employees ad administration network administration end user support hardware and software troubleshooting network administrator city of bonita springs bonita springs fl january to august maintained and upgraded existing software systems to maximize effective use by city staff evaluate and recommend software and hardware system changes as necessary to improve output of city it systems maintained and repair system hardware as necessary maintain system security to protect city system integrity and safety work with outside provider to improve city web site display an effective professional management presence under stress distinguish priorities and modify those priorities on short notice if circumstances warrant effectively handle crisis and appropriately adjust plans and activities to changes in circumstance analyze and interpret data identify the critical elements and apply the proper solutions transmit verbal and written information and ideas in a timely manner clearly understandable ios devices certified technician repair and troubleshooting apple inc naples fl june to january of ios devices like ipads and iphones os x lion and mountain lion training instructor perform data migrations from mac to mac and pc to mac repair tickets provided technical support to customer s mobile devices and computers both hardware and software provided educational opportunities to customers about their personal products helped troubleshoot and repair issues on an array of mobile devices scheduling of technicians performed data migration from windows to mac os android to ios and other provided one to one essential training on apple devices and operating system creating and maintaining relationships by means of outstanding customer service discovered needs of the customer paired customer with products completed sales transactions and returns student help desk lorenzo walker technical college naples fl august to october computer systems and network support related tasks and skills requested by walk in customers based upon their demand lots of hands on experience with cisco real life like lab environment set ups throughout my class also with multi server and client virtual machine environments education computer systems network support lorenzo walker technical college skills cisco years meraki year vmware years hyper v year rds less than year network administration years system administration years ccna years microsoft server years san years helpdesk years retail years ", "network engineer owner network engineer owner alyeska information technology services llc girdwood ak email me on indeed indeed com r defc c d authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer owner alyeska information technology services llc june to present maintain and manage msp mpls network network consists of nodes cisco and juniper hardware write automation scripts for network analysis write change script templates develop low level design standards for pops to support five s service delivery design engineer and lead implementation engineer designed new transport circuits for carrier exchange platform developed standards and implemented end to end qos across carrier exchange platform consisting of multiple vendors and transport technologies developed installation scopes and detailed installation packages for field tech s collaborated with facilities engineers to determine space power requirements for equipment to be installed could be supported with existing infrastructure converted many pops from cisco to juniper develop and implement advanced qos services to support products sold migrated services from sonet to ip core transport network engineer designed and built new transport infrastructure and services for msp to meet business requirements vendor interoperability testing between brocade nokia ericsson radios network engineer alyeska information technology services llc wilkes barre pa july to december wireless lifecycle projects wcs to pi migration enterprise wireless deployment network engineer teksystems anchorage ak january to june enterprise wireless lifecycle upgrade deploy wireless controllers deployed wlcs using pi templates enterprise routing protocol conversion convert devices from eigrp to ospf network engineer alyeska information technology services llc wilkes barre pa november to december lead engineer and project manager on route switch wireless security projects design install configure and troubleshoot cisco solutions design install and coordinate fcc licensed microwave solutions develop standardized templates and best practices develop formal project structure and documentation education education bloomsburg university of pennsylvania to ", "network engineer network engineer round rock tx email me on indeed indeed com r d e cd ef key skills and accomplishments the following are a partial listing of my skills and accomplishments computer technical skills programming with php c javascript perl and basic programmed entire production automation system saving many man hours per week my clients manager of production department producing millions of direct mail pieces per year for thousands of clients eliminated human error misprints by network administrator and installation with linux various distributions centos slackware redhat microsoft windows x nt xp vista windows novell website creation management and upgrading used best solutions for each client s needs and budget database administration using ms access postgresql and mysql linux server and workstation installation configuration linux program installation and configuration including samba server kernel compiling sendmail qmail openssl apache mysql php shell scripting cli programs including sed awk and grep vi editor purchasing and recommendations on multiple levels of computer equipment and peripherals proficient in consumer computer programs such as adobe cs suite including indesign photoshop and illustrator quarkxpress beta tested for quark inc ms and wordperfect office quicken quickbooks ms great plains accounting dreamweaver sales and marketing produced international travel product sales in excess of million each year for six years created one of the first interactive websites for sales in the travel industry scripted and directed sales people in producing record sales face to face selling for future continuation sales programs grew the business through referral programs work experience network engineer network engineer iii round rock tx september to present president aeo marketing spanish fork ut may to present microsoft professional network solutions everton publishers vmt technologies classical singer magazine family history network and former ut congressman chris cannon marketing and sales consulting network web administrator database administrator computer technician support vice president in charge of marketing and sales teams international cruises and tours provo ut april to april directed and created ads for local and national newspapers magazines websites for new sales produced wrote direct mail pieces managed groups of telemarketers for outbound phone calling professional tour group leader led several groups to brazil and peru links http www ashleyoviatt com ", "network engineer network engineer tulsa federal credit union tulsa ok email me on indeed indeed com r a fd dd with over years in the it industry i specialize in it people skills as well as in solving challenging customer situations my experience and skills have taught me to contribute to a better it working environment i can train it personnel to improve people skills in combination with technology experience in cisco equipment router switches wireless products voip installations and some designing onsite field engineer for dimension data and cisco for years all over san diego county and la over years progressive experience providing superior technical support troubleshooting and network administration for large numbers of users in a multi platform and mixed network environment windows nt xp windows over ethernet and running off the shelf and proprietary software packages experience administering and troubleshooting pbx phone and voicemail systems and cisco switches and routers most recently worked closely with network administrator installing a point to point optical wireless transmission service providing voice and data transmission service between two buildings and windows xp deployment proven record of superior work ethic customer service teamwork and interpersonal skills as evidenced by being awarded intervu s employee of the year for technical windows xp nt intertel phone system lucent definity pbx cisco switches routers series cisco unity voicemail tcp ip sniffer ms exchange server ms office software utilities image patrol ghost vmware cisco vpn applications custom production software cisco call manager windows active directory outlook and server and r vmware virtualization cisco iron port barracuda back up symantec back up r willing to relocate to san diego ca authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer tulsa federal credit union tulsa ok to present position summary the network engineer assists in the development maintenance and supporting the credit union s lan and wan networks voip infrastructure and network security across the organization in addition the network engineer will participate in the installation monitoring maintenance support and optimization of all network hardware software and communication platforms primary responsibilities embody the credit union s core values of trust integrity teamwork and making a difference and ensure that new employees understand and embrace these core values evaluate current network and telecommunications infrastructure with technology changes develop long range plans to address areas of concern to accomplish goals established within the strategic technology plan under the direction of the it manager and information technology steering committee serves as the implementation project manager to include acquisition testing installation operation of hardware and software documentation and educates staff on new technologies and systems responsible for switch configurations vss spanning tree and q trunking and routing configurations while utilizing a strong knowledge of eigrp and bgp peering relationship and traffic flows maintains an activity log of problems analyzes data and makes recommendations for action provides data center and campus building infrastructure design and operational support troubleshooting and configuring as well as fiber channel over ethernet fcoe san configurations and virtual server environments within a lan wan infrastructure analyze and resolve network hardware and software problems by performing diagnostic testing to determine source of problem and make necessary repairs maintain professional communication with supervisor when significant problems and errors in the system occur manages and maintains voip telephony infrastructure to include phone system voicemail and call center services including uccx develops and maintains wireless architecture configure and deploy access points troubleshoot access point interference management of the wireless controller and perform basic wireless site surveys responsible for network security architecture analyzing current network security implementing new systems and procedures when necessary in accordance with sans top cscs oversees ips management firewall configurations and vpns based on project and operational requirements utilizes network access control role configurations based on use and filtering requirements while checking server and firewall logs scrutinizing network traffic for credit union violations and evaluating inconsistent adherence to security policies analyzes and resolves security breaches and vulnerability issues in a timely and accurate fashion prepares documentation of network configuration asset management applications design and assumes responsibility for performing timely and effective user support services assists users in accessing network resources provides phone e mail and in person support to end users provides training for end users on installed user and network software assumes responsibility for establishing and maintaining effective communication and coordination with company personnel and with management maintains regular contact with all departments to obtain information and to correct errors in network operations distributes materials on updated projects keeps users informed of the status of their requests configures software for network installation and company wide implementation completes hardware and software licensing functions and inventory management duties ensures company compliance with software licensing agreements maintain professionalism integrity and ethics in all actions and conversations with internal customers and outside vendors follow policy and procedures related to bank secrecy act bsa anti money laundering aml customer identification program cip and customer due diligence cdd daily to ensure compliance with current regulations performs other duties as assigned network infrastructure administrator oklahoma state university tulsa ok to perform network administration on osu academic and medical networks perform citrix administration vmware with windows server s administration perform network cisco security administration perform project management and help to keep hipaa compliance network administration cisco infrastructure equipment campus wide support several remote osumc clinics check with vendors for innovation on the network lead project with the desktop support team on the medical site major responsibilities performs network administration for the osu university medical network design project for future expansion install new servers and network peripheral devices perform user access administration troubleshoot network problems campus wide and clinics monitor and evaluate system performance with solarwinds and cisco prime evaluate and recommend new products support and administration on aruba wi fi install hardware and software updates administration of cisco voip systems provide administrative assistance on citrix environment administration for cucm voip x and cme medical administration with vmware on the data center manage security and voip projects risc management solution for security and voip projects maintains the integrity of the university computing environment monitor and evaluate system security with cisco asa x ips perform monitor and evaluate backup systems sempana develop and update documentation city network administrator city of owasso owasso ok august to november managed and supported the city s local area network lans and wan wireless lan including several servers running windows exchange server cisco asa cisco x switches support microsoft hyper v servers dell switches dell servers dell san dell das and several network devices in addition responsible for system design maintenance installation security and application analysis in a lan and wlan provided necessary technical assistance and training on various software applications to all city employees performed other it work related to the city s computer systems managed and supported several network printers administered the wireless wide area network connecting eight remote locations with the city s local network responsible for daily backup of the city s lans adding and maintaining users accounts and profiles setting up network printers and troubleshooting network connectivity issues provided support level and administration for the police and fire department s computer aided dispatch record management and court software provided necessary technical assistance and training on other network and desktop applications for all city employees troubleshooted software application problems applied patches and updates as needed offered assistance in utilizing advanced software application techniques maintained the proper records of licenses for software support agreements hardware and software inventory provided consultation with all departments regarding the planning of anticipated computer needs and purchases supervised part time seasonal employees supervised full time desktop support technician lan administrator key personal tulsa ok november to november assisted with deployment and configuration of cisco ips assisted with deployment and configuration of bluecoat assisted with deployment and configuration of cisco switches x stack assisted with deployment of solar wind network monitor soft assisted with deployment and support of xmedius t fax over ip assisted with image deployment of windows enterprise edition supported customized company software over the phone supported windows ad users supported local lan and wan problems supported exchange users cisco field network engineer dimension data of north america san diego ca december to june provided field network support level and for cisco products including voip deployments and support level and in san diego and la county support onsite on san diego county hr respond support dimension data clients level and cisco voip deployment and support support post sale for dimension data clients installation for cisco tele presence family support for xerox voip contract support for pfizer voip contract deployments for hsbc banks in san diego area support routers for bt uk technologies all san diego county network administrator viterra systems ista san diego ca november to december provided support level and for in house users remote users provided support to remote offices worked on server refresh project moving and rack mounting servers network administration of windows nt xp backup administration using veritas exchange and exchange server administration trouble ticket problem resolution installation and configuration of anti virus protection monitoring of network lan and wan servers building of all new microsoft windows servers insurance and maintaining of service level agreements provide and keep up to date all network documentation roll out all users from windows to xp and outlook provide phone support to definite lucent switch roll out microsoft virtual pc installation wan equipment peribit sr bandwidth optimization jr network adminstrator koch membrane systems san diego ca march to march provided support of large lan wan existing of several nt servers and com switch cisco routers hubs support of ms backoffice exchange server win pak server internet information server phone server and repartee server support of monitoring and tracking software total virus defense configuration and upgrades for users performed network data backup and recovery using arcserver backup exec software management of wins and dhcp tcp ip administration and analysis nt administration of account creation and support of network shares management of all software and hardware upgrades management of help desk and desktop support and all trouble ticket call resolution providing level support windows nt compliance rollout on all hardware and software building and configuration of image server and file servers and production servers nt administrator help desk support phone admin san diego ca november to november provided onsite and remote administration for akamai s mixed windows nt and linux ethernet network systems ms exchange email system as well as superior technical support for users running a full range of ms office database and proprietary software applications worked closely with network administrator installing a point to point astroterra optical wireless transmission service providing mbp voice and data transmission service between two buildings extensive experience administering and troubleshooting lucent definity pbx phone systems and audix voicemail for new and existing employees configured and debug cisco switches and routers awarded employee of the year for providing exemplary first and second level technical support for issues ranging from administration and network operating systems to test applications and end user software and hardware support trained and instructed users with varying skill levels on computers and application use actively documented problems with network hardware and communication systems software applications and their respective solutions education ccna trough cisco academy in san diego san diego ca to additional information pursuing ccna security ", "network engineer network engineer miramar fl email me on indeed indeed com r dd ef b highly motivated and service focused it specialist with solid track record of achievement managing data and communications networks in fast paced security conscious environments resourceful and reliable team player adept at devising innovative solutions meeting deadlines and rapidly mastering new technologies and processes bilingual spanish english with strong interpersonal and problem solving talents skilled at working directly with clients and technicians to diagnose and quickly resolve challenging technical issues certifications cisco certified network professional ccnp cisco certified network associate ccna microsoft certified solutions associate windows server comptia project comptia security willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer efg capital international miami fl august to present responsibilities provide it support for efg capital as a network engineer maintain daily functions of the network environment for efg capital responsible for the connectivity between the main office remote sites datacenter and drp site implement modify and maintain network baseline configurations as well as systems provide documentation on network and systems services in order to provide business continuity configure and maintain cisco switch configurations juniper firewall configuration and policy rules between miami headquarters offices and remote sites in order to provide a secure network accomplishments assisted in disaster recovery implementation during building floor flooding causing multiple systems to render useless upgrade ios of cisco network switches and firmware for juniper firewalls utilizing the vendor s suggested upgrade configured nexus up and tp fabric extenders as the core infrastructure using hsrp and ospfv as well as an active active vpc topology at both datacenter sites installed and configured network infrastructure at drp site which consisted of a dmz external cisco switch dmz internal cisco switch checkpoint firewalls juniper ssg m firewall and nexus up network engineer arma global fort bragg nc november to june provide support for the joint special operations command unit as a network engineer perform daily administrative operation and maintenance of server hardware and software maintain systems and network equipment in compliance with security policies implement modify and maintain network and system baseline configurations provide guidance and assistance to peers on system and network related issues provide documentation on systems and network related services and equipment research evaluate and recommend new systems and network technologies implement gre tunnels along with encryption devices to provide communications back to a central site administer tacacs with cisco acs server to secure network devices and allow users to log into cisco devices upgrade cisco routers and switches with the latest ios software and update servers with the latest patches audit communication packages consisting of cisco routers and switch devices in each package utilize solarwinds to monitor and maintain network devices across three different networks utilize netmri to maintain router and switch configuration as well as network policies and health enhanced one of our system packages for virtualization and a better storage solution by implementing skyeras and dell oem dart frog upgraded steelhead riverbeds with the latest ios release configured the in path lan and wan interfaces with proper ip address space installed riverbeds with mobile packages in order to use for wan optimization systems administrator emergint technologies fort bragg nc april to november provide support for the forscom g network as a systems administrator manage over virtual servers on vmware vsphere on the unclassified network administer windows server windows server exchange windows server microsoft system center configuration manager sccm file servers print servers and dhcp servers installed and configured two system center configuration manager servers on separate networks classified and unclassified in support of the forscom migration to fort bragg nc migrated all computer and servers to the new primary site server while maintaining computers and server up to date with the latest security patches update servers and clients on classified and unclassified networks with approved iava patches update servers and clients with microsoft security patches using software update point in sccm administer ibm system storage ds storage manager and create virtual hard disk space in order to provide storage for virtual machines utilize vmware vsphere client to create manage and maintain virtual servers on both unclassified and classified networks installed fedora on dell poweredge r servers and dell poweredge r servers configured ports on brocade netlron mlx for vlan access and switch trunking systems administrator ciber inc fort bragg nc august to april provides support for the usacapoc a g network as a systems administrator manages over virtual servers on the unclassified network administered exchange windows server systems management server symantec antivirus server blackberry server windows server update services wsus and microsoft system center configuration manager sccm manages physical classified servers for the usacapoc a g network provided assistance for remote users and local users located throughout the united states updated local servers remote servers clients and remote clients with approved iava patches using sccm updated servers and clients with security patches from microsoft with wsus administered windows server r datacenter with hyper v and created virtual client computers in a production environment performed a side by side upgrade of sccm central site server on a new domain with software update point in order to update local servers and remote clients with security patches and microsoft updates updated the ios on cisco switches using solarwinds tftp software and configured port security using sticky mac address senior systems technician iv united states army fort bragg nc march to july performed information management officer imo duties for siprnet which included configured network and service device troubleshoot network systems and assisted in network service configuration management and policy implementation performed tasks of secure video teleconference svtc operator scheduler and identifies vtc requirements and plans accordingly maintained an operational sop and updated calendar of events provided vtc endpoint troubleshooting and operational support provided support to end users identified researched and resolved technical problems within units secure networks siprnet local area network lan manager camp victory iraq january to march took lead roles in installation configuration and maintenance of network hardware software and peripheral equipment capturing performance and reliability improvements for three operational networks create standard operating procedures that ensure continuity between transitioning units and employees train and supervise teams in key it support techniques and principles interface with customers to define operational needs and project requirements deliver technical support by quickly and completely resolving issues prior to closing trouble tickets closed more than remedy tickets during operation iraqi freedom vi ensuring connectivity for users at numerous sites near victory base complex manage victory server room shop boosted performance from classified networks by performing maintenance on servers and associated equipment supervised transfer of user accounts and exchange mailboxes to new more efficient virtual servers installed windows server and exchange on multiple servers with raid created user accounts and exchange mailboxes and leveraged veritas software to institute size limitations on shared folders built and configured local area network lan with port security created vlans that enhanced network capabilities and compiled network diagram of all system components developed classroom environment to provide more than it employees with tools and hands on instruction readying junior associates for real world troubleshooting challenges played key role in building and operating tactical package for temporary operational assignments in basra which consisted of configuring over cisco switches with vlan implementation and installing windows servers campus area network can manager united states army fort bragg nc january to january ensured key systems remained at optimal performance achieving average uptime for three classified networks implemented lan wan to support of major training exercises garnered army achievement medal for outstanding support at ulchi focus lens designed network implementation for different major training exercises in support of xviii abn corps g configured routers and switches with vlan trunking protocol and configured switches with port security such as sticky mac address implemented cisco secure acs with tacacs and radius for login authentication and dot x respectively installed windows enterprise edition and windows exchange server on dell poweredge s and s respectively local area network lan technician camp victory iraq january to january excelled as lead technician on joint service civilian team applying network engineering expertise to research and isolate network issues during operation iraqi freedom iii configured and installed numerous switches on installation s lan network numbered more than switches and integrated multi national forces iraq headquarters in baghdad with users across area of operations configured switches with virtual trunking protocol and added them to their respective vtp domain configured and troubleshot issues with x and port security upgraded ios on cisco and switches using solarwinds tftp software local area network lan technician united states army fort bragg nc january to january provided technical support for xviii airborne corps g and assisted in providing communications support for field exercises such as ulchi focus lens in korea configured and installed cisco over switches for a local area network in support of numerous field exercises installed microsoft windows server enterprise edition and microsoft windows exchange server for communications support in a local area network created over user accounts for domain access along with microsoft exchange email education associate of applied science in information technology central texas college killeen tx skills ccnp ccna ccna security mcitp mcsa security project military service service country us branch u s army rank ssg june to august additional information areas of expertise network development maintenance system account administration data system security technologies troubleshooting problem resolution technical assistance user support network diagramming topology technical proficiencies platforms windows server r exchange server windows server exchange server vmware esxi netapp tools cisco call manager express cisco ios ms office suite access excel outlook powerpoint word ms visio remedy it service management solarwinds netmri cisco secure access control server hardware cisco routers series cisco switches series cisco catalyst switches brocade netlron mlx dell poweredge r dell poweredge r dell poweredge ibm system storage ibm bladecenter e cisco ucs flexpod skyera dell oem steelhead riverbed ", "network engineer network engineer army fleet support llc geneva al email me on indeed indeed com r d c a results driven it professional whose qualifications include a degree in computer information systems certified information systems security professional cissp mcitp enterprise administrator vmware vcp acma security network and a designations in depth expertise implementing administering and troubleshooting lan wan wlan network systems strong detailed knowledge of client server patch management solutions nine years of experience in the creation and deployment of solutions protecting network assets proven ability to lead and motivate project teams to ensure success track record for diagnosing complex problems and delivering effective solutions authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer army fleet support llc fort rucker al january to present fort rucker alabama present network engineer security clearance national agency check top level technical support and implementation of network infrastructure modifications and upgrades to medium sized network with approximately servers workstations and users enterprise class active directory design implementation and support for windows server r and domain functional levels server virtualization with vmware vsphere to include p v high availability fault tolerance and backup solutions using veeam and vizioncore products administration of hp lefthand networks iscsi storage area network administration of cisco unified communications call manager voip implementation and administration of pki to include enterprise root ca and subordinate ca design design implementation and administration of websense internet security content filtering implementation and administration of blackberry enterprise server bes express for mobile devices support standard army maintenance information systems stamis to include unix solaris based sarss sams and ulls a e assess threats risks and vulnerabilities from emerging security issues troubleshoot internal and external dns wins and dhcp issues to ensure network problem resolution administration of rsa secureid providing two factor authentications for remote user access control administration of cisco routers switches wireless access points utilizing cisco acs tacacs and radius design aruba wlan for remote airfield access utilizing solar powered access points in process field engineer technical support army fleet support llc fort rucker al to security clearance secret industrial supported workstations and servers in a windows solaris environment spread across a square mile location wan developed optimized and documented workstation imaging process utilizing norton ghost and ris wds recommended changes to improve systems and network configurations while determining hardware or software requirements related to such changes mentored newer field engineers while ensuring a continual improvement atmosphere maintained inventory of all it equipment at the largest airfield on fort rucker wrote several batch files and vb scripts to automate more complicated tasks used tools such as dameware and ms remote desktop to troubleshoot remote workstations utilized numara track it helpdesk software for problem resolution escalation and tracking key projects and achievements education master s in information security and assurance western governors university salt lake city ut to b s in computer information systems management information systems troy university dothan al december skills windows server administration dns dhcp wins active directory group policy dfs r wds kms sccm scup exchange office communications vmware vsphere vmware view veeam backup exec norton ghost hp lefthand iscsi cisco catalyst switches cisco routers certifications licenses cissp november to present mcitp ea vmware vcp security mcitp sa mcitp est network a giac certified incident handler gcih august additional information key projects and achievement engineered and manages microsoft systems center configuration manager sccm architecture for hardware and software inventory control client server patch management and operating system deployment this makes allowances for better accountability management and protection of us government computer assets and cots in house developed software engineered a virtualized test windows r domain to ensure com to mil transition of current organizational software infrastructure this test domain allows for us to test different in house developed software against us army golden master secured servers to affirm operational effectiveness both during and after transition is completed contributing member of team responsible for domain consolidation and migration into a single domain in preparation for upgrade to a windows active directory environment we collapsed five separate domains into a single domain all user accounts and objects were migrated successfully with network uptime and no loss of production on a network consisting of servers and workstations that housed at the time approximately users member of team responsible for successful active directory domain upgrade from windows to windows r member of team responsible for enterprise network infrastructure upgrade consisting of the removal and replacement of all legacy network routers and hubs with cisco routers and switches utilizing tftp and cisco ios command line interfaces engineered and managed all corporate government computer images when i took on this task imaging was performed with norton ghost and each model type of computer had its own image recognizing the time required to update each image i incorporated microsoft deployment toolkit and windows deployment services and reduced the number of images from about down to also i utilized key management services on the same server to automatically activate the newly imaged workstations ", "network engineer network engineer saratoga ca email me on indeed indeed com r b bea fc e authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer vivace network inc san jose ca september to october working in network development and testing senior software testing engineer project lead cisco systems inc san jose ca august to september san jose software testing in package developing team and catalyst switch os agent team senior software testing engineer project lead com corporation santa clara ca july to august san jose ", "network engineer network engineer global network operations center louisville ky email me on indeed indeed com r afee e a fb a highly motivated and ambitious network engineer with more than years of experience in the information technology and networking space working experience in design consulting installation maintenance and support of both small and large enterprises willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer global network operations center july to present managed entire global network enterprise for marsh mclennan and their subsidiaries responsibilities include providing voice wireless and data network support for all business offices and data centers manage incidents projects change control for application server support groups within governed slas track network usage and identify trends to improve business and network performance networking and technology consultant technician kramer consulting inc november to june responsible for documenting installing and cabling of networking equipment for company clients daily end user support active directory group policy administration and desktop business application support day of service dispatcher high speed internet technician charter communications march to march worked directly with field technicians to support new customer installations and ensure streamline onboarding provided real time analysis of call center personnel and managed resources in the efforts to mitigate corporate costs education bachelor of science in computer science in systems university of louisville certifications licenses cisco certified network professional ccnp december to december cisco certified network associate ccna february to december cisco certified entry networking technician ccent february to december ", "network engineer network engineer end client cherry hill nj email me on indeed indeed com r c f d ee c e almost years of experience in routing and switching with cisco hardware software including hands on experience in providing network support installation involved in resourceful planning designing of ip addressing scheme for an enterprise network with scope for future expansion using vlsm cidr configured installed and worked on troubleshooting of cisco series routers and cisco catalyst series switches managed different technologies of routing such as static dynamic and default configured and implemented access control list configurated of inter vlan routing implemented port security using switching mechanism have experience in network management tools and sniffers like wireshark and cisco works to support x network operation center involved in taking backups and restoration of cisco s ios and configuration files worked on aperto wimax pm base stations pm base stations and wave centre ems pm pm cpe s have knowledge on kali linux experience in l l protocols like vlans stp vtp mpls and trunking protocols configured virtual local area networks vlans using cisco routers and multi layer switches and supporting stp rstp along with trouble shooting of inter vlan routing and vlan trunking using q configured and implemented routing protocols including rip tcp ip and rip v v ospf and eigrp experience in installing and configuring dns dhcp server experience in physical cabling ip addressing configuring and supporting tcp ip efficient at use of microsoft visio office as technical documentation and presentation tools willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer end client september to present technical environment nexus k k k f big ip ltm load balancer checkpoint r cisco asa lan wan hsrp rip ospf bgp eigrp vlan mpls stp rstp vdc otv vpc responsibilities configured routing protocols such as rip ospf eigrp static routing and policy based routing troubleshooting the network routing protocols bgp eigrp and rip during the migrations and new client connections redesign of internet connectivity infrastructure for meeting bandwidth requirements configuration and troubleshooting of cisco series routers technical assistance for lan wan management and complex customer issues provided support for troubleshooting and resolving customer and user reported issues worked with network engineer s in the installation and configuration of firewalls configuring implementing and troubleshooting vlan s vtp stp trunking hsrp vrrp ether channels packet capturing troubleshooting on network problems with wireshark identifying and fixing problems implementing configuring and troubleshooting various routing protocols like rip eigrp ospf and bgp etc performing network monitoring providing analysis using various tools like wireshark generating rca root cause analysis for critical issues of layer layer layer problems have experience on configuration of inter vlan routing experience in installing and configuring dns dhcp server configured and implemented access control list switching ethernet related tasks included implementing vlans and configuring isl trunk on fast ethernet channel between switches configured the cisco router as ip firewall and for natting experience on working on f load balancer ltm gtm and vpn network engineer end client hyderabad andhra pradesh in march to july technical environment eigrp rip cisco ospf bgp mpls routers cisco switches responsibilities supporting eigrp and bgp based pwc network by resolving level problems of internal teams external customers of all locations responsible for service request tickets generated by the help desk in all phases such as troubleshooting maintenance upgrades patches and fixes with all around technical support upgrade cisco routers and switches using tftp configuring stp for switching loop prevention and vlans for data and voice along with configuring port security for users connecting to the switches ensure network system and data availability and integrity through preventive maintenance and upgrade supporting high volume high revenue impacting operations setup focusing on failsafe network experience in installing and configuring dns dhcp server configured and implemented access control list completed service requests i e ip readdressing bandwidth upgrades ios platform upgrades etc involved in l l switching technology administration including creating and managing vlans port security trunking stp inter vlan routing lan security modified internal infrastructure by adding switches to support server farms and added servers to existing mz environments to support new and existing application platforms configure verify and troubleshoot trunking on cisco switches verify network status using basic utilities including ping trace route telnet ssh arp ipconfig coordination with field engineers for troubleshooting at customer end problems network engineer end client hyderabad andhra pradesh in september to february technical environment rip eigrp ospf bgp lan wan mpls vlan cisco routers cisco switches responsibilities worked on cisco layer layer switches spanning tree vlan configuration and troubleshooting of cisco series routers configured vlan trucking q vlan routing on catalyst switches configured and troubleshoot eigrp troubleshooting ios related bugs based on history and appropriate release notes work on different connection medium like fiber planning and configuring the routing protocols such as ospf rip and static routing on the routers performed and technically documented various test results on the lab tests conducted planning and configuring the entire ip addressing plan for the clients network supported networks which are comprised of cisco devices follow process procedures for change configuration management support complex series switches configured and implemented access control list network monitoring using tools like cisco works configured rip ppp bgp and ospf routing efficient at use of microsoft visio office as technical documentation and presentation tools configured inter vlan routing experience in installing and configuring dns dhcp server verify network status using basic utilities including ping trace route telnet ssh arp ipconfig supporting high volume high revenue impacting operations setup focusing on failsafe network noc engineer meta max communications pvt ltd hyderabad andhra pradesh in december to august description under agreement with railtel meta max provides pan india coverage for major cities towns through wimax technology primarily it constitutes a fault tolerant subscriber wimaxx radio network a highly available access network connecting various base stations within a given city town and an ultra reliable core network connecting all the access networks technical environment eigrp rip ospf bgp lan wan vlan mplsether channels cisco routers cisco switches checkpoint firewalls splat ms visio aperto wimax pm base stations pm base stations wave centre ems pm pm cpe s responsibilities configured and implemented cisco routers l l switches vlan etc verify network status using basic utilities including ping trace route telnet ssh arp ipconfig configure verify and troubleshoot vlans configure verify and troubleshoot inter vlan routing act as a point of contact for various vendors like aperto railtel and tata analyze and evaluate the impact of planed network changes perform provisioning role of incoming service requests for an existing entity or new entity joining the network coordinating with railtel for maintaining the network stability coordinating with aperto team for base station related issues coordinating with field engineers for troubleshooting cpe related and customer end problems coordinating with base station engineers for troubleshooting base station related issues managing and configuring aperto ems provisioning sectors ss in ems adding profiles for sectors ss in ems assigning frequency and channel bandwidth in bsr firmware up gradation etc performed troubleshooting while maintaining trouble ticket tracking following internal external escalation procedures and customer notifications configured cisco routers for ospf rip igrp ripv eigrp static and default route supporting development team for the access to corporate network and outside world providing access to specific ip port filter and port access configuring routers and switches and send it to technical consultants for new site activations and gives online support at the time of activation work with help desk for circuit troubleshooting to give support to the tech persons at the site troubleshoot tcp ip problems troubleshoot connectivity issues education bachelors in technology in technology jnt university hyderabad andhra pradesh in skills bgp years cisco years eigrp years ospf years vlan years additional information core competencies network configuration advanced switch router configuration cisco ios access list route redistribution propagation cisco routers cisco gsr cisco cisco physical interfaces fast ethernet gigabit ethernet serial layer technology vlan vtp vmps isl dot q dtp spanning tree pvst layer switching mls ether channel switches catalyst routing protocols igrp eigrp ospf bgp rip security technologies cisco fwsm pix asdm cisco asa operating systems microsoft xp vista unix linux windows servers windows ms office ", "network engineer network engineer koch business solutions phoenix az email me on indeed indeed com r f f ddbc a willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer koch business solutions reno nv november to present current working as a network engineer responsible for designing and installing wan and lan solutions to diverse businesses around the world technologies include viptela sdwan cisco routers and switches cisco prime and apic cisco and meraki enterprise and industrial wireless network engineer ibm sacramento ca march to october network engineering support for kantar and its subsidiaries network infrastructure primarily western hemisphere served as functional manager for us based kantar voice network and security teams august july facilitated focus on high priority projects disseminated information from client and ibm to team provided weekly updates of high priority projects issues and concerns with ibm management data center engineer for us data centers oversaw network redesigns during office consolidations designed and implemented networks for new offices configuration for offices during network onboarding process ip harmonization eliminating global subnet conflicts maintained cisco asa firewalls for b b vpn connections as well as ssl vpn for kantar users maintained redundant asa for secure server environments network engineer kantar it partnership dallas tx september to march support for kantar and its subsidiaries network infrastructure primarily western hemisphere configuration for offices during network onboarding process design implementation and support for office moves data center engineer for us data centers maintained cisco asa firewalls for b b vpn connections as well as ssl vpn for kantar users maintained redundant asa for secure server environments network administrator wilton brands inc houston tx april to september network systems architect responsible for increasing poor performing network infrastructure from an uptime standard to a uptime by utilizing advanced cisco routing protocols and working with telecom providers for redundancy solutions provided optimal bandwidth controls to the organization using cisco waas devices and qos responsible for highly available wireless architecture using cisco wireless lan controllers in a fail over capacity built and maintained secured and redundant pci and dmz firewall environments built and maintained firewall rules and nat configurations for secure server environments configured point to point vpn tunnels as well as client based and ssl vpn s responsible for proactive measures for maintaining or replacing older hardware such as switches ups equipment as well as re negotiating cisco smart net contracts negotiated telco contracts and reviewed billing monthly against contract costs attended and contributed in it and change order meetings with cross functional teams provided a customer first approach in discussions with business leaders and internal it colleagues information systems coordinator hydro gear san diego ca may to april network systems architect responsible for uptime standard participated in bcp business continuity planning meetings and provided technological solutions for the company s business strategies wrote technical documentation and proposals for management and non it personnel familiarity with sarbanes oxley in how it relates to it systems and provided documentation to maintain compliance implemented and maintained company s system and physical security for multiple sites provided cisco voip telephone training in multiple sites researched and provided recommendations for new technologies based on business requirements provided detailed monthly reports to direct supervisor regarding project status current issues and upcoming projects provided support for servers voip phone system network infrastructure education b s in information systems technology in information systems technology southern illinois university skills cisco years lan years routing protocols years wireless years wireless lan years additional information software skills windows server active directory dns dhcp tcp ip radius ias microsoft office microsoft visio solarwinds orion performance monitor configuration manager traffic analyzer qradar siem log aggregation cisco network skills cisco catalyst switches cisco nexus data center switches cisco wide area application services cisco asa firewalls cisco wireless lan controller cisco access points cisco prime infrastructure cisco integrated services routers bgp eigrp routing protocols mpls p p wan infrastructures t ds ethernet circuits vlans qos netflow link aggregation policy based routing ", "network engineer network engineer koch business solutions phoenix az email me on indeed indeed com r a c d fb willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer koch business solutions reno nv november to present current working as a network engineer responsible for designing and installing wan and lan solutions to diverse businesses around the world technologies include viptela sdwan cisco routers and switches cisco prime and apic cisco and meraki enterprise and industrial wireless network security administrator ghost systems llc reno nv september to june responsible for designing securing and managing local and remote networks consisting of cisco meraki dell hp and other networking and server equipment as well as shoretel viop phones acted as an it consultant for local businesses providing security assessments technical support security advice and managed it services assisted in developing proprietary security centric devices and software for future use as well as developed strategy for providing managed security services such as network monitoring secure dns service threat analytics and incident and triage response tactical network engineer communications security manager us army reno nv july to august responsible for planning installing and troubleshooting tactical networks with nodes capable of supporting users with secure and non secure voice data video teleconference and isr services as the communications security manager responsible for maintaining and distributing encryption keys in order to provide transmission and data encryption developed troubleshooting guides for communications assets to include satellite assets los assets cisco routers switches call managers and firewalls acted as network technician responsible for planning implementing and securing large networks in tactical environments it support administrator sierra nevada reno nv may to june responsible for providing tier troubleshooting support to users and executives on workstation server voip and networking systems and applications collaborated with other it sections to deploy secure maintain and recover workstations and servers built and maintained budget tracking procedures for a hardware budget in excess of for three regions and locations maintained hundreds of laptops desktops and servers in an high paced corporate environment using programs such as microsoft system center configuration manager windows enterprise lotus notes symantec end point symantec pgp and several design and development programs information systems coordinator hydro gear san diego ca may to april network systems architect responsible for uptime standard participated in bcp business continuity planning meetings and provided technological solutions for the company s business strategies wrote technical documentation and proposals for management and non it personnel familiarity with sarbanes oxley in how it relates to it systems and provided documentation to maintain compliance implemented and maintained company s system and physical security for multiple sites provided cisco voip telephone training in multiple sites researched and provided recommendations for new technologies based on business requirements provided detailed monthly reports to direct supervisor regarding project status current issues and upcoming projects provided support for servers voip phone system network infrastructure education b s in information systems technology in information systems technology southern illinois university skills cisco years dns year firewalls years lan year wireless year additional information software skills windows server active directory dns dhcp tcp ip radius ias microsoft office microsoft visio solarwinds orion performance monitor configuration manager traffic analyzer qradar siem log aggregation cisco network skills cisco catalyst switches cisco nexus data center switches cisco wide area application services cisco asa firewalls cisco wireless lan controller cisco access points cisco prime infrastructure cisco integrated services routers bgp eigrp routing protocols mpls p p wan infrastructures t ds ethernet circuits vlans qos netflow link aggregation policy based routing ", "network engineer network engineer alexandria va email me on indeed indeed com r b a d f work experience network engineer january to march over years of it experience in areas ranging from network administration systems administration engineering and peer team management well versed in small professional environments to large complex enterprise corporations strong emphasis on break fix resolutions deployments implementation and documentation with the ability to assess for root cause assignments seafrigo cold storage january to march network engineer managed local and remote ms windows networks access point administration and troubleshooting assisted in designing the seafrigo network for future expansion support cisco voip phone system manage and support vpn switch environment ms exchange and outlook management configure and manage microsoft hyper v servers establish and maintain regular written and in person communication with management provide diagnosis and resolution for all network servers switches routers and firewalls assist in troubleshooting microsoft office suite and other desktop issues network engineer schratter foods inc april to october automated and executed office procedures resolved technical issues and monitored office systems administered and supported office and ms exchange policies configure and convert physical to virtual p v migration of windows servers in vmware system administration responsibilities include but are not limited to establishing and maintaining computer group and user accounts along with creating and managing user profiles managing security policies and user group permissions monitor troubleshoot and maintain cisco routers switches within a lan wan environment managed project of conversion of blackberry devices to apple iphones migration of corporate desktops and laptops from windows xp to windows administered and supported system backup and disaster recovery processes maintained detailed technical documentation of messaging and system architecture utilization of activesync for configuration of mobile messaging services network engineer fross zelnick lehrman zissu to primary roles include managing upgrading and implementing the conversion of groupware accounts to exchange along with designing the infrastructure for active directory supporting a large corporate company system administration responsibilities include but are not limited to establishing and maintaining computer group and user accounts along with creating and managing user profiles managing security policies and user group permissions monitor troubleshoot and maintain various hardware and software supported within a lan wan environment including routers switches servers firewalls and other applications respond to any break fix issues within the technology infrastructure restoring to a business as usual bau state effectively and efficiency maintain update and keep current any and all related documentation regarding any changes modifications and upgrades of the current company environment and future plans design deploy and manage various software systems and operating systems to upgrade the current infrastructure of symantec backup exec plan document execute and monitor backup operations and schedule as well as disaster recovery of data applications and servers implement configure and install new hardware software technologies from apple into the corporate infrastructure maintaining security features of the environment install and manage mobile device management of iphones and ipads in to the corporate environment using mcafee emm software and host proxy server technology build configure and deploy vmware host and templates completed physical to virtual p v migration of windows servers design install vmware esxi within vsphere x environment with virtual center management consolidated backup drs ha vmotion and vmware data recovery architect design and implement hp san environments to ensure high availability and acceptable performance characteristics for vmware vsphere and san backed applications configure administrate and monitor multiple enterprise devices appliances and software including cisco vmware citrix windows apple veritas ica clients and blackberry blackberry administration of all devices and bes server provide level support including provision maintain administer troubleshooting and resolutions of all reported incidents and other requests for all cell phones air cards and blackberry devices network administration manager debevoise plimpton to primary roles included supervising staff members covering x shifts managing the lan wan infrastructure of the company additional roles included managing teams of administrators and engineers on various projects to upgrade and maintain the corporate infrastructure including a user migration assisted in the organization implementation and migration of a phase move of the lan environment with minimal service interruption developed the processes and procedures required to properly manage monitor and maintain mission critical applications used daily by the company organized and documented account creation procedures for major applications monitored and maintained by the network administration staff members interfaced multiple vendors regarding any and all internal break fix maintenance and upgrades within the data center designed packaged and deployed various enterprise software hardware and applications including but not limited to windows server and desktop microsoft os groupwise backup exec windows print servers and queues cisco and compaq technologies designed implemented and managed rack mounted monitoring stations utilizing various tools including but not limited to cim monitor global ping servers and monitors w k workstations microsoft operations manager and exchange outlook managed reported and distributed daily shift turnover status levels shift report and incident summarization to upper management system administrator shearman sterling to primary roles included leading the worldwide conversion team supporting the entire windows microsoft and novell environment which included nodes and end users within the global corporate infrastructure served as the lead administrator of global lab environment rollouts supporting client server software upgrades and implementations of nt novell e mail and document management servers software and applications configured implemented and troubleshot multiple enterprise applications software and hardware in the lab to ensure all needed patches are implemented and debugging is completed prior to the firm wide deployment configured implemented and managed various application and web servers on windows platforms including lotus notes troubleshot e mail calendaring scheduling issues regarding registration recertifying and renaming users while managing the add delete terminate process as well as needed management included the retrieval of deleted user s mail files and local address books implemented windows application servers and novell servers for login authentication file print and global nds tree structure utilization configured global and local group permissions user policies including establishing network printing through novell s nds tree structure configured and rack mount various server hardware devices in preparation for cabling and software installation provided end to end design installation and monitoring of the company s faxing system providing inbound and outbound file transfers or documentation education microsoft certified systems engineer virtual center ", "network engineer network engineer hcl america inc columbus in email me on indeed indeed com r a e e network architect with over years of progressive experience seeking a position where my logical technical and troubleshooting skills can be used to improve the reliability and usability of the information technology infrastructure willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer hcl america inc columbus in july to present current working as a network engineer responsible for designing and installing wan and lan solutions to diverse businesses around the world technologies include viptela sdwan cisco routers and switches cisco prime and apic cisco and meraki enterprise and industrial wireless network security administrator ghost systems llc reno nv september to june responsible for designing securing and managing local and remote networks consisting of cisco meraki dell hp and other networking and server equipment as well as shoretel viop phones acted as an it consultant for local businesses providing security assessments technical support security advice and managed it services assisted in developing proprietary security centric devices and software for future use as well as developed strategy for providing managed security services such as network monitoring secure dns service threat analytics and incident and triage response tactical network engineer communications security manager us army reno nv july to august responsible for planning installing and troubleshooting tactical networks with nodes capable of supporting users with secure and non secure voice data video teleconference and isr services as the communications security manager responsible for maintaining and distributing encryption keys in order to provide transmission and data encryption developed troubleshooting guides for communications assets to include satellite assets los assets cisco routers switches call managers and firewalls acted as network technician responsible for planning implementing and securing large networks in tactical environments it support administrator sierra nevada reno nv may to june responsible for providing tier troubleshooting support to users and executives on workstation server voip and networking systems and applications collaborated with other it sections to deploy secure maintain and recover workstations and servers built and maintained budget tracking procedures for a hardware budget in excess of for three regions and locations maintained hundreds of laptops desktops and servers in an high paced corporate environment using programs such as microsoft system center configuration manager windows enterprise lotus notes symantec end point symantec pgp and several design and development programs information systems coordinator hydro gear san diego ca may to april network systems architect responsible for uptime standard participated in bcp business continuity planning meetings and provided technological solutions for the company s business strategies wrote technical documentation and proposals for management and non it personnel familiarity with sarbanes oxley in how it relates to it systems and provided documentation to maintain compliance implemented and maintained company s system and physical security for multiple sites provided cisco voip telephone training in multiple sites researched and provided recommendations for new technologies based on business requirements provided detailed monthly reports to direct supervisor regarding project status current issues and upcoming projects provided support for servers voip phone system network infrastructure education b s in information systems technology in information systems technology southern illinois university skills cisco years dns years firewalls years lan year wireless year additional information software skills windows server active directory dns dhcp tcp ip radius ias microsoft office microsoft visio solarwinds orion performance monitor configuration manager traffic analyzer qradar siem log aggregation cisco network skills cisco catalyst switches cisco nexus data center switches cisco wide area application services cisco asa firewalls cisco wireless lan controller cisco access points cisco prime infrastructure cisco integrated services routers bgp eigrp routing protocols mpls p p wan infrastructures t ds ethernet circuits vlans qos netflow link aggregation policy based routing ", "network engineer carbondale il email me on indeed indeed com r da d dfdc willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer information technology network engineering april to present information technology office of information technology at southern illinois university configuring and installation of cisco switch models such as s x etc configuring and installing cisco wireless access point model such as i i e etc created wireless redesign using survey pro software that was implemented into buildings around campus to ensure best wireless coverage negotiated fluke device network maintenance contract to ensure that our devices were under the maintenance of fluke networks for a reasonable price receive and respond to incoming incident tickets in which i go on site if required troubleshoot and resolve wireless issues for customers maintained wireless lan controllers created network wireless documentation diagrams using microsoft visio ensure that physical desktop connections i e rj ethernet jacks rj telephone modem jacks connectors between pcs etc are in proper working order monitored network devices using nagios snmp software student southern il university carbondale august to may as a student at southern il university i gained knowledge and familiarity with multiple software s and programs microsoft office suites became familiar with programs in the microsoft suites such as word excel and powerpoint microsoft visio gained familiarity with visio after creating multiple diagrams to show visuals to show the process of a project in my project management course mysql became familiar with sql upon completion of multiple homework assignment and in class labs with the implementation of things such as creating tables using basic select statements to query data from tables using multiple operators to filter and sort data active directory configuration gained knowledge of ad after completing cloud and networking project required to install and configure ad server create user and groups and assign them proper permissions dns configuration became knowledgeable of dns after completing a project that required me to configure a dns server on a client using windows server r via a virtual machine vsphere dhcp configuration became knowledgeable of dhcp after completing a project that required me to configure a dhcp server on a client using windows server r via a virtual machine vsphere cisco network routing and switching gained knowledge and became familiar with the cisco os after the completion of multiple in class and homework assignment which consisted of creating subnet using vslm switch configuration creation of multiple vlans vlans vlan trunking port interface configuration router configuration also implementing layer protocols such as arp dynamic trunking protocol ospf rip understand and describe network architectures created multiple topologies to plan the infrastructure of my networking projects web applications html java gained knowledge of html java upon the completion of multiple in class labs and homework assignments designed a personal webpage using programming languages such as css and java script vulnerability assessment analysis became familiar with vulnerability assessment upon the completion of multiple assignments that require me to use software such as wireshark and openvas i was required to scan the network i was connect to and analyze packets systems intern roseland community hospital june to august manage and install newly implemented software provide trouble shooting and configuration to end users layer devices the roseland community hospital internship provided me with an understanding of real world work experience and created a portfolio of the work i was engaged in assisted staff directly with technical issues and troubleshooting desktop phone etc achieved project planning and documentation for projects developed documentation presentations and processes for the technical team developed a method of tracking work using microsoft excel worked with patch panels and switches ensure that physical desktop connections i e rj ethernet jacks rj telephone modem jacks connectors between pcs etc are in proper working order performed troubleshooting and cable terminations under cat and standards configured routers and switches using multiple protocols contributed many ideas to meetings with managers in regards to vulnerability assessment reporting and increasing an efficient and effective work flow established work flow processes working relationships between analyst and managerial positions documentation methods to close vulnerability assessment findings education b s in information systems technologies southern illinois university carbondale il august to may skills active directory years cisco years microsoft visio years visio years vulnerability assessment years additional information skills and attributes microsoft office suites microsoft visio mysql active directory configuration dns configuration dhcp configuration troubleshooting cisco network routing and switching understand and describe different wan technologies and their benefits understand and describe network architectures understand configure and troubleshoot serial connections installation and upgrading computers web applications html java data entry database analysis and design project management vulnerability assessment analysis system analysis network security process modeling leadership technical writing including documentation communication skills team player ", "network engineer network engineer conetrix midland tx email me on indeed indeed com r f d c d telecommunication technician satellite systems operator systems and network administrator and technical control facility operator significant expertise within the field of telecommunications systems and satellite communications effective at managing satellite communications terminals associated baseband equipment troubleshoot and repair ancillary laptops and phones excellent at switching routing and multiplexing technologies proficient in providing training opportunities for professional growth and development of the employees professional support of the management personnel and prompt assistance cisco ccent comptia a and security certifications gvf microsoft mcsa windows major accomplishments implemented plans for multiple authorized service interruptions to accomplish maintenance and upgrades as part of an gsc modernization traveled to remote sites on numerous occasions in afghanistan as the lone subject matter expert to repair essential satellite or line of sight links trained technicians on daily operations and equipment characteristics and capabilities resulting in all technicians passing the company s site level certification on first attempt authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer conetrix lubbock tx february to present supervisor adam cates local engineer for midland customers saved conetrix the cost of driving an engineer from lubbock to midland provided all in one it support from help desk and active directory issues to server upgrades and network infrastructure support endeared myself to customers to the point that they would ask for me by name to fix their it issues senior vsat field engineer rignet midland tx november to february supervisor josue martinez sway may contact professionally completed over vsat and rf los installs idirect and spacenet trained new employees on proper installation procedures and rignet sop consistently successfully finding solutions to problems that vex noc engineering telecommunications tech webmaster remote communications inc odessa tx june to november supervisor sean crawford may contact professionally completed over vsat installs or reinstalls often subcontracting for harris caprock and global data systems primarily idirect systems some hughes created remote communications transit case for rental systems created and maintained remotecommunications net and it s ticketing system served as a subject matter expert for cisco networking rf los shots senior rf satellite communications technician instructor satellite communications december to june supervisor chris leslie stefan nichols stnichols telecomsys com may contact ensured proper corrective and preventive maintenance of satellite terminals and all ancillary equipment to include voip phones and laptops developed an implemented training programs on satcom line of sight theory and implementation of very small aperture vsat trained over marines served as a subject matter expert for satellite communications to include master reference terminal mrt operations and linkway and s modem programming ensured proper configuration and operation of cisco and cisco routers in swan snap wppl network stacks network analyst chevron midland tx june to december supervisor joe detiveaux please contact learned analog and voip side of telecom to include cisco call manager supported multiple vsat installations and troubleshooting learned oilfield safety expectations and field ticket and jsa paperwork standards serves as a subject matter expert for cisco networking rf los shots and vsats forward support representative satellite technician telecommunication systems inc camp dwyer may to june senior satellite communications technician section chief hiang charlie company th brigade special troop battalion kapolei hi to installed repaired and performed equipment testing of satellite communications systems to ensure compliance with operational and functional standards acted as a lead point of contact for the troubleshooting and maintenance of terminals provided leadership and guidance for soldier team in the operation of the terminal received new an tsc satellite transportable terminal stt as part of transition into win t joint node network jnn managed proper inventory control distributed vsats trained appropriate personnel to effectively operate them validated fdma raydyne modem and tdma linkway s modem operations for battalion missions satellite systems operator maintenance specialist team leader us army kunia satcom kunia hi to supervisor jonathan o donnell may be contacted coordinated the operations and maintenance programs for the an gsc satellite terminal hvac and backup power systems supervised the performance of technicians responsible for satellite communication operations corrected deterioration failure of any equipment or links coordinated with system supply lead to order tier maintenance and replacement equipment scheduled planned conducted and evaluated professional training and orientation for new personnel and shift technicians directed the operations of multiple modems multiplexers and encryption devices to include om bem ebem lrm tssp etssp fcc kiv kiv kg kg node center and satellite systems operator maintenance specialist us army signal company fort lewis wa to assisted with the creation of documentation for new communications equipment including the brigade subscriber node next generation node center and the smart t hmmwv mounted milstar satellite system antenna provided consistent communications for the rd brigade nd infantry division during iraq deployment provided technical support for the brigade s operations participated in field exercises preparatory to a one year deployment to mosul iraq technical control facility operator us army kunia satcom to was chosen as one of only three soldiers to relocate to the isolated suwon rok air force base tech control facility due to independence and technical proficiency provided professional assistance and support in tech control facility operations education western governor s university december communication systems us army signal center fort gordon ga military service service country us branch army rank sgt july to march ", "network engineer network engineer redmond wa email me on indeed indeed com r c dbdf c e b hardworking ip network engineer skilled with designing implementing and integrating multi vendor technical network solutions detail oriented and proactive with strong engineering and troubleshooting skills telecommunication engineering and years of networking experience on cisco and juniper fast paced learner in dynamic work environment with ability to build user friendly networks of any size specialized in network engineering and telecom domain and authorized to work for any employer in us i am looking for a role as a network engineer in the greater seattle area skills network engineering cisco juniper ccna ccnp network engineer authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer cyber internet services cisco partner to present staging configuring installing testing turn up of new network devices juniper cisco arista administration of network devices in wan lan wlan internet gateways and data center for cisco and juniper environment configuring changing acls routing policies security policies route translation nat pat in networks cisco juniper troubleshooting network connectivity issues in inter data center for underlay network for ospf eigrp bgp mpls vrf mp bgp ipsec gre etc for cisco devices performing junos ios upgrade for installed routers switches firewalls juniper cisco within the network as per the recommended process provided by the vendor performing new nodes addition changes as per change management plan as per the sop with provided mops and back out plans network fault detection and rectification network management surveillance network engineering and root cause analysis by troubleshooting router switches firewalls links for configuration related issues cisco juniper troubleshooting and managing escalation calls from field engineers commissioning and integration of other nodes with core and edge routers in the network cisco and juniper plan and execute network engineering and optimization to meet the company network standard kpis coordination with different engineers and vendors for data center infrastructure management as well as network equipment s health checks coordination with it customer services team for resolving the customer s network issues in minimal time as per agrees slas interacting with network planning teams understanding their needs providing technical support for their networks troubleshooting the issues raised cisco juniper working with sales team for technical discussions related to network and engineering to come up with a solution for customers plan and execute the migration activities within minimal impact of operational network cisco juniper open tac engineering cases and communicate with different vendors cisco and juniper for network issues ccna network cisco engineer network engineer network engineer interactive communication to network monitoring of nms to ensure all devices functioned properly without any outage ensuring maximum uptime of cisco devices deployment of networks from cable installation to routers switches configurations and their troubleshooting maintenance cisco ios up gradation of cisco routers and switches within the network configuration of routing protocols such as bgp eigrp and ospf trouble ticket management and resolution of network issues using siebel on call support for clients diagnose and escalate network issues coordinate with various stakeholders such as engineering team field support team upstream and ldis to resolve them worked with a team for engineers for documentation of network design proposals cisco install new hardware or components while ensuring integration with existing network systems cisco network cisco engineer network engineer assistant network engineer geo hydro consult july to december worked as an assistant network engineer in charge of the local area network for the organization responsible for handling lan and wan issues related to the connectivity and stability of the network apply network engineering principles to the small network cisco based cisco network cisco engineer network engineer education bs in telecommunication engineering national university of computer emerging sciences lahore august to december skills cisco juniper tcp ip ospf bgp eigrp mpls l vpn vrf mp bgp vlan rstp mstp vrrp cisco certified network associate years networking years telecom engineering years traffic engineering years network administration years network security years ccna years links http www linkedin com in enggahmednadeem awards outstanding performance june awarded with outstanding contribution towards vsat network project by cyber internet services certifications licenses ccna ccna routing and switching groups volunteer may to present shaukat khanum cancer foundation additional information hardware cisco cisco asa asa asr k asr k nexus mds juniper mx mx mx mx mx ex ex ex qfx qfx srx srx srx srx srx network virtualization vsrx vmx vios kvm vmware vyatta openstack juno kilo icehouse opencontrail operating systems windows linux ubuntu centos cisco engineer ccna network ", "network engineer los angeles ca email me on indeed indeed com r b d dd b to obtain the position of network engineer architect security in an organization where i can utilize my skills and experience towards the growth of the organization willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer twinmed santa fe springs ca august to june medical supplies distributor network engineer architect for warehouses based multi vendor network infrastructure cisco hp aruba daily network monitoring and optimization security hardening prevented ddos spam email malware attack events deploy troubleshoot large amount of lan lan vpn tunnels some ikev between asa for all offices warehouses deploy troubleshoot cisco remote access and anyconnect vpn configure troubleshoot dmz in datacenter implemented redundant internet circuit duel isp internet auto failover on asa firewall for all locations deploy snmpv syslog server netflow to securely manage all of the network equipment solarwinds based configure troubleshoot site to site ipsec vpn between datacenters and amazon aws cloud implement troubleshoot aruba wi fi virtual mobility controller and ap for multiple remote warehouses to improve wireless network coverage and availability helped implement data center entire company data migration project from hq to new colocation in irvine ca based on nexus vpc ospf and metro ethernet in charge of the nd largest office migration design and implement project successfully from scratch for workstations phone in indianapolis successfully design and implement network infrastructure from scratch for new jersey and portland or warehouses upgraded refreshed network equipment for most existing and newly merged detroit and new york branches warehouses for improving network compatibility stability and availability asa x catalyst x network engineer vxi global solutions los angeles ca july to july multinational bpo ito solutions call center outsourcing network engineer technical support for plus thousand employee hosts call center network infrastructure configure troubleshoot almost full range of cisco asa isr nexus catalyst and wireless deploy wi fi byod with cisco aironet ap wlc for remote branches in us from scratch successfully design and implement call center outsourcing projects with western union bank and comcast based on bgp eigrp successfully built network infrastructure in cincinnati branch office for approximately agents employee from scratch dual catalyst and x stack based strong troubleshooting to enhance the overall network availability and minimize prevent down time network engineer continental exchange solutions buena park ca august to may financial institution network engineer technical support for employee multi vendor infrastructure cisco and hp based work with develop operation team to process a large number of firewall acl nat rules with both cli asdm and hp procure port security change requests to control access between hq and remote offices building and troubleshooting dmvpn and lan to lan ipsec vpn tunnels for dozens of customer partners successfully accomplished one colocation and two offices network implementation independently from scratch on site beijing china branch under a very challenge schedule network engineer foxconn technology group march to november hon hai precision industry international electronics manufacturing corporation groups work as network support and interpreter for large global electronics product line based network infrastructure configure troubleshoot site to site gre ipsec vpn tunnels for remote sites in us asia pacific europe south america configure troubleshoot large amount of acl object groups on asa pix fwsm to securely control access between business groups branch offices and remote sites including server farm data center and enterprise edge configure troubleshoot routing protocols in a large multiprotocol and multi autonomous systems network backbone including eigrp ospf bgp and policy based routing etc configure sla auto qos nbar netflow snmp for monitoring baselining and optimizing network traffic configure implement aaa acs tacacs and pvlan to enhance campus layer security participated and assisted the foxconn us datacenter migration consolidation and upgrading in houston successfully accomplished plan product selection configuring and implementation of foxconn hewlett packard product line network from scratch in singapore based on eigrp hsrp and pvrst successfully accomplished plan equipment selection configuring implementation of foxconn sony vaio laptop repairing facility network expansion and upgrading project in chiba japan l l vpn to backbone accomplished optimizing of hundreds of switch trunks links to improve layer security and bandwidth utilization by pruning vtp in shenzhen campus china install configure test troubleshoot wan links including wic csu dsu international t e t ds e mpls legacy frame relay with at t verizon sprint ntt kddi singtel china telecom etc routine network operations center noc lan wan edge network monitoring traffic analyzing large amount of network document diagrams composing and updating using visio excel word etc worked on cable management that make subsequent management of the cables of the installation easier assisted cabling team to build office telecom rooms data center including idf mdf in shenzhen campus education b s in software engineering nanchang university national key university skills cisco years lan wan years network monitoring years vpn years firewalls years network design years linux years hp networking years cisco nexus years network security years wireless years certifications licenses ccdp cisco certified design professional ccnp cisco certified network professional full score troubleshooting ccda cisco certified design associate ccna routing and switching dnv det norske veritas information security iso isms internal auditor additional information technical expertise hands on eqiupment cisco router series switch nexus and catalyst series firewall asa asa series pix series wireless aironet series wlc series hp series checkpoint sonicwall barracuda firewall foundry kemp load balancer dell force h c series aruba wireless controller virtual controller avocent opengear console server digium switchvox pbx phone cradlepoint g internet wireless wan amazon aws cloud iboss web url filter network monitoring security solarwinds wireshark tcpdump cisco works cisco prime whatsup cacti mrtg prtg nagios scrutinizer intermapper aruba airwave cattool enterprise metasploit gfi languard etc other skills knowledge ipv ospfv ripng to tunnel nexus vdc vpc otv fabric path trill vxlan cloud network virtualization vrf vss nsf vrrp wccp ssl l tp pptp vpn wan technologies sonet mpls legacy wan technologies atm frame relay isdn wireless a b g n lwapp etc multicast span cisco voip phone call manager sip h ibm lotus notes email linux redhat ubuntu etc many distro microsoft windows server active directory cisco ucs dns dhcp vmware ips ids hardware it information security strong troubleshooting and technical problems analytical solving skills good at solution technical design team player and capable of integrating with workgroup ", "network engineer network engineer waldorf md email me on indeed indeed com r d faac a e obtain a position in the network field where i can maximize my network skills quality assurance and training experience i m a quick learner and i work hard to be the best engineer i can be in my position in order to complete my task i look forward to advancing my career in the it field authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer time warner cable november to january experience with multimedia over coax cable and years of hands on experience configuring and testing diagnosing troubleshooting modems experience with installing and testing wireless lan infrastructure quality of service qos throughput with and ghz integrate communication architectures topologies hardware software transmission and signaling links and protocols into complete network configurations test docsis and modems by updating the firmware and software my test results were documented in test cases and presented to the supervisor for examine as a test engineer i deployed wireless modem testing with my cpe on casa e and ubr cmts such as d qualification testing upload and download throughput speed test also troubleshoot any modem problem that was being tested on the cmts vendor would provide new firmware for the time warner engineer to test testing also includes general functionality such as cable modem connectivity to time warner config file telenet access port scan blocking channel bonding and for ipv ipv mode radio frequency rf network test engineer time warner cable herndon va january to rf engineer duties time warner cable january to november perform network layer installments of routers switches mm sm fibers and ethernet cables also troubleshoot bad fiber within the network lab devices perform network layer duties of assigning ip addresses to the senior engineers in the lab also work with other engineers in vlan configurations of switches support the engineers by helping them place their network devices into dsview so the engineers can access their devices through console management support the cable modem engineers by provisioning cm s and troubleshooting any cable plant issues performs radio frequency engineering assignments of moderate complexity such as planning building an more diverse rf network system for easier modem testing for the engineers rf patch panels and active ports were set up at the engineers desk for cm testing provides direct advisory support in the design development of future video build outs and testing of radio frequency rf components circuits and or products such as frequency synthesizers transmitters and receivers supports project managers within own organization in various technical activities such as adding video in the qa lab so set top boxes could be tested by the engineers upon their request also help build new rf system and technical product development of any other network labs in the building or different departments pertaining to rf related issues receives general supervision from management as well as technical guidance and training from the more experienced network engineers pertaining to troubleshoot any cmt servers that needed repairing or modems strong written and verbal communication skills ability to work independently as well as in structured teams plan develop and implement a process for insuring that all cabling in the rf area and all floor area in the rf area are kept clean and maintained build process documents and check it into vss work related list describing the overall plan to maintain that area understanding of fiber optic network components such as transmitters receivers amplifiers multiplexers filters and couplers familiarity with modeling or characterization of fiber optic transmission impediments technical background in signal processing and related topics such as probability and statistical analysis signal detection and classification different rf signal to noise ratio snr ingress or egress noise or filter design plan and add new structure to the qa lab testing plant by adding channel bonding at any cmts provide a solution to monitor the overall wellness of the rf plants static dynamic and cytec automated cmts and voip as well as provide a methodology by which we can monitor overall cabling and insure that areas like the static patch panel and voip wall do not become unmanageable provide testers and lab personnel with a process to follow and adhere to in order to police and maintain a strict adherence to quality cabling maintenance technician comcast communications waldorf md to troubleshot and perform network analysis to repair connectivity for digital voice over ip voip customers configured and installed digital high definition boxes and wireless modems with ip addresses repaired county wide network transmission system i e forward and return distribution by balancing radio frequency rf levels at the fiber optic node and mini bridges mb amplifiers troubleshot and repair problems with major cable and modem outages to include replacing amplifiers fiber nodes quality control technician comcast rebuild team to redesigned county distribution system by installing the proper amplifiers for connectivity restored cable outages by replacing fuses in amplifiers fiber node module power supplies and splicing cable education associate degree of arts in arts and science in arts and science college of southern maryland bachelor s degree in science university of maryland university college ", "network engineer miami fl email me on indeed indeed com r a f f c bda willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer next level systems inc miami fl may to december network engineer next level systems inc miami usa december june clients west kendall bomnin chevrolet kendall bomnin chevrolet palmetto ford mcglannan school med health pharmacy law offices accountants offices hialeah hospital and more than small and medium enterprises industry system networking network support and desktop support for all locations by remote control thru kaseya remote systems management of ticket systems and with proper documentation of all work done tickets daily management creation and configuration of outlook and godaddy domain emails calendaring functions installation and configuration of virtual servers with microsoft hyper v backup management and configuration through shadowprotect backup software for all locations installation and configuration of firewall sophos west kendall bomnin chevrolet complete network rebuilds in both locations new car dealer and used installation of gigabyte network switches installation and configuration of ubiquiti networks enterprise ap unifi troubleshooting configuration and testing for old hardware switches ap s cat wiring fiber optic adapters computers network printers laptops cisco wireless controller phone system cameras installation and configuration of a new microsoft windows server dhcp ad dns group policies creation and configuration of wifi networks for employees and customers through cisco systems creation and management of organizational units and policies for different departments of the company assignation of reserved ip s for computers with delicate software of the company and printers troubleshooting and configuration for general motors gm software and firewall fortinet and for software reynolds and reynolds r r for both dealers including migration through a vpn to connect both bomnin chevrolet locations creation of vlans and port exceptions installation of new computers and laptops with their proper software configuration and everything necessary for the user network administrator broward networks fort lauderdale fl march to november network administrator broward networks fort lauderdale usa march to november clients goodlife pharmacy healthymeds pharmacy hillmoor pharmacy e pharmwholesalers cryospace and a call center industry networking network supports and desktop support for all clients on site and remote connection management of ticket systems and with proper documentation of all work done tickets daily configure troubleshoot updates and backups for microsoft products as windows and windows server and ad dhcp dns firewall microsoft office and microsoft exchange troubleshooting networks problems and workstations daily troubleshooting configuration updates and backups of pharmacy softwares abacus rx prime management of the corporate email server creation updates and configuration of new clients and employees registry editing for troubleshooting windows and pharmacy software maintenance installation and configuration of new and used hardware equipment as computers laptops monitors routers switches fingerprint scanners security cameras printers print servers installation and configuration of firewall sonicwall for remote offices creation and configuration of firewall ports for windows remote desktop connection for all clients staff supervisor proyectos y construcciones c a caracas january to december staff supervisor proyectos y construcciones c a caracas venezuela january december client general mills venezuela industry networking civil network installation and security based on cisco technology control and maintenance for existing equipment and networks environment lan wan managed and supervised around subordinates follow up on project execution and cost control managed schedule developed scopes of work and specifications for network related and construction of civil works monitored physical and financial progress of projects and management support contracts education bachelor degree in network engineering in computer science universidad tecnol gica del centro unitec miami fl september to december skills ccna years voip years windows server years c year engineering management years vmware years html year firewalls years management years technical support years engineering years additional information engineer with four years of experience multilingual professional eager to learn and continue growing professionally i have excellent interpersonal communication skills with a keen ability to lead and coach a diverse workforce my career objective is to obtain a management position to develop my skills and accomplish the goals of the organization additional skills speaking listening writing and reading in the following languages english and spanish self motivated required minimum supervision to perform the work and self management skills for dealing with an and solving of highly complex technical problems ability to multi task and manage time efficiently to ensure the best results of the projects good teamwork and leadership skills to lead to excellent results integrated analytical abilities technical intuition and a proactive attitude professional and courteous customer service skills training cisco courses conducted ccna and voip training strong knowledge in microsoft products as windows and microsoft office word excel powerpoint and outlook microsoft exchange server windows server active directory dhcp dns firewall and great troubleshooting skills for all windows products mentioned knowledge of support and maintenance of apple products mac and ios training on oracle vm virtual box hyper v and vmware virtual servers windows and linux maintenance of computers and network devices with due upgrade and security basic courses in c html and javascript basic courses of photoshop and video editing ", "network engineer network engineer cisco email me on indeed indeed com r e c b efa c willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer cisco miami fl to present cisco isr asr v nexus k series and k series cisco ios qos ospf eigrp dns dhcp hsrp ipsec tcp ip vpn lacp pagp ftp access lists vlan trunking framrelay ppp mpls asa vrf lite dell power edge r r r hp proliant gen and checkpoint outlook ftp wireshark riverbed steelhead lennar corporations miami florida current network engineer personally designed and deployed qos asa firewalls x and firepower ebgp ibgp troubleshooting eigrp and ospf troubleshooting f ltm mpls vrf lite deployed dmvpn and vpn site to site configurations live nx live action analysis riverbed steelhead deployments support of meraki wireless infrastructure and access points mr mr mr active participation on sites refreshes designing and deploying cisco environments along with riverbed steelhead appliances active support for offices connected to mpls gateways routers isr with bgp peering active troubleshooting of qos configurations bgp eigrp and dmvpn also designing of visio diagrams for each site edp environment cisco routers isr series asr and and switches series nexus k and k dmvpn ipsec vpn ftp access lists vlan trunking vrf lite live action solarwinds meraki f splunk riverbed steelhead lead network engineer allin interactive fort lauderdale fl to shipyard deployment of proprietary hospitality software in windows infrastructures server active directory dns dhcp group policies iis using vmware or hyper v as virtualization platforms if requested from client configuring cisco networks along with proper acls ether channels vrf lite vlan q also preparation of proper documentation for hand over to support team deployed in las vegas singapore germany texas and mexico environment cisco switches series checkpoint dell power edge r r r hp proliant gen and active directory hyper v vmware ipsec tcp ip vpn ftp access lists vlan trunking framrelay vrf lite network engineer and team lead bowles fluidics corp columbia md to quickly respond to incidents or anomalies in a cisco network environment cisco nexus k s switches and switches vpn connections and firewalls implementation of security standards as acl s group policy network segmentation in order to secure the network and mitigate any vulnerability proactive diagnostic to window server infrastructure to prevent anomalies and resolve errors networking wise file servers with security permissions administration with a quickly and effectively response to storage failure for storage infrastructure composed by emc vnx s emc celera data domain backup platform and backup exec versions and as well as tape storage deduplication techniques and disk staging participated in the migration from emc celera to emc vnx installation from scratch of windows server hyper v core implementation of hyper v replica as well as the participation of the migration of the physical environment to virtual platform developed drp s disaster recovery plan for bowles fluidics corp covering the most important processes that take place in the company environment cisco switches checkpoint dell power edge r r r backup exec cisco ios active directory xencenter hyper v dell kace lifesize ipsec tcp ip vpn ftp access lists vlan trunking framrelay solarwinds network analyst banreservas bank to implementation and administration of backup restore platform veritas netbackup and as well as the administration of terabytes hitachi san array connected to a brocade fiber switch always meeting rpo and rto times given by each platform and application using the best practices to integrate netbackup and to different environments active member of the team responsible of migrating esxi to along with vmotion configurations played pivotal role in the team in charge of the configuration and administration of esxi configuration administration and proactive response to devices such as storagetek l and various dell power vaults implementation of netbackup advance disk linked to hitachi and emc vnx series disk arrays implementation of multiplexing and multistreaming tape techniques documentation and configuration of tests environments destined to test successful recoveries of sensitive data extensive experience in designing implementing and maintaining backup platforms in nas san environments active member of the complete administration of windows server environments and active directory group policies file server administration configuration of ftp servers dns servers file servers and print servers environment emc vnx emc celera cisco dell power edge power edge netbackup active directory vmware esxi vsphere hyper v brocade lifesize ipsec hitachi universal storage platform hitachi vsp hitachi hnas tcp ip vpn ftp access lists vlan trunking framrelay education bachelor in computer science in computer science dominican republic unphu university ", "network engineer wolters kluwer network admin ii ruskin fl email me on indeed indeed com r d de dd authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer wolters kluwer tampa fl december to present wolters kluwer financial services teammate division network engineer ii dec present supervisor stuart mullen government hosting solutions lead liaison and poc for government hosting certification configure and maintain windows servers for hosting clients trouble shooting and resolution for client facing cloud network issues apply patches and windows updates to over servers office of the inspector general it specialist racking power alexandria va june to november supervisor charles lytle testing and upgrade environment architecture migration installation configuration and troubleshooting liaison and poc for pilot test of an enterprise wide telework solution architecture and configuration of test environment for newest versions of audit software physical setup racking power management and assisted with logical configuration of network server and storage in sites in afghanistan and qatar decommissioning wiping and disposing of servers network storage agency representative for federal users group of support personnel serve as component wide teammate champion administrator provide support for over users to analyze troubleshoot and resolve issues for software hardware configuration best practices and policy in a timely fashion provide input on management planning for software upgrades to communicate user needs and wants for software perform diagnostic and troubleshooting functions for network and server related issues to manage performance develop user software documentation for cch teammate with citrix remote servers remote pc and reporting that cch teammate now uses for training purposes ensure templates used for reports are updated to comply with changes in policy edit html code for custom cch teammate reports create additional reports using html code and fix issues associated with cch teammate special reports provide configuration for citrix and assisted with a duplicate citrix environment for load balancing lead for functionality and beta testing for software upgrades patches to ensure the seamless integration and upgrade of our existing software as well as beta testing for various windows software loads for dodig manage and perform setup maintenance and updates of audit software changes on servers conus and oconus for classified and unclassified networks created deployment plans for testing pilot groups and developed a deployment schedule for roll out as well as created and maintained a sharepoint page for report and dissemination of issues and solutions during testing manage data migration and develop migration plans that produce the greatest results with the least impact and manage mass migration of over gb of data set up and configuration of sql database for more than three dod ig components lead for migration and upgrades of audit software from versions for over users and projects on secure and non secure networks archived over historic projects and ensured that users could access them in the future trained over personnel across components from outside agencies and from diverse technical and non technical backgrounds on using the audit documentation software policy methodology best practices and minor trouble shooting techniques install new versions of software and brief management on software development and application develop technical installation and configuration documentation for future technician use ensure data on various resident and remote servers are backed up for ease of recovery perform liaison functions between our information systems directorate and other personnel components of the agency to ensure the continuity of operations track and implement guidance and policy documentation changes into the audit documentation software cch teammate test software from outside vendors to ensure that we are using the best software to meet user needs dod ig representative and contributor at an oig user s group community knowledge base for troubleshooting emerging trends best practices new policy implementation and new software hardware requirements drummer harvest life changers church international woodbridge va may to november active in spiritual growth personally and professionally attends practices and services punctually and reliably rehearse with the group and try out new ideas communicates professionally with band and leader regarding arrangements and scheduling assists with creation and input of click stem and full tracks for performance practices independently with songs and tracks to ensure preparedness for rehearsal and performances practices independently with a variety of other genres for exposure and familiarity adapts to new concepts songs and arrangements quickly and professionally assists the music program of the church auditor department of defense office of the inspector general alexandria va february to may audit of controls over the army navy and air force purchase card programs project no d ck developed briefing charts to advise senior level management of timelines needed to complete site visits and to inform of results from completed site visits analyzed data to develop target areas of review and target cardholders for review delegated assignments to team members during site reviews led a team of three on a site visit to one of the navy bases informed cardholders of practices that were non compliant with respective regulations and advised of corrective actions to take briefed senior level officers and officials of results gathered from the gpc program review selected to lead the navy component of this multi service audit personally prepared the executive summary and other relevant sections of final audit report examined and validated audit documentation of other auditors on the team analyzed closed accounts resulting in over of unclaimed government refunds audit of base realignment and closure brac report no d served as acting team leader during team leader absence and delegated audit assignments to a team of five gathered and analyzed supporting documentation for brac questions to determine if adequate and reliable supporting documentation was provided for over military bases reviewed and identified discrepancies in both test and evaluation and education and training data for over spreadsheet reports and over databases to ensure accurate responses were submitted to the joint cross service groups interviewed dod agency personnel assigned to answer the second brac data call to identify discrepancies in processes and methodologies used in answering data call questions and scenarios identified instances of non compliance with standard operating procedures best practices and government policies prepared report distribution lists working papers and site memoranda retail sales associate pacific sunwear columbia sc september to may provide customer service ring up transactions answer questions about products services and store merchandise ensuring customer satisfaction maintain a positive and friendly attitude exude confident and attentive demeanor with customers gain and maintain brand knowledge attention to detail learn and suggest current sales to customers consistently meet sales goals call center representative at t dsl columbia sc april to september learn operating procedures for the call center complete extensive training in support for dsl support learn and use call center queue technology to accept phone calls meet call goals regularly provide customer service to customers use tools for troubleshooting to resolve customer problems make sales to customers that call to upgrade service special operations command budget department resource management budget clerk u s army september to may supervisor kendel mckeel tel data entry data mining statistical sampling written interviews written questionnaires comparative data analysis ratio analysis detailed cost benefit analysis budget estimates travel estimates st line blemish repair and quality control summer internship michelin n a lexington sc june to september determine whether blemishes on tires were major or minor repair minor blemishes on tires escalate tires that had major blemishes for further review repair or scraping collect samples for quality control and determine the level of repair needed train new hires on procedures transport tires to and from quality control maintain a professional attitude and demeanor while working with peers abide by warehouse safety guidelines including ear eye skin and respiratory safety remain alert and vigilant for safety of my peers while in transit to and from station passing heavy machinery manual laborer janitorial transport old towne antique mall columbia sc june to september loading and unloading truck of various furniture and household items that are for sale and sold assist customers with loading and unloading purchased items ensure neat and clean appearance of all areas including bathroom storage areas and floor ensure both locations are stocked with merchandise appealing to clientele perform minor repairs on household items that are for sale to include minor electrical cosmetic repairs and custom painting staining ensure restrooms are cleaned and stocked with supplies pull sold inventory for loading delivery truck and deliver sold items to customers manual laborer janitorial transport summer old towne antique mall columbia sc june to september loading and unloading truck of various furniture and household items that are for sale and sold assist customers with loading and unloading purchased items ensure neat and clean appearance of all areas including bathroom storage areas and floor ensure both locations are stocked with merchandise appealing to clientele perform minor repairs on household items that are for sale to include minor electrical cosmetic repairs and custom painting staining ensure restrooms are cleaned and stocked with supplies pull sold inventory for loading delivery truck and deliver sold items to customers camp counselor city of columbia columbia sc june to september overseeing the safety security of camp participants to reduce the risk of bodily harm or incidents in a variety of situations organized and implemented daily activities specifically with engaging children in physical activity successfully performed conflict resolution related task between camp participants which prevented further escalation to upper management or possible termination from participation of camp privileges provided first aid care for on site injuries counseled children displaying unruly behavior on the importance of respect kindness and understanding through positive reinforcement informed parents of children s progress and behavioral and observed social issues supervised a groups of children on a daily basis escorted supervised and monitored groups of children on a daily basis and on field trips dairy clerk bagger kroger columbia sc june to august promote corporate brands to customers promote trust and respect among associates create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products they inquire about inform customers of dairy specials provide customers with fresh products that they have ordered recommend dairy items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need check product quality to ensure freshness review sell by dates and take appropriate action label stock and inventory department merchandise report product ordering shipping discrepancies to the department manager display a positive attitude stay current with present future seasonal and special ads adhere to all food safety regulations and guidelines ensure proper temperatures in cases and coolers are maintained and temperature logs are maintained reinforce safety programs by complying with safety procedures and identify unsafe conditions and notify store management practice preventive maintenance by properly inspecting equipment and notify appropriate department or store manager of any items in need of repair notify management of customer or employee accidents report all safety risks or issues and illegal activity including robbery theft or fraud to store management ensure groceries are bagged with care and with like items help customers load and unload groceries into vehicles maintain an acceptable number of carts and retrieve carts when necessary from the parking lot camp counselor maintenance camp courtney hendersonville nc june to september overseeing the safety security of camp participants to reduce the risk of bodily harm or incidents in a variety of situations organized and implemented daily activities specifically with engaging children in physical activity successfully performed conflict resolution related task between camp participants which prevented further escalation to upper management or possible termination from participation of camp privileges provided first aid care for on site injuries counseled children displaying unruly behavior on the importance of respect kindness and understanding through positive reinforcement informed parents of children s progress and behavioral and observed social issues supervised a groups of children on a daily basis escorted supervised and monitored groups of children on a daily basis and on field trips complete preventive and routine maintenance to camp facilities administer assess clean and repair facilities prior to arrival and after departure maintain camp facilities by keeping facilities clean and in working order facilities to include dining hall camp cabins pool basketball court volleyball court sand childrens play equipment and tetherball courts lawn care for camp areas to include acres of lawn hedges shrubs areas of mulch camp fire grounds and fencing operate various lawn care and camp equipment perform minor repairs and maintenance to camp equipment and vehicles bustboy dishwasher ihop columbia sc april to september working in the kitchen area and cleaning dirty pots pans silverware and plates operate dish washing machines and or wash items by hand maintain an orderly work environment by cleaning the kitchen and guest seating areas basic cleaning duties include taking out trash and clearing tables unloading trucks stocking supplies culinary utensil sanitation engineer dish washer summer camp courtney hendersonville nc june to august transport clean and dirty dishes to and from sanitation area to serving area cooking area and proper storage area clean and sanitize pans pots glasses utensils dishes silverware and cups using dish washing machine or by hand separate organize sort and store clean dishes in designated areas safely and efficiently operate dish washing machine using company procedures and manufacturer manual clean operating areas regularly to include sinks machinery and floors remove trash from kitchen and washing areas perform opening and closing at appropriate times to include installing and removing mats sweeping mopping and powering on and off dish washing equipment follow safety and sanitation policies and procedures education bachelor of science in accounting fayetteville state university fayetteville nc may certifications licenses comptia a february to september comptia security february to september computer network enterprise certification additional information skill summary windows configuration and software installation windows configuration and software installation comptia security comptia a certified trainer certified teammate champion html script editing sql data query and script exposure vmware exposure and updating experience windows web server configuration and teammate configuration citrix configuration and trouble shooting for classified network and unclassified network advanced windows diagnosis troubleshooting and system performance knowledge some mac apple os x trouble shooting knowledge analytical and computer skills to include expertise in cch teammate software and database installation configuration integration maintenance and troubleshooting years of cch teammate technical support and training experience excellent oral and written communication acl and data mining experience two years of contract related audit experience two years of contract related and government purchase card gpc transaction auditing experience two years of information technology and information and logical security specialized audit experience data gathering and interviewing techniques secret security clearance renewed in ", "network engineer network engineer fidelity rougemont nc email me on indeed indeed com r daa fae f b c a work experience network engineer fidelity cary nc november to present primary responsibilities network engineer responsible for customer configurations within the axway managed file transfer infrastructure this includes daily operational work as well as the engineering of solutions that allows fidelity to meet high customer demands within a highly complex infrastructure daily duties include onboarding new internal external customer connectivity as well as working in a cross organizational fashion to implement new projects and services implement managed file transfer solutions that can be used across the fidelity enterprise engineering customer connectivity onboarding based on requirements for facilitating the transfer of data between businesses b b consulting with customers on best practices and options business to customer as well as business to business connectivity engineering customer connectivity onboarding based on requirements for facilitating the transfer of data between internal entities i i consulting with customers on best practices and options business to customer as well as business to business connectivity troubleshoot issues related to the managed file transfer infrastructure documentation of technologies and topologies modifications of work flow components using java development create report sql queries system analyst fidelity durham nc june to november nc provide high level technical support for fidelity investments technology group the global trading war room offers a focal point of services related to the support of the global trading production environments primary responsibilities provide support for managing multi site routing provide incident management services via monitoring the environments assist in the identification of storage violations isolation and escalation of problems provide cycle management of web to mainframe environments and multiple distributed systems provide support for distributed systems mainframe and application the duties require one to be proactive and reactive when identifying potential issues under the direction of direct supervisor incidents are escalated to senior management work on multiple projects ranging from moderate to complex assignments participate in the on call rotation assist the team in meeting the goals and or the direction of the organization collaborate with clients and or users to provide event status communication is carried out via sametime instant messaging email and or paging follow the guidelines and processes of itil as it relate to change and problem management provide production and non production support for applications and products maui and gor multi site routing application and market monitoring non production and environmental support order entry support market data application support maui and application install support network security specialist ibm research triangle park nc may to may provided technical expertise to customers in north central south america and partners in conjunction with global support groups engage with customers at their work locations to troubleshoot critical issues utilized as a technical specialist and customer facing liaison for other members of support worked closely with tac sales and engineering on prioritizing and managing customer escalations worked closely with partners and their escalation teams to ensure smooth delivery of service to end customers knowledgeable of intrusion detection prevention network management internet firewalls insect vpns knowledgeable of the following routing protocols ospf rip bgp sr technician usmax corporation gambrills md october to may provided technical support for approximately users setup video conference equipment for users to communicate internationally configured polycom video conferencing equipment using ip or isdn deployed microsoft office to users supported government software application such as creems used ghost software to image workstations setup small lan s for scheduled conferences supported windows windows xp used active directory to manage user accounts installed all peripheral devices such as printers scanners wireless systems and flat screen monitors provided tech support for resource scheduler application collaborated with the it group at usda to implement new projects configured cat cable e business operation analyst ibm durham nc november to june responsible for approximately servers in mixed environment provided operation support for web hosting customers provided first and second level end user support monitored security alerts and solved issues with intrusion via problem determination supported tivoli tools such as netview which was used for proactive monitoring suppressed alerts for system administrators while changes were being implemented supported aix sun solaris nt server microsoft xp scripts were used to stop and start services from the command line collaborated with the switch firewall and netops teams to resolve outages performed nightly backup jobs remotely worked as a backup to the shift lead managed a team of operation support specialists configured lotus notes collaborated with the focal account managers sa s and customers of various accounts it manager life care services severna park md february to november provided network support in a lan wan environment installed and configured pdc bdc and member servers performed lan vpn s and cisco router installations migrated nt to novell supervised daily tasks and planned long term projects responsibilities included procuring contractors and working as a liaison maintained a mixed nt network of approximately users successfully managed off site locations installed iis audited resources and events responsibilities included setting up raid lan administrator constellation senior services inc columbia md november to january provided administrative functions in a user window nt novell environment installed and configured compaq computers administer ms exchange server performed lan installs configured hewlett packard laser printers provided first and second level end user support installed nt windows on workstations diagnosed and solved software hardware conflicts worked with senior systems administrator on long term is plans recommend and implemented configuration profile for all network systems maintain pix firewalls and cisco routers configured dynamic host configuration protocol and static network support specialist interim financial services inc baltimore md april to november performed lan wan installs and configured frame connections for branch offices configured nt workstations and added new users to the domain converted a unix based system to a windows nt network for users configured lexmark and hewlett packard laser printers installed and configured dell pentium computers and attached nic cards built nt on workstations diagnosed and solved software hardware conflicts provided users with assistance and training on microsoft office products provided users with assistance for intranet internet access granted user rights with local logon and setup group accounts secured resources with shared folder permissions installed cisco router s and switches skills and knowledge experience with multiple hardware platforms such as mainframe unix linux windows vmware platforms an understanding of common network protocols experience in the financial industry with an understanding of trading terminology multi tasking ability understanding of mainframe and enterprise system components operations and mainframe cics processing basic understanding of the various os products from vendors db hp ibm linux apple and microsoft knowledgeable of software product monitoring and general remediation techniques ability to work effectively with technical systems staff and communicate with the various business units experience with the itil framework and methodologies understanding of incident problem change management tools provided by hewlett packard experience with tso cics mainframe mvs projects development maintenance support and sysview team player with technical problem solving as well as troubleshooting skills education university of maryland graduate program bachelor of science degree in business administration mis morgan state university ", "network engineer network engineer north las vegas nv email me on indeed indeed com r a b e cd a good network engineer with great it and management experience working in a corporate environment excellent communication and customer service skills positive and professional attitude toward end users and other team members experienced in troubleshooting lan wan and software hardware issues experience in tcp ip protocol suite routers and switch configuration analysis of ip network traffic with the use of various network analyzers in depth understandings of lan wan topologies exceptional experience working in fast paced deadline oriented environments possess excellent telephone verbal and written communication organizational multi lingual english and french and inter personal skills possess excellent strong conceptual skills able to translate ideas into realities able to organize and complete complex projects ability to multitask prioritize and work well under pressure and for long hours self motivated able to work independently and on own initiative with minimal or no supervision strong planning organizational and project management skills fast in learning and adapting good team player and leader excellent network cabling cat cat willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer intouch voice solution isp to responsible for implementation maintenance and administration of intouch voice network carry out coordination installation testing and technical tasks in support of the local and wide area wired and wireless network systems and participate in developing and implementing network security procedures and network management plans in charge of configuring intouch local and wide area wired and wireless networks provide guidance to support technicians for responses to emergency work requests troubleshoot network failures and errors and diagnoses isolate and resolve routine to moderately highly complex network related problems assists the security team with developing monitoring and implementing network security procedures for safeguarding all networking systems perform surveys for network communications and makes recommendations to the senior network engineer for the layout and location of network components equipment cabling and wiring network engineer perform wireless site survey june to june metro communication it consultant design implementation and management of network systems including wireless infrastructures elaborate strategic planning standards policies and procedures perform wireless site survey for optimal access point location install and configure cisco wireless controller wlc network maintaining and monitoring by using solarwinds angry ip scanner wireshark resolution manager aes sonel cameroon limbe branch july to june ensure the smooth running of the computer network it helpdesk desktop support for local office installation upgrade and maintenance of various software packages magellan software applications support troubleshooting and technical support for magellan gps support engineer good mann computer school june to october network manager bifunde communictions limbe cm november to may cameroon smooth running of the technical team by co ordination and supervision of all its activities dialup internet access installation and troubleshooting cabling installation and configuration of pabxs lans and wans monitored bandwidth and network activity by analyzing information provided by mrtg to ensure both efficient and effective network operation document network problems and changes based on trouble tickets education ccna routing and switching cisco academy university of buea cameroon may to may government technical high school bamenda cameroon to certifications licenses ccna routing and switching may to may ", "network engineer omaha ne email me on indeed indeed com r b e aab b authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer united states air force active duty omaha ne june to present network engineer experienced in cisco switches and routers telephone maintenance experienced in pots and cisco unified call manager military service service country us branch united states air force rank ssgt june to present certifications licenses security november to present additional information top secret clearance w sci ", "network engineer it professional hampstead md email me on indeed indeed com r ff b fe systems engineer with years of it experience with a strong background in client server web hosting network environments and itsm demonstrate the ability to provide innovative solutions to internal and external customers accomplished manager mentor and team leader with proven ability to complete projects using effective communication presentation and time management skills accomplishments include planning and building state of the art it labs equipped with cisco telecommunications audio and video teleconferencing capabilities at national guard sites throughout the us and abroad currently serve as the technical and service delivery support manager for several premium verizon web hosting customers authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer t rowe price owings mills md april to present network engineer provide support for and implementation of cisco network equipment for the t rowe price enterprise voice and data network assist in the design install and operation of the network infrastructure that supports all physical and logical links inside the t rowe price network daily support on infrastructure for data center recovery centers trading desks and call centers continuity testing in the event of a disaster that should leave the production network unusable upgrade update cisco network products based on vendor specific requirements create and update network documentation diagrams following implementation of new technology through research and evaluation perform daily network troubleshooting as a major responsibility for administering the cisco data network throughout the t rowe price lan wan unpack rack cable and install hardware in data centers across the company campus ensure initial connectivity to devices such as network server cyber security and cisco voip systems sme in campus area network refresh and data center refresh to the most up to date cisco hardware that is becoming end of life according to vendor specific support monitor network performance security of assets and security of the network through cisco ise cisco acs and cisco prime infrastructure securing publicly used assets in our financial center for clients with the use of x authentication or the use of mab network engineer department of defense fort meade md may to march design configure test implement and maintain lan wans monitor firewall and network performance troubleshoot and resolve complex network issues to ensure no disruption of mission critical services support remote access platform and connectivity from remote overseas locations upgrade update network products based on vendor specific requirements create and update network documentation diagrams following implementation of new technology through research and evaluation perform network troubleshooting as a primary responsibility for administering the cisco voip and vtc systems maintain proficiency on voip vtc and vosip within the enterprise system configure and maintain network security devices such as firewalls ids vpn concentrators network filters and log monitors attached to the gig backbone monitor network traffic to identify system anomalies to ensure implementation of corrective action following ia unpack rack cable and install hardware in data center ensure initial connectivity to devices such as network server cybersecurity and san devices beginner s knowledge in managing cisco ip telephony through ucm and unity assistant architect of campus area network refresh and data center refresh to the most up to date routing and switching cisco hardware it service delivery manager verizon silver spring md january to january directly responsible for the delivery of internet infrastructure and cloud services to multiple high visibility enterprise level e commerce customers with recurring revenue charges of over k per month technical liaison between customer and verizon in operating large highly secure corporate or e commerce enterprise web hosting environments comprised of linux servers windows based servers complex cisco networking equipment and dedicated oracle databases consult with clients on strategic organizational and operational challenges within their webhosting environment directly manage sales services operations and account management personnel throughout the delivery lifecycle of newly acquired solutions establish and maintain long term relationship with clients assist in negotiating closing and maintaining service contracts develop track and report on sla compliance evaluate and implement incoming projects using key performance indicators to determine risk reward directly coach and mentor small team of client delivery personnel perform quality assurance analysis of customer environments in order to make recommendations for monitoring backups routine maintenance and new upgrade equipment additions in order to significantly improve website hardware performance systems and network administration of client environment by executing such requests as load balancing changes on citrix netscaler s firewall rule implementation on cisco asa firewalls and initial troubleshooting of windows server environments through vsphere client facilitate daily weekly and monthly status calls with client engineers for relationship management and to ensure quality of service is consistently in line with their business needs incident management through the tracking updating and closing of service request tickets in order to meet mutually agreed upon sla saas engineer micros columbia md july to december responsibilities include day to day operations incident response documentation and monitoring of over concurrent opera pms production environments qa environments and several training environments which are spread across over windows servers installation configuration and tuning of microsoft windows server oracle g apache and opera pms software for deployment to new hotels including marriott and ihg across the united states perform scheduled monthly maintenance on existing windows servers perform oracle database backup recovery exports and imports technical troubleshooting that includes oracle database and application server issues network connectivity and client interface issues printing and auditing creation customization and tuning of solarwinds it management software to capture monitoring trends to identify critical outages or bottlenecks in order to lead them to mitigation resolution faster systems engineer support center mci verizon business terremark beltsville md may to march trained supervised and supported teams of technicians providing tier and network unix and windows support to more than commercial clients subscribing to verizon web hosting services on a monthly basis supported the team in responding to service tickets led the team to achieve of the alerts processed within minutes sla reducing priority one and two ticket resolution time by personally resolved over regular and escalated tickets and responsible for providing rapid response to premium clients such as honda nestle novartis astrazeneca and accenture with monthly subscription value of k k provided remote services through windows and unix servers including setting up new server accounts managing individual and group user maintenance through active directory restarting computer services such as iis manual and remote server reboots managing terminal service sessions running unix scripts to set up and deploy new websites creating web trends profiles for websites to analyze traffic managing verisign ssl certification and facilitating conference calls for live troubleshooting monitored and supported colocation clients in multiple datacenters in the united states and abroad provided internal corporate domain user account administration and troubleshooting sme and sole support provider to subscribers of verizon s shared hosted microsoft exchange and instant messaging product annually managed internal projects such as server end of life and system migrations managed routine maintenance such as server farm maintenance upgrades and facilitated the resolution of emergency events to ensure meeting all operational sla s implementation project manager saic jil information systems tysons corner va january to may as the lead engineer traveled to several army national guard sites in the us and abroad to deploy it labs classrooms equipped with video teleconferencing capabilities project management of installation configuration of windows servers and windows xp desktop pc s at each site initial configuration of cisco routers and other network equipment developed virtual physical designs for each site based on sla generated comprehensive hardware and software requirements oversaw material acquisition and shipping managed at team of technicians to complete the physical build out wiring and installation of equipment conducted on site and post deployment testing and support provided tier on site and remote support for complex troubleshooting repair of deployed cisco switches and routers windows servers and desktop units as well as various audio visual devices provided onsite and remote support to resolve lan wan connectivity issues with cisco telecom equipment initial configuration management of server active directories and relevant security group policies for each organizational unit liaised with the national guard point of contact poc office to coordinate equipment delivery to the sites as well as scheduling and delivering training sessions for newly installed equipment education computer science anne arundel community college arnold md september to business management university of south carolina columbia sc september to certifications licenses comptia security december to present itil v to present cisco certified network associate ccna february to february cisco certified network associate ccna data center may to may additional information it certifications microsoft mcp comptia security itil v foundation cisco ccent cisco ccna routing and switching ccna data center i am currently studying to become a ccnp in routing and switching operating systems windows server windows xp beginner s knowledge of linux cisco ios web technologies html iis networking ethernet all layers of the osi model tcp ip udp dhcp dns arp nat ftp telnet snmp smtp vpn ldap ipv subnetting routing protocols rip ospf and eigrp and cabling network monitoring tools netiq sitescope impact hostmon and solarwinds software microsoft office suite salesforce cisco ios remote desktop services terminal services client and bomgar exchange norton ghost creston vision tools image pro ticketing systems seibel etms remedy and clarify hardware cisco routers cisco switches cisco acs cisco ucs cisco call manager palo alto firewalls dell and hp servers and workstations crestron control units and touch panels black box video scan converters and scalers tandberg video teleconference equipment sony video projectors and other various video teleconferencing equipment custom cat cat networking and rgb audio video cables it training history pc configuration i and ii pc diagnostics and repair maintaining microsoft exchange server windows server active directory windows server server administrator a certification all in one comptia security certification sybex cisco ccna routing and switching sybex clearance level currently possess a secret clearance ", "network engineer network engineer ogden ut email me on indeed indeed com r a fdd e d authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer first digital telecom salt lake city ut february to june first digital telecom is an internet service provider in the greater salt lake city area with customers nationwide as a network engineer at first digital telecom i worked on a small team of other network engineers and helped to monitor maintain upgrade and expand first digital s network this also included working with customers during network outages if necessary my primary duty on the team was to determine which equipment would work best for each business customer and then configure that network equipment this also included often working directly with the customer and other networking teams in the company i also engineered and configured most of the big residential developments field engineer digis networks american fork ut january to february digis networks now rise broadband is an internet service provider in utah as a field engineer at digis i worked on a team to manage maintain and expand a network which provided fixed wireless internet access to customers the duties of this position include designing planning installing troubleshooting and maintaining a large network of over residential customers in day to day and on call environments tester researcher drop sell it ebay ogden ut may to january at drop sell it on ebay i tested repaired and researched the value of computers electronics and other items to be sold on ebay during this process i learned additional computer repair and diagnostic skills laborer utility trailer mfg co clearfield ut september to august at utility trailer i learned a variety of skills to help construct refrigerated semi trailers in a production environment during this time i learned problem solving skills to help increase quality and rate of production i also used my experience to teach others the skills i had learned education roy high school ", "network engineer network engineer ocala fl email me on indeed indeed com r b f e a highly motivated experienced years and results oriented professional with notable success directing a broad range of enterprise networking services willing to relocate to ocala fl florida authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer covenant health systems knoxville tn to present network engineer for a large multi campus regional healthcare system that includes multiple acute care hospitals clinics and primary care offices responsible for all aspects of a user metropolitan area network infrastructure responsible for designing implementing and troubleshooting permanent and temporary network solutions troubleshooting and problem resolution of enterprise network difficulties and outages responsible for implementing maintaining network connectivity to remote sites ase metroe t t dsl cable maintain cisco edge routers hp core routers and hp layer edge switches build and maintain current visio documentation for network infrastructure maintain websense web proxy system and hp imc network management platform maintain mrv dwdm equipment between data center and dr site maintain whatsupgold network monitoring system maintain ngenius infinistream data collection and sniffer system maintain cisco asa vpn appliance with l l vpn tunnels network engineer baptist health systems east tennessee us to provided direct network support for a multi campus healthcare system that included four hospitals a regional cancer center heart institute senior health centers pain institute and doctors office buildings responsible for all enterprise networking hardware including switches routers and firewalls installed and maintained iprism internet filtering appliance installed and administrated cisco vpn concentrator performed daily network monitoring and troubleshooting with protocol analyzer sniffer performed domain admin tasks including maintaining dns and dhcp field service engineer ibm tss division bradenton fl to performed daily computer data communications maintenance and repairs for contracts within a large geographic area in central florida and east tennessee installed configured and serviced all major brands of computers printers and related peripherals installed and configured both lan and wan hardware including satellite communication equipment surpassed customer satisfaction goals throughout region field service engineer general electric computer service bradenton fl to performed daily computer data communications maintenance and repairs within large geographic area throughout central florida installed and serviced many types of computer hardware from desktops to high end servers installed configured and maintained airline ticket systems worked in a strong team oriented environment helping technicians in other areas as needed base administration computer maintenance united states air force to base administration launched implementation procedures to automate a large inventory of af publications and forms installed and configured all system hardware and software performed daily maintenance and system backups received the air force commendation medal for my accomplishments on this project education year technical degree in microcomputers and microprocessors mcgraw hill national radio institute of technology tampa fl to two years in computer sciences st leo college tampa fl to skills see below under additional information years military service service country us branch air force rank e august to august commendations air force commendation medal awards united states air force commendation medal certifications licenses microsoft certified systems engineer mcse cisco ccna comptia network comptia a additional information professional skills successful track record with increased responsibility in network engineering and analysis demonstrated capacity to implement and support enterprise wide networking solutions possess adept leadership abilities able to manage motivate and lead project teams using excellent communication and people skills core competencies hardware operating system analysis network engineering and analysis network and systems security operating system platforms microsoft dos windows xp nt windows professional windows vista windows server server novell netware cisco ios adtran ios and linux networking ethernet vlan tcp ip vpn ssh ftp dhcp dns snmp dwdm microsoft active directory layer and layer devices from cisco hp alcatel allied telesyn mrv and netscreen juniper tools cisco asa ngenius infinistream whatsupgold hp imc platform websense bluecat dhcp dns hp ata sophos ms visio hp tippingpoint network associates sniffer languard solarwinds network engineers edition snmpc management console watchguard firewall sourcefire ids iprism barracuda networks solarwinds websense ", "network engineer network engineer carmel in email me on indeed indeed com r ffafcdc f be network engineer routing and switching network engineer security engineer position desired will provide an opportunity to utilize my troubleshooting skills to resolve system and network problems lan wan and security design challenges using routers switches security servers and firewalls are also desired network engineer i have a knowlege of networking switches routers hubs lan wan tcp ip qos bgp ospf isis ppp can work well with other people i am able to work independently i have planning and organizational skills i can work long hours on rotation and on weekends i am also amenable to travel on duty willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer i international kokomo in to position network engineer in a very short term project team experience in the installation of cisco catalyst type series in a global company in kokomo indiana company worked for i international member of a team involved in the upgrading of corporate network switching infrastructure roles and responsibilities in the position as a network engineer i was involved in the replacement of a catalyst switch with a newer model various roles to entrepreneur in computer sales marketing shipping parent writer technical support technician engineer calltech communications to in a verizon project a major internet service provider member of a network operating center company worked for calltech communications a contractor of verizon roles and responsibilities in this position i provided telecommunications support cisco router support modem support and computer system troubleshooting configuration and operations support in the project to verizon dsl internet subscribers in this role i was able to help some of the remote customers who call into the network operations center with their issues with internet connectivity in this high pressure role in a network operating center i helped verizon dsl customers with a variety of issues which affect their internet connectivity some of these issues include router problems computer problems modem problems and problems with their telecommunications links were handled in a collaborative team environment ictc to network setup maintenance basic advanced computer training graduate training university of california berkeley ca to teaching assistant graduate training university of california berkeley ca to usa assistant lecturer university of ibadan ibadan nigeria to science mathematics teacher ibadan boys high school to ibadan nigeria university of ibadan ibadan ng to b sc hons chemistry university of ibadan ibadan nigeria education m sc in polymer science technology ahmadu bello university ", "network engineer network engineer fordham university santa clara ca email me on indeed indeed com r ef b a hard working technician with experience in problem resolution team leadership and customer service with a self motivated goal of efficiency experience leading projects involving building maintaining and dismantling large scale active networks recognized for remaining charismatic and calm while returning high quality solutions in stressful situations an entrepreneurial spirit of innovation and a passion for problem solving an attitude to strive for perfection and a genuine interest in customer satisfaction willing to relocate to san mateo ca authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer fordham university bronx ny may to present recruited as a network engineer responsible for enacting the full life cycle of networking and server solutions including network maintenance and vip client solutions challenged with the responsibility of training new hires and delegation of work created and maintained complex databases of current network status including new installs and issue resolution experience with hands on management and delegation of tasks on large scale projects configured and installed several switches routers hubs and access points to expand network capabilities resolved large scale network connectivity issues trained new staff on network upkeep responsible for tracking ip usage in a large static environment designed network layouts for several buildings and offices troubleshot thousands of network related issues performed several network analysis tests and data captures using programs such as wireshark provided on site support for network connectivity issues in time sensitive situations network technician highstreet it fordham bronx ny may to august summary recruited as a systems monitor to troubleshoot and resolve issues with malfunctioning systems involved in the decommission process of older systems responsible for monitoring the current state of all devices connected to our network completed installation of new systems into server racks and configured them to be monitored by remote tools such as wug and solar winds responsible for troubleshooting malfunctioning systems created of several sql programs and macro intensive excel files to make the systems easier to monitor infrastructure technician highstreet it fordham islandia ny may to august summary recruited to wire the store fronts of sleepy s locations up and down the u s east coast between maine and south carolina responsible for setting up new locations and troubleshooting issues in existing locations wellsaustyn gmail com installed and configured pod and pos equipment in hundreds of storefronts responsible for creating cable connections to each pos configured and installed remote switches and routers for each location averaged store setups per day electronic repair technician highstreet it fordham islandia ny may to august summary recruited to aid warehouse functions in the department of refurbished equipment challenged to refurbish all malfunctioning equipment back to working standards responsible for repair of all malfunctioning pc s phones printers and servers installed new software updates cleaned and reimaged virus infected pc upgraded pc hardware assisted in warehouse management of hardware inventory for maintenance support network security internship fordham university bronx ny march to may summary interned under the head of it security at fordham university responsible for all data collection and management performed intrusion testing responsible for password basic password checks and resets created several large macro intensive excel files education bachelor of arts in computer science in computer science university at albany suny september to may skills c years cabling year command line interface year maintenance year network analysis year microsoft excel years putty year wireshark year additional information relevant skills proficient in microsoft power point microsoft excel command line interface and c experience in office management cabling switch rack installations network maintenance troubleshooting equipment and network analysis ", "oanh do database developer salt lake ut email me on indeed indeed com r oanh do cb f fafe years of working experience in software development especially in database reports and etl years of experience in project management involve in defining process template planning controlling progress coordinating development and qa teams offshore and onshore teams years of onsite us experience expertise in dbms data warehouses and business intelligence suites microsoft sql informatica pentaho mysql experienced in agile and rup methodologies major clients kiewit micros sheridan healthcare inc zurich uk medplus plexis authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience associate engineering manager database developer csc vietnam th nh ch minh may to april vietnam may to apr managed micros offshore development team using agile jira the team included members and divided into three sub teams each team is responsible for developing and maintaining a specific system of micros hospitality platform my responsibilities were defining working process for each sub team supporting team with difficult database issues creating project plan tracking daily activities progress and reporting to csc and micros managers worked onsite at kiewit headquarter as an onshore coordinator my main tasks were getting works from client and transfer to offshore team working closely with offshore manager to ensure the team understand client s expectation and deliver products in time worked onsite at kiewit headquarter as an db reporting developer maintained and enhanced the most complex report of kiewit cost report using sql server and ssrs technical lead of zurich uk team we created a single data store in sql server which takes inputs from multiple sources globally then used informatica to transform the data into a standard data format and produces a single view of risk i involved in requirement analysis technical designs issue management and implementing informatica etl workflows technical lead of peregrine network team the team built a data warehouse system using mysql and used pentaho to transfer data to data warehouse and develop a report system including financial and operational reports i involved in requirement analysis designing and implementing etl packages and reports supporting team with db issues database report developer in sheridan healthcare smart project the project was to build a full revenue cycle management system for a healthcare provider my responsibilities included requirement analysis with onshore smes database design implementing sql stored procedures functions ssrs reports deployment and performing demo presentation to end users database report developer in projects plexis claim processing medplus healthcare client portal third millennium inc rcms involved in many database tasks o worked at client site as a database report developer o developed database design document o developed reports using ssrs crystal report o converted databases from ms sql to ms sql from ms sql to oracle o wrote stored procedures functions database scripts and supported client s developers with database tasks o optimized sql queries o backup restore database o prepared database and scripts for builds created sample data net developers in various projects which developed desktop web applications for csc s clients my tasks involved mostly in coding and unit testing with c vb net mssql server net database developer minh tue ltd th nh ch minh to may developed an accounting system for small and medium size companies in vietnam i was responsible for key components in that system such as account receivable inventory and reporting technologies used vb net crystal report sql education bachelor of computer science university of natural sciences september skills sql server reporting services mysql crystal report pentaho etl and reporting informatica etl ms project visio jira hpqc svn additional information soft skills team leadership coaching negotiation people management good operational organizational and planning skills good communication enthusiasm and have ability to work under high pressure ", "senior network engineer senior network engineer bank of america ararat nc email me on indeed indeed com r c b dfecafa network engineer with years of professional experience with demonstrated success in network administration data communication design wireless network maintaining and troubleshooting cisco juniper huawei hp routers and switches cisco asa firewalls palo alto firewalls load balancers troubleshooting fine tuning of firewalls vpn configuration experience with nexus k k k kseries nexus v operate in cisco nx os software and aci cisco router series isr ncs asr series ios xrv series series cisco catalyst e cx x xr meraki ms mr h mr mr mr series switches experience with networking software systems ios ios xr ios xe nx os and core technologies cisco aci vxlan fcoe lisp ciso one deployed cisco wireless controller cisco aironet series juniper experience devices with sdn ready mx mx edge router ptx ptx ex ex ex srx srx series mx routers aruba wireless access points deliver superb wi fi performance aruba series wireless client bridge mobility controller worked on arista data center switch series arista t gigabit hpe flexnetwork series hpe flexnetwork hi series deploy and manage with advanced security and network management tools like aruba clearpass policy manager aruba airwave and cloud based aruba central implementation configuration troubleshooting the issues related to virtual servers pools nodes experience with f load balancers to provide land balancing towards access layer from core layer and configuring f ltm both by gui and tmsh cli and cisco load balancers csm ace and gss worked on f ltm gtm series like for corporate applications and make sure their availability to end customers firewall experience with asa x with firepower services asa series asa x with firepower ssp palo alto next generation firewalls provide complete visibility into all network traffic based on applications users content and devices pa pa pa deployed check point next generation firewall for enterprise network security high performance multi core capabilities deep knowledge of significant experience with and deep expertise in many of the following ethernet d ip tcp vlan vtp stp bgp ospf hsrp vrrp glbp pim igmp msdp mpls ldp dns http ssl netflow g g futures linux unix understanding of tcp ip networking ip routing server load balancing and network security architecture and core technologies server load balancers firewalls acls dns dhcp ipam ldap nfs etc implementing aaa using acs servers using tacacs and radius have worked on validating a b g n ac wmm uapsd products working knowledge of windows layered products including ms exchange dns and active directory proficient with ms office suite excel powerpoint word outlook and visio complete understanding of ieee g and n wireless standards x and eap authentication wpa and wpa security rf conditions and performance capacity planning qos policy enforcement and network management dns dhcp proxy functions forward and reverse security protocols ipsec tls ssl etc time protocols e g ntp tag and label switching real time protocols for voice sip h rtp and ipv and ipv knowledge of unix linux administration willing to relocate anywhere work experience senior network engineer bank of america charlotte nc july to present responsibilities design wan lan wlan network architecture and configure and troubleshooting layer layer configured nexus basic interface parameters layer interfaces layer interface bidirectional forwarding detection port channels vpcs ip tunnels q in q vlan tunnels configured nexus smart channel static and dynamic nat translation layer data center interconnect ietf rfcs supported by cisco nx os interfaces configured limits for cisco nx os interfaces configured cisco asr series link bundles point to point layer services multipoint layer services ieee ah provider backbone bridge multiple spanning tree protocol layer access lists vxlan configured cisco catalyst series ios xe e using the command line interface and web graphical user interface cleanair interface and hardware component ipv layer lightweight access point mobility network management qos radio resource management routing security stack manager and high availability system management videostream vlan wlan configured for wi fi standard qos command line interface cli web interface webui logical and physical interfaces creating firewall roles and policies deployed aruba and cisco wireless controllers loading an ssl certificate gui ssl certificate cli configuring bands n parameters dhcp proxy snmp aggressive load balancing fast ssid changing bridging enabling mulitcast mode ip mac address binding troubleshooter and configured f load balance virtual server nodes load balancing pools profile configuration managing application layer traffic enabling session persistence managing protocol profiles local traffic ssl traffic application traffic nats snats irules deployed cisco asa basic cisco remote access ipsec vpn solutions advanced cisco anyconnect full tunnel ssl vpn solution cisco asa basic site to site ipsec vpns advanced site to site ipsec vpns cisco asa configured site to site vpn architectures and technologies gre over ipsec vpns vti based site to site ipsec vpns site to site ipsec vpns dmvpns cisco asa configured remote access vpn architectures and technologies remote access solutions using ssl vpn remote access solutions using cisco easy vpn palo alto networks firewall pan db categorization enable a url filtering vendor determine url filtering policy requirements palo altouse an external dynamic list in a url filtering profile monitor web activity configure url filtering palo alto networks firewall connect securely over a public network configured site to site vpn interfaces and zones for the lsvpn enable ssl between globalprotect lsvpn components globalprotect gateways for lsvpn working understanding of code and shell script bash powershell php python perl and or ruby implement and troubleshoot layer protocols cdp lldp vlan access ports vlan database normal extended vlan voice vlan vtp spanning tree pvst rpvst mst stp configured device security using cisco ios aaa with tacacs and radius aaa with tacacs and radius local privilege authorization fallback design implement and troubleshoot highly available and redundant topologies vpc fabricpath stp vxlan otv evpn ptp ntp dns dhcp macsec acl private vlans configure verify and troubleshoot single area and multi area ospf eigrp rip for ipv ipv implement and troubleshoot peer relationships ibgp and ebgp bgp ipv ipv vpn address family configured and troubleshoot mpls operations mpls l vpn encapsulation gre dynamic gre experienced with dmvpn single hub nhrp dmvpn with ipsec using preshared key qos profile ios aaa using local database implement and troubleshoot first hop redundancy protocols hsrp glbp vrrp redundancy dhcp network time protocol ntp master ipv network address translation static nat dynamic nat policy based nat pat nat alg ip sla icmp udp jitter voip wireless engineer citigroup new york ny february to july responsibilities design and implementation of network security solutions within enterprise network deployed next generation firewall solutions configuration of security policies in a complex multi vendor environment and working with business units inside and outside of the environment to develop best practice security solutions monitors and manages the remedy firewall operations trouble ticket queue assigns and resolves remedy incidents and service requests expertise in communication protocols network operating systems servers firewall implementation ips ids systems and advanced malware detection systems implemented and support wlans by performing and documenting wireless surveys support new cisco s high capacity wlan controllers and over thousands of ap over multiple local locations used air magnet survey and spectrum analyzer analyzing collected rf data to determine cell boundaries ap power settings and noise and interference sources is preferred but not required will determine ap placements and deploy aps and perform post implementation surveys in order to optimize wlan performance diagnose difficult network performance problems and interact with application support teams to diagnose network or application performance issues trouble shoot network issues related to asymmetry used cleanair to troubleshoot interoperability with non rf devices trouble shoot and validate specialized with wi fi client devices such as cisco ip phones samsung and apple tablets wyse terminals and biomedical equipment experience as a cisco wireless lan specialist with hands on implementation and support experience experience with real time location systems rtls tracking experience with a g n ac cisco wlc capwap lwapp be able to use tools such as cisco prime infrastructure airmagnet suite to design and support wlans experience with l l and wireless security features including access lists wpa wpa cckm aes ccmp cckm x eap peap radius and tacacs hands on experience and well versed in utilizing networking tools and applications such as cisco works solarwinds network engineer citrix systems fort lauderdale fl january to december responsibilities design and architecture complex network routing switching and forwarding issues across multiple routing and switching platforms investigating network suspected network incidents and working towards mitigation resolution of the issue hands on experience with cisco data center switches nexus k k and k hands on experience with cisco asr routers configured vlan trucking q stp and port security on catalyst switches hands on experience in cisco catalyst series configured routing protocol ospf eigrp bgp with access control lists implemented as per network design design and create dedicated vlans for voice and data with for prioritizing voice over data on catalyst switches and basic voip configuration worked on nexus platform and deployed vpc vdc and otv fabric path and successfully implemented vss on the cisco catalyst switches use layer switching in cisco s catalyst switches c c c series and other layer devices to work with customers and business units working knowledge of cisco ios cisco ios xr cisco cat os cisco nx os junos assisting and troubleshooting on cisco meraki solutions remotely including a b g ac wireless networks performing junos ios upgrade for installed routers switches firewalls juniper cisco within the network as per the recommended process provided by the vendor assisted in the transition from the all juniper legacy network to an all cisco network which included installing testing and maintenance of the cisco equipment juniper qf series ex switch q series jpod cisco cat series ssg branch firewalls responsible for performing predictive wireless designs site surveys with airmagnet planner cisco aruba access points and conducting physical wireless site surveys with airmagnet survey perform wireless rf site surveys with air magnet and offline surveys working on global ac wlan upgrade project performed network devices cisco arista eol replacement and new installed large scale data centers reviewed designs as sme hands on experience with big ip environment utilizing two or more of the following gtm ltm apm or asm worked on upgrading f device from to to remediate http classes and profiles and upgrading and relicensed f ltm configuration migrations upgrades of f big ip ltm running v x to x active standby experience with convert checkpoint vpn rules over to the prime cisco asa solution migration with both checkpoint and cisco asa vpn experience configuring administering and troubleshooting checkpoint solaris and asa firewall configured palo alto firewall models pa k pa k and pa k as well as centralized management system panorama to manage large scale firewall deployments upgrade of checkpoint management servers from gaia r to r ga using cpuse via hotfix did a complete rebuild of checkpoint firewall from gaia r to gaia r ga version perform checkpoint and pix firewall ids design integration implementation for cyber trap client networks integrated panaroma with palo alto firewalls for managing multiple palo alto firewalls with single tool configured snmp on palo alto firewalls for receiving incident alerts and notification and wrote ssl decryption policies for decryption of traffic to provide anti virus malware protection experience working with and designing network architectures with ip routing protocols such as bgp ospf eigrp dmvpn and iwan layer switching technologies and related wan technologies like mpls dwdm t t oc and other wan technologies actively involved in switching technology administration including creating and managing vlans port security x trunking q rpvst inter vlan routing and lan security on cisco catalyst r e and nexus switches experience in working with nexus k k k k devices created dedicated vlans for voice data with qos for prioritizing voice over data experience with voip phone systems including sip codecs qos fax and unified messaging troubleshoot lan wan related network issues using cisco works and solar winds and participate in x on call worked with mpls to improve quality of service qos by defining lsps that can meet specific service level agreements slas on traffic latency jitter packet loss and downtime deployed a large scale hsrp solution to improve the uptime of collocation customers in the event of core router becoming unreachable experience in implementing site to site and remote access vpn technologies using gre ipsec mpls experience with network monitoring solutions nagios solar winds etc network engineer genpact bangalore karnataka september to november l l responsibilities provided deployment guidelines for inserting new ip technology and upgrades into mpls on backbone network worked with vendors cisco huawei in validating hardware and software features troubleshooting the latency issues in the wan network experience in configuring site to site and remote access vpn solutions ensure all network elements are deployed as per deployment template and standard configuration template providing x technical supports to complete team management of netops server for providing uninterrupted services to customers ensure network is migrated to mpls architecture up to core switch level configured client vpn technologies including cisco s vpn client via ipsec configuring acl to allow only authorized users to access the servers participated in on call support in troubleshooting the configuration and installation issues developed route redistribution mechanism between bgp and ospf for large scale networks ensure all elements with uptime ensure redundancy for all critical network elements in lacp mode configuring ip sec vpns as per customer requirements with standard encryption and encapsulation documentation of network details reporting the network health status to respective teams for action configured snmp on all the network devices and added them to solarwinds for monitoring configured routing protocols such as ospf bgp static routing and policy based routing knowledge of implementing and troubleshooting complex layer technologies such as vlan trunks vtp ether channel stp and rstp mstp lacp configured hsrp and vlan trucking q vlan routing on catalyst switches switching related tasks included implementing vlans vtp rstp and port security dealt with the configuration of standard and extended acls for security continually monitor assess and improve network security test with the help of solarwinds worked along with the team in resolving client raised incident tickets monitoring the wan links using solarwinds and what s up gold monitoring troubleshooting cisco core routers and and switches cisco and com switches network support engineer apollo hospitals chennai tamil nadu june to august worked with routing protocols of rip eigrp ospf mpls to ensure high availability of system resources to the end users and to maximize the uptime of doing the necessary work to diagnose detect and rectify the faults in time coordinating the technical activities with their vendors telco to keep the systems and network uptime to and submission of monthly reports on the project apollo hospital chennai india jun aug network support engineer responsibilities installation and configuration of various routers like and configuration of various cisco switches like local computer and lan support for employees implementation of various routing protocol like eigrp ospf on routers configure and troubleshoot spanning tree protocol in the switching network implement the technical solution sold to clients test and pre configure equipment to be sent to site reporting network operational status by gathering prioritizing information provide assistance to field engineers during installations resolve any technical issues that arise during the project implementation open tac cases with network vendors to solve issues assist in troubleshooting national internet virus attacks and prevention of virus infiltration assisting in network security issues relating to internet or network hacking misuse troubleshoot and repair of local area network outages using fluke optiview telnet sniffer ping trace route and internet technologies provide project status reports to upper management skills cisco years eigrp years lan years ospf years security years additional information technical skills switches cisco ios and catos platforms cisco cisco data center platforms nexus ucs cisco sdn platforms nexus v asa v csr v routers cisco ios and ios xe platforms cisco asr firewalls cisco asa x x x cisco pix fwsm asam load balancers cisco ace css f ltm f gsm wan optimization riverbed steelhead cisco waas network technologies topologies wan mpls mpls layer vpn s frame relay gre ipsec vpn vpn sip pstn services layer networking d w s ethernet ppoe ether channel layer networking ipv ipv ospf eigrp rip v bgp mp bgp pfr ospfv eigrpv ripng advanced redistribution vrf lite multicast networking multicast sparse dense msdp anycast auto rp bsr pim ssm security cbac zone based firewall reflex acl nat ip source guard urpf cisco ips ips rsa envision qos congestion avoidance and congestion management mqc cbwfq llq nbar wred auto qos voip cisco voice gateway functionality srst unified computing virtualization design support configure upgrade cisco ucs systems data center fabricpath fex vpc ucs fcoe wireless wireless lan controllers all lwap and autonomous ap models ncs skills must have clearpass aruba wireless aos airwave networking x clearpass deployment integration experience clearpass tacacs onboard and onguard policy features vpn ssl vpn ipsec vpn and dmvpn phase and ezvpn anyconnect additional knowledge skills operating system utilities windows windows server windows xp professional red hat linux solaris dns dhcp netflow wireshark professional skills network drawing tools including ms visio presentation skills and experience including mpowerpoint ", "senior network engineer analyst senior network engineer analyst chesterfield va email me on indeed indeed com r cb f f d f to obtain a rewarding and challenging position as a network design or senior network engineer active ccie written routing and switching exam and ccnp routing and switching certification currently studying for the ccie lab authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience senior network engineer analyst dominion power glen allen va march to march as a sr network engineer i provide highly available and high performing network solutions for our internal dominion customers i am responsible for the design process and facilitating the installation of the design i am well versed with the advanced engineering of multiprotocol routers multilayer switches network security devices copper and fiber optic cabling i am responsible to train junior members of the team and see them and dominion thrive in excellence of skill and attitude i am a self motivated and diligent engineer i enjoy the diversity of working in solitary as well as being part of a team in accomplishing goals and tasks set by others and myself i flourish in a technical environment while still being a people person of great communication designed and deployed lan to wan networks at numerous power stations and substations for the eastern part of the country using asr k e e juniper and palo alto firewalls i aps to support enterprise wireless voice data and video solutions designed a network solution as well as assisted with the wireless sites surveys in order to upgrade dominion campus area networks to support nd generation cisco n series access points with cisco series wireless lan controllers network engineer northrop grumman corporation chester va february to march implementation and design as the senior technical lead for a team of people i work to fulfill the design and implementation requests for virginia state agencies at remote location using cisco equipment including routers and switches as listed and s other experience virginia air national guard june to january honors honorable discharge from usaf may southwest asia service medal operations desert storm southern watch july united states air force november to may education implementation and design campus area networks additional information operating systems experience using unix linux and nt in working environments of operations centers network management systems experience using hp ito hp open view naviscore netcool cisco works and what s up gold ticketing and configuration management tools experience using remedy and itsm which are used for ticketing configuration management asset management and service level management specialized training foundry certified network engineer advanced ip routing bgp and ospf bay networks naviscore training management ", "senior network engineer security engineer aurora co email me on indeed indeed com r df f c f efbe authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience senior network engineer teletech englewood co may to may outsourcing network engineer security responsible for administration of multivendor firewall check point cisco asa had just started the rollout of palo alto and the building out in a lab checkpoint r information security analyst first data greenwood village co june to april financial services security analyst for first data s security and firewall team lead engineer for remote access using juniper sslvpn primary point of contact for all changes design of access provide on call support upgraded the juniper devices both hardware and software with no down time or service interruption for over users created a secure vendor portal to allow offshore contractors to connect to vdi environment allowing offshore application development and support support global security operations for over security devices in u s china and apac datacenters manage and support checkpoint juniper pix asa firewalls blue coat and rsa for both first data and eftps environments in a on call rotation responsibilities included system administration policy planning and administration hardware and software upgrades working with customer to provide instructions for rule efficiencies change management via remedy and ca service desk primary engineer responsible for security review of all firewall requests to ensure requested access was within first data security policies and pci standards create and maintain great working relationships with other teams within first data such as lan mainframe networking desktop support ids spectrum splunk and various engineers throughout the company provided sslvpn training to the help desk to enable them to provide level support checkpoint cisco juniper sslvpn juniper netscreen fw routing windows desktop support networking and internet protocol suite tcp ip remote access security engineer ibm greenwood village co january to june internet services responsible for administration of checkpoint firewalls in provider environment responsibilities included rule addition route updates hardware and software upgrades assist customers with design and integration into existing infrastructure design redundant firewall cluster to ensure continuous up time for customer provide x support to customer schedule changes for firewall team to ensure workload is balanced troubleshoot firewall and network issues with customers engage various teams to ensure customers issue is resolved information technology professional i lead for migration colorado department of labor and employment denver co march to december denver colorado government system administrator responsible for windows servers desktops and user accounts located in cities throughout colorado lead for migration to server ad from nt with no down time during migration responsible for the setup of all equipment in state run workforce centers including servers desktop network printers and laptops work with isp to resolve all network issues troubleshoot problems remotely and on site when required responsible for ownership of any issue within the workforce centers responsible for the continual ghost image updates network security engineer ge access boulder co april to october system and security engineer responsible for firewall network and system administration involved in all aspects of the design installation tuning optimization and maintaining of firewalls networks and systems evaluated customer requirements setup sun hardware and software lab environment based on their requirements provided security consulting services to various customers on site worked with customers to plan sans nas solutions designed raid backup and disaster recovery solutions for various customers troubleshot an array of system problems over the phone to included design issues hardware software and human error issues evaluate and optimize firewall rules for companies to ensure the best balance of security and business requirements determine the hardware and software configuration to best meet the business and security requirements of the company check switches and hubs to ensure they are functioning properly check os parameters to facilitate communications between systems on the lan wan administrator manager platoon sergeant th cmmc automation support division fort lewis wa january to april supervised thirty five technical and non technical personnel handled various management functions from shift scheduling performance counseling personal counseling and daily meeting with upper management to ensure company and personnel requirements were met translated the goals of management to the technical staff translated to management what could be done what equipment software personnel or training was needed to reach the goal designed installed administered and maintained lan ethernet for a node network including three nt server pdc bdc and one iis running on a windows server administrator for a hp with over users nationwide responsible for upgrade to hp ux to meet y k compliance requirements webmaster for the company designed built and maintained company internet and intranet websites this resulted in reduced physical traffic to the company by units could upload or download information via the websites implemented a security policy for websites network and systems enforced these policies and procedures audited the systems network and websites to ensure compliance with dod security regulations programmed web pages using html visual basic and a little c project lead for development of a data pull program which saved to company seven to nine man hours a week setup network labs for technical staff to train reinforce and test network system troubleshooting techniques and skills ensured daily backup were completed for all servers trained senior personnel in the use of the full microsoft office suite trained new technical personnel in the proper procedures of administration troubleshooting and maintenance of lan wan hardware and software throughout the company system administrator squad leader th id division support command fort hood tx september to january supervised two personnel in the support operations office during the digital battlefield experiment task force this tested the feasibility of using secure lans and wireless radio satellite networks to connect various and diverse army units in real time installed and verified all network components phone ethernet token ring cisco routers switches radio and some satellite equipment were operational to ensure little to no down time was experienced verified all systems in division support command had the latest hardware and software updates administrator for a sun unix box in a token ring environment developed the standard for information exchange which saved two hours daily in data processing time provided technical support and training to other companies on fort hood interfaced with contractors to resolve questions or problems outside of my understanding ensured resolution was completed handpicked over superiors to brief both domestic and foreign officials on our operations and to answer all technical questions about the systems performed all functions in an office and field remote environment responsible for the power setup using up to three pair of kw generators accountable for worth of equipment with no loss education associate degree pierce college october ", "senior network engineer senior network engineer verizon business round hill va email me on indeed indeed com r efe daa d c willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience senior network engineer verizon business ashburn va august to present duties accomplishments and related skills as a network engineer team lead for verizon i manage the united states army reserve wide area network i ensure cisco routers switches and edge devices are configured and maintained for user operability i utilize the customers ca spectrum ticket systems to communicate and escalate outages and network issues i also ensure ip allocations are implemented on dhcp servers i ensure network stability between the army reserve network and the active army network network operations management manage the wide area network wan and security technologies that comprise the department of the interior and army reserve vbns very high speed backbone network service networks to accurately track internetworking availability security posture and customer relay active secret clearance manage an enterprise wide security posture including ids ips firewalls and vulnerability scanners this job functionality is enhanced by applying experience obtained from utilizing ciscoworks neusecure tacacs infovista enira active scout and stealthwatch develop and implement new router architecture to support system requirements for network configuration this implementation requires the constant analysis of the operating system so that enhancements are timely and meet network needs both in real time and for future upgrades manage the ever changing requirements of the network operations center by configuring and troubleshooting cisco routers and switches which include proactively monitoring the wan network utilizing peregrine network monitoring tools network engineer amerind december to april duties accomplishments and related skills deliver install and turn up of data circuits and services implementation of these services requires hardware and software upgrades to the data network switches dns and cwi provided cpe and configuration of cisco routers series support customer frame relay applications utilizing internal routing protocols ospf eigrp rip ripv and routed protocols ip ipx via hp open view and cisco tools implementation was realized via the cisco with b a standards for wireless point to point networks reliable integration services fairfax va united states salary usd per year hours per week network engineer duties accomplishments and related skills monitor and diagnose all system operations to effectively track problems to make recommendations for changes ensure that management software and proper documentation are available for support monitor production networks via open view nnm netiq application manager bmc patrol s monitor and net scout probes and network associates sniffer pro senior network engineer cable wireless fairfax va september to september duties accomplishments and related skills test ds ds circuits remotely via react test systems and titan by utilizing the remedy ticketing systems for documenting system outages configuration of ip ipx standard extended access lists serve as team lead supervisor for staff of network engineers in addition to acting as second level escalation point provide support for frame relay nni spuni apuni service by delivering operation overviews and the appropriate escalation procedures this required the development and presentation of implementation plans and the verification of tables for accuracy after translations were completed initiate configuration of cisco routers and fast com frads during the implementation stage configure ethernet interface setup and point to point and point to multipoint links on all required serial interfaces configure cisco routers for ospf eigrp and rip routing protocols as well as ip ipx routed protocols education bachelor s strayer university ashburn ashburn va august certifications licenses ccna november ccna security november itil v august ccda november ", "senior network engineer senior network engineer seattle wa email me on indeed indeed com r aa fe d ac work experience senior network engineer the o brien business group edmonds wa to edmonds wa to provides it services to small medium and large sized businesses for non profit and for profit organizations senior network engineer administered environments with physical servers in separate domains across puget sound built and maintained vmware servers and virtual hosts installed designed configured installed and managed network equipment including routers firewalls switches and wireless access points installed maintained and administered microsoft servers and server applications leveraged shadowprotect backup and vipre antivirus software at many client locations autotask problem tracking system with centrastage for endpoint management interacted successfully with all employee levels from a ceo to non technical end users used plesk to manage client s websites and email network administrator northwest center industries seattle wa to seattle wa to a developmental disabilities advocacy organization with m in annual revenues network administrator administered environment with physical servers in separate domains across locations installed maintained and administered ms exchange server and server applications supervised helpdesk technicians and distributed workload provided desktop escalation support designed configured installed and managed network equipment including routers firewalls switches and wireless bridges managed active directory ad and storage area network san troubleshot internet system and network connectivity in a lan wan environment planned lan and wan infrastructure maintenance and additions provided shoretel voip system planning maintenance administration and upgrades performed physical security management for corporate office managed cell phone plan change and additions reducing costs by annually while increasing airtime and coverage shannonlampe yahoo com senior systems engineer virtuoso to managed physical servers using ms virtual server running at least servers each administered customer email server running communigate with approximately domains and users installed maintained and administered ms content management server running over websites maintained authoritative dns server records for over hundred domains installed maintained and administered server applications such as version one timetracker and ultimate survey planned in house infrastructure changes and additions installed configured and managed network equipment including switches and wireless access points administered and maintained mediabin resource management server with gig s of data troubleshot internet system and network connectivity in a wan virtuoso seattle wa to an international luxury travel network comprised of travel advisors and travel partners technical support engineer ii virtuoso to administered lucent pbx and intuity lx with avaya management tools managed the equipment inventory and ordering backup to senior systems engineer created and managed ad user accounts exchange mailboxes and associated server security troubleshot desktop hardware software operating systems and network connectivity supported multi media equipment including projectors scanners and digital cameras used blue ocean s trackit for problem tracking network administrator nokia seattle wa to years administered domain with servers including vpn for secure remote access to network terminal server two sql servers running mission critical databases for the company primary and backup domain controllers exchange server iis servers file servers and backup server arcserve pc technician years as contractor hewlett packard vancouver division vancouver wa with arc troubleshot desktop hardware software and operating systems network connectivity upgraded hardware software and operating systems provided customer support to site with over users lan technician years as contractor amax minerals corp englewood co with arc built and installed new novell servers for remote locations on the wan with over servers supported wan with users in a multi platform environment including unix novell mainframe vax as specific software applications education b s in computer science university of dayton dayton oh ", "senior network engineer senior network engineer carefusion malaysia us email me on indeed indeed com r eaa ff ca always eager to learn new things and prefer a hands on approach rather than just reading it from a book very curious person that likes to ask a lot of questions to complete my knowledge focus a lot of attention on small details to make sure that my work is close to perfection do not mind working long hours on tasks that i am assigned to and i would do everything i can to meet its deadline easy to work with and i do possess good leadership skills work experience senior network engineer carefusion malaysia june to present location bangsar south date joined jun present position tier network engineer job scope monitor the operation of the networks and system to ensure proper utilization of line hardware and software tune networks for optimal system performance serve as point of escalation for complex problem resolution typically for level issues prepare and maintain technical specification and documents drawings and system documentation interpret complex technical diagram in order to affect problem resolution understands and follows change management procedures and practices assist in the evaluation of vendor proposals with respect to the hardware communication protocols switching methods access methods and tariffs and in the procurement of software and equipment recommend equipment for purchase or lease test and verify all changes to ensure changes occur without interruption involve in test turn up ttu process prior to migration ttu process includes new circuit testing configuration insertion and health check monitoring and testing liaise with cisco nce providing network optimization support to customer proactively ensure all network devices are functioning to optimum states provide recommendations for improvement and adhere to network security aspect mainly work on issues related to routing mpls eigrp bgp ospf wccp and tunneling switching spanning tree vlan etherchannel access list vlsm trunking and nexus environment wireless load balancer and wan optimization involve in ios upgrade for cisco routers switches and citrix wan accelerator involved with cisco high touch engineer to monitor closely the network and escalate the cases work with dimension data cisco and citrix for further network troubleshooting document network issues and solutions for future reference involve in network projects globally engineering and prepare project documentation completed projects as below o network relocation at australia and hong kong o redesign network at malaysia and adding new devices to network o update existing diagrams by analysing the current network design and traffic flow for asia pacific region malaysia singapore thailand india and pakistan reason for leaving looking for challenges looking for a change in my role as a network engineer and seek newer avenues and greater challenges network engineer american international group aig june to may location century square cyber jaya date joined jun may position escalation engineer leader job scope perform changes to the network devices such as routers and switches as per tid documents provided the changes include minor and major such as vlan changes ip addresses ios upgrade new device commissioning and decommissioning devices and parts replacement device migration and etc monitoring the migration work performed by local third party vendor on site focus on layer layer network architecture design focus on various technologies such as mpls mpls vpn metro e vpls and enterprise campus network participate in low level design deployment with the principal vendor cisco for various telecom networking projects involve in site survey staging and installation configuration commissioning and testing in sp enterprise in multi protocol environment involve directly with network deployment and service deliverable to the customer liaise with customer s noc to provide maintenance support from st level to rd level of troubleshooting either remotely or onsite depending on severity of the cases perform a step by step to isolate the network issue and do corrective maintenance to restore the network s services as per sla to ensure all network devices performed optimum state and availability targets are achieved performed preventive maintenance hardware and links migration and software upgrade and mitigation risks liaise directly with cisco tac perform troubleshooting on any escalated issues level support and work closely with the monitoring team noc work with dimension data cisco and citrix for further network troubleshooting deliver user support both in person and over the phone in a professional manner involve in network projects globally engineering and prepare project documentation completed projects as below o network relocation at pakistan and china o business unit integration bui for thailand o ios upgrade globally for citrix branch repeater cbr o network auditing assessment for aig partners at india chennai and bangalore o wireless intrusion prevention system wips implementation globally o redesign network at data centre malaysia and adding new devices to network reason for leaving enhanced education experience utilize my education and experience to enhance my professional profile job technology consultant hewlett packard hp november to may location hp global center cyber jaya date joined nov may position tier network operation leader job scope monitor and troubleshoot network devices cisco and hp procurve provided on the job training for new staff worked with vendors at t and verizon to resolve complex circuit routing issues mainly worked on issues related to routing bgp eigrp frame relay isdn switching vlan access list and trunking voice integrated g cellular ip routing and wireless issues cisco access points and wireless bridges responsible in managing and guide the team in the right direction involved in ios upgrade for cisco access points and wireless bridges involved in global network device migration project migrating cisco switches to hp procurve switches reason for leaving career growth could not see myself growing in the company and that is why looking for newer job where i can improve and learn more in this field infrastructure associate electronic data systems eds may to october location enterprise cyber jaya date joined may oct job scope identifies analyze troubleshoot monitor and resolve network issues cisco devices assisting and restoring circuit and network device down communicate effectively with a diverse client base both verbally and in writing troubleshoot every case assigned and drive towards positive resolution thereby to fix the issue and achieve customer satisfaction work as a team member with other technical staff to ensure connectivity and compatibility between systems worked in hours shift morning and night mainly worked on eigrp routing isdn frame relay ip routing and vlan reason for leaving integration of eds to hp enterprise services education bachelor s in network computing coventry university skills cisco networking procurve networking load balancer citrix firewall wan optimazation web design and development multimedia editing certifications licenses cisco certified network professional ccnp february to february certified ip associate cipa february to present it infrastructure library itil v october to present additional information core competencies layer routing including use of static and dynamic igp protocols such as ospf and eigrp layer switching design and troubleshooting use of vlans hsrp etherchannel nexus vpc and spanning tree protocol for segmentation loop avoidance and redundancy of layer switching ipsec and gre tunneling for site to site vpn ipvpn familiar with cisco sdm gui for configuring cisco access point and firewall documentation of networks using microsoft visio diagrams familiar with layer and mpls proof of concept testing bug scrub for new release ios familiar dealing with cisco technical assistance center tac for troubleshooting purpose and analyzing root cause of the major issues worked with cisco ace load balancer familiar with network monitoring tool using netflow and snmp protocol such as solarwinds orion cisco prome hp na netqos and whatsup gold familiar with ip address manager solarwinds infoblox worked with cisco nexus and series for data center deployment familiar with wan acceleration and optimization riverbed citrix network monitoring and troubleshooting on hp procurve devices worked with cisco asa firewall familiar with sniffer tools netscout infinistream demonstrated effective verbal and written communications with ability to prioritize and handle multiple task curriculum vitae mohana sundaran sekaran personal characteristics willingness to share information and ideas commitment to teamwork continuous learning ideas ability to react deliver fast quality service in meeting tight deadlines sense of ownership of work and ideas ability to communicate clearly honestly with peers client technical skills knowledge hardwares cisco nexus switches cisco catalyst routers cisco catalyst switches cisco wireless access points cisco wireless bridges cisco ace load balancer cisco asa firewall hp procurve switches citrix branch repeater and riverbed wan optimization softwares and utilities remedy citrix solarwinds orion solarwinds ip address manager infoblox ip address manager whatsup gold wug wireshark vital qip netqos hpna netscout infinistream cisco prime microsoft office ms visio ms project ms word ms excel ms access ms powerpoint ms outlook flash dreamweaver photoshop visual studio networks and protocols tcp ip ipv ipv telnet ssh ssl ethernet http smtp pop osi protocols routing protocol dns dhcp ssl and ftp operating systems windows server windows server windows server windows windows windows xp windows vista windows professional windows nt server novell netware and above databases sql server mysql and ms access service management methodologies frameworks itil v ", "senior network engineer senior network engineer independent professional consulting union grove wi email me on indeed indeed com r c d deecb dc b highly accomplished network engineer with strong technical skills and outstanding customer service over years experience in it industry with high proficiency in juniper and cisco technologies including video telepresence solutions background includes pre sales engineering support administration and escalation support in small to large scale complex enterprise environments expertise in design implementation and support of lan wan technologies skilled in communicating with senior management third party vendors technical staff as well as non technical end users trusted by management to direct complex mission critical network designs and projects under challenging time constraints computer networking skills hardware cisco fwsm ace nam and supervisor switch blades for cisco enterprise switches cisco series routers switches cisco pix asa firewalls juniper t series core mx series edge m series routers and srx firewalls extreme networks s series k series and black diamond series routers and switches riverbed granite virtual edge sonic wall nsa and firewall vpn security solutions poloalto pa firewalls cisco telepresence profile ex codec c c and c codian mcu vcs controls expressway polycom hdx vsx crestor tandberg mxp cisco acs appliance cisco nexus k fex k k k k devices networks mpls frame relay dsl vpn atm token ring vpls lan wan wlan man protocols tcp udp ssh ssl ipv sip h atm dsl ethernet fddi http https ppp telnet smtp ipx ftp tftp lacp isis ospf eigrp rip bgp ibgp igrp ipsec voip platforms systems unix linux solaris hp ux aix windows server authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience senior network engineer independent professional consulting february to present offer network and security solutions with integration training and documentation feb current clients cdw zebra rexnord chi cardinal health froedtert medical senior network engineer created best practice solutions for managing isp and external vendor support and implemented said solutions into production practices to streamline change and problem management tools for stability of outsourced environment created and implemented process for adding devices into identity services to assist in controlling device access onto the network design build integrated network solutions into acquired businesses for standardizing connectivity and workflow into those businesses modified firewall rules to support new application and workflow requirements for acquired businesses while working in the medical hospital environments brought up many remote clinics replaced and updated closet technologies and modernized the application and user interactions by upgrading epic remediating all data center and closet hardware and re designed the firewall solution for client and associate access utilizing paloalto devices mentored network engineers in handling escalation and resolution of outages surrounding internal and external customer issues with connectivity and security created reaction and responsive behavior documentation for dealing with non pci compliant customers with requirements surrounding connectivity and the need to share secured and compliant environments built out cisco prime solution for configuration management control over network devices and prepared devices and environment for complacency alignment plan develop install configure and secure lan wan and vpn networks monitor and analyze network traffic and provide capacity planning solutions for all related assets senior network engineer nippon express october to february support network configuration and functionality for worldwide logistics company responsibilities included but not limited to and integrated router configuration for mpls and vpn sites configuration of and switches for access and distribution layer functionality and asa for firewall security requirements worked on call functions for off hour changes network related issues and outages integrated lightweight and other autonomous wireless ap s g ag into large warehouse center utilizing and controllers designed upgrade path for l separation requirements for business this included existing router and switch configurations and additional policies to support video and voice additions integrated cisco nexus with existing ibm pureflex solution for leveraging gig ethernet to handle new virtualization challenges within the business managed monitoring environment utilizing tools like wlc wcs acs asdm and websense developed proof of concept for utilizing vpls alternatives for simplifying site rollouts supported data center role swap for proof of concept which included mpls default route and internet route connectivity for vpn customers professional experience senior network engineer hsbc capital one may to october supported large ip phone roll out including unified ip phones like cisco nortel e ntys and integrated it with telepresence video conferencing equipment unified communications manager integration with multiple internal applications like exchange server cisco vcs s control express with maintenance focusing on qos policies associated with voice and video requirements introduced new solutions utilizing extreme networks router and switches to reduce costs and move from standard three tiers to two tier networks with manageability managed and maintained network devices like poe while supporting hardware and software tools for a large banking business tools include acs ncm openview ehealth wcs and other opnet tools for capacity planning application performance monitoring and network performance monitoring as well as netscout infinistream and service desk for trouble and change management tickets design and maintain procedures and business as usual tasks for network management team including unified communication manager call manager user adds and deletes acs and ncm device adds and deletes openview discovery and snmp trap consolidation for network monitoring senior network engineer k force technology staffing milwaukee wi to integrated cisco telepresence video solutions utilizing vcs control vcs expressway tms management server and codian mcu polycom vsx and hdx in addition to in house scheduling setup video conferencing bridge for both ip isdn video devices with integration for calendar and scheduling systems with user interface design and configure enterprise and managed switch platforms for global network services and network engineering groups devices included cisco vg and design and implement site models for voice and wireless networks configure enterprise switch and load balance policies for large server base solution utilizing f big ip for application security and gateway services for inbound and outbound traffic requirements develop lan wan traffic optimization including virtualized services utilizing riverbed s virtual edge and cisco solutions perform daily network support and maintenance on global networks including but not limited to mpls vpn dmvpn site connectivity for layer device configuration on lead role in optimizing configuring maintaining and reviewing daily riverbed status for sites professional experience network engineer research and development analyst fidelity information services fis efunds corp deluxe data new berlin wi to new berlin wi leading provider of core financial institution processing card issuer and transaction processing services switching and transaction management network engineer research and development analyst designed and configured enterprise cisco products into working solutions for web and application portal for large internet banking product access supported network connectivity for of the largest global banking institution customers including discovery citibank bank of america hsbc boa ussa and mastercard collaborated with management product groups technical leaders and key personnel to establish level of engineering involvement while implementing and supporting specific network projects resolved production issues performed situation analysis and recommended appropriate courses of action to developers technicians and management on operation issues reviewed routine processes maintained router and switch configuration per pci and company standards including hardening updating ios and configuration standards password and monitoring implementation utilized cisco solutions in many customer connectivity environments including eigrp hsrp bgp ospf complex route map distributions and access lists on g slb and series routers and switches conducted upgrade and replacement analyses wrote support documentation and developed service levels for network operations in the common areas vpn mpls frame atm dial up solutions skills analyzer years cisco years citrix years netscout years openview years additional information software packages cisco unified communication manager cisco telepresence management suite cisco device manager cisco ucs manager intrusion detection tools encryption software sniffer tools cisco nam wire shark azure remedy aperture cisco ise cisco prime cisco wcs cisco acs cisco ncm net qos performance center steelhead mobil controller citrix metaframe ehealth hp openview riverbed central management console netscout accelops whatsup gold solar winds and orion database network and system management suite utilizing network performance and server application monitoring and additional toolsets like virtualization manager netflow traffic analyzer ip address manager ", "sr network engineer sr network engineer united nations ny new york ny email me on indeed indeed com r cb d a e over years of experience in networking sector including hands on experience in providing network support installation and analysis for a broad range of lan wan man communication systems worked on f ltm gtm series like for the corporate applications and their availability experience in managing inventory of all network hardware management and monitoring by use of ssh syslog snmp ntp strong knowledge on wireless standards and technologies i e ethernet wan lan ieee b g n wi fi cisco wireless management system pci standards very good knowledge on ieee bluetooth mesh networks etc hands on experience in configuring cisco catalyst and nexus series switches and cisco series routers load balancers cisco firewalls working knowledge of network monitoring management tools like wireshark tcp dump cisco prime net flow prgt solar winds hands on experience in configuring and supporting site to site and remote access cisco ipsec vpn solutions using asa pix firewalls cisco and vpn client knowledge of implementing and troubleshooting complex layer technologies such as vlan trunks vtp ether channel stp rstp and mst implementation of hsrp vrrp for default gateway redundancy moderate knowledge in configuring and troubleshooting cisco wireless networks lwapp wlc wcs stand alone apps roaming wireless security basis ieee rf spectrum characteristics extensive hands on experience in configuring and troubleshooting juniper routers m mx ptx t qfx series platforms experience with juniper netscreen m firewall and palo alto network firewall worked extensively in configuring monitoring and troubleshooting cisco s asa pix security appliance failover dmz zoning configuring vlans routing nat with the firewalls as per the design in depth knowledge and hands on experience in tier ii isp routing policies network architecture ip subnetting vlsm tcp ip nat dhcp dns ft t ft t sonet pos ocx gige circuits firewalls f big ip application load balancing subject matter expert with concentration on layer load balancing using i rule scripting in tcl extensive knowledge of deploying troubleshooting tcp ip implementing ipv translation from ipv to ipv multilayer switching udp ethernet voice data integration techniques strong knowledge of tacacs radius implementation in access control network background in network design including wide area networking wan local area networking lan multiple protocol labeling switching mpls ds experience on monitoring tools like wireshark solar winds tcp dump nagios open nms prtg remedy opnet vmware riverbed snmpv snmpv installation advanced configuration and troubleshooting of cisco and f s load balancing devices expert in configuration of virtual local area networks vlans using cisco routers and multi layer switches and supporting stp rstp pvst rpvst along with trouble shooting of inter vlan routing and vlan trunking using q in depth knowledge of mpls vpls vpws l vpn l vpn ldp rsvp is is ospf mp bgp vrfs and multicasting knowledge on cisco wireless lan controller cisco wlc models for creation of aps and their convergence good experience with vpns and the associated tunneling technologies l tp mpls etc switching spanning tree and other switching technology as required firewalls and associated technologies as required configuring nexus fabric extender fex which acts as a remote line card module for the nexus configuring vdc vpc in nexus k k k and k extensive knowledge of voice communications technology and voip protocols good understanding of upgrading cucm cuc and voice gateways vg vg hands on experience with cucm cuc and cisco ios x x experience with scripting or programming languages including python slax and netconf and experience with automation frameworks such as puppet chef ansible or others is a plus expertise in network management snmp wireshark nessus whatsupgold solar wind extensive knowledge in developing test plans procedures and testing various lan wan products and protocols strong experience with sp networks bgp is is mpls bfd l vpn l vpn vpls lag configuring and implementing routing protocols including rip tcp ip rip v v ospf eigrp isis and bgp good knowledge on network terminating equipment nte emss jdsu test sets performed switching technology administration including vlans inter vlan routing trucking port aggregation and link negotiation excellent customer management resolution problem solving debugging skills and capable of quickly learning effectively analyzing results and implement and delivering solutions as an individual and as part of a team willing to relocate anywhere work experience sr network engineer united nations ny march to present responsibilities installed and tested cisco router and switching operations using ospf routing protocol asa firewalls and mpls switching for stable vpns worked on heterogeneous networks such as frame relay ethernet fiber etc installed eigrp and ospf routing protocols on cisco routers prepared check point firewall configurations for conversion to cisco asa series firewalls primary network security engineer for fiserv firewall vpn support and management on checkpoint crossbeam and vsx pix asa involved in configuring and implementing of composite network models which consists of cisco series routers configured routing protocols such as ospf bgp rip static routing and policy based routing team member of configuration of cisco router with vpn and configuration of catalyst switches configured nexus including nx os virtual port channels nexus port profiles nexus version and nexus vpc peer links deployed cisco nexus k series to support virtualization san infrastructure and high performance computing environments implementation and proactive monitoring of mpls mpls vpn qos layer and layer and bgp technology worked with tacacs radius implementation in access control network commissioned nine srx cluster and integrated them into mts network developed redundant load balancing design based on four mx and two srx using route leaking and policy routing implemented vpls and worked on route reflectors route targets ldp l vpn s vrf s exclusively worked on inflobox to automate core network actions across the data center environment experience in inflobox dns dhcp ipam ddi core network services developed redundant load balancing design based on four mx and two srx using route leaking and policy routing implementation configuration and support of checkpoint ngx r r and r juniper firewalls srx srx and srx configured wireless access points controllers using cisco prime experience working with market data networks and dealing with clients and deploying network designs designed gigabit networks using cisco nexus series switches and cisco series routers working migration project upgrading all service provider cisco circuits including leased lines k mb ppp hdlc channelized lines t t fiber optic circuits from oc up to oc speed frame relay and atm to cisco asr k router layer vpn etc experience with setting up mpls layer vpn cloud in data center and working with bgp wan towards customer involved in configuring and implementing of composite network models consists of cisco series and cisco series switches responsible for network support cisco asa firewalls responsible for voice technology operations based on cisco voip solutions with specific expertise in several areas including cisco call manager unity voicemail windows servers linux servers and router switching gateway telephony technologies managed the network devices routers switches cisco acs cisco ise cisco access points wireless controllers and maintained the inventory of the devices in the network using cisco prime analyzed and tested network protocols ethernet tcp ip using wireshark tool experience using diagnostic security and networking tools such as nmap wireshark etc utilize wireshark nmap and command line prompts daily troubleshoot traffic passing managed firewalls via logs and packet captures involved in a project for a re design of the lan network cisco catalyst and nexus switches and the virtualization of some systems troubleshoot mpls and bgp connectivity issues between sap sites and various isp providers working with vendors such as cisco to address any configuration issues prior experience with the following juniper platforms is ideal mx ex qfx and srx and junos space worked with juniper net screen and juniper srx implemented vpls and worked on route reflectors route targets ldp l vpn s vrf s exclusively installed and tested cisco router and switching operations using ospf routing protocol asa firewalls and mpls switching for stable vpns worked a little on scripting languages like python and perl experience working with bgp ospf protocols in mpls cloud deploying vpn tunnels using ipsec encryption standards and configuring and implementing site to site vpn remote vpn worked with python scripting for network automation in the organization worked on heterogeneous networks such as frame relay ethernet fiber etc deployed vpls for dci for spanning the vlans across the datacenters to provide support for low latency and critical applications assist in layer issues with the senior engineer as well as monitor the status of the network with solarwinds for the lan wan and cisco prime for the wireless aps prepared check point firewall configurations for conversion to cisco asa series firewalls created policies and procedures for cucm cuc and automated attendant macd move add and changes primary network security engineer for fiserv firewall vpn support and management on checkpoint crossbeam and vsx pix asa redesigned internet connectivity infrastructure for meeting bandwidth requirements worked on juniper mx mx worked as a tier technical support engineer for all juniper screenos and junos based srx configuring voice gateways vg vg sip trunks and other voice related devices configured hsrp and vlan trucking q vlan routing on catalyst switches optimized performance of the wan network consisting of cisco switches by configuring vlans experience with hardware load balancer administration and support preferably with f and cisco ace load balancers experience in configuring load balancers and riverbed wan optimizers configured vlans with q tagging configured trunk groups ether channels and spanning tree for creating access distribution and core layer switching architecture monitored and analyzed intrusion detection systems ids intrusion prevention system ips to identify security issues for remediation configuration and troubleshooting of cisco switches series hands on experience in the network management of circuits using tdm and frame relay network performing configuration and provisioning management fault management and performance monitoring environment cisco series routers cisco series switches vlan trunking asa vpls checkpoint frame relay mpls pix ospf vpn sip wan uccx firewalls nmap wireshark juniper infoblox tacacs tacacs python cisco eigrp bgp virtualization network engineer lowes raleigh nc february to march responsibilities worked in configuration and extension of vlan from one network segment to other segment between different vendor switches cisco juniper provided technical support in terms of upgrading improving and expanding the network providing technical security proposals detailed rfp responses security presentation installing and configuring asa firewalls vpn networks and redesigning customer security architectures project to migrate re design customer connections mpls frame out of retired data center to new juniper m handled and organized all migrations adds and changes related to infrastructure implement and maintain local wide area network over branches configured rip ospf and static routing on juniper m and mx series routers configuration of nat design and implement catalyst asa firewall service module for various lan s innovated with support of palo alto for remote and mobile users and for analyzing files for malware in a separate cloud based process that does not impact stream processing key contributions include troubleshooting of complex lan wan infrastructure that include routing protocols eigrp ospf bgp implemented vpls and worked on route reflectors route targets ldp l vpn s vrf s exclusively perform hardware and software diagnostics fault isolation and coordinate repairs and or replacement of faulty equipment configured client vpn technologies including cisco s vpn client via ipsec support design and planning of juniper mx ex qfx network routing products within the customer infrastructure configure switch vlans and inter switch communication build and setup network laboratory configuring vlan spanning tree vstp snmp on ex series switches design and configuring of ospf bgp on juniper routers mx mx and srx firewalls srx srx subcontracted to perform a migration from multiple cisco catalyst s equipped with pix firewall services modules to juniper srx s responsible for oversight of the engineering maintenance modification construction of isp osp fiber optic plant and wireless networks actively involved in troubleshooting on network problems with wireshark identifying and fixing problems time to time upgrade network connectivity between branch office and regional office with multiple link paths and routers running hsrp eigrp in unequal cost load balancing to build resilient network ensure network system and data availability and integrity through preventive maintenance and upgrade responsible for service request tickets generated by the helpdesk in all phases such as troubleshooting maintenance upgrades patches and fixes with all around technical support deployment of cisco switches in standalone and vss modes with sso and nsf converted company s phone system from avaya to cucm and later to cucm supporting eigrp ospf and bgp based network by resolving level problems of internal sites providing daily network support for global wide area network consisting of mpls vpn and point to point site experience working on cisco asr asr troubleshooting issues cucm unity uccx analog gw sip sccp h collaborative hybrid cloud solutions development based on cisco ucs technologies experience working with network management software nsm design and configuring of ospf bgp on juniper routers and srx firewalls implementing and maintaining network management tools fluke network nortel enms jffnms snmp mrtg and nmis monitoring and management of cisco ucs c series server configured network using routing protocols such as isis rip ospf bgp and troubleshooting l l issues configuring acl to allow only authorized users to access the servers maintain effective communications with vendors peers and clients in resolution of trouble tickets equipment return material authorizations and support requests troubleshoot hardware cisco ios install and configure cisco routers and switches participated in on call support in troubleshooting the configuration and installation issues installation maintenance troubleshooting local and wide areas network by using isdn frame relay ddr nat dhcp and tcp ip environment cisco routers cisco switches lan wan eigrp ospf rip bgp f load balancer vtp dns vlan hsrp htp ipv nexus k k ltm gtm network engineer emc santa clara ca october to january responsibilities designed and implemented cisco voip infrastructure for a large enterprise and multi unit office environment met aggressive schedule to ensure a multi office reconfiguration project which was successfully delivered responsible for service request tickets generated by the helpdesk in all phases such as troubleshooting maintenance upgrades patches and fixes with all around technical support supporting eigrp and bgp based pwc network by resolving level problems of internal teams external customers of all locations upgrade cisco routers switches and firewall pix ios using tftp updated the hp open view map to reflect and changes made to any existing node object handled srst and implemented and configured the gateways voice gateways studied and analyzed client requirements to provide solutions for network design configuration administration and security configuring hsrp between the router pairs for gateway redundancy for the client desktops configuring stp for switching loop prevention and vlans for data and voice along with configuring port security for users connecting to the switches ensure network system and data availability and integrity through preventive maintenance and upgrade modified internal infrastructure by adding switches to support server farms and added servers to existing dmz environments to support new and existing application platforms involved in l l switching technology administration including creating and managing vlans port security trunking stp inter vlan routing lan security working directly with the isp to support the network in case of any backbone failure worked on the security levels with radius tacacs experience in the configuration of virtual chassis for juniper switches ex firewalls srx srx srx completed service requests i e ip readdressing bandwidth upgrades ios platform upgrades etc identify design and implement flexible responsive and secure technology services configured and tested the sip trunking production environment implemented this new solution globally in depth knowledge of cisco asr k mpls is is ospf mp bgp vrfs and multicasting experienced with juniper ex ex ex mx and m series srx and srx configured switches with port security and x for enhancing customer s security implementing and troubleshooting firewall rules in juniper srx checkpoint r gaia and vsx as per the business requirements monitored network for optimum traffic distribution and load balancing using solar winds validate existing infrastructure and recommend new network designs created scripts to monitor cpu memory on various low end routers in the network experience on multicast in a campus network by using igmp and cgmp on catalyst switches installed and maintained local printer as well as network printers handled installation of windows nt server and windows nt workstations handled tech support as it relates to lan wan systems environment net flow tacacs eigrp rip ospf bgp vpn mpls csm sup ether channels cisco routers fluke and sniffer vpls m series srx and srx juniper firewall srx srx srx cisco switches checkpoint firewalls splat network engineer c i technologies hyderabad andhra pradesh in june to september responsibilities performed ios upgrades on catalyst series switches and series routers responsible for maintenance and utilization of vlans spanning tree hsrp vtp of the switched multi layer backbone with catalyst switches actively participated in upgrading fast ethernet layer switched routed lan infrastructure from cisco to cisco isr routers and switches at access level to configuring troubleshoot issues with the following types of routers cisco and series to include bridging switching routing ethernet nat and dhcp as well as assisting with customer lan man router firewalls implemented and configured routing protocols like eigrp ospf and bgp connected switches using trunk links and ether channel assisted in network engineering efforts consistent with the infrastructure of an internet service provider and support of such network services helped in designing and implementation of vlan for the new users used network monitoring tool to manage monitor and troubleshoot the network configured vlans with q tagging configured trunk groups ether channels and spanning tree for creating access distribution and core layer switching architecture configured cisco ios feature set nat and simple network management protocol snmp for network security implementation implemented redundant load balancing technique with internet applications for switches and routers support network technicians as they require training support for problem resolution including performing diagnostics configuring network devices environment cisco routers routing protocols eigrp ospf bgp including vpn mpls and ether channels network engineer ii info edge solutions hyderabad andhra pradesh in june to may responsibilities designed and implemented site to site dmvpn mgre tunnel with ospf routing protocol configured an ipsec tunnel with static routing protocol for eight remote vpn sites extensively installed configured and performed troubleshooting of cisco routers isr in depth experience in the entire working of cisco catalyst and team member of the noc and was meticulously involved in troubleshooting lan wan issues prime respondent for service request tickets in remedy generated by the helpdesk in every aspect of technical support such as troubleshooting maintenance upgrades patches and fixes setup and management of infoblox dns ipam for microsoft dns dhcp and inflobox grid manager to manage dns forward and reverse lookup zones responsible for drafting managing and installing cisco firewalls policies from the asdm environment cisco catalyst switches cisco routers isr remedy inflobox cisco firewalls skills catalyst years cisco years dhcp years lan years ospf years additional information technical skills routers cisco asr k adtran e routing ospf eigrp bgp rip v v pbr route filtering redistribution summarization and static routing switches nexus k k k k cisco catalyst switching lan vtp stp pvst rpvst inter vlan routing multi layer switch ether channels transparent bridging network security cisco asa acl ipsec f load balancer checkpoint palo alto load balancer f networks big ip ltm and lan ethernet ieee fast ethernet gigabit ethernet wan ppp hdlc channelized links t t fiber optic circuits frame relay voip gateway redundancy hsrp and glbp wan optimizer riverbed steelhead appliance dhcp and dns infoblox various features services ios and features irdp nat snmp syslog ntp dhcp cdp tftp ftp aaa architecture tacacs radius cisco acs network management wireshark snmp solarwinds ", "sr network engineer senior engineer bronx ny email me on indeed indeed com r e eaad b a willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience sr network engineer charan enterprises new york ny may to june sr network engineer date charan enterprises inc long island city ny configuration and installation of juniper switches ex ex configuration and installation of dell poweredge server r configuration and installation of juniper firewall srx maintain ip addressing scheme and continuously support the implementation of optimal routing policies and architecture allocate ip addresses when necessary and maintain the register of used and available ip addresses configuration and installation of ip cameras troubleshooting and resolution of complex ip network issues knowledge of dynamic routing protocols ospf isis eigrp bgp etc evaluate new technology options to provide better service to our clients develop and maintain technical standards and configuration templates create detailed network designs and validate in the lab document designs and ensure a smooth transition to the deployment and operations teams expertise in the design and implementation of network technologies including a subset of the following cisco routing switching cisco wireless acs asa firewall mpls multicast f load balancing optical networking network visibility toolsets netflow gigamon tools designed implemented and managed networks utilizing tcp ip ospf bgp gre ipsec vrrp qos protocols hsrp and snmp protocols senior engineer huawei technologies lagos ng january to august network integration dept educate huawei employees and clients on the critical nature of information security the key role they play and the best cyber security practices i also ensure they understand privacy issues and the rights and responsibilities associated with them that impact their deliverables perform routed and switched network design activity for very large and complex network i also perform troubleshooting on a complex router and switch network serve as an engineering interface to the customer in support of the design and implementation of the customer s wan lan wlan enterprise network projects create engineering orders for implementation to configure network hardware and software perform router and switch network hardware and software upgrades provide ip routing strategy routing protocol development bgp ospf eigrp hsrp vsrp etc provide ip addressing strategy nat re addressing h perform wan ip routed network integration i ensure that every department within the organization is always in full compliance with cyber regulations and legislation with our online compliance training customized to the industry or specific situation bringing it developers and administrators up to speed on current issues in information security the evolving threat and their role in developing and maintaining a secure infrastructure provided proactive maintenance service support and delivery to huawei customers on various equipments supported change management service delivery as requestd by clients designed and implemented systems applications security and network configurations including network and domain migrations upgrade paths and firewall configuration and support provided top tier escalation support and mentoring for help desk technicians specialist service delivery dept august to january performed advanced system diagnostics debugging and performance analysis and created reports for all activities such as traffic analysis and generated solutions designed and developed test strategies and acceptance procedures for customers provided detailed written feedback on design requirements system troubleshooting and validation including test methodologies log files results analysis conclusions and recommendations for improvement worked closely with sales team and third party vendors to coordinate technical solutions and served as subject matter expert in network design created scope of work sow for installation optimization and operation of network products and systems installation configuration and maintenance of various telecommunication equipment installation and maintenance of fiber optics cables cat and cat cables coaxial cable back office support engineer lm ericsson nigeria ltd august to july coordinated and reported weekly transmission faults on the network ensured transmissions links operated within acceptable international standard and advised on periodic maintenance periods performed root cause analysis on network failures and proactively designed a measure to prevent future occurrence handled configuration of multiplexes satellite servers high capacity microwave radios and fiber optic testing for metro connection broad experience of lan wan tcp ip based networks including associated technologies vpn ipsec mpls bgp ospf and eigrp protocols consults with information technology teams and leadership to evaluate requirements recommend designs and provide cost analyses plan projects and coordinate tasks for installation of communication networks analyzes troubleshoots and resolves problems with lan wan wi fi internet networks and serves as technical specialist for other teams to resolve production network problems works with vendors to resolve complex network problems planning design installation and coordination of the installation of data networks and systems maintenance and troubleshooting of network hardware systems software conducts research on network technologies and components to determine compatibility feasibility and cost with current and proposed system education computer engineering obafemi awolowo university september skills network design years optimization years firewall years router years security years additional information technical skills microsoft project microsoft office suite word excel powerpoint visio outlook cisco router and switch configuration sonet sdh and broadband technologies experience ip mpls professional dwdm technology computer software and hardware support experience fiber optics specialist microwave radio and satellite communication project management capacity planning and network design windows xp rsa securid logrhythm avaya definity pbx macintosh computers cisco secure communications and vpn icnd asa firewall cisco security agent ids ips experience and hands on penetration testing and telecommunications fundamentals ", "sr network engineer sr network engineer humana health louisville ky email me on indeed indeed com r b bfd ef a hands on experience with installation design configuration administration and troubleshooting lan wan infrastructure with cisco juniper routing switching and security with cisco hardware software experience experience in configuring cisco catalyst and nexus series switches and cisco series routers load balancers cisco firewalls in depth expertise in the analysis implementation troubleshooting documentation of lan wan iwan architecture and good experience on ip services experience in cisco physical cabling ip addressing wide area network configurations frame relay mpls routing protocol configurations rip eigrp ospf bgp knowledge of implementing and troubleshooting complex layer technologies such as vlan trunks vtp ether channel stp and rstp switching related tasks included implementing vlans vtp rstp and port security configuring and installing client and server network software for upgrading and maintaining network and telecommunication systems worked on network topologies and configurations tcp ip udp frame relay token ring bridges routers hubs and switches in depth knowledge and experience in wan technologies including oc e t e t ppp hdlc mpls and frame relay experience through hand on experience with configuring t gigabit ethernet channelized t and full t ocx atm frame relay and voip voice over internet protocol configured and managed nexus k fabric extender k and k switch network at the client s location hands on experience on sdn technology including vmware nsx and cisco aci ip addressing and ip address scalability by configuring nat pat experience in configuring and monitoring contrail cmc of juniper software define networking sdn working knowledge with monitoring tools like solar winds network packet capture tools like wire shark and opnet experience working with mcafee antivirus storage area network san and data storage system in depth understanding of using fort igate firewalls and forti web firewalls for ips and other virtual web applications experience with f load balancers and cisco load balancers csm ace and gss basic and advance f load balancer configurations including migrating configurations from cisco ace to f and general troubleshooting of the f load balancers experience with ip address management ipam such as infoblox solar winds etc experience on load balancing strategies techniques expertise in application switching traffic managing experience in installing and configuring dns dhcp server and involved in designing and commissioning wan infrastructure for redundancy in case of link failure knowledge in implementing and configuring f big ip ltm and gtm load balancers proficient in configuring and installing various network hardware software such as avaya series switches and avaya unified communication manager software have knowledge on various advanced technologies like voip h sip qos ipv multicasting and mpls strong hands on experience on pix firewalls asa firewalls implemented security policies using acl firewall ipsec ssl vpn ips ids aaa tacacs radius worked extensively in configuring monitoring and troubleshooting cisco s asa pix security appliance failover dmz zoning configuring vlans routing nat with the firewalls as per the design experience with convert checkpoint vpn rules over to the cisco asa solution migration with both checkpoint and cisco asa vpn experience troubleshooting the juniper srx and series juniper net screen routers with site site vpn and firewalls excellent in documentation and updating client s network documentation using visio implementation of juniper firewall ssg series net screen series isg srx series configuring vm s on esx server and installing hosts and migrating virtual machines across various vmware esx server workstation and vmware servers highly enthusiastic creative team player project implementation analytical interpersonal and communication skills efficient at use of microsoft visio office as technical documentation and presentation tools willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience sr network engineer humana health louisville ky april to present responsiblities in depth expertise in the analysis implementation troubleshooting documentation of lan wan architecture and good experience on ip services working closely with data center management to analyze the data center sites for cabling requirements of various network equipment involved in configuring and implementing of composite network models consists of cisco series routers and cisco series switches configured nexus including nx os virtual port channels nexus port profiles nexus version and nexus vpc peer links managed nat rules and policies on cisco asa checkpoint firewalls involved in solving day to day tickets for checkpoint and asa firewalls raised by partner companies security policy review and configuration in palo alto cisco asa firewalls in us offices and data centers configured load balancing for fewer applications on netscaler k and k in older data center and part of migration team from netscaler to f implementation of qos to enable cost saving cloud voip worked with management tools like csm and cisco acs experienced working with security issues related to cisco asr k checkpoint and juniper netscreen firewalls expert in developing web services with python programming language experience in object oriented design and programming concepts using python providing guidelines for subject matter expert sme involvement during proof of concept phase to sep sepm expertise in creating custom i rules health monitors vip s pools nodes for f ltm gtm worked on leveraging f ltms gtms to improve web application delivery speed and replication deployment and management of cisco routing switching firewall and ips ids platforms worked on traffic optimization analyzing with the help of qos netflow and wireshark experience in monitoring and troubleshooting of ise and cisco mse worked on f ltm gtm series like for the corporate applications and their availability supporting ospf and bgp based on the network by resolving level problems of internal teams external customers of all locations providing support to create virtual private cloud vpcs and gateways in aws console involved in software development and testing using c language on linux and unix platforms created visio dean visio documentation to give complete picture of network design for each building strong knowledge of tacacs radius implementation in access control network responsible for preparation of the upgrade documents responsible in implementation and configuration of the ucce solution ensuring the overall functioning of the whole system and to reproduce the scenarios for testing and troubleshooting configured cisco ise for domain integration and active directory integration experience with alg rtp rtsp and ftp dns http dhcp worked with network services like dns dhcp ddns ip ip ipsec vpn etc worked with infoblox for securing and managing dns dhcp and ipam management of infoblox grid manager to manage dns forward and revers lookup zones perform various scheduled maintenance tasks across numerous platforms and datacenters such as building vlans and configuring switch ports on cisco brocade experience with security firewalls nat pat ipsec s s experienced working with nexus os ios catos and nexus k k k switches knowledge of with api s for troubleshooting network issues using wireshark and ntop worked on the environment of sequential exchange protocol sep for end point security worked on configuration and deployment of switches and routers firewalls load balancers hp procurve c enclosures and intrusion protection devices worked on ftp http dns dhcp servers in windows server client environment with resource allocation to desired virtual lans of network worked on load balancers like f s v gtm s s to troubleshoot and monitor dns issues and traffic related to dns and avoid ddos successfully configured aruba wireless lan ap and involved with troubleshooting wireless lan issues provide escalation support to l l members of network team installed and maintained hp blade system c enclosure incorporating hp servers utilizing hp blade mgmt applications hp onboard administrator and hp virtual connect perform problem management and root cause analysis for p p p p incident efficient at use of solar box automated network map as technical documentation and presentation tools environment nexus k k cisco routers cisco switches lan wan ospf rip bgp eigrp hsrp ppp vpn f load balancers aruba cisco asa dns dhcp nat infoblox netscaler mcafee epo eop vpc vdc active directory windows server voip linux unix sr network engineer pwc tampa fl january to march responsibilities design deployment and maintenance of enterprise networks and datacenters configured maintained and troubleshoot routers and switches ranging from the series through the series routers and the series through the series switches in a highly redundant dual homed environment implementing and trouble shooting load balancing in lan wan configurations worked extensively on cisco firewalls cisco pix e e asa series experience with converting pix rules over to the cisco asa solution worked extensively on cisco catalyst switch s s and cisco ise appliances and and cisco ise on vmware s knowledge on set up of test environments for remote test engineers which included rack fc switches and c enclosures including setting up interconnects and blade servers worked extensively in configuring monitoring and troubleshooting cisco s asa pix security appliance failover dmz zoning configuring vlans routing nat with the firewalls as per the design content switching osi layer switching load balancers deployment of datacenter lan using cisco nexus k k k switches designed implemented remote site palo alto riverbed and brocade switches implemented various ex srx j series juniper devices configuring rip ospf and static routing on juniper m and mx series routers troubleshooting aruba wireless issues like slow performance intermittent connectivity authentication failure low signal strength replacing ap s and controllers supported enterprise environment including aruba controllers airwave and aps cisco wireless controllers experience with converting checkpoint vpn rules over to the cisco asa solution migration with cisco asa vpn experience extensive mpls eigrp and bgp design using dmvpn as a backup connectivity to our data centers configured and supported f and netscaler load balancer to support corporate internal applications implemented site to site vpn in juniper srx as per customer configuration of cisco sup sup catalyst switches for network access experience with f ltm gtm design implementation maintenance and troubleshooting of large network consisting of load balancing wan lan and vpns maintained and managed assigned systems splunk related issues and administrators configuring vlan spanning tree vstp snmp on ex series switches assisted in troubleshooting complex layer and connectivity using wireshark protocol analyzer and recommended solution for better performance configured aruba wap cisco meraki and wireless controller cisco prime cisco mobility services engine mse for proper access of wireless internet checking and configuring cisco and routers at data center for remote sites issues working on cisco and series switches for lan requirements that include managing vlans port security and troubleshooting lan issues supporting eigrp and bgp based network by resolving level problems of internal teams external customers of all locations environment cisco routers and cisco switches nexus k k k juniper m mx series routers routing rip ospf eigrp bgp switching vlan vtp stp vstp cisco pix e e cisco asa aruba checkpoint firewall r r f load balancers network engineer cisco asa secaucus nj november to december responsibilities designed planned and implemented network and security infrastructure managed the internet and intranet firewalls cisco asa and f net ip asm managed third party connections using cisco asa and palo alto firewalls processed the requests for access to it resources of the main data center thru the firewall processed creation of vpn request for remote users third parties such as remittance companies and mobile phone companies analyzed logs in syslog server generated by ids ips firewall router and switch devices created reports of network utilizations worked on troubleshooting network security issues related to address translations connectivity application access routing issues and low latency networking backed up device configurations escalated incidents and issues to isps and global technology sector divisions facilitated it business solutions for corporate users and third party needs attended meetings with corporate users to gather the requirements need for secure access to it resources such as client vpn and ssl vpn access created policies to provide secure access to the internet to specific business websites and secure access to and from third parties worked on incidents changes problems and provided resolution with in sla time frame configured maintained ipsec vpn in cisco asa palo alto firewalls monitoring alerts events in cisco ips implemented tacacs for administering user accounts escalating and working with product vendors for unresolved issues and following up with them till the closure of the issue worked on change control tickets prepared knowledge base for all the incidents change and problems resolved prepared sop standard operations procedures and shared it with customers and internal teams for resolving issues rsa assigning rsa token configuration of rsa secure id for the users management of web sense emails gateway symantec endpoint protection and ips environment lan wan cisco asa palo alto firewalls cisco routers cisco switches hp service manager nnm ipsec vpn ssl vpn rsa tokens ids ips syslog server tacacs server jr network engineer sarayodha soft technologies hyderabad andhra pradesh in june to september responsibilities configured ip routing protocols such as ripv and ospf on and series cisco routers configured vlans using cisco routers and multilayer switches and supporting stp rstp and pvst along with troubleshooting on inter vlan routing and vlan trunking protocol q implemented traffic rules on cisco routers using standard and extended access control lists worked on installation maintenance and troubleshooting of lan wan frame relay nat dhcp tcp ip worked in configuring csu dsu devices and also helped troubleshooting csu dsu devices involved in troubleshooting of dns dhcp and other ip conflict problems installed wireless access points waps at various locations in the company involved in troubleshooting ip addressing problems and updating ios images using tftp performed and technically documented various test results on lab tests conducted troubleshoot problems on day to day basis and provided solutions to fix the problems involved in troubleshooting and resolved problems related to the networking and server environments used network monitoring tool to manage monitor and troubleshoot the network documented customer database which includes ip address password interface and network diagrams environment cisco routers cisco catalyst switches routing protocols ripv ospf inter vlan routing q acl stp rstp pvst vlsm hsrp network support engineer technical strategies india pvt ltd hyderabad andhra pradesh in january to may responsibilities provides technical support to all areas of network administration telecommunications systems and network architecture and personal computer administration maintaining of cisco adaptive security appliances asa firewall for lan wan and internet connectivity manage local area network by maintaining vlans and wireless aps tp link devices setup and configure network monitoring and management systems which include cisco works to manage cisco devices troubleshoot network connectivity issues such as dns wins and dhcp develops and maintain it security policy related to lan and wlan operated the router point defense intrusion detection system for the data network asims director net ranger director and via firewall vpns helped standardize workstations and file servers including hardware software naming conventions and ip addresses implemented file system firewall security and disaster recovery strategies designed and implemented windows networks and active directory ad and security group hierarchy based on delegation requirements environment cisco adaptive security appliances asa firewall vlans and wireless aps tp link devices asims director firewall vpns dns wins and dhcp window s networks and active directory ad skills cisco years lan years ospf years security years wireless years additional information technical skills firewalls load balancers cisco asa juniper srx juniper netscreen juniper ssg firewalls check point palo alto f big ip ltm and blue coat sg av av a load balancers routers cisco routers cisco l l juniper routers m i m i m switches cisco switches nexus routing rip eigrp ospf bgp route filtering redistribution summarization static routing routing protocols rip ospf eigrp and bgp switching protocols vtp stp rstp mstp vlans pagp and lacp lan technologies ethernet fast ethernet gigabit ethernet nat pat fddi wan technologies frame relay isdn t e ppp atm mpls leased lines dsl modems secure access control server tacacs radius voip devices wireless technologies cisco ip phones qos avaya cucm uccx cipc and ucs wireless lwapp wlc wcs standalone aps client roaming wireless security basics ap groups wlans cisco prime site maps network management snmp cisco works lms hp open view solar winds aci ethereal layer switching multi layer switching ether channel carrier technologies mpls mpls vpn redundancy protocols hsrp vrrp glbp security protocols ike ipsec ssl aaa access lists prefix lists qos cbwfq llq wred policing shaping monitoring tools packet tracer wireshark opnet gns info solar winds security technologies cisco fwsm pix asdm nokia checkpoint ng juniper srx mcafee proxy servers fortinet bluecoat operating systems microsoft xp vista unix linux kernel programming redhat ", "sr network engineer sr network engineer department of health and human services clairton pa email me on indeed indeed com r fbc a eb e to acquire a senior network position that will utilize my year career in the information technology field and leverage my leadership skills experience and education in contributing to the profitable growth of an organization authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience sr network engineer department of health and human services rockville md october to present employed as a senior network engineer supporting the department of health and human services health resources services administration my primary responsibilities included ios upgrading configuration and maintenance of cisco switches throughout the enclave evaluation of existing systems and departmental needs to configure analyze and implement for out of band management selected accomplishments included upgrade of cisco network equipment stacked and s for the agency s infrastructure implemented analyzed and recommended appropriate system for the out of band management monitoring utilizing solarwinds for primary and disaster recovery site monitored and responded to network anomalies utilizing solarwinds orion s software and recommended appropriate network solutions for issues department of justice fbi headquarters washington dc june to august sr network engineer employed as a senior network engineer supporting the department of justice s federal bureau of investigation s headquarters my primary responsibilities included configuration and maintenance of cisco switches and routers creating and maintaining network diagrams documentation and configurations for classified and unclassified networks evaluated existing systems and users needs to analyze design recommend and implement system changes as needed by bureau directives selected accomplishments included applied creative approaches and innovative thinking to the design of a new and enhanced customer network architecture utilizing microsoft visio researched developed tested and documented unclassified and classified network designs analyzed and recommended appropriate network upgrades to support future requirements managed customer timelines and deliverables to help facilitate successful engineering project activities throughout the bureau worked in conjunction with senior management to align it programs with the functional business units of the agency sr network engineer dell services federal government fairfax va february to september employed as a senior network engineer supporting the department of defense s business transformation agency main responsibilities included configuration and maintenance of cisco switches routers and vpn managed firewall modifications and network traffic security policies using sidewinder scheduled shifts for junior network engineers and support staff to ensure operations required to maintain a am to pm environment achieving the goal of network uptime over the course of fy selected accomplishments included management of web proxy and external spam filtering administration maintenance troubleshooting upkeep and management for web filtering and gateway security utilizing secure computing smart filter configuration installation and maintenance of enclave wireless network under dod guidelines information assurance management for dod agency following guidelines performed security audits and developed training for ia security awareness programs validate ia controls and verify disa stigs have been met utilizing and array of network analyzing tools i e rem retina gold disk hbss and scri worked in conjunction with senior management to align it programs with the functional business unit s of the agency wrote and implemented project plans for network equipment upgrades to include ios catos image upgrades and configuration changes perform duties of the information assurance manager for reacting to and tracking iavm s poa m and diacap package status for ato accreditation agency lead for ids notification and remediation in conjunction with arl cndsp for incident violations gold disk to assist junior systems administrators engineers with accrediting new systems and updating vms emass as required perform regular backups and ensured that backups were moved to offsite location assisted with draft and deployment of server hardware architecture senior network engineer manager sirius xm satellite radio washington dc october to january employed as a senior network engineer for sirius xm radio main responsibilities included tier solutions for layer and environment switching drafted and implemented acl security policies spearheaded the network scaling expansion and infrastructure development of the in house network responsible for providing next generation solutions to senior management selected accomplishments included day to day support for user network environment in national and international remote sites management of wireless hardware and software for the installation of company wlan this included corporate headquarters in washington dc and an auxiliary site cio and it staff in fairfax va managed contractors for stand up of secondary office in fairfax va complete infrastructure build out from bare bone structure to it staff environment which included all network telephony data and tele presence conferencing for users managed resources for re cabling of copper and fiber plus runs for main campus office supervised contracted staff for the expansion of data and voip capabilities network drops and voip phones supervised contracted staff for the datacenter fiber and copper expansion project increase provided backup restored and migrated databases for required application upgrades configuration of f bigip to provide load balancing for development and production farms built and maintained visio documentation database of network technology researched solutions for network scalability to include cloud backup services and forensic data recovery processed and implement firewall change request for national and international production and test environments network engineer children s hospital of pittsburgh pittsburgh pa september to march employed as a fulltime network engineer supporting the children s hospital of pittsburgh primary duties included ensuring hippa certification requirements implementation and compliance managed layer and switching and routing via command line interface responsible for maintaining network availability during disasters on call hours selected accomplishments project lead in conversion of com infrastructure to cisco backboned network at chp main campus and remote sites performed routine and required server maintenance backups virus definitions security patching installed and configured wireless network and the project included the entire hospital and offsite locations primary support vocera wireless communications project this included the design site survey and the installation of air monitoring defense devices installed maintained cisco switches s and wireless access points via cli configuration of vlan s trunking qos and other ccna level duties monitoring testing and troubleshooting hardware and software issue pertaining to the lan and wlan network administration for documentation and support of plus user device environment group it specialist beverly healthcare fort smith ar august to september provided consultation for a national healthcare institution by providing support for distributed nursing homes throughout pennsylvania acted as the primary poc for networking and systems issues worked in conjunction with management to outline future technologies and expansion selected accomplishments performed support for all system network upgrades installations and development responsible for sites day to day operational status of the network and systems x onsite support administered account creation group policy and conduct audits throughout the western pennsylvania region responsible for the management and configuration of computers and peripheral devices actively tested nextgen solutions for network improvement with corporate headquarters network lab administrator north hills junior high pittsburgh pa august to august maintained multiple computer labs for faculty and student use duties were mainly centered on lab maintenance and upkeep selected accomplishments maintained macintosh computer lab and trained student and staff use installed new macintosh computers and peripheral equipment as required database administrator united way of pittsburgh pittsburgh pa february to august performed database administration in legacy dbase in the development of where to turn book project key contributions created and updated master database as required performed regular maintenance to include indexing backups query routines conduct quality control on all entries in the where to turn for publication primary duty cable splicer and installer at base telephone at marine corps base camp pendleton united states marine corps camp pendleton ca february to october camp pendleton ca primary duty cable splicer and installer at base telephone at marine corps base camp pendleton education american history duquesne university june to december cable splicer school at sheppard air force base wichita falls tx march to december additional information skills technical os cisco cli server k k ms windows apple os working knowledge of linux tools citrix cisco vpn mcafee epol suite army gold disk retina security scanner netstumbler and flying squirrel mcafee hips agent tcp ip suite dhcp dns epol ids host based and network hardware cisco routers xx xx xx xx and xx series cisco switches xx xx xx stacked and xx and xx management cisco acs f bigip configuration and maintenance routing protocols bgp ospf eigrp and rip leadership project management team lead teamwork strong communication skills customer service and technical writing ", "sr network engineer sr network engineer hexagon us federal honolulu hi email me on indeed indeed com r fe e e network and fiber optic engineer project manager with over years of experience in the information technology industry which includes networking electrical and communication expertise i demonstrate tremendous leadership skills able to excel within a team troubleshooting knowledge network management and client coordination willing to relocate to san diego ca phoenix az denver co authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience sr network engineer hexagon us federal march to present network engineer for installation and maintenance of a naval secured network design and implement a secured network across geographic locations meeting dod and doe security requirements installation configuration and support of tcp ip routing ospf bgp radius atm dwdm sonet mpls sdh tdm vpn wan lan wlan vlan cisco routers switches firewalls network administration and network wiring perform switch router ios upgrades and maintenance perform network security scans to determine network vulnerability help develop and implement plans of action to resolve any vm s that arise develop poa m implement stig s implementing latest technologies to continuously monitor the network and reduce downtime provide remote assistance to clients to minimize network down time to ongoing projects maintain cryptographic equipment through taclanes for encryption of secure data on the network network engineer fiber itc service group hawaiian telecom may to march project manager for installation and maintenance of it systems to include ip addressing mac filtering port forwarding and router configuration for clients level and level install configuration and support tcp ip routing atm dwdm sonet sdh and tdm dns wan lan wlan vlan cisco routers switches firewalls network administration and network wiring provide oversight and hands on installation repair of vdsl systems delivered through advanced fiber optic and copper network infrastructure install terminate and test no polish fiber optic lines to client sites which include enterprise and residential sites voice data and video through vdsl and rf technology provide remote assistance to clients to minimize down time utilizing usams dslams fiber optic and twisted pair troubleshooting partner network engineer project manager advanced interior electronics may to may lead manager for the residential and commercial audio video and automation installation group responsible for network system design installation and maintenance of client hardware software equipment and systems include audio video security cameras card access systems biometrics etc installation configuration and support of wan lan wlan vlan tcp ip routers switches firewalls network administration and network wiring provide oversight and hands on experience for the installation and repair of ip based automation systems performed software and hardware design installation and maintenance hired and trained new employees developed standard operating procedures sop s for current and future technicians created employee handbooks and disciplinary policies project management worked with sales force technicians and end users at all stages of the project coordinated purchasing storage and installation of materials for jobs developed manuals for end users that easily described the automation of all the integrated electronics system design attended manufacture training sessions helped guide and design projects with the sales force optimizing the interoperability of the multitude of audio video and automation products created job flow diagrams and integrated project database systems created standard operating processes sop for fleet purchase design and maintenance schedules managed and streamlined quarterly and annual budgets helped grow the business from employees to over in that time i also helped increase the gross revenue each year went from a company in to a m in owner network engineer reasonable audio and video january to may started maintained and ran the residential and commercial audio video installation group responsible for network system design installation and maintenance of client hardware software equipment and systems include audio video security cameras card access systems biometrics etc installation configuration and support of wan lan wlan vlan tcp ip routers switches firewalls network administration and network wiring provide oversight and hands on experience for the installation and repair of ip based automation systems performed software and hardware design installation and maintenance responsible for sales project design and hiring training of employees scheduling purchasing and management of jobs vdsl network technician qwest february to march installed and repaired vdsl systems on the telephony network voice data and video of vdsl provided remote troubleshooting for customers utilizing usams dslams twisted pair troubleshooting extensive customer interaction and education in all areas of the phoenix metropolitan area technician vdsl network january to february installed and repaired vdsl systems on the telephony network voice data and video of vdsl provided remote troubleshooting for clients usams dslams twisted pair troubleshooting bridge tap removal extensive customer interaction and education in all areas of the phoenix metropolitan area aircraft electrical and environmental systems technician air force italy october to october installed and repaired electrical systems on f aircraft maintain detailed logs of service and repairs maintained a secret security clearance education bs in information technology network security western governors university utah july to june skills dsl years excel years f years project manager years training years network administration years tele years certifications licenses cisco certified entry networking technician ccent march to march comptia security july to july comptia network july to july comptia a december to december cisco certified network associate ccna june to june additional information skills secret clearance interim naclc level years of network engineering administration it telecom skills fiber optics data dsl vdsl phone years lead project manager for client network audio video and automation systems electrical and environmental systems training through the u s air force specifically for f infrastructure windows xp through windows qualified microsoft office word excel publisher access ", "strategic alignment network engineer strategic alignment network engineer daystar inc dover nh email me on indeed indeed com r cb bd f a technologist working at the intersection of process and communication authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience strategic alignment network engineer daystar inc newington nh may to present accomplishments created the new position of strategic alignment network engineer reporting to ceo primary technical contact for managed clients in myriad local industries designed and implemented all process workflow for this new position client onboarding point network evaluations decision maker it strategy meetings developed an internal project tracking platform with an in house dev to support the strategic alignment team s organizational needs systems analyst it support community partners dover nh january to april accomplishments responsible for new hire orientations and technical training programs for incoming staff rolled out new helpdesk inventory and remote assistance solutions agency wide primary point of contact between it department and agency employees dining room manager one dock at the kennebunkport inn to server bartender events atlanta ga to education clark university class of magna cum laude b a screen studies and communication interests film board games food spirits references and samples available upon request please continue onto the next page objective communicate innovate design implement ba screen studies concentration communication and culture cloud backups film degree written and verbal communication qos enabled years front of house hospitality experience extensive food wine knowledge product knowledge personalized service suggestive selling leap of faith endpoint administration new platform implementations remote assistance software helpdesk software inventory solution client onboard process design and implementation job experience education bachelor s in screen studies clark university worcester ma to skills t it support years network administration years system administration years technical writing years hospitality years links http linkedin com in aidanms additional information passion for making it accessible and understandable for everyone highly organized and detail oriented with excellent written and verbal communication process and policy nerd with an interest in workflow design and improvement personally invested with a proven technical skillset and a long tenure in hospitality and customer service lifelong learner with a strong preference for team based environments professional skillset thorough knowledge of the smb technology stack domain administration comprehensive list of platforms and technologies available per request tier tech support and hardware software troubleshooting onsite and remote infrastructure evaluation and it project design recommendation proficient in building and maintaining meticulous technical documentation ", "artificial intelligence ai lab no amit kumar patel bct introduction constraint an artificial neural network ann is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way biological nervous systems such as the brain process information the key element of this paradigm is the novel structure of the information p rocessing system it is composed of a large number of highly interconnected processing elements neurons working in unison to solve specific problems anns like people learn by example an ann is configured for a specific application such as pattern re cognition or data classification through a learning process learning in biological systems involves adjustments to the synaptic connections that exist between the neurons this is true of anns as well why use artificial neural networks artificial neu ral networks with their remarkable ability to derive meaning from complicated or imprecise data can be used to extract patterns and detect trends that are too complex to be noticed by either humans or other computer techniques a trained artificial neura l network can be thought of as an expert in the category of information it has been given to analyze this expert can then be used to provide projections given new situations of interest and answer what if questions other advantages include adap tive learning an ability to learn how to do tasks based on the data given for training or initial experience self organization an ann can create its own organization or representation of the information it receives during learning time real tim e operation ann computations may be carried out in parallel and special hardware devices are being designed and manufactured which take advantage of this capability fault tolerance via redundant information coding partial destruction of a network l eads to the corresponding degradation of performance however some network capabilities may be retained even with major network damage a simple neuron an artificial neuron is a device with many inputs and one output the neuron has two modes of operation the training mode and the using mode in the training mode the neuron can be trained to fire or not for particular input patterns in the using mode when a taught input pattern is detected at the input its associated output becomes the current outp ut if the input pattern does not belong in the taught list of input patterns the firing rule is used to determine whether to fire or not figure a simple neuron network layers the commonest type of artificial neural network consists of three groups or layers of units a layer of input units is connected to a layer of hidden units which is connected to a layer of output units see figure figure a simple feed forward network the activity of the input units represents the raw information that is fed into the network the activity of each hidden unit is determined by the activities of the input units and the weights on the connections between the input and the hidden units the behavior of the output units depends on the ac tivity of the hidden units and the eights between the hidden and output units this simple type of network is interesting because the hidden units are free to construct their own representations of the input the weights between the input and hidden units determine when each hidden unit is active and so by modifying these weights a hidden unit can choose what it represents we also distinguish single layer and multi layer architectures the single layer organization in which all units are connected to one another constitutes the most general case and is of more potential computat ional power than hierarchically structured multi layer organizations in multilayer networks units are often numbered by layer instead of following a global numbering perceptrons the most influential work on neural nets in the s went under the head ing of perceptrons a term coined by frank rosenblatt the perceptron see figure turns out to be an mcp model neuron with weighted inputs with some additional fixed pre processing units labeled a a aj ap are called association units and their task is to extract specific localized featured from the input images perceptrons mimic the basic idea behind the mammalian visual system they were mainly used in pattern recognition even though their capabilities extended a lot more figure a perceptron transfer functions the behavior of an ann depends on both the weights and the input output function transfer function that is specified for the units this function typically falls into one of three categories for linear or ramp the output activity is proportional to the total weighted output for threshold units the output is set at one of two levels depending on whether the total input is greater than or less than some threshold value for sigmoid units the out put varies continuously but not linearly as the input changes sigmoid units bear a greater resemblance to real neurons than do linear or threshold units but all three must be considered rough approximations to make an artificial neural network that pe rforms some specific task we must choose how the units are connected to one another and we must set the weights on the connections appropriately the connections determine whether it is possible for one unit to influence another the weights specify the s trength of the influence we can teach a network to perform a particular task by using the following procedure we present the network with training examples which consist of a pattern of activities for the input units together with the desired pattern of activities for the output units we determine how closely the actual output of the network matches the desired output we change the weight of each connection so that the network produces a better approximation of the desired output implementation of logic functions in this practical we will learn how basic logic functions can be implemented and trained using matlab the primitive procedure is explained by implementing a input and gate x column for inputs zi column for true output program generate and function using mcculloch pitts neural net by a matlab program solution the truth table for the and function is as follows x y z x and y the matlab program is given by program and function using mcculloch pitts neuron clear clc getting weights and threshold value disp enter weights w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloch pitts net for andnot function disp weights of neuron disp w di sp w disp threshold value disp theta assignment draw neural network weight adjustment at each step experiment with variation of initial weighting values clear clc w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloch pitts net for andnot function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output discussion in the above program we train the neural network for the and not gate logic we provide various weights and thresh holds and check if the output corresponds to the actual truth table and then repeat asking for new weight adjustments until and the actual result matches the truth table and hence we find the actual weights and the threshold assignment similarly develop a mcculloch pitts neural net for or nand and nor gate and draw neural nets nand clear clc w input weight w for nand gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input w eight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nand function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output nor clear clc w input weight w for nor gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and o r nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nor function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output or clear clc w input weight w for or gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and t hershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for or function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output discussion for the nand nor and or gates we again follow the same principal as per question where we keep assigning and adjusting the weights until and unless we match with the actual truth table provided in z variable in the above code where x and x are the inputs then as we get the result that matches the actual the truth table the neural network is said to have learnt and have been assigned weights and threshold for that gate assignment perform test for bipolar model as well bipolar nan d clear clc w input weight w for nand gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nand function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output bipolar nor clear clc w input weight w for nor gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i th eta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nor function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output bipolar or clear clc w input weight w for or gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for or function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output discussion in the bipolar implementation we provide inputs as for high and for low unlike the previous ones where we provide for low then we perform the weight adjustment again and as the result matches we find the weights and the threshold value s assignment implement mcculloch pitts neural network model for xor and give all the formula you used in the implementation draw the mlps used for the implementation of above functions the mlp used for the implementation of xor gate is mlp for xor the formulae used in the implementation are z in x w x w w z in x w x w w z in y w y w w clear clc w input bias w follow the input sequence as as w w w w w w w w w w input weight w w input weight w w input bias w w input weight w w input weight w w input bias w w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value thershold is for all theta input theta theta input theta theta input theta y y y x x z con while con z in x w x w w z in x w x w w for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end z in y w y w w for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta theta input theta theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for xor function disp biases disp w disp w disp w disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp threshold values disp theta d isp theta disp theta output discussion in this implementation of xor gate we use multiple layer perceptron where there is a hidden layer as well here single level perceptron cannot yield the result so we use mlp as shown in figure above the i nputs are provided to the first layer whose output is provided to the second layer which in turn produces the final output the weights are adjusted unless it matches the actual output and here the threshold is also adjusted which is for this case assig nment implement mlp model for xor by using backpropagation algorithm clear clc w w w w w w w w w r y y y x x z d d d con while con for i z in x i w x i w w y activation function z in z in x i w x i w w y activa tion function z in z in y w y w w y activation function z in d z i y y y d in d w d d in y y d in d w d d in y y w w r d w w r d y w w r d y w w r d w w r d x i w w r d x i w w r d w w r d x i w w r d x i con con end end disp backpropagation net for xor function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp check intr while intr disp enter check value i input i i input i k i w i w w k activation function k k i w i w w k activation function k k k w k w w k activation function k disp output of net disp k disp enter to continue to abort intr input continue end output discussion in the backpropagation method we initially assign some values to the weights and then we repeat to adjust the weights without any external intervention or interaction for a large number of times times here in each loop for every pair of inputs we calculate all the outputs at each layer and instead of a threshold we use activation function and then we calculate the adjusted weights and enter the next loop after the network gets trained we can check for an in put for example we provided and and got as the output which is close to conclusion hence we can develop neural networks for various gates like nand nor or using mcculloh pits approach and also the bipolar approach we can also develop xor gate using various approaches which include mccullog pits method as well as backpropagation method ", " tribhuwan university institute of engineering central campus pulchowk a lab report on artificial intelligence lab experiments date submission date submitted by submitted to department of name anish parajuli group a electronics and computer roll no bct engineering artificial intelligence lab introduction to first order predicate logic fopl first order logic first order logic is a collection of formal systems used in mathematics philosophy linguistics and computer science first order logic uses quantified variables over non logical objects and allows the use of sentences that contain variables so that rather than propositions such as socrates is a man one can have expressions in the form there exists x such that x is socrates and x is a man and there exists is a quantifier while x is a variable this disting uishes it from propositional logic which does not use quantifiers or relation the use of symbolic logic to represent knowledge is not new in that it predates the modern computer by a number of decades even so the application of logic as a practical me ans of representing and manipulating knowledge was not demonstrated until the early s today first order predicate logic fopl or predicate calculus has assumed one of the important roles in ai for representing the knowledge the understanding of fop l for ai student has several benefits one logic offers the formal approach to reasoning that has a sound theoretical foundation next the structure of fopl is flexible enough to permit the accurate representation of the natural language reasonably well xanimals x loves ram x poppy is a dog dog poppy x ygrandparent x y parent and child are inverse relation x yparent x y child y x rules combine facts to increase knowledge of the system son x y male x child x x is a son of y if x is male and x is a child of y monkey banana problem problem statement a monkey is in a room suspended from the ceiling is a bunch of bananas beyond the monkey s reach however in the room there are also a chair and a stick the ceiling is just the right height so that a monkey standing on a chair could knock the bananas down with the stick the monkey knows how to move around carry other things arou nd reach for the bananas and wave a stick in the air what is the best sequence of actions for the monkey now the problem is to use fopl to represent this monkey banana problem and prove that monkey can reach the bananas program code predicates in room symbol dexterous symbol tall symbol can move symbol symbol symbol can reach symbol symbol get on symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol close symbol symbol under symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol clauses in room bananas in room chair in room monkey dexterous monkey tall chair can move monkey chair bananas can climb monkey chair can reach x y dexterous x close x y close x z get on x y under y z tall y get on x y can climb x y under y z in room x in room y in room z can move x y z goal can reach monkey appple output no assignment i write the following statements in fopl form and by converting them into prolog program test the given goal who sells weapons to hostile nations is a criminal every enemy of america is a hostile x enemy of america x iraque has some missiles x missile x belongs x iraq iraque were sold by george george is an american american george iraque is a country country iraq iraque is the enemy of america missiles are weapo ns weapon missile program code predicates hostile string enemy of america string american string criminal string sells missiles string string has missile string country string clauses criminal x american x sells missiles x y hostile y enemy of america x hostile x enemy of america iraq hostile x country x has missile iraq sells missiles george iraq american george hostile x country iraq goal output yes discussion the goal of the above program is to fine whether george is a criminal or not based on the giv en predicate logic according to the statements every american who sells weapons to hostile nation is a criminal and every enemy of america is hostile missiles are weapon and iraq is a hostile nation in our program george is an american and he sells missiles to iraq now since george being an american citizen sells weapons to hostile nation hence it can be inferred that george is a criminal assignment ii write the following statements in fopl form and by converting them into prolog program test the different goals horses are mammals x horse x mammal x an offspring of a horse is a horse offspring y x horse y parent parent bluebeard charlie offspring and parents are inverse relations x yparent x y offsring y x every mammal has a parent x mammal x yparent y x bluebeard is a horse horse bluebeard program code predicates horse string mammals string offspring string string parent string string clauses parent bluebeard charlie horse bluebeard horse x mammals x offspring x y horse y mammals x parent y x offspring x y offspring x y parent y x goal horse charlie output yes discussion the goal of the above p rogram is to fine whether charlie is a horse or not based on the giv en predicate logic horses are mammal and offspring of a horse is a horse every mammal has a statements that charlie is also a horse conclusion thus after performing the programs in this lab se ssion we became familiar about the fopl first order predicate logic and then converting them to the pr olog program wh ich is based on predicate logic ", " first order predicate logic artifi cial intelligence lab report ankit shrestha bct submitted to department of electr onics and computer engineering central campus pulchowk i o e t u first order predicate logic page ankit shrestha ankitstha gmail com bct theory introduction to first order predicate logic fopl the use of symbolic logic to represent knowledge is not new in that it predates the modern computer by a number of decades even so the application of logic as a practical means of representing and manipulating knowledge was not demonstrated until the ear ly s today first order predicate logic fopl or predicate calculus has assumed one of the important roles in ai for representing the knowledge the understanding of fopl for ai student has several benefits one logic offers the formal approach to r easoning that has a sound theoretical foundation next the structure of fopl is flexible enough to permit the accurate representation of the natural language reasonably well for example ram loves all animals xanimals x loves ram x poppy is a dog dog poppy x ygrandparent x y zparent x z parent z y parent and child are inverse relation x yparent x y child y x rules combine facts to increase knowledge of the system s on x y male x child x x is a son of y if x is male and x is a child of y monkey banana problem monkey banana problem is the famous problem in ai where there is a room containing a monkey a chair and bananas that have been hung from the center of the ceiling of the room out of reach from monkey if the monkey is clever enough he can reach the bananas by placing the chair directly below the bananas and climbing on the top of the chair now the problem is to use fopl to represent this monkey banana problem and prove that monkey can reach the bananas first order predicate logic page ankit shrestha ankitstha gmail com bct program exa mple i predicates in room symbol dexterous symbol tall symbol can move symbol symbol symbol can reach symbol symbol get on symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol close symbol symbol under symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol clauses in room bananas in room chair in room monkey dexterous monkey tall chair can move monkey chair bananas can climb monkey chair can reach x y dexterous x close x y close x z get on x y under y z tall y get on x y can climb x y under y z in room x in room y in room z can move x y z goal can reach monkey appple output no when goal can reach monkey banana output yes first order predicate logic page ankit shrestha ankitstha gmail com bct assignment every american who sells weapons to hostile nations is a criminal criminal x every enemy of america is a hostile x enemy of america x hostile x iraque has some missiles x missile x belongs x iraq all missiles of iraque were sold by george sells missile x y george is an american american george iraque is a country country iraq iraque is the enemy of america missiles are weapens weapon missile predicates hostile string enemy of america string american string criminal string sells missiles string string has missile string country string clauses criminal x american x sells missiles x y hostile y enemy of america x hostile x enemy of america iraq hostile x country x has missile iraq sells missiles george iraq american george country iraq goal first order predicate logic page ankit shrestha ankitstha gmail com bct criminal george output yes assignment horse s are mammals x horse x mammal x a n offspring of a horse is a horse horse y b parent bluebeard charlie offspring and parents are inverse relations x yparent x y offsring y x e very mammal has a parent x mammal x yparent y x bluebeard is a horse horse bluebeard predicates h orse string mammals string offspring string string parent string string clauses horse x mammals x offspring x y horse y mammals x parent y x offspring x y offspring x y parent y x first order predicate logic page ankit shrestha ankitstha gmail com bct goal horse charlie output yes discussion first order predicate language fopl has been used in the examples and assignments of this lab to model natural language problems into statements for logical solution fopl has been used here for an accurate representation of the natural language problems by forming predicates for various statements fopl provides a formal approach for reasoning a nd has a very sound theoretical foundation prolog has been used in all the examples and assignments of the lab for the implementation of fopl in the assignments fopl was first designed for all the given statements of the natural language problem and the fopl was used for developing logic for the program to solve the given problem conclusion hence from this lab we familiarized ourselves with first order predicate logic fopl and its implementation in prolog and understood its basic concepts ", "a report on introduction to first order predicate logic fopl artificial intelligence lab iii submitted by prasidha karki bct submitted to department of electronics and computer engineering pulchowk campus lalitpur j uly theory introduction to first order predicate logic fopl the use of symbolic logic to represent knowledge is not new in that it predates the modern computer by a number of decades even so the application of logic as a practical means of representing and manipulating knowledge was not demonstrated until the ear ly s today first order predicate logic fopl or predicate calculus has assumed one of the important roles in ai for representing the knowledge the understanding of fopl for ai student has several benefits one logic offers the formal approach to reasoning that has a sound theoretical foundation next the structure of fopl is flexible enough to permit the accurate representation of the natural language reasonably well for example ram loves all animals xanimals x loves ram x poppy is a dog dog poppy x ygrandparent x y zparent x z parent z y monkey banana problem predicates in room symbol dexterous symbol tall symbol can move symbol symbol symbol can reach symbol symbol get on symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol close symbol symbol under symbol symbol can climb symbol symbol clauses in room bananas in room chair in room monkey dexterous monkey tall chair can move monkey chair bananas can climb monkey chair can reach x y dexterous x close x y close x z get on x y under y z tall y get on x y can climb x y under y z in room x in room y in room z can move x y z goal can reach monkey apple output no discussion here the in room symbol predicate ensures that the chair bananas and the monkey are in the room by passing them in the predicate as an argument the monkey cannot reach the apple bananas in the program monkey can reach the chair if monkey is dexterous and the chair to be reached is closer to the monkey for the chair to be close to the monkey monkey should be able to get on the chair and it should be under bananas and the chair should be tall for the chair to be under bananas all the three should be in room and the monkey be able to move to bananas through chair which is provided in the fact so the monkey can reach bananas but not apple which is not in the room assignment write the following statements in fopl form and by converting them into prolog program test the given goal every american who sells weapons to hostile nations is a criminal every enemy of america is a hostile iraq has some missiles all missiles of iraq were sold by george george is an american iraq is a country iraq is the enemy of america missiles are weapons program predicates hostile string enemy of america string american string criminal string sells missiles string string has missile string country string clauses criminal x american x sells missiles x y hostile y enemy of america x hostile x enem y of america iraq hostile x country x has missile iraq sells missiles george iraq american george country iraq goal criminal george output yes discussion we have the goal to prove george as criminal with the help of clauses defined initially criminal is defined in the predicate section criminal string as every american who sells missiles to the hostile nation every enemy of america is considered hostil e as defined in the predicate section enemy of america string iraq is considered as enemy of america country is recognized as hostile if it is the enemy of america iraq has weapons as missiles as stated in the section has missile string george sell s missiles to iraq as defined in the predicate section sells missiles string george is an american as defined in the clause section american string passing george as argument iraq is recognized as the hostile nation in the clause section country str and from the above sequence of clauses this statement turns out to be true assignment write the following statements in fopl form and by converting them into prolog program test the different goals horses are mammals an offspring of a horse is a horse offspring and parents are inverse relations every mammal has a parent now check is charlie a horse program predicates horse string mammals string offspring string string parent string string clauses mammals x offspring x horse y mammals x parent y x offspring x y offspring x y parent y x goal output yes discussion we are trying to show that charlie is a horse for this purpose initially we define bluebeard as parent of charlie in the clause section then bluebeard is co nsidered as horse with the predicate horse string instantiated with argument bluebeard in the clause section then horse string predicate is defined in the clause section recursively since the offspring of horse is a horse besides offspring and pare nt are the inverse relations defined in the clause section respectively showing bidirectional relationship between parent and the offspring every mammal has a parent so while defining mammals string under the clause section both parent and offspring pr edicate is called conclusion from the lab problems and some assignment it was clear that first order p redicate logic fopl can be used to realize various real life situations in logical form and prolog can be used to implement it however the order of the fopl is of prime importance in drawing conclusion inappropriate order might res ult in infinite loop here the logic offers the formal approach to reasoning that has a sound theoretical foundation next the structure of fopl is flexible enough to permit the accuracy representation of the natural language reasoning as well ", "artificial neural network an artificial neural network ann is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way biological nervous systems such as the brain process information the idea of anns is based on the belief that working of human brain by making the right connections can be imitated using silicon and wires a s living neurons and dendrites the human brain is composed of billion nerve cells called neurons they are connected to other thousand cells by axons stimuli from e xternal environment or inputs from sensory organs are accepted by dendrites these inputs create electric impulses which quickly travel through the neural network a neuron can then send the message to other neuron to handle the issue or does not send it forward anns are composed of multiple nodes which imitate biological neurons of human brain the neurons are connected by links and they interact with each other the nodes can take input data and perform simple operations on the data the result of thes e operations is passed to other neurons the output at each node is called its activation or node value each link is associated with weight anns are capable of learning which takes place by altering weight values the following illustration shows a simp machine learning in anns supervised learning example the teacher feeds some example data about which the teacher already knows the answers for example pattern recognizing the ann comes up with guesses while recognizing then the teacher provides the ann with the answers the network then compares it unsupervised learning answers for example searching for a hidden pattern in this case clustering i e dividing a set of elements i nto groups according to some unknown pattern is carried out based on the existing data sets present reinforcement learning decision by observing its environment if the observation is negative the net work adjusts its weights to be able to make a different required decision the next time implementations of logic functions program generate andnot function using mcculloh pitts neural net by a matlab x column for inputs zi column for true output x x b bia s y x and x t truth table for and function matlab program andnot function using mcculloch pitts neuron clear clc getting weights and threshold value disp enter weights w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloch pitts net for andnot function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output enter weights weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value weight w weight w theta output of net mcculloch pitts net for andnot function weights of neuron threshold value assignment draw neural network weight adjustment at each step experiment with variation of initial weighting values initially assume we ight initially assume weight to be zero i e w w b formulae wi new wi old xi t b new b old t assignment similarly develop a mcculloch pitts neural net for or nand and nor gate and draw neural nets matlab program or nand nor function using mcculloch pitts neuron function assign function neural name ex ex th w w x ex x ex theta th name name y switch name z z z end con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value w input weight w w i nput weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloch pitts net for function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta clear clc getting operation name ate and nor for nor gate getting weights and threshold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta neural name th w w end output run type nand for nand gate or for or gate and nor for nor gate enter operation in capital operation name or enter weights weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net net is n ot learning enter another set of weights and threshold value weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net mcculloh pitts net for function weights of neuron threshold value run type nand for nand gate or for or gate and nor for nor gate enter operation in capital operation name nand enter weights weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net mcculloh pitts net for function weights of neuron threshold value run type nand for nand gate or for or gate and nor for nor gate enter operation in capital operation name nor enter weights weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value weight w weight w enter threshold value theta output of net mcculloh pitts net for function weights of neuron threshold value assignment perform test for bipolar model as well the truth table for the and function is given as x x y truth table for and function matlab program perceptron for and funtion clear clc x t w b alpha input ent er learning rate theta input ent er threshold value con epoch while con con for i yin b x i w x i w if yin theta y end if yin theta yin theta y end if yin theta y end if y t i con for j w j w j alpha t i x j i end b b alpha t i end end epoch epoch end disp perceptron for and funtion disp final weight matrix disp w disp final bias disp b output enter learning rate enter threshold value perceptron for and funtion final weight matrix final bias assignment implement mcculloch pitts neural network model for xor and give all the formula you used in the implementation draw the mlps used for the implementation of above functions for the mcculloh pitts neural network model for xor previous single layer perc eptron network cannot represent xor gate so we need multiple network layer approach consisting of input layer hidden layer and output layer the multilayered perceptron implementation of xor gate is as follow figure mcp mlp implementation of xor function x x y truth table for xor function formulas used inputs to hidden layer z in x w x w z in x w x w for i i i if z in i theta y i else y i if z in i theta y i else y i input to output layer y in y v y v for i i i if y in i theta y i else y i matlab program xor function using mcculloch pitts neuron clear clc getting weights and threshold value disp enter weights w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w v input weight v v input weight v disp enter threshold value theta input theta x x z con while con zin x w x w zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end if zin i theta y i else y i end end yin y v y v for i if yin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter another set of weights and threshold value w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w v input weight v v input weight v t heta input theta end end disp mcculloch pitts net for xor function disp weights of neuron z disp w disp w disp weights of neuron z disp w disp w disp weights of neuron y disp v disp v disp threshold value disp theta output enter weights weight w weight w weight w weight w weight v weight v enter threshold value theta output of net mcculloc h pitts net for xor function weights of neuron z weights of neuron z weights of neuron y threshold value assignment implement mlp model for xor by using back propagation algorithm xor using back propagation function xor back function y binsig x sigmoid function y exp x end function y binsig x derivative purpose y binsig x binsig x end clc clear initialize weight and bias and hi dden layer v v zeros matrix with as element b b for input and so on b bias for output layer w w zeros x t alpha learning rate mf momentum factor con epoch while con e for i feed forward for j zin j b j for i zin j zin j x i i v i j end z j binsig zin j activation function end yin b z w y i binsig yin back propagation error delk t i y i binsig yin error for output layer network w weight correction for o p layer delb alpha delk bias weight correction for network delinj delk w for hidden layer for j delj j delinj j binsig zin j delta test m for hidden neuron end for j for i delv i j alpha delj j x i i mf v i j v i j end end delb alpha delj w w v v weight update w w delw b b delb v v delv b b delb e e t i y i end if e con end epoch epoch end disp epoch disp e v b w b end end of program output bpn for xor function total epoch error weight matrix and bias v b w b discussion and conclusion in this lab we came to know about the neural network and logic function including and or nand nor and xor were implemented using matlab and several algorithm were used to implement those gates and neural network were also drawn ", " a report on lab iv submitted by shova thapa bct submitted to department of electronics and computer engineering pulchowk campus lalitpur neural networks anns are computing systems inspired by the biological neural networks that constitute animal brains bas ed on a collection of connected units called artificial neurons analogous to axons in a biological brain su ch systems learn progressively improve performance to do tasks by considering examples generally without task specific programming for example in image recognition they might learn to identify images that contain cats by analyzing example images that have been manually labeled as cat or no cat and using the analytic results to identify cats in other images each connection synapse between neurons can transmit a signal to another neuron the receiving postsynaptic neuron can process the signal s and then signal downstream neurons connected to it neurons may have state generally represented by real numbers typically between and neurons and synapses may also have a weight that varies as learni ng proceeds which can increase or decrease the strength of the signal that it sends downstream further they may have a threshold such that only if the aggregate signal is below or above that level is the downstream signal sent typically neurons are organized in layers different layers may perform different kinds of transformations on their inputs signals travel from the first input to the last output layer possibly after traversing the layers multiple times the original goal of the neural network approach was to solve problems in the same way that a human brain would over time attention focused on matching specific mental abilities leading to deviations from biology such as back propagation or passing information in the reverse direction and adjusting the network to reflect that information neural networks have been used on a variety of tasks including comp uter vision speech recognition machine translatio n social network filtering playing board and video games medical diagnosis and in many other domains the most common type of artificial neural network consists of three groups or layers of units a layer of input units is connected to a layer of hidden units which is connected to a layer of output units perceptrons the most influential work on neural nets in the s went under the heading of perceptrons a term coined by frank rosenblatt the perceptron see figure turns out to be an mcp model neuron with weighted inputs with some additional fixed pre pr ocessing units labeled a a aj ap are called association units and their task is to extract specific localized featured from the input images perceptrons mimic the basic idea behind the mammalian visual system they were mainly used in pattern reco gnition even though their capabilities extended a lot more transfer functions the behavior of an ann depends on both the weights and the input output function transfer function that is specified for the units this function typically falls into on e of three categories for linear or ramp the output activity is proportional to the total weighted output for threshold units the output is set at one of two levels depending on whether the total input is greater than or less than some threshold va lue for sigmoid units the output varies continuously but not linearly as the input changes sigmoid units bear a greater resemblance to real neurons than do linear or threshold units but all three must be considered rough approximations assignmen t output assignment nand clear clc w input weight w for nand gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nand function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output or clear clc w input weight w for or gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for or function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output nor clear clc w input weight w for nor gate use wt as i e w w and th eta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nor function disp weights of neuron dis p w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output assignment bipolarnand clear clc w input weight w for nand gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the out put so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not lea rning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nand function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output bipolaror clear clc w input weight w for or gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the output so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end disp mcculloh pitts net for or function disp weights of neu ron disp w disp w disp threshold value disp theta output bipolarnor clear clc w input weight w for nor gate use wt as i e w w and theta works on bipolar as well w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta y x x z this is the ou tput so change accordingly for and or nand and nor con while con zin x w x w for i if zin i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for nor functio n disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp thresh old value disp theta output assignment clear clc w input bias w follow the input sequence as as w w w w w w w w w w input weight w w input weight w w input bias w w input weight w w input we ight w w input bias w w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value thershold is for all theta input theta theta input theta theta input theta y y y x x z con while con z in x w x w w z in x w x w w for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end z in y w y w w for i if z in i theta y i else y i end end disp output of net disp y if y z con else disp net is not learning enter anther set of weights and thershold value w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w w input weight w disp enter threshold value theta input theta theta input theta theta input theta end end disp mcculloh pitts net for xor function disp biases disp w disp w disp w disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp threshold values disp theta disp theta disp theta assignment clear clc w w w w w w w output fig mlp w w r y y y x x z d d d con while con for i z in x i w x i w w y activation function z in z in x i w x i w w y activation function z in z in y w y w w y activation function z in d z i y y y d in d w d d in y y d in d w d d in y y w w r d w w r d y w w r d y w w r d w w r d x i w w r d x i w w r d w w r d x i w w r d x i con con end end disp backpropagation net for xor function disp weights of neuron disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp w disp check intr while intr disp enter check value i input i i input i k i w i w w k activation function k k i w i w w k activation function k k k w k w w k activation function k disp output of net disp k disp enter to continue to abort intr input continue end output discussion we wrote and run the programs in matlab to simulate various logical gates and their bipolar variants including xor with backpropagation perceptron was developed for nand or andnot nor and their bipolar variants except xor gate two neurons were connected serially for xor gate for each problem weights and threshold values were taken as input and then checked to see if they generated d esired output this process was repeated correct output were obtained conclusion thus from this lab session we became familiarized with t he concept of neurons neural networks and perceptron ", " ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org comparison between traditional approach and object oriented approach in software engineering development nabil mohammed ali munassar phd student rd year of computer science engineering jawaharlal nehru technological university kuktapally hyderabad andhra pradesh india dr a govardhan professor of computer science engineering principal jntuh of engineering college jagityal karimnagar dt a p india abstract t his pa per discusses the comparison between tr aditional approaches and object oriented approach traditional approach has a lot of models that deal with different types of projects such as waterfall spiral iterative and v shaped but all of them and other lack flexibility to deal with other kinds of projects like object oriented object oriented software engineering oose is an object modeling language and methodology the approach of using object oriented techniques for designing a system is referred to as object oriented design object oriented development approaches are best suited to projects that will imply systems using emerging object technologies to construct manage and assemble those objects into useful computer applications object oriented design is the continuation of object oriented analysis continuing to center the development focus on object modeling techniques keywords s software engineering traditional approach object oriented approach analysis design deployment test me thodology compariso n between traditional approach and object oriented approach i i ntroduction all software especially large pieces of software produced by many people should be produced using some kind of methodology even small pieces of software developed by one person c an be improved by keeping a methodology in mind a methodology is a systematic way of doing things it is a repeatable process that we can follow from the earliest stages of software development through to the maintenance of an installed system as well as the process a methodology should specify what we re expected to produce as we follow the process a methodology will also include recommendation or techniques for resource management planning scheduling and other management tasks good widely availabl e methodologies are essential for a mature software industry a good methodology will address at least the following issues planning scheduling resourcing workflows activities roles artifacts education there are a number of phases common to every development regardless of methodology starting with requirements capture and ending with maintenance during the last few decades a number of software development models have been proposed and discussed within the software engineering community with the traditional approach you re expected to move forward gracefully from one phase to the other with the modern approach on the other hand you re allowed to perform each phase m ore than once and in any order ii t raditional a pproach there are a n umber of phases common to every development regardless of methodology starting with requirements capture and ending with maintenance with the traditional approach will be expected to move forward gracefully from one phase to the other the list below d escribes the common phases in software development a requirements requirements capture is about discovering what is going to achieve with new piece of software and has two aspects business modeling involves understanding the context in which software will operate a system requirement modeling or functional specification means deciding what capabilities the new soft ware will have and writing down those capabilities b analysis analysis means understanding what are dealing with before design ing a solution it need s to be clear about the relevant entities their properties and their inter relationships also need s to be able to verify understanding this can involve customers and end users since they re like ly to be subject matter experts c design in the design phase will work out how to solve the problem in other words make decisions based on experience estimation and intuition about what software which will write and how will deploy it system design breaks the system down into logical subsystems processes and physical subsystems computers and networks decides how machines will comm unicate and chooses the right techn ologies for the job and so on d specification specification is an often ignored or at least often neglected phase the term specification is used in different ways by different developers for example the output of the requirements phase is a specification of what the system must be able to do the output of analysis is a specification of what are dealing with and so on ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org code test system information engineering analysis design e implementation in this phase is writing pieces of code that work together to form subsys tems which in turn collaborate to form the whole system the sort of the task which is carried out during the implementation phase is write the method bodies for the inventory class in such a way that they conform to their specification f testing w hen the software is complete it must be tested against the system requirements to see if it fits the original goals it is a good idea for programmers to perform small tests as they go along to improve the quality of the code that they deliver g depl oyment in the deployment phase are concerned with getting the hardware and software to the end users along with manuals and training materials this may be a complex process involving a gradual planned transition from the old way of working to the new one h maintenance when the system is deployed it has only just been born a long life stretches before it during which it has to stand up to everyday use this is where the real testing happens the sort of the problem which is discovered discover during the maintenance phase is when the log on window opens it still contains the last password entered as the software developers we normally interested in maintenance because of the faults bugs that are found in software must find the faults and remove them as quickly as possible rolling out fixed versions of the software to keep the end users happy as well as faults users may discover deficiencies things that the system should do but doesn t and extra requirements things that wou ld improve the system figure the linear sequential model iii o bject o riented a pproach in object oriented approach a system is viewed as a set of objects all object orientation experts agree that a good methodology is essential for software development especially when working in teams thus quite a few methodologies have been invente d over the last decade broadly speaking all object oriented methodologies are alike they have similar phases and similar artifacts but there are many small differences object oriented methodologies tend not to be too prescriptive the developers are given some choice about whether they use a particular type of diagram for example therefore the development team must select a methodology and agree which artifacts are to be produced before they do any detailed planning or scheduling in general eac h methodology addresses the philosophy behind each of the phases the workflows and the individual activities within each phase the artifacts that should be produced diagrams textual descriptions and code dependencies between the artifacts notations for the different kinds of artifact s the need to model static structure and dynamic behavior static modeling involves deciding what the logical or physical parts of the system should be and how they should be connected together dynamic modeling is abou t deciding how the static parts should collaborate roughly speaking static modeling describes how we construct and initialize the system while dynamic modeling describes how the system should behave when it s running typically we produce at least one static model and one dynamic model during each phase of the development some methodologies especially the more comprehensive ones have alternative development paths geared to different types and sizes of development the benefits of object oriente d development are reduced time to market greater product flexibility and schedule predictability and the risks of them are performance and start up costs a analysis the aim of the analysis process is to analyze specify and define the system which i s to be built in this phase we build models that will make it easier for us to understand the system the models that are developed during analysis are oriented fully to the application and not the implementation environment they are essential models that are independent of such things as operating system programming language dbms processor distribution or hardware configuration two different models are developed in analysis the requirements model and the analysis model these are based on requi rement specifications and discussions with the prospective users the first model the requirements model should make it possible to delimit the system and to define what functionality should take place within it for this purpose we develop a conceptual picture of the system using problem domain objects and also specific interface descriptions of the system if it is meaningful for this system we also describe the system as a number of use cases that are performed by a number of actor s the analysis model is an architectural model used for analysis of robustness it gives a conceptual configuration of the system consisting of various object classes active controllers domain entities and interface objects the purpose of this model is to find a robust and extensible structure for the system as a base for construction each of the object types has its own special purpose for this robustness and together they will offer the total functionality that was specified in the requirements mo del to manage the development the analysis model may combine objects into subsystems ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org b construction we build our system through construction based on the analysis model and the requirements model created by the analysis process the construction process lasts until the coding is completed and the included units have been tested there are three main reas ons for a construction process the analysis model is not sufficiently formal adaptation must be made to the actual implementation environment we want t o do internal validation of the analysis results the construction activity produces two models th e design model and the implementation model construction is thus divided into two phases design and implementation each of which develops a model the design model is a further refinement and formalization of the analysis model where consequences of the implementation environment have been taken into account the implementation model is the actual implementation code of the system c testing testing is an activity to verify that a correct system is being built testing is traditionally an expensive activity primarily because many faults are not detected until late in the development to do effective testing we must have as a goal that every test should detect a fault unit testing is performed to test a specific unit where a unit can be of varying size from a class up to an entire subsystem the unit is initially tested structurally that is white box testing this means that we use our knowledge of the inside of the unit to test it we have various coverage criteria for the test the minimum be ing to cover all statements however coverage criteria can be hard to define due to polymorphism many branches are made implicit in an object oriented system however polymorphism also enhances the independence of each object making them easier to tes t as standalone units the use of inheritance also complicates testing since we may need to retest operations at different levels in the inheritance hierarchy on the other hand since we typically have less code there is less to test specification test ing of a unit is done primarily from the object protocol so called black box testing here we use equivalence partitioning to find appropriate test cases test planning must be done early along with the identification and specification of tests d u ml by the mid s the best known methodologies were those invented by ivar jacobson james rumbaugh and grady booch each had his own consulting company using his own methodology and his own notation by jacobson and rumbaugh had joined rational c orporation and they had developed a set of notations which became known as the unified modeling language uml the three amigos as they have become known donated uml to the object management group omg for safekeeping and improvement omg is a not for profit industry consortium founded in to promote open standards for enterprise level object technology their ot her well known work is corba use case diagram a use case is a static description of some way in which a system or a business is used by its customers its users or by other systems a use case diagram shows how system use cases are related to each other and how the users can get at them each bubble on a use case diagram represents a use case and each stick person represents a user figure depicts a car rental store accessible over the internet from this picture we can extract a lot of information quite easily for example an assistant can make a reservation a customer can look for car models members can log on users mus t be logged on before they c an make reservations and so on figure a use case d iagram class diagram analysis level a class diagram shows which classes exist in the business during analysis or in the system itself during subsystem design figure shows an example of an analysis level class diagram with each class represented as a labeled box as well as the classes themselves a class diagram shows how objects of these classes can be connected together for example figure shows that a carmodel has inside it a carmodeldetails referred to as its details u view car model details extends u extended by u preconditions none a customer selects one of the matching car models b customer requests details of the selected car model c icoot displays details of the selected car model make engine size price description advert and poster d if customer is a logged on member extend with u postconditions icoot has displayed details of selected car models nonfunctional requirements r adverts should be displayed using a streaming protocol rather than requ iring a download ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org figure a class d iagram at the a nalysis l evel communication diagram a communication diagram as its name suggests shows collaborations between objects the one shown in figure describes the process of reserving a car model over the internet a member tells the memberui to reserve a carmodel the member ui tells the reservationhome to create a reservation for the given carmodel and the current member the memberui then asks the new reservation for its number and returns this to the member deployment diagram a deployment diagram shows how the complete d system will be deployed on one or more machines a deployment diagram can include all sorts of features such as machines processes files and dependencies figure shows that any number of htmlclient nodes each hosting a web browser and guiclient nod es communicate with two server machines each hosting a webserver and a cootbusinessserver each web server communicates with a cootbusinessserver and each cootbusinessserver communicates with a dbms runni ng on one of two dbserver nodes figure a communication d iagram figure a deployment diagram class diagram design level the class diagram shown in figure uses the same notation as the one introduced in figure the only difference is that design level class diagrams tend to use mor e of the available notation because they are more detailed this one expands on part of the analysis class diagram to show methods constructors and navigability ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org figure a design level c lass d iagram sequence diagram a sequence diagram shows interactions between objects communication diagrams also show interactions between objects but in a way that emphasizes links rather than sequence sequence diagrams are used during subsystem design but they are equally applicab le to dynamic modeling during analysis system design and even requirements capture the diagram in figure specifies how a member can log off from the system messages are shown as arrows flowing between vertical bars that represent objects each object is named at the top of its bar time flows down the page on a sequence diagram so figure specifies in brief a member asks the authenticationservlet to logoff the authenticationservlet passes the request on to the authenticationserver reading the i d from the browser session the authenticationserver finds the corresponding member object and tells it to set its session id to the member passes this request on to its internetaccount finally the member is presented with the home page figure a sequence d iagram from the d esign p hase iv c omparison between t raditonal a pproach and o bject o riented a pproach to d evelopment in s oftware e ngineering summarize the comparison between traditional approach and object oriented approach shows t hrough the table t able c omparison between t raditional a pproach and o bject o riented a pproach table i traditional approach object oriented approach used to develop the traditional projects that uses procedural programming used to develop object oriented projects that depends on object oriented programming uses common processes likes analysis design implementation and testing uses uml notations likes use case class diagram communication diagram development diagram and sequence d iagram depends on the size of projects and type of projects depends on the experience of the team and complexity of projects through the numbers of objects need s to large duration sometimes to development the large projects need to more time than traditional approach and leads that to more cost the problem of traditional approach using classical life cycle the object oriented software life cycle identifies the three traditional activities of analysis design and implementation ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org figure i llustrate t he d ifferent m odels o f t raditional a pproach with different p rojects from the previous figure which illustrate s the five models from traditional approach that deal s with three types of projects where we notice the waterfall model deals properly with large and medium projects like spiral model and iterative model that need s more time more cost and experience for team however the v shape model and xp model use proper ly with medium and small projects because they need little time and some experience of team to perform projects figure illustrate t he d ifferent c riteria complexity experience and cost for traditional approach and object oriented approach from the previous chart illustrate s the some criteria such as complexity experience and cost in traditional approach this criterion depends on the type of model and size of project but in general as shows from figure is little above from the middle however the object oriented approach depends on the complexity of project that leads to increase the cost than other approach v c onclusion and f uture w ork after completing this paper it is concluded that as with any technology or tool invented by human beings all se methodologies have limitations t he software engineering develop ment has two ways to develop the projects that traditional approach and object oriented approach the traditional a pproach uses traditional projects that use d in development of their procedural programming like c this approach leads software developers to focus on decomposition of larger algorithms into smaller ones the object oriented approach uses to development t he object oriented projects that use the object oriented programming like c and java the object oriented approach to software development has a decided advantage over the traditional approach in dealing with complexity and the fact that most contempora ry languages and tools are object oriented finally some topics can be suggested for future works design the model that includes the features of traditional approach and object oriented approach to develop and deals with different projects in software e ngineering updating some traditional approach to be able to use different type s of projects simplifying the object oriented approach through its steps to use the smallest projects that deal with simple programming r eferences mike o docherty object o riented analysis and design understanding system development with uml john wiley sons ltd england oriented software engineering systems sweden th edition springer science business media inc third edition oriented analysis and design addison wesley longman inc second edition mcgraw hill th edition oriented a the relationships between classical software engineering and agile method ering notes vol no authors profile nabil mohammed ali munassar was born in jeddah saudi arabia in he studied computer science at university of science and technology yemen from to in he received the bachelor degre e he studied master of information technology at arab academic yemen from to now he ph d student rd year of cse at jawaharlal nehru technological university jntu hyderabad a p india he is working as associate professor in computer s cience engineering college in university of science and technology yemen his areas of interest include software engineering system analysis and design databases and object oriented technologies traditiona app complixity experience cost object oriented app ijacsa international journal of advanced computer science and applications vol no page www ijacsa thesai org dr a govardhan received ph d degree in computer scie nce and engineering from jawaharlal nehru technological university in m tech from jawaharlal nehru university in and b e from osmania university in he is working as a principal of jawaharlal nehru technological university jagitial he has published around papers in various national and international journals conferences his research of interest includes databases data warehousing mining information retrieval computer networks image processing software engineering search eng ines and object oriented technologies ", "sr network engineer sr network engineer delta airlines eagan mn email me on indeed indeed com r b bb over years of experience cisco juniper jncia and experience with designing architecting deploying and troubleshooting network security infrastructure on routers switches l l firewalls of various vendor equipment extensive work experience with cisco routers cisco switches load balancers and firewalls experience in layer routing and layer switching dealt with nexus models like k k k series cisco router models like series and cisco catalyst series switches expertise in installing configuring and troubleshooting of cisco routers hands on experience in troubleshooting and deploying of various ip routing protocols eigrp rip v ospf is is bgp implemented security policies using acl ipsec vpn aaa security tacacs and radius on different series of routers and firewalls installation and configuration of cisco series switches cisco series routers experience with cisco datacenter switches nexus and hands on experience with f load balancers ltm gtm series like for the corporate applications designing and configuring of ospf bgp on juniper routers mx mx and srx firewalls srx srx expertise in configuration of routing protocols and deployment of ospf eigrp bgp and policy routing over cisco routers experience with design and deployment of mpls layer vpn mpls traffic engineering mpls qos experience in adding rules and monitoring checkpoint firewall traffic through smart dashboard and smart view tracker applications configured client to site vpn using ssl client on cisco asa ver configured asa firewall to support cisco vpn client on windows xp vista installation configuration and troubleshooting of f load balancers experience with designing deploying and troubleshooting lan wan frame relay ether channel ip routing protocols ripv ospf eigrp bgp acl s nat vlan stp vtp implemented redundancy with hsrp vrrp glbp ether channel technology lacp pagp etc strong hands on experience on pix firewalls asa firewalls implemented security policies using acl firewall ipsec ssl vpn ips ids aaa tacacs radius experience working with cisco ios xr on the asr devices for mpls deployments efficient designing of ip addressing scenario using vlsm and sub netting configured security policies including nat pat vpn s and access control lists extensive experience using microsoft suite like word visio excel powerpoint willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience sr network engineer delta airlines eagan mn july to present description delta airlines is a american airline with its headquarters and largest hub at hartsfeild jackson atlanta international airport in atlanta ga the airline along with its subsidiaries operate over flights daily and serve an extensive domestic and international network that includes destinations in countries on six continents responsibilities responsible for designing and implementation of customer s network and security infrastructure involved in complete lan wan extranet redesign including ip address planning designing installation pre configuration of network equipment testing and maintenance in both campus and branch networks responsible for cisco asa firewall administration across our networks and support customer with the configuration and maintenance of the firewall systems experience with end to end migration of dmz server including vendor connectivity experience with designing implementing and troubleshooting cisco routers and switches using different routing protocols like ospf eigrp bgp isis and mpls l vpn vrf experience with converting cisco ios to cisco nexus nx os in the data center environment experience with configuring nexus fabric extender fex which acts as a remote line card module for the nexus experience in configuring upgrading and verifying the nx os operating system actively involved in switching technology administration including creating and managing vlans port security x trunking q rpvst inter vlan routing and lan security on cisco catalyst r e e and nexus switches configuring ipsec vpn on srx series firewalls worked extensively in configuring monitoring and troubleshooting cisco s asa security appliance failover dmz zoning configuring vlans routing nating with the firewalls as per the design provided load balancing towards access layer from core layer using f network load balancers managed the f big ip gtm ltm appliances which include writing irules ssl offload and everyday task of creating wip and vips involved in disaster recovery activity like diverting all the traffic from the production data center to disaster recovery data center deployed a large scale hsrp solution to improve the uptime of collocation customers in the event of core router becoming unreachable configured and designed lan networks with access layer switches such as cisco switches configuring virtual chassis for juniper switches ex firewalls srx implemented hsrp on the cisco g layer switches and eigrp ospf on cisco routers the layer switch cisco xl switches cisco xl switches for load balancing and failover configuring asa firewall and allow deny rules for network traffic extensive knowledge and troubleshooting in data communication protocols and standards including tcp ip udp ieee token ring cable modem pppoe adsl multilayer switching dod standards monitoring and troubleshooting of wireless issues in the network environment asa firewalls ospf eigrp bgp isis mpls l vpn vrf vlan port security trunking nexus switches wip vip tcp ip udp ieee token ring cable modem adsl multilayer switching dod standards network analyst fidelity investments merrimack nhfeb to may description fidelity investments is an american multinational financial services corporation it is the fourth largest mutual fund and financial services group in the world fidelity investments manages a large family of mutual funds provides fund distribution and investment advice services as well as providing discount brokerage services retirement services wealth management securities execution life insurance responsibilities experience with supporting both network and security infrastructure in the data center environment and campus environment which involved with devices such as routers switches firewalls and wireless access points strong hands on experience on asa firewalls implemented security policies using acl firewall ipsec ssl vpn ips ids aaa tacacs radius experience with implementing cisco vss on the user distribution switches upgraded ios on the different asa flavors like and firewalls working with mpls designs from the pe to ce and also configuring vrf on pe routers experience with designing and deployment of mpls traffic engineering configuring rip ospf eigrp bgp mpls qos atm and frame relay strategies for the expansion of the mpls vpn networks working knowledge of cisco ios cisco ios xr cisco cat os cisco nx os junos experience with configuring bgp in the data center and also using bgp as a wan protocol and manipulating bgp attributes design and deployment of mpls qos mpls multicasting per company standards implemented site to site vpn in juniper srx as per customer implemented various ex srx j series juniper devices experience with deploying fabric path using nexus devices experience with configuring vpc vdc and otv between the data centers as a layer extension maintenance and troubleshooting of lan wan ip routing multilayer switching performing on site data center support including monitoring electrical power switch alarms network alerts and access logs configuring rip ospf and static routing on juniper m and mx series routers configuring vlan spanning tree vstp snmp on ex series switches dealt with monitoring tools like solar winds cisco works network packet capture tools like wire shark maintained a network with more than network devices some end hosts and the other network devices like dhcp dns servers firewall servers environment acl ipsec ssl vpn ips ids aaa rip ospf eigrp bgp mpls qos atm frame relay vstp snmp dhcp dns servers firewall network engineer dimension data irvine ca october to december description dimension data is a global company specializing in information technology services with operations on every inhabited continent dimension data s focus area include network integration security solutions data center solutions converged communications customer interactive solutions and support services responsibilities configuration and administration of cisco and juniper routers and switches administration and diagnostics of lan and wan with in depth knowledge of tcp ip nat ppp isdn and associates network protocols and services involved in design and implementation of data center migration worked on implementation strategies for the expansion of the mpls vpn networks experience in migration of frame relay based branches to mpls based technology using multilayer stackable switch like series and series router configuring vlans and implementing inter vlan routing testing e voicemail media gateways upgrading and troubleshooting cisco ios to the cisco switches and routers configure and troubleshoot juniper ex series switches and routers configuring site to site to vpn connectivity implementation of hsrp ipsec static route ipsec over gre and dynamic routing protocol involved in configuring cisco net flow for network performance and monitoring involved in designing and implementation of wireless ipt devices involved in configuration of cisco ace switches configuring ipsla monitor to track the different ip route when disaster occurs involved in implementing planning and preparing disaster recovery having meetings with the application group and gathering requirements for disaster recovery involved in smart view tracker to check the firewall traffic troubleshooting hardware and network related problems environment nat ppp isdn tcp ip series switch series router inter vlan hsrp ipsec static route ipsla smart view tracker network engineer gap inc pleasanton cafeb to august description gap inc or gap is an american worldwide clothing and accessories retailer it was founded in by donald fisher and doris f fisher and is headquartered in san francisco ca responsibilities responsible for the installation configuration maintenance and troubleshooting of the company network duties included monitoring network performance using various network tools to ensure the availability integrity and confidentiality of application and equipment configured and troubleshoot ospf and eigrp involved in troubleshooting of dns dhcp and other ip conflict problems planning and configuring the routing protocols such as ospf rip and static routing on the routers wan infrastructure runsospf bgp as core routing protocol support various routers like series routers tested authentication in ospf and bgp switching related tasks included implementing vlans vtp stp and configuring on the fast ethernet channel between switches responsible for configuring a site to site vpn on vpn concentrator series between head office and branch office installation configuration of cisco vpn concentrator for vpn tunnel with cisco vpn hardware software client and pix firewall configured firewall logging dmzs related security policies monitoring worked on cisco layer switches spanning tree vlan hands on experience working with security issues like applying acl s configuring nat and vpn responsible for internal and external accounts and managing lan wan and checking for security involved in network migrations configuring cisco and juniper devices router switches dynamic routing protocol configuration like rip and ospf troubleshooting level network problems nat and ipsec configuration on cisco routers creating private vlans preventing vlan hopping attacks mitigating spoofing with snooping ip source guard environment dns dhcp cisco routers series vlans vtp stp site to site vpn pix firewall nat acl vlan hopping attacks spoofing network engineer pune maharashtra may to december description lan security plays a significant part in the security strategy of enterprise networks nevis networks is a specialist in the area of enterprise lan security providing multi layered scalable and highly unified solutions to combat advanced threats responsibilities experience with cisco switches and routers physical cabling ip addresses wide area network configurations frame relay and atm configured the cisco router as ip firewall and for natting configured static nat dynamic nat dynamic nat overloading install and configure servers desktops and networking equipment used wireshark to analyze the networks recommended and implemented improved documentation including troubleshooting checklists escalation guidelines phone numbers and status report educational emailing protocols migration of rip v to ospf bgp routing protocols created vlan and inter vlan routing with multilayer switching configured of ip allocation and sub netting for all applications and servers and other needs throughout the company using flsm vlsm addressing performed redistribution with ospf eigrp rip version and to enable communication with backbone provide assistance to network manager and serve as secondary network support involved in installing and configuring pix e firewall used various network sniffers like ethereal tcp dump etc designed network connectivity and network security between various offices and data center installed and configured routers including along with cisco switches including and environment nat ripv eigrp ospf frame relay atm bgp ethereal tcp dump cisco routers cisco switches education technology jawaharlal nehru technological university hyderabad andhra pradesh in ", "junior network engineer junior network engineer university of maryland orthopaedic and rehabilitation institute laurel md email me on indeed indeed com r c abc faa f d career summary to pursue a career that is challenging yet rewarding while exhibiting strong analytical customer service problem solving negotiation teaching and organizational skills adept administrator with years of experience implementing processes to create more efficient organizations in the areas of administration human resources and operations self motivated leader with ability to research plan coordinate problem solve and execute complex and multiple tasks in fast paced environments strong analytical interpersonal and team building skills excellent oral and written communication skills proficient with the microsoft office work experience junior network engineer university of maryland orthopaedic and rehabilitation institute april to present internship with the senior network engineer of various umms locations trouble shooting lan and wan connections layer and layer routing rip eigrp ospf bgp and mpls stacking and configuring multiple switches layer and layer with cisco switches and routers manages and understands the important issues that have connections with administering and maintaining business infrastructure including network connectivity net access email and other task with network connection understands the subjects associated in administering as well as maintaining business wan perform switch audits using fluke networks link runner senior financial control specialist works with umms september to present oversees the financial payment functions within the department and serve as departmental extension for accounts payable as they relate to processing of transactions serves as a liaison as it relates to vendor payment disputes executes communicates and enforce changes in department procedures to staff and umms departments works with umms facilities to organize and maintain system processes as it relates to accounts payable works with department managers at all facilities with various specific needs including the analysis of the budget variance issues assists them in understanding pmm system and transaction processing issues offers guidance and direction to assist accounts payable staff when required assists medical system departments and vendors in understanding accounts payable policies and procedures and the procurement process communicates to the respective medical system departments and vendors regarding invoice price quantity item type or other discrepancies and clarifies resolve or obtains information in accordance with departmental procedures works with purchasing and receiving to resolve invoice discrepancy issues and resolve routine vendor request or questions concerning payment under general direction leads and implements accounts payable performance improvement initiatives inputting exception hours into a database respond to customer concerns research billing status and resolve customer concerns administrative assistant iii patient placement and resource allocation september to november perform diversified administrative duties and serve as aaiii and referral coordinator to the sr director of patient placement and resource allocation staffing and resource office infection control respiratory therapy wound care employee health psychiatry ethics committee pharmacy and case management departments duties include but are not limited to provide administrative and technical support for the director and various departments provide organization and expedite office support while providing administrative instructions in the absence of the director supervisor prepare and review a variety of materials to make necessary corrections and recommendations for review and approval in accordance with departmental procedures act as staffing coordinator in the absence of the administrative staffing coordinator assistant schedule conferences and meetings with appropriate accommodations and locations attend ethics committee staff meetings for note taking minutes prepare final formal submission submit inpatient referrals for approval or denial secure location for all incoming patient coordinate and communicate admission details and patient demographics to inpatient rehabilitation units contact facilities and process forms of patients transitions to other levels of care in the absence of the supervisor monthly tracking of professional licensures timely renewals expired licenses and disciplinary actions for monthly managers report for all licensed staff nurses respiratory therapy dieticians dentistry etc create and prepare monthly surgical letters per surgeon indication of surgical site infections or non infection for infection control coordinator update healthstream a learning management system with mandatory annual ppd tuberculosis for employees submit requests for interpreter services as well as preparing and maintaining invoices for the a p department maintain calendar of all daily interpreting schedules bi weekly payroll reconciliation using kronos time and attendance system to reduce payroll errors and increase data accuracy track leave balances branch product manager tti inc february to august duties include but were not limited to acted as liaison between manufacturer representatives and branch sales representatives negotiated prices to yield highest possible gross profit built effective relationships with all manufacturer representatives to foster goodwill for company interfaced with manufacturer representatives to avert and resolve issues conducted training session to upgrade sales representative product knowledge provided technical product knowledge for sales representatives with cross reference material provided current manufacturer product and price catalogues to sales representatives maintained and updated manuals of ship and debits by customer researched competitor products policies and pricing participated actively in company total quality process acquired market share data from manufacturer representatives and suppliers reads analyze and interprets business periodicals professional journals technical procedures and governmental regulations writes reports correspondence and procedure manuals analyzes impact of decisions before execution calculates discounts interest commissions proportions and percentages tti inc columbia md february to august branch product manager assistant customer service representative tti inc to duties include but were not limited to supported branch product manager and sales representatives expedited orders shipments from manufacturers and or customers resolve customer concerns i e issues problems administrative assistant to general administrative duties education customer service catonsville community college baltimore md december certification anne arundel community college hanover md december ", "network engineer intern network engineer intern email me on indeed indeed com r ec f bfce a work experience network engineer intern iq solutions rockville md september to december assisting senior network engineer with enterprise firewall settings and activation implementing mac address filtering to allow trusted connections get secured access to the network liaising with the it infrastructure team to log assessment and inventory check for all networking and it equipment activation and setup of aruba device networks for employees accessing remotely liaising with networking team on enterprise data center shift project to a remote location in the coming months programmer analyst trainee quality assurance cognizant technology solutions chennai tamil nadu september to may managed quality assurance testing cycles for pharmaceutical client astrazeneca performed local and full regression testing cycles pertaining to client user interfaces and online databases connectivity liaised with product management and development teams on application remediation within software development life cycles led knowledge transfer sessions with new quality assurance teams and recommend new testing strategies bsnl govt of india bangalore karnataka july to august mpls technology solutions collaborated with engineering teams with specification designs and implementations of managed leased line networks designed and implemented multi protocol label switches for bangalore post office branches implemented managed leased network topology and surveyed main hlr routers throughout city of bangalore published best practice findings pertaining to provisioning of multi protocol label switching into district telecom centers education master of science in telecommunication and management university of maryland college park md september to may bachelor of engineering in telecommunications bms institute of technology bangalore karnataka september to june skills databases less than year access less than year bgp less than year c less than year ccna less than year additional information technical skills programming languages and tools java c c matlab html python databases certification github linux ubuntu windows and osx cisco ios mentum planet windows keil nmap aircrack metasploit kali linux firewalls mininet linux ubuntu sas viewer windows excel powerpoint access word windows keynote os x ccna commands networking protocols bgp tcp ip udp mpls vpn mlln ipv arp rip v v ospf dns dnssec dhcp ethernet dvr sdn ", "network engineer co op network security engineer new york ny email me on indeed indeed com r d d cf f network security engineer with an expertise to design and troubleshoot complex networks looking for a fulltime opportunity starting from august to become an asset to the company willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer co op sei investments philadelphia pa march to december contributed towards the network development for sei investments as a network engineer maintained the network performance by troubleshooting tickets using magic ticketing system on a daily basis and performed required configuration changes to the network responsible for configuring and maintaining the existing lan and wan infrastructure and was actively assisting to deploy new projects proficient in the use and configuration of different protocols dhcp dns hsrp eigrp ospf bgp mpls dmvpn worked in deploying waas wan optimization device for the company which led to optimized traffic and also provided support for the technology performed periodic health checks and performance analysis on firewall configured and maintained sets of acl s in the core network network security intern web security appliance mumbai maharashtra may to july network management advanced work experience with cisco tools ciscoworks infoblox grid manager whatsup gold clean access manage network monitoring wireshark scrutinizer cisco waas waas express cisco wsa riverbed steel response arx c asdm firewalls asa asa routers c c c c network security intern ongc infocom communication systems mumbai india may july observed many networks and scada implementation to connect onshore and offshore rigs with few security protocols trained in the usage of ids ips and firewalls in order to protect the critical scada network from the external networks participated in different risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies for the company under the cyber defense team and have worked around technologies like penetration testing and have been acquainted with protocol analyzer wireshark to apply filters actively trained under the incident response team and support and explored the different incident response procedures security policy training was one of the main elements of the work position education master s in telecommunications engineering rochester institute of technology rochester ny august to august ccna rochester institute of technology bachelor of science in electrical engineering university of mumbai to skills ids year ips year linux year opnet year security year additional information skills gns firewalls network management routing switchi ng operating system windows mac os linux tools matlab packet tracer gns opnet wireshark asdm security ips ids tacacs radius firewalls incident response procedures operational security and cryptography ", "network engineer ii experienced cisco network engineer portland or email me on indeed indeed com r a d c willing to relocate to oregon washington state colorado authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer ii state of oregon salem or april to present network engineer ii subject matter expert contractor office of oregon state chief information officer state data center sustainability project supported replacement and redesign of state agencies dhs odot etc router and switch network converted oregon department of human services wireless network to flexconnect project music mobilizing unified systems and integrated communications sme for state voip migration responsible for configuring and designing state agencies voip router and switch network member of the oregon network architecture review team setup to assist with the stabilization of the oregon state voip network network engineer ibm daimler truck north america portland or october to april support of the dtna network which includes cisco routers switches wlc and wireless access points respond to trouble tickets created by server administrators and other engineers apply patches and performing minor ios upgrades on network devices manage equipment replacements and restore network services troubleshoot network latency and other connectivity problems update and manage dns records work with equipment vendor to resolve chronic network problems technical support engineer iii vocera communications inc san jose ca april to october responsibilities troubleshoot and analyze multicast traffic protocols sip rtp udp using wireshark troubleshoot wireless a b g n infrastructure which includes wireless lan controllers access points and mobile clients configure and troubleshoot dialogic media gateways troubleshoot call flow user group profiles and call permissions analyze server logs to troubleshoot and optimize server efficiency support hospital and health care facilities critical communications related to the vocera infrastructure skills used multicast troubleshooting customer support engineer ii cisco systems inc research triangle nc us june to april vise team virtual internetworking support engineer role focused specifically on failure resolution of network fault situations onsite at customer premises worldwide able to install and configure all cisco product families with few exceptions develop and deliver action plans to field engineers on part replacement activities remotely restore network services at customer location escalation contact for lower tier trained field engineers on ucs hardware replacement process smart fe program network engineer ii centurylink wake forest nc november to june provided tier technical support for dsl business customers ilecs clecs hotel services and centurylink technicians provisioned dslams ethernet and atm access switches and aggregation routers determined and diagnosed network outages remotely monitored and tested dsl lines and cpe equipment troubleshot iptv provisioning configuration issues provided assistance to team members when needed electrical qualifications technician contractor ibm research triangle nc us february to october tested electrical and signal properties of interconnect designs e g infiniband in a controlled lab environment ensured electrical designs met project specifications measured multiple parameters such as return loss attenuation insertion loss crosstalk and impedance responsible for stress testing designs and recording variances to electrical and signal properties data collection and data analysis updated and maintained information database assisted and reported findings head engineer network technician contractor teksystems inc raleigh nc january to february contracted technical skills to various industries on short term and long term projects fiber splicing flextronics inc wireless broadband and network performance testing of flarion technologies flash ofdm technology nextel network cabling glaxosmithkline dsl installations sprint network systems specialist time warner myrtle beach sc february to january responsible for supporting the high speed data road runner product trained new field technicians on road runner product assisted the network engineer in maintaining the network s head end equipment with direct supervision managed broadband equipment and ensured network equipment was configured properly provisioned cmts i e cisco ubr routers handled chronic network issues as part of a team involving field technicians road runner noc and sr network engineer completed and updated trouble tickets using remedy software communications technician iii at t broadband richmond va august to december pilot team member universal technician project one tech fix all trained in fiber technology troubleshoot and repaired broadband cable triple play services which integrated high speed data rf digital tv and telephony resolved network outages using outside plant system schematics provided on call support after hours as part of a scheduled rotation performed plant sweeps i e balanced amplifiers and nodes participated in cli cumulative leakage index measurement education networking technology and information wake technical community college skills wireshark years wireless site surveys years fiber optic splicing and terminanation years voip years certifications licenses a network i net fiber optic technology ccna september to september additional information qualifications hands on experienced network engineer with a strong background supporting lan wan networks in a field setting and fast paced noc environment highly skilled troubleshooting network connectivity issues and hardware problems adept at multitasking and managing teams and projects successfully demonstrated business management acumen and outstanding communication skills proven ability to effectively build a productive working environment with coworkers and clients skills hardware cisco routers cisco catalyst nexus switches cisco ucs servers dslams redback networks calix lucent stinger tellabs afc adtran ericsson marconi alcatel and entrisphere os platforms microsoft windows mac os microsoft exchange server familiar with linux unix and ms dos software vmware zabbix abacus bmc remedy nortel access care cisco webex teamviewer putty and other ssh clients equipment tektronix stealth and micro stealth signal test meters tektronix csa b signal analyzer tektronix c oscilloscope fluke networks dtx cable analyzer agilent e b and agilent es network analyzers siecor otdr sumitomo and fujikura fiber splicers ", "network engineer iii network engineer iii virtualization and automation technologies san jose ca email me on indeed indeed com r bf aae willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer iii virtualization and automation technologies february to present cisco systems inc feb to till date network engineer iii compute ucs b series and c series server ucs central imc supervisor storage products vmax vnxe and netapp protocols iscsi fcoe vsan networking nexus v nexus k port channels and vpc virtualization vsphere and vswitch s vds containers docker automation python and powershell os linux and windows r converged infra flex pod typical day looks like working with customer and help them in building the private cloud environments helping them in optimizing the cloud environments and performing health checks and risk assessments mentoring the new employees automating the routine tasks to improve the efficiency systems analyst hp gen lenovo and dell august to january servers storage products vmax vnxe and netapp and hp par protocols iscsi fcoe networking vsp switches datacenter networking and wireless controllers virtualization vsphere vswitch s vds automation python and powershell converged infra vblock and avaya podfx os winnows r and linux typical day looks like working with r d team and testing the features in converged infrastructure and helping in preparing the documents for the operations team exploring the new features and optimizing the configuration network test engineer teamf networks july to july networking protocols dhcp wireless controllers wireless access points rip ospf sslvpn dns arp vlan lan and wan technologies networking tools wireshark tcpdump programming lang embedded c os linux and windows r typical day looks like working with r d team and testing the networking protocols and fixing the support issues education embedded infotech august to june ", "network engineer network engineer ocala fl email me on indeed indeed com r a e e work experience network engineer think technologies group ocala fl august to august network engineer and systems administrator for this dynamic managed services provider responsible for the installation support and troubleshooting of hypervisors servers networks and related peripherals on customer networks nationwide both remote and on site provide excellent support to end users using a variety of remote and on site tools general manager mr pc ocala fl april to august supervised all operations for this full service it company including sales service support and personnel responsible for the sales service support installation and repair of workstations servers and networks and the supervision of other employees as well as purchasing and rma additional employment history and references upon request education bachelor of arts in radio television university of central florida skills active directory years apache years dns years firewall years iis years certifications licenses microsoft certified professional mcp vmware certified professional cx advanced certified voip engineer certified sonicwall security administrator watchguard certified professional comptia healthcare it technician additional information related skills windows server active directory group policy windows linux vmware cx and other voip phone systems tcp ip networking routing firewall switch management dns bind network printing iis apache web servers raid backup restore storagecraft veeam backupexec connectwise and labtech ", "network engineer network engineer zol networks fresh meadows ny email me on indeed indeed com r dc d professional ccna engineer with vast experience in networking operations administration management and support participant in a wide range of it consulting and integration services projects i have provided my skills and experience to the ny diamond industry for the last years i am a network project leader and manager who energizes a team to achieve results and obtaining my clients s satisfaction is always my number one goal excellent troubleshooter and problem solver under pressured situations professional reliable and motivated individual who loves to be part of a successful team authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer zol networks new york ny march to present network engineer responsible for worldwide security s daily isp wan lan operations providing ip services to over small and mid size companies in manhattan s diamond district bringing revenue to over in planned and designed company s noc provisioning metro ethernet and public class c addressing services planned and designed infrastructure services such as dns dhcp qos and hsrp designed and implemented layer and layer lan infrastructure redundancy and availability services like stp rstp vtp hsrp and vrrp provisioned layer ip ipv wan topologies using technologies like ppp gre and dmvpn in conjunction with dynamic routing protocols like ospf eirgp and ripv implemented in house networking technologies for service distribution migrating over the years from t internet services and shared back bone networks to high speed gigabit services implementing dedicated bandwidth plans stp technologies ipv vlsm sub netting and redundant high availability connections planning implementation management configuration and maintenance of clients complex multi vlans ip network environments planned it network infrastructure with ctos to ensure that networks are tailored and comply with their requirements and needs including designs for vpns voip services wifi lans and digital surveillance networks cloud hosted pbx and sip trunking voip platforms provisioning implementation and management of voip services in partnership with talking platforms usa management and administration of windows server running active directory snmp monitoring dns and dhcp design and implementation of digital video surveillance networks with exacq vision and hikvision platforms technical project manager tek systems inc april to october dmac project manager responsible for large scale corporate and trading relocations of up to users resulting in the merging of bank of america and fleet s it networks sites and infrastructure surveying and design planning infrastructure testing and installations for financial trading floors technical projects rollout coordinator and manager of up to technicians per project pc desktop technician responsible for setups and configuration of users pcs performed hardware and software upgrades and installations installation configuration and support of network devices handheld devices and laptops network technician stanhope networks january to april deployed extension of nyse network to remote site to accommodate employees relocation and to better their productivity upgraded trading posts infrastructure to provide higher data rate transfers resulting in better trading techniques implemented engineering firmware software procedures to critical and sensitive production equipment to improve overall network performance network support analyst directfit inc january to january provided tier desktop support to over employees resolved issues within hybrid multiuser network platforms included windows nt windows oracle systems performed lan wan operations troubleshot lotus notes messaging remote access issues network engineer project manager barnes wentworth inc june to december designed developed and implemented commercial and residential networks accommodating data voice and video technologies lowering costs for service and increasing owner s profits and ownership provided microsoft nt and novell support to small clients managed and supervised technical and electrical teams for various it projects network administrator revlon inc february to june administeered corporate finance s nodes novell network responsible for the daily administration and operation of novell servers led it globalization rollout project upgraded desktops os hardware and network connectivity to further better networks efficiency performed level desktop support for all corporate finance users designed and implemented backup library rd implemented configuration and installation of tcp ip windows nt and windows platforms rollouts to desktops supported and troubleshot daily network issues including mail applications and hardware issues education certification in access control galaxy systems frederick md july to july degree in digital electronic technology computer technology dover business college paramus nj january to december don bosco prep h s ramsey ramsey nj certificate in network technologies metropolitan institute of network technologies jersey city nj skills ccna routing switching layer routing ospf eigrp bgp layer switching vtp trunking stp and vlan management q ipv and ipv planning and subnetting wan lan wlan varied technologies soho networks implementations internet access implementations for customers supporting services from commercial isps in the city of new york hardware cisco routers and switches juniper routers and siwtches sonic wall firewalls netgear and linksys networking routers and switches windows based pcs macs servers pcs dell compaq hp gateway ibm laptops galaxy access control certified engineer technitian troubleshooter cat cat e cat fiber cabling infrastructure technician network testing and analyzing equipment operator software windows server windows windows tcp ip microsoft office suite galaxy access control systems exacq vision surveillance quickbooks antivirus and security software backup utility programs remote access and monitoring programs years certifications licenses ccna routing and switching galaxy system access control additional information excellent intuitive customer service skills excellent professional and personal references available upon request pursues and updates education constantly excellent communication and work ethic skills available for varied shifts overtime weekends and extracurricular projects fluent in spanish language excellent driving record ", "network engineer contractor network engineer contractor bonita springs fl email me on indeed indeed com r c d d cdc d network systems admin engineer i had obtained following industry certifications a net and cisco ccna and i m currently progressing towards the windows server certifications from mcsa all the way to mcse fluently speak and write english and spanish designing and installing microsoft windows servers active directory administration exchange o windows ms office suites vmware vsphere and hyperv hypervisors administration and cloud computing solutions cisco voip cucm cisco asa security appliances cisco enterprise switching and routing wireless technologies ubiquity meraki cisco and netgear design implementation and management of complete cisco merkai network solution symantec anti virus client and management platform experience and sophos puremessage linux management and python programing use of tools and software to monitor manage design administer and secure local area networks designed and implemented to solutions microsoft apple and open source chromebooks for various organizations meraki systems manager and airwatch mobile device management troubleshooting laptop desktop server hardware configuring and troubleshooting mac os x ios devices applications and settings communicate with techs and end users escalation decision making under pressure team work excellent documentation and strong customer service skills itil change management ability to work independently authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer contractor avow hospice naples fl september to june while working as network engineer for a prestigious nonprofit hospice home i was task with documenting the network including visio diagrams for a total of idf and mdf racks logical topology physical topology for the old flat network and the newly designed network topology project managed the design and implementation of a new network environment segmented with several vlans and redundant paths installing and configuring meraki access points meraki ms switches cisco isrs and meraki mx firewalls including an in premises and off premises data center for disaster recovery fail over links dedicated fiber link and vpn re configured cisco access points cisco catalyst switches and asa x administration of cucm ip phone system implemented new features and created step by step how to documents for common phone system procedures such as deploying new phones and voice mail boxes re purposing existing phones resetting passwords generating reports and other management procedures project managed and configured the addition of a second pri on a cisco isr voice gate way configuration of a port fxs card on one of the cisco isr router to utilize dids for analog lines as part of a faxing solution on a new administration building spliced and cross connected pots lines across buildings as part of the fax lines project assisted on the migration from exchange server to office updated ad user ac counts in order to populate the right information on various fields of o with a bulk ad user edit solution assisted on the process of transitioning end users to the newly implemented o participated on the transition from airwatch to meraki systems manager for our mobile manage ment solution implemented a wireless point to point connection between two buildings across a lake and mani pulated rstp port priority values to create an automatic failover link between two meraki access switches desktop support analyst contractor lehigh regional medical center lehigh acres fl august to october implementation of epic medical solutions software and end user training and troubleshooting assisted implementing over new computers and medical equipment including operating systems medical and administrative applications migrating users and computers to a new domain provided hands on hardware support such as connecting computers to the wired network and vlan administration also installed software updates and upgrades on the computers and workstations on the network configured new computers reconfigure and re purpose older machines and set up workstations for new employees ad administration network administration end user support hardware and software troubleshooting network administrator city of bonita springs bonita springs fl january to august maintained and upgraded existing software systems to maximize effective use by city staff evaluate and recommend software and hardware system changes as necessary to improve output of city it systems maintained and repair system hardware as necessary maintain system security to protect city system integrity and safety work with outside provider to improve city web site display an effective professional management presence under stress distinguish priorities and modify those priorities on short notice if circumstances warrant effectively handle crisis and appropriately adjust plans and activities to changes in circumstance analyze and interpret data identify the critical elements and apply the proper solutions transmit verbal and written information and ideas in a timely manner clearly understandable ios devices certified technician repair and troubleshooting apple inc naples fl june to january of ios devices like ipads and iphones os x lion and mountain lion training instructor perform data migrations from mac to mac and pc to mac repair tickets provided technical support to customer s mobile devices and computers both hardware and software provided educational opportunities to customers about their personal products helped troubleshoot and repair issues on an array of mobile devices scheduling of technicians performed data migration from windows to mac os android to ios and other provided one to one essential training on apple devices and operating system creating and maintaining relationships by means of outstanding customer service discovered needs of the customer paired customer with products completed sales transactions and returns student help desk lorenzo walker technical college naples fl august to october computer systems and network support related tasks and skills requested by walk in customers based upon their demand lots of hands on experience with cisco real life like lab environment set ups throughout my class also with multi server and client virtual machine environments education computer systems network support lorenzo walker technical college skills cisco years meraki year vmware years hyper v year rds less than year network administration years system administration years ccna years microsoft server years san years helpdesk years retail years ", "network engineer owner network engineer owner alyeska information technology services llc girdwood ak email me on indeed indeed com r defc c d authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer owner alyeska information technology services llc june to present maintain and manage msp mpls network network consists of nodes cisco and juniper hardware write automation scripts for network analysis write change script templates develop low level design standards for pops to support five s service delivery design engineer and lead implementation engineer designed new transport circuits for carrier exchange platform developed standards and implemented end to end qos across carrier exchange platform consisting of multiple vendors and transport technologies developed installation scopes and detailed installation packages for field tech s collaborated with facilities engineers to determine space power requirements for equipment to be installed could be supported with existing infrastructure converted many pops from cisco to juniper develop and implement advanced qos services to support products sold migrated services from sonet to ip core transport network engineer designed and built new transport infrastructure and services for msp to meet business requirements vendor interoperability testing between brocade nokia ericsson radios network engineer alyeska information technology services llc wilkes barre pa july to december wireless lifecycle projects wcs to pi migration enterprise wireless deployment network engineer teksystems anchorage ak january to june enterprise wireless lifecycle upgrade deploy wireless controllers deployed wlcs using pi templates enterprise routing protocol conversion convert devices from eigrp to ospf network engineer alyeska information technology services llc wilkes barre pa november to december lead engineer and project manager on route switch wireless security projects design install configure and troubleshoot cisco solutions design install and coordinate fcc licensed microwave solutions develop standardized templates and best practices develop formal project structure and documentation education education bloomsburg university of pennsylvania to ", "network engineer network engineer round rock tx email me on indeed indeed com r d e cd ef key skills and accomplishments the following are a partial listing of my skills and accomplishments computer technical skills programming with php c javascript perl and basic programmed entire production automation system saving many man hours per week my clients manager of production department producing millions of direct mail pieces per year for thousands of clients eliminated human error misprints by network administrator and installation with linux various distributions centos slackware redhat microsoft windows x nt xp vista windows novell website creation management and upgrading used best solutions for each client s needs and budget database administration using ms access postgresql and mysql linux server and workstation installation configuration linux program installation and configuration including samba server kernel compiling sendmail qmail openssl apache mysql php shell scripting cli programs including sed awk and grep vi editor purchasing and recommendations on multiple levels of computer equipment and peripherals proficient in consumer computer programs such as adobe cs suite including indesign photoshop and illustrator quarkxpress beta tested for quark inc ms and wordperfect office quicken quickbooks ms great plains accounting dreamweaver sales and marketing produced international travel product sales in excess of million each year for six years created one of the first interactive websites for sales in the travel industry scripted and directed sales people in producing record sales face to face selling for future continuation sales programs grew the business through referral programs work experience network engineer network engineer iii round rock tx september to present president aeo marketing spanish fork ut may to present microsoft professional network solutions everton publishers vmt technologies classical singer magazine family history network and former ut congressman chris cannon marketing and sales consulting network web administrator database administrator computer technician support vice president in charge of marketing and sales teams international cruises and tours provo ut april to april directed and created ads for local and national newspapers magazines websites for new sales produced wrote direct mail pieces managed groups of telemarketers for outbound phone calling professional tour group leader led several groups to brazil and peru links http www ashleyoviatt com ", "network engineer network engineer tulsa federal credit union tulsa ok email me on indeed indeed com r a fd dd with over years in the it industry i specialize in it people skills as well as in solving challenging customer situations my experience and skills have taught me to contribute to a better it working environment i can train it personnel to improve people skills in combination with technology experience in cisco equipment router switches wireless products voip installations and some designing onsite field engineer for dimension data and cisco for years all over san diego county and la over years progressive experience providing superior technical support troubleshooting and network administration for large numbers of users in a multi platform and mixed network environment windows nt xp windows over ethernet and running off the shelf and proprietary software packages experience administering and troubleshooting pbx phone and voicemail systems and cisco switches and routers most recently worked closely with network administrator installing a point to point optical wireless transmission service providing voice and data transmission service between two buildings and windows xp deployment proven record of superior work ethic customer service teamwork and interpersonal skills as evidenced by being awarded intervu s employee of the year for technical windows xp nt intertel phone system lucent definity pbx cisco switches routers series cisco unity voicemail tcp ip sniffer ms exchange server ms office software utilities image patrol ghost vmware cisco vpn applications custom production software cisco call manager windows active directory outlook and server and r vmware virtualization cisco iron port barracuda back up symantec back up r willing to relocate to san diego ca authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer tulsa federal credit union tulsa ok to present position summary the network engineer assists in the development maintenance and supporting the credit union s lan and wan networks voip infrastructure and network security across the organization in addition the network engineer will participate in the installation monitoring maintenance support and optimization of all network hardware software and communication platforms primary responsibilities embody the credit union s core values of trust integrity teamwork and making a difference and ensure that new employees understand and embrace these core values evaluate current network and telecommunications infrastructure with technology changes develop long range plans to address areas of concern to accomplish goals established within the strategic technology plan under the direction of the it manager and information technology steering committee serves as the implementation project manager to include acquisition testing installation operation of hardware and software documentation and educates staff on new technologies and systems responsible for switch configurations vss spanning tree and q trunking and routing configurations while utilizing a strong knowledge of eigrp and bgp peering relationship and traffic flows maintains an activity log of problems analyzes data and makes recommendations for action provides data center and campus building infrastructure design and operational support troubleshooting and configuring as well as fiber channel over ethernet fcoe san configurations and virtual server environments within a lan wan infrastructure analyze and resolve network hardware and software problems by performing diagnostic testing to determine source of problem and make necessary repairs maintain professional communication with supervisor when significant problems and errors in the system occur manages and maintains voip telephony infrastructure to include phone system voicemail and call center services including uccx develops and maintains wireless architecture configure and deploy access points troubleshoot access point interference management of the wireless controller and perform basic wireless site surveys responsible for network security architecture analyzing current network security implementing new systems and procedures when necessary in accordance with sans top cscs oversees ips management firewall configurations and vpns based on project and operational requirements utilizes network access control role configurations based on use and filtering requirements while checking server and firewall logs scrutinizing network traffic for credit union violations and evaluating inconsistent adherence to security policies analyzes and resolves security breaches and vulnerability issues in a timely and accurate fashion prepares documentation of network configuration asset management applications design and assumes responsibility for performing timely and effective user support services assists users in accessing network resources provides phone e mail and in person support to end users provides training for end users on installed user and network software assumes responsibility for establishing and maintaining effective communication and coordination with company personnel and with management maintains regular contact with all departments to obtain information and to correct errors in network operations distributes materials on updated projects keeps users informed of the status of their requests configures software for network installation and company wide implementation completes hardware and software licensing functions and inventory management duties ensures company compliance with software licensing agreements maintain professionalism integrity and ethics in all actions and conversations with internal customers and outside vendors follow policy and procedures related to bank secrecy act bsa anti money laundering aml customer identification program cip and customer due diligence cdd daily to ensure compliance with current regulations performs other duties as assigned network infrastructure administrator oklahoma state university tulsa ok to perform network administration on osu academic and medical networks perform citrix administration vmware with windows server s administration perform network cisco security administration perform project management and help to keep hipaa compliance network administration cisco infrastructure equipment campus wide support several remote osumc clinics check with vendors for innovation on the network lead project with the desktop support team on the medical site major responsibilities performs network administration for the osu university medical network design project for future expansion install new servers and network peripheral devices perform user access administration troubleshoot network problems campus wide and clinics monitor and evaluate system performance with solarwinds and cisco prime evaluate and recommend new products support and administration on aruba wi fi install hardware and software updates administration of cisco voip systems provide administrative assistance on citrix environment administration for cucm voip x and cme medical administration with vmware on the data center manage security and voip projects risc management solution for security and voip projects maintains the integrity of the university computing environment monitor and evaluate system security with cisco asa x ips perform monitor and evaluate backup systems sempana develop and update documentation city network administrator city of owasso owasso ok august to november managed and supported the city s local area network lans and wan wireless lan including several servers running windows exchange server cisco asa cisco x switches support microsoft hyper v servers dell switches dell servers dell san dell das and several network devices in addition responsible for system design maintenance installation security and application analysis in a lan and wlan provided necessary technical assistance and training on various software applications to all city employees performed other it work related to the city s computer systems managed and supported several network printers administered the wireless wide area network connecting eight remote locations with the city s local network responsible for daily backup of the city s lans adding and maintaining users accounts and profiles setting up network printers and troubleshooting network connectivity issues provided support level and administration for the police and fire department s computer aided dispatch record management and court software provided necessary technical assistance and training on other network and desktop applications for all city employees troubleshooted software application problems applied patches and updates as needed offered assistance in utilizing advanced software application techniques maintained the proper records of licenses for software support agreements hardware and software inventory provided consultation with all departments regarding the planning of anticipated computer needs and purchases supervised part time seasonal employees supervised full time desktop support technician lan administrator key personal tulsa ok november to november assisted with deployment and configuration of cisco ips assisted with deployment and configuration of bluecoat assisted with deployment and configuration of cisco switches x stack assisted with deployment of solar wind network monitor soft assisted with deployment and support of xmedius t fax over ip assisted with image deployment of windows enterprise edition supported customized company software over the phone supported windows ad users supported local lan and wan problems supported exchange users cisco field network engineer dimension data of north america san diego ca december to june provided field network support level and for cisco products including voip deployments and support level and in san diego and la county support onsite on san diego county hr respond support dimension data clients level and cisco voip deployment and support support post sale for dimension data clients installation for cisco tele presence family support for xerox voip contract support for pfizer voip contract deployments for hsbc banks in san diego area support routers for bt uk technologies all san diego county network administrator viterra systems ista san diego ca november to december provided support level and for in house users remote users provided support to remote offices worked on server refresh project moving and rack mounting servers network administration of windows nt xp backup administration using veritas exchange and exchange server administration trouble ticket problem resolution installation and configuration of anti virus protection monitoring of network lan and wan servers building of all new microsoft windows servers insurance and maintaining of service level agreements provide and keep up to date all network documentation roll out all users from windows to xp and outlook provide phone support to definite lucent switch roll out microsoft virtual pc installation wan equipment peribit sr bandwidth optimization jr network adminstrator koch membrane systems san diego ca march to march provided support of large lan wan existing of several nt servers and com switch cisco routers hubs support of ms backoffice exchange server win pak server internet information server phone server and repartee server support of monitoring and tracking software total virus defense configuration and upgrades for users performed network data backup and recovery using arcserver backup exec software management of wins and dhcp tcp ip administration and analysis nt administration of account creation and support of network shares management of all software and hardware upgrades management of help desk and desktop support and all trouble ticket call resolution providing level support windows nt compliance rollout on all hardware and software building and configuration of image server and file servers and production servers nt administrator help desk support phone admin san diego ca november to november provided onsite and remote administration for akamai s mixed windows nt and linux ethernet network systems ms exchange email system as well as superior technical support for users running a full range of ms office database and proprietary software applications worked closely with network administrator installing a point to point astroterra optical wireless transmission service providing mbp voice and data transmission service between two buildings extensive experience administering and troubleshooting lucent definity pbx phone systems and audix voicemail for new and existing employees configured and debug cisco switches and routers awarded employee of the year for providing exemplary first and second level technical support for issues ranging from administration and network operating systems to test applications and end user software and hardware support trained and instructed users with varying skill levels on computers and application use actively documented problems with network hardware and communication systems software applications and their respective solutions education ccna trough cisco academy in san diego san diego ca to additional information pursuing ccna security ", "network engineer network engineer miramar fl email me on indeed indeed com r dd ef b highly motivated and service focused it specialist with solid track record of achievement managing data and communications networks in fast paced security conscious environments resourceful and reliable team player adept at devising innovative solutions meeting deadlines and rapidly mastering new technologies and processes bilingual spanish english with strong interpersonal and problem solving talents skilled at working directly with clients and technicians to diagnose and quickly resolve challenging technical issues certifications cisco certified network professional ccnp cisco certified network associate ccna microsoft certified solutions associate windows server comptia project comptia security willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer efg capital international miami fl august to present responsibilities provide it support for efg capital as a network engineer maintain daily functions of the network environment for efg capital responsible for the connectivity between the main office remote sites datacenter and drp site implement modify and maintain network baseline configurations as well as systems provide documentation on network and systems services in order to provide business continuity configure and maintain cisco switch configurations juniper firewall configuration and policy rules between miami headquarters offices and remote sites in order to provide a secure network accomplishments assisted in disaster recovery implementation during building floor flooding causing multiple systems to render useless upgrade ios of cisco network switches and firmware for juniper firewalls utilizing the vendor s suggested upgrade configured nexus up and tp fabric extenders as the core infrastructure using hsrp and ospfv as well as an active active vpc topology at both datacenter sites installed and configured network infrastructure at drp site which consisted of a dmz external cisco switch dmz internal cisco switch checkpoint firewalls juniper ssg m firewall and nexus up network engineer arma global fort bragg nc november to june provide support for the joint special operations command unit as a network engineer perform daily administrative operation and maintenance of server hardware and software maintain systems and network equipment in compliance with security policies implement modify and maintain network and system baseline configurations provide guidance and assistance to peers on system and network related issues provide documentation on systems and network related services and equipment research evaluate and recommend new systems and network technologies implement gre tunnels along with encryption devices to provide communications back to a central site administer tacacs with cisco acs server to secure network devices and allow users to log into cisco devices upgrade cisco routers and switches with the latest ios software and update servers with the latest patches audit communication packages consisting of cisco routers and switch devices in each package utilize solarwinds to monitor and maintain network devices across three different networks utilize netmri to maintain router and switch configuration as well as network policies and health enhanced one of our system packages for virtualization and a better storage solution by implementing skyeras and dell oem dart frog upgraded steelhead riverbeds with the latest ios release configured the in path lan and wan interfaces with proper ip address space installed riverbeds with mobile packages in order to use for wan optimization systems administrator emergint technologies fort bragg nc april to november provide support for the forscom g network as a systems administrator manage over virtual servers on vmware vsphere on the unclassified network administer windows server windows server exchange windows server microsoft system center configuration manager sccm file servers print servers and dhcp servers installed and configured two system center configuration manager servers on separate networks classified and unclassified in support of the forscom migration to fort bragg nc migrated all computer and servers to the new primary site server while maintaining computers and server up to date with the latest security patches update servers and clients on classified and unclassified networks with approved iava patches update servers and clients with microsoft security patches using software update point in sccm administer ibm system storage ds storage manager and create virtual hard disk space in order to provide storage for virtual machines utilize vmware vsphere client to create manage and maintain virtual servers on both unclassified and classified networks installed fedora on dell poweredge r servers and dell poweredge r servers configured ports on brocade netlron mlx for vlan access and switch trunking systems administrator ciber inc fort bragg nc august to april provides support for the usacapoc a g network as a systems administrator manages over virtual servers on the unclassified network administered exchange windows server systems management server symantec antivirus server blackberry server windows server update services wsus and microsoft system center configuration manager sccm manages physical classified servers for the usacapoc a g network provided assistance for remote users and local users located throughout the united states updated local servers remote servers clients and remote clients with approved iava patches using sccm updated servers and clients with security patches from microsoft with wsus administered windows server r datacenter with hyper v and created virtual client computers in a production environment performed a side by side upgrade of sccm central site server on a new domain with software update point in order to update local servers and remote clients with security patches and microsoft updates updated the ios on cisco switches using solarwinds tftp software and configured port security using sticky mac address senior systems technician iv united states army fort bragg nc march to july performed information management officer imo duties for siprnet which included configured network and service device troubleshoot network systems and assisted in network service configuration management and policy implementation performed tasks of secure video teleconference svtc operator scheduler and identifies vtc requirements and plans accordingly maintained an operational sop and updated calendar of events provided vtc endpoint troubleshooting and operational support provided support to end users identified researched and resolved technical problems within units secure networks siprnet local area network lan manager camp victory iraq january to march took lead roles in installation configuration and maintenance of network hardware software and peripheral equipment capturing performance and reliability improvements for three operational networks create standard operating procedures that ensure continuity between transitioning units and employees train and supervise teams in key it support techniques and principles interface with customers to define operational needs and project requirements deliver technical support by quickly and completely resolving issues prior to closing trouble tickets closed more than remedy tickets during operation iraqi freedom vi ensuring connectivity for users at numerous sites near victory base complex manage victory server room shop boosted performance from classified networks by performing maintenance on servers and associated equipment supervised transfer of user accounts and exchange mailboxes to new more efficient virtual servers installed windows server and exchange on multiple servers with raid created user accounts and exchange mailboxes and leveraged veritas software to institute size limitations on shared folders built and configured local area network lan with port security created vlans that enhanced network capabilities and compiled network diagram of all system components developed classroom environment to provide more than it employees with tools and hands on instruction readying junior associates for real world troubleshooting challenges played key role in building and operating tactical package for temporary operational assignments in basra which consisted of configuring over cisco switches with vlan implementation and installing windows servers campus area network can manager united states army fort bragg nc january to january ensured key systems remained at optimal performance achieving average uptime for three classified networks implemented lan wan to support of major training exercises garnered army achievement medal for outstanding support at ulchi focus lens designed network implementation for different major training exercises in support of xviii abn corps g configured routers and switches with vlan trunking protocol and configured switches with port security such as sticky mac address implemented cisco secure acs with tacacs and radius for login authentication and dot x respectively installed windows enterprise edition and windows exchange server on dell poweredge s and s respectively local area network lan technician camp victory iraq january to january excelled as lead technician on joint service civilian team applying network engineering expertise to research and isolate network issues during operation iraqi freedom iii configured and installed numerous switches on installation s lan network numbered more than switches and integrated multi national forces iraq headquarters in baghdad with users across area of operations configured switches with virtual trunking protocol and added them to their respective vtp domain configured and troubleshot issues with x and port security upgraded ios on cisco and switches using solarwinds tftp software local area network lan technician united states army fort bragg nc january to january provided technical support for xviii airborne corps g and assisted in providing communications support for field exercises such as ulchi focus lens in korea configured and installed cisco over switches for a local area network in support of numerous field exercises installed microsoft windows server enterprise edition and microsoft windows exchange server for communications support in a local area network created over user accounts for domain access along with microsoft exchange email education associate of applied science in information technology central texas college killeen tx skills ccnp ccna ccna security mcitp mcsa security project military service service country us branch u s army rank ssg june to august additional information areas of expertise network development maintenance system account administration data system security technologies troubleshooting problem resolution technical assistance user support network diagramming topology technical proficiencies platforms windows server r exchange server windows server exchange server vmware esxi netapp tools cisco call manager express cisco ios ms office suite access excel outlook powerpoint word ms visio remedy it service management solarwinds netmri cisco secure access control server hardware cisco routers series cisco switches series cisco catalyst switches brocade netlron mlx dell poweredge r dell poweredge r dell poweredge ibm system storage ibm bladecenter e cisco ucs flexpod skyera dell oem steelhead riverbed ", "network engineer network engineer army fleet support llc geneva al email me on indeed indeed com r d c a results driven it professional whose qualifications include a degree in computer information systems certified information systems security professional cissp mcitp enterprise administrator vmware vcp acma security network and a designations in depth expertise implementing administering and troubleshooting lan wan wlan network systems strong detailed knowledge of client server patch management solutions nine years of experience in the creation and deployment of solutions protecting network assets proven ability to lead and motivate project teams to ensure success track record for diagnosing complex problems and delivering effective solutions authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer army fleet support llc fort rucker al january to present fort rucker alabama present network engineer security clearance national agency check top level technical support and implementation of network infrastructure modifications and upgrades to medium sized network with approximately servers workstations and users enterprise class active directory design implementation and support for windows server r and domain functional levels server virtualization with vmware vsphere to include p v high availability fault tolerance and backup solutions using veeam and vizioncore products administration of hp lefthand networks iscsi storage area network administration of cisco unified communications call manager voip implementation and administration of pki to include enterprise root ca and subordinate ca design design implementation and administration of websense internet security content filtering implementation and administration of blackberry enterprise server bes express for mobile devices support standard army maintenance information systems stamis to include unix solaris based sarss sams and ulls a e assess threats risks and vulnerabilities from emerging security issues troubleshoot internal and external dns wins and dhcp issues to ensure network problem resolution administration of rsa secureid providing two factor authentications for remote user access control administration of cisco routers switches wireless access points utilizing cisco acs tacacs and radius design aruba wlan for remote airfield access utilizing solar powered access points in process field engineer technical support army fleet support llc fort rucker al to security clearance secret industrial supported workstations and servers in a windows solaris environment spread across a square mile location wan developed optimized and documented workstation imaging process utilizing norton ghost and ris wds recommended changes to improve systems and network configurations while determining hardware or software requirements related to such changes mentored newer field engineers while ensuring a continual improvement atmosphere maintained inventory of all it equipment at the largest airfield on fort rucker wrote several batch files and vb scripts to automate more complicated tasks used tools such as dameware and ms remote desktop to troubleshoot remote workstations utilized numara track it helpdesk software for problem resolution escalation and tracking key projects and achievements education master s in information security and assurance western governors university salt lake city ut to b s in computer information systems management information systems troy university dothan al december skills windows server administration dns dhcp wins active directory group policy dfs r wds kms sccm scup exchange office communications vmware vsphere vmware view veeam backup exec norton ghost hp lefthand iscsi cisco catalyst switches cisco routers certifications licenses cissp november to present mcitp ea vmware vcp security mcitp sa mcitp est network a giac certified incident handler gcih august additional information key projects and achievement engineered and manages microsoft systems center configuration manager sccm architecture for hardware and software inventory control client server patch management and operating system deployment this makes allowances for better accountability management and protection of us government computer assets and cots in house developed software engineered a virtualized test windows r domain to ensure com to mil transition of current organizational software infrastructure this test domain allows for us to test different in house developed software against us army golden master secured servers to affirm operational effectiveness both during and after transition is completed contributing member of team responsible for domain consolidation and migration into a single domain in preparation for upgrade to a windows active directory environment we collapsed five separate domains into a single domain all user accounts and objects were migrated successfully with network uptime and no loss of production on a network consisting of servers and workstations that housed at the time approximately users member of team responsible for successful active directory domain upgrade from windows to windows r member of team responsible for enterprise network infrastructure upgrade consisting of the removal and replacement of all legacy network routers and hubs with cisco routers and switches utilizing tftp and cisco ios command line interfaces engineered and managed all corporate government computer images when i took on this task imaging was performed with norton ghost and each model type of computer had its own image recognizing the time required to update each image i incorporated microsoft deployment toolkit and windows deployment services and reduced the number of images from about down to also i utilized key management services on the same server to automatically activate the newly imaged workstations ", "network engineer network engineer saratoga ca email me on indeed indeed com r b bea fc e authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer vivace network inc san jose ca september to october working in network development and testing senior software testing engineer project lead cisco systems inc san jose ca august to september san jose software testing in package developing team and catalyst switch os agent team senior software testing engineer project lead com corporation santa clara ca july to august san jose ", "network engineer network engineer global network operations center louisville ky email me on indeed indeed com r afee e a fb a highly motivated and ambitious network engineer with more than years of experience in the information technology and networking space working experience in design consulting installation maintenance and support of both small and large enterprises willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer global network operations center july to present managed entire global network enterprise for marsh mclennan and their subsidiaries responsibilities include providing voice wireless and data network support for all business offices and data centers manage incidents projects change control for application server support groups within governed slas track network usage and identify trends to improve business and network performance networking and technology consultant technician kramer consulting inc november to june responsible for documenting installing and cabling of networking equipment for company clients daily end user support active directory group policy administration and desktop business application support day of service dispatcher high speed internet technician charter communications march to march worked directly with field technicians to support new customer installations and ensure streamline onboarding provided real time analysis of call center personnel and managed resources in the efforts to mitigate corporate costs education bachelor of science in computer science in systems university of louisville certifications licenses cisco certified network professional ccnp december to december cisco certified network associate ccna february to december cisco certified entry networking technician ccent february to december ", "network engineer network engineer end client cherry hill nj email me on indeed indeed com r c f d ee c e almost years of experience in routing and switching with cisco hardware software including hands on experience in providing network support installation involved in resourceful planning designing of ip addressing scheme for an enterprise network with scope for future expansion using vlsm cidr configured installed and worked on troubleshooting of cisco series routers and cisco catalyst series switches managed different technologies of routing such as static dynamic and default configured and implemented access control list configurated of inter vlan routing implemented port security using switching mechanism have experience in network management tools and sniffers like wireshark and cisco works to support x network operation center involved in taking backups and restoration of cisco s ios and configuration files worked on aperto wimax pm base stations pm base stations and wave centre ems pm pm cpe s have knowledge on kali linux experience in l l protocols like vlans stp vtp mpls and trunking protocols configured virtual local area networks vlans using cisco routers and multi layer switches and supporting stp rstp along with trouble shooting of inter vlan routing and vlan trunking using q configured and implemented routing protocols including rip tcp ip and rip v v ospf and eigrp experience in installing and configuring dns dhcp server experience in physical cabling ip addressing configuring and supporting tcp ip efficient at use of microsoft visio office as technical documentation and presentation tools willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer end client september to present technical environment nexus k k k f big ip ltm load balancer checkpoint r cisco asa lan wan hsrp rip ospf bgp eigrp vlan mpls stp rstp vdc otv vpc responsibilities configured routing protocols such as rip ospf eigrp static routing and policy based routing troubleshooting the network routing protocols bgp eigrp and rip during the migrations and new client connections redesign of internet connectivity infrastructure for meeting bandwidth requirements configuration and troubleshooting of cisco series routers technical assistance for lan wan management and complex customer issues provided support for troubleshooting and resolving customer and user reported issues worked with network engineer s in the installation and configuration of firewalls configuring implementing and troubleshooting vlan s vtp stp trunking hsrp vrrp ether channels packet capturing troubleshooting on network problems with wireshark identifying and fixing problems implementing configuring and troubleshooting various routing protocols like rip eigrp ospf and bgp etc performing network monitoring providing analysis using various tools like wireshark generating rca root cause analysis for critical issues of layer layer layer problems have experience on configuration of inter vlan routing experience in installing and configuring dns dhcp server configured and implemented access control list switching ethernet related tasks included implementing vlans and configuring isl trunk on fast ethernet channel between switches configured the cisco router as ip firewall and for natting experience on working on f load balancer ltm gtm and vpn network engineer end client hyderabad andhra pradesh in march to july technical environment eigrp rip cisco ospf bgp mpls routers cisco switches responsibilities supporting eigrp and bgp based pwc network by resolving level problems of internal teams external customers of all locations responsible for service request tickets generated by the help desk in all phases such as troubleshooting maintenance upgrades patches and fixes with all around technical support upgrade cisco routers and switches using tftp configuring stp for switching loop prevention and vlans for data and voice along with configuring port security for users connecting to the switches ensure network system and data availability and integrity through preventive maintenance and upgrade supporting high volume high revenue impacting operations setup focusing on failsafe network experience in installing and configuring dns dhcp server configured and implemented access control list completed service requests i e ip readdressing bandwidth upgrades ios platform upgrades etc involved in l l switching technology administration including creating and managing vlans port security trunking stp inter vlan routing lan security modified internal infrastructure by adding switches to support server farms and added servers to existing mz environments to support new and existing application platforms configure verify and troubleshoot trunking on cisco switches verify network status using basic utilities including ping trace route telnet ssh arp ipconfig coordination with field engineers for troubleshooting at customer end problems network engineer end client hyderabad andhra pradesh in september to february technical environment rip eigrp ospf bgp lan wan mpls vlan cisco routers cisco switches responsibilities worked on cisco layer layer switches spanning tree vlan configuration and troubleshooting of cisco series routers configured vlan trucking q vlan routing on catalyst switches configured and troubleshoot eigrp troubleshooting ios related bugs based on history and appropriate release notes work on different connection medium like fiber planning and configuring the routing protocols such as ospf rip and static routing on the routers performed and technically documented various test results on the lab tests conducted planning and configuring the entire ip addressing plan for the clients network supported networks which are comprised of cisco devices follow process procedures for change configuration management support complex series switches configured and implemented access control list network monitoring using tools like cisco works configured rip ppp bgp and ospf routing efficient at use of microsoft visio office as technical documentation and presentation tools configured inter vlan routing experience in installing and configuring dns dhcp server verify network status using basic utilities including ping trace route telnet ssh arp ipconfig supporting high volume high revenue impacting operations setup focusing on failsafe network noc engineer meta max communications pvt ltd hyderabad andhra pradesh in december to august description under agreement with railtel meta max provides pan india coverage for major cities towns through wimax technology primarily it constitutes a fault tolerant subscriber wimaxx radio network a highly available access network connecting various base stations within a given city town and an ultra reliable core network connecting all the access networks technical environment eigrp rip ospf bgp lan wan vlan mplsether channels cisco routers cisco switches checkpoint firewalls splat ms visio aperto wimax pm base stations pm base stations wave centre ems pm pm cpe s responsibilities configured and implemented cisco routers l l switches vlan etc verify network status using basic utilities including ping trace route telnet ssh arp ipconfig configure verify and troubleshoot vlans configure verify and troubleshoot inter vlan routing act as a point of contact for various vendors like aperto railtel and tata analyze and evaluate the impact of planed network changes perform provisioning role of incoming service requests for an existing entity or new entity joining the network coordinating with railtel for maintaining the network stability coordinating with aperto team for base station related issues coordinating with field engineers for troubleshooting cpe related and customer end problems coordinating with base station engineers for troubleshooting base station related issues managing and configuring aperto ems provisioning sectors ss in ems adding profiles for sectors ss in ems assigning frequency and channel bandwidth in bsr firmware up gradation etc performed troubleshooting while maintaining trouble ticket tracking following internal external escalation procedures and customer notifications configured cisco routers for ospf rip igrp ripv eigrp static and default route supporting development team for the access to corporate network and outside world providing access to specific ip port filter and port access configuring routers and switches and send it to technical consultants for new site activations and gives online support at the time of activation work with help desk for circuit troubleshooting to give support to the tech persons at the site troubleshoot tcp ip problems troubleshoot connectivity issues education bachelors in technology in technology jnt university hyderabad andhra pradesh in skills bgp years cisco years eigrp years ospf years vlan years additional information core competencies network configuration advanced switch router configuration cisco ios access list route redistribution propagation cisco routers cisco gsr cisco cisco physical interfaces fast ethernet gigabit ethernet serial layer technology vlan vtp vmps isl dot q dtp spanning tree pvst layer switching mls ether channel switches catalyst routing protocols igrp eigrp ospf bgp rip security technologies cisco fwsm pix asdm cisco asa operating systems microsoft xp vista unix linux windows servers windows ms office ", "network engineer network engineer koch business solutions phoenix az email me on indeed indeed com r f f ddbc a willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer koch business solutions reno nv november to present current working as a network engineer responsible for designing and installing wan and lan solutions to diverse businesses around the world technologies include viptela sdwan cisco routers and switches cisco prime and apic cisco and meraki enterprise and industrial wireless network engineer ibm sacramento ca march to october network engineering support for kantar and its subsidiaries network infrastructure primarily western hemisphere served as functional manager for us based kantar voice network and security teams august july facilitated focus on high priority projects disseminated information from client and ibm to team provided weekly updates of high priority projects issues and concerns with ibm management data center engineer for us data centers oversaw network redesigns during office consolidations designed and implemented networks for new offices configuration for offices during network onboarding process ip harmonization eliminating global subnet conflicts maintained cisco asa firewalls for b b vpn connections as well as ssl vpn for kantar users maintained redundant asa for secure server environments network engineer kantar it partnership dallas tx september to march support for kantar and its subsidiaries network infrastructure primarily western hemisphere configuration for offices during network onboarding process design implementation and support for office moves data center engineer for us data centers maintained cisco asa firewalls for b b vpn connections as well as ssl vpn for kantar users maintained redundant asa for secure server environments network administrator wilton brands inc houston tx april to september network systems architect responsible for increasing poor performing network infrastructure from an uptime standard to a uptime by utilizing advanced cisco routing protocols and working with telecom providers for redundancy solutions provided optimal bandwidth controls to the organization using cisco waas devices and qos responsible for highly available wireless architecture using cisco wireless lan controllers in a fail over capacity built and maintained secured and redundant pci and dmz firewall environments built and maintained firewall rules and nat configurations for secure server environments configured point to point vpn tunnels as well as client based and ssl vpn s responsible for proactive measures for maintaining or replacing older hardware such as switches ups equipment as well as re negotiating cisco smart net contracts negotiated telco contracts and reviewed billing monthly against contract costs attended and contributed in it and change order meetings with cross functional teams provided a customer first approach in discussions with business leaders and internal it colleagues information systems coordinator hydro gear san diego ca may to april network systems architect responsible for uptime standard participated in bcp business continuity planning meetings and provided technological solutions for the company s business strategies wrote technical documentation and proposals for management and non it personnel familiarity with sarbanes oxley in how it relates to it systems and provided documentation to maintain compliance implemented and maintained company s system and physical security for multiple sites provided cisco voip telephone training in multiple sites researched and provided recommendations for new technologies based on business requirements provided detailed monthly reports to direct supervisor regarding project status current issues and upcoming projects provided support for servers voip phone system network infrastructure education b s in information systems technology in information systems technology southern illinois university skills cisco years lan years routing protocols years wireless years wireless lan years additional information software skills windows server active directory dns dhcp tcp ip radius ias microsoft office microsoft visio solarwinds orion performance monitor configuration manager traffic analyzer qradar siem log aggregation cisco network skills cisco catalyst switches cisco nexus data center switches cisco wide area application services cisco asa firewalls cisco wireless lan controller cisco access points cisco prime infrastructure cisco integrated services routers bgp eigrp routing protocols mpls p p wan infrastructures t ds ethernet circuits vlans qos netflow link aggregation policy based routing ", "network engineer network engineer koch business solutions phoenix az email me on indeed indeed com r a c d fb willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer koch business solutions reno nv november to present current working as a network engineer responsible for designing and installing wan and lan solutions to diverse businesses around the world technologies include viptela sdwan cisco routers and switches cisco prime and apic cisco and meraki enterprise and industrial wireless network security administrator ghost systems llc reno nv september to june responsible for designing securing and managing local and remote networks consisting of cisco meraki dell hp and other networking and server equipment as well as shoretel viop phones acted as an it consultant for local businesses providing security assessments technical support security advice and managed it services assisted in developing proprietary security centric devices and software for future use as well as developed strategy for providing managed security services such as network monitoring secure dns service threat analytics and incident and triage response tactical network engineer communications security manager us army reno nv july to august responsible for planning installing and troubleshooting tactical networks with nodes capable of supporting users with secure and non secure voice data video teleconference and isr services as the communications security manager responsible for maintaining and distributing encryption keys in order to provide transmission and data encryption developed troubleshooting guides for communications assets to include satellite assets los assets cisco routers switches call managers and firewalls acted as network technician responsible for planning implementing and securing large networks in tactical environments it support administrator sierra nevada reno nv may to june responsible for providing tier troubleshooting support to users and executives on workstation server voip and networking systems and applications collaborated with other it sections to deploy secure maintain and recover workstations and servers built and maintained budget tracking procedures for a hardware budget in excess of for three regions and locations maintained hundreds of laptops desktops and servers in an high paced corporate environment using programs such as microsoft system center configuration manager windows enterprise lotus notes symantec end point symantec pgp and several design and development programs information systems coordinator hydro gear san diego ca may to april network systems architect responsible for uptime standard participated in bcp business continuity planning meetings and provided technological solutions for the company s business strategies wrote technical documentation and proposals for management and non it personnel familiarity with sarbanes oxley in how it relates to it systems and provided documentation to maintain compliance implemented and maintained company s system and physical security for multiple sites provided cisco voip telephone training in multiple sites researched and provided recommendations for new technologies based on business requirements provided detailed monthly reports to direct supervisor regarding project status current issues and upcoming projects provided support for servers voip phone system network infrastructure education b s in information systems technology in information systems technology southern illinois university skills cisco years dns year firewalls years lan year wireless year additional information software skills windows server active directory dns dhcp tcp ip radius ias microsoft office microsoft visio solarwinds orion performance monitor configuration manager traffic analyzer qradar siem log aggregation cisco network skills cisco catalyst switches cisco nexus data center switches cisco wide area application services cisco asa firewalls cisco wireless lan controller cisco access points cisco prime infrastructure cisco integrated services routers bgp eigrp routing protocols mpls p p wan infrastructures t ds ethernet circuits vlans qos netflow link aggregation policy based routing ", "network engineer network engineer alexandria va email me on indeed indeed com r b a d f work experience network engineer january to march over years of it experience in areas ranging from network administration systems administration engineering and peer team management well versed in small professional environments to large complex enterprise corporations strong emphasis on break fix resolutions deployments implementation and documentation with the ability to assess for root cause assignments seafrigo cold storage january to march network engineer managed local and remote ms windows networks access point administration and troubleshooting assisted in designing the seafrigo network for future expansion support cisco voip phone system manage and support vpn switch environment ms exchange and outlook management configure and manage microsoft hyper v servers establish and maintain regular written and in person communication with management provide diagnosis and resolution for all network servers switches routers and firewalls assist in troubleshooting microsoft office suite and other desktop issues network engineer schratter foods inc april to october automated and executed office procedures resolved technical issues and monitored office systems administered and supported office and ms exchange policies configure and convert physical to virtual p v migration of windows servers in vmware system administration responsibilities include but are not limited to establishing and maintaining computer group and user accounts along with creating and managing user profiles managing security policies and user group permissions monitor troubleshoot and maintain cisco routers switches within a lan wan environment managed project of conversion of blackberry devices to apple iphones migration of corporate desktops and laptops from windows xp to windows administered and supported system backup and disaster recovery processes maintained detailed technical documentation of messaging and system architecture utilization of activesync for configuration of mobile messaging services network engineer fross zelnick lehrman zissu to primary roles include managing upgrading and implementing the conversion of groupware accounts to exchange along with designing the infrastructure for active directory supporting a large corporate company system administration responsibilities include but are not limited to establishing and maintaining computer group and user accounts along with creating and managing user profiles managing security policies and user group permissions monitor troubleshoot and maintain various hardware and software supported within a lan wan environment including routers switches servers firewalls and other applications respond to any break fix issues within the technology infrastructure restoring to a business as usual bau state effectively and efficiency maintain update and keep current any and all related documentation regarding any changes modifications and upgrades of the current company environment and future plans design deploy and manage various software systems and operating systems to upgrade the current infrastructure of symantec backup exec plan document execute and monitor backup operations and schedule as well as disaster recovery of data applications and servers implement configure and install new hardware software technologies from apple into the corporate infrastructure maintaining security features of the environment install and manage mobile device management of iphones and ipads in to the corporate environment using mcafee emm software and host proxy server technology build configure and deploy vmware host and templates completed physical to virtual p v migration of windows servers design install vmware esxi within vsphere x environment with virtual center management consolidated backup drs ha vmotion and vmware data recovery architect design and implement hp san environments to ensure high availability and acceptable performance characteristics for vmware vsphere and san backed applications configure administrate and monitor multiple enterprise devices appliances and software including cisco vmware citrix windows apple veritas ica clients and blackberry blackberry administration of all devices and bes server provide level support including provision maintain administer troubleshooting and resolutions of all reported incidents and other requests for all cell phones air cards and blackberry devices network administration manager debevoise plimpton to primary roles included supervising staff members covering x shifts managing the lan wan infrastructure of the company additional roles included managing teams of administrators and engineers on various projects to upgrade and maintain the corporate infrastructure including a user migration assisted in the organization implementation and migration of a phase move of the lan environment with minimal service interruption developed the processes and procedures required to properly manage monitor and maintain mission critical applications used daily by the company organized and documented account creation procedures for major applications monitored and maintained by the network administration staff members interfaced multiple vendors regarding any and all internal break fix maintenance and upgrades within the data center designed packaged and deployed various enterprise software hardware and applications including but not limited to windows server and desktop microsoft os groupwise backup exec windows print servers and queues cisco and compaq technologies designed implemented and managed rack mounted monitoring stations utilizing various tools including but not limited to cim monitor global ping servers and monitors w k workstations microsoft operations manager and exchange outlook managed reported and distributed daily shift turnover status levels shift report and incident summarization to upper management system administrator shearman sterling to primary roles included leading the worldwide conversion team supporting the entire windows microsoft and novell environment which included nodes and end users within the global corporate infrastructure served as the lead administrator of global lab environment rollouts supporting client server software upgrades and implementations of nt novell e mail and document management servers software and applications configured implemented and troubleshot multiple enterprise applications software and hardware in the lab to ensure all needed patches are implemented and debugging is completed prior to the firm wide deployment configured implemented and managed various application and web servers on windows platforms including lotus notes troubleshot e mail calendaring scheduling issues regarding registration recertifying and renaming users while managing the add delete terminate process as well as needed management included the retrieval of deleted user s mail files and local address books implemented windows application servers and novell servers for login authentication file print and global nds tree structure utilization configured global and local group permissions user policies including establishing network printing through novell s nds tree structure configured and rack mount various server hardware devices in preparation for cabling and software installation provided end to end design installation and monitoring of the company s faxing system providing inbound and outbound file transfers or documentation education microsoft certified systems engineer virtual center ", "network engineer network engineer hcl america inc columbus in email me on indeed indeed com r a e e network architect with over years of progressive experience seeking a position where my logical technical and troubleshooting skills can be used to improve the reliability and usability of the information technology infrastructure willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer hcl america inc columbus in july to present current working as a network engineer responsible for designing and installing wan and lan solutions to diverse businesses around the world technologies include viptela sdwan cisco routers and switches cisco prime and apic cisco and meraki enterprise and industrial wireless network security administrator ghost systems llc reno nv september to june responsible for designing securing and managing local and remote networks consisting of cisco meraki dell hp and other networking and server equipment as well as shoretel viop phones acted as an it consultant for local businesses providing security assessments technical support security advice and managed it services assisted in developing proprietary security centric devices and software for future use as well as developed strategy for providing managed security services such as network monitoring secure dns service threat analytics and incident and triage response tactical network engineer communications security manager us army reno nv july to august responsible for planning installing and troubleshooting tactical networks with nodes capable of supporting users with secure and non secure voice data video teleconference and isr services as the communications security manager responsible for maintaining and distributing encryption keys in order to provide transmission and data encryption developed troubleshooting guides for communications assets to include satellite assets los assets cisco routers switches call managers and firewalls acted as network technician responsible for planning implementing and securing large networks in tactical environments it support administrator sierra nevada reno nv may to june responsible for providing tier troubleshooting support to users and executives on workstation server voip and networking systems and applications collaborated with other it sections to deploy secure maintain and recover workstations and servers built and maintained budget tracking procedures for a hardware budget in excess of for three regions and locations maintained hundreds of laptops desktops and servers in an high paced corporate environment using programs such as microsoft system center configuration manager windows enterprise lotus notes symantec end point symantec pgp and several design and development programs information systems coordinator hydro gear san diego ca may to april network systems architect responsible for uptime standard participated in bcp business continuity planning meetings and provided technological solutions for the company s business strategies wrote technical documentation and proposals for management and non it personnel familiarity with sarbanes oxley in how it relates to it systems and provided documentation to maintain compliance implemented and maintained company s system and physical security for multiple sites provided cisco voip telephone training in multiple sites researched and provided recommendations for new technologies based on business requirements provided detailed monthly reports to direct supervisor regarding project status current issues and upcoming projects provided support for servers voip phone system network infrastructure education b s in information systems technology in information systems technology southern illinois university skills cisco years dns years firewalls years lan year wireless year additional information software skills windows server active directory dns dhcp tcp ip radius ias microsoft office microsoft visio solarwinds orion performance monitor configuration manager traffic analyzer qradar siem log aggregation cisco network skills cisco catalyst switches cisco nexus data center switches cisco wide area application services cisco asa firewalls cisco wireless lan controller cisco access points cisco prime infrastructure cisco integrated services routers bgp eigrp routing protocols mpls p p wan infrastructures t ds ethernet circuits vlans qos netflow link aggregation policy based routing ", "network engineer carbondale il email me on indeed indeed com r da d dfdc willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer information technology network engineering april to present information technology office of information technology at southern illinois university configuring and installation of cisco switch models such as s x etc configuring and installing cisco wireless access point model such as i i e etc created wireless redesign using survey pro software that was implemented into buildings around campus to ensure best wireless coverage negotiated fluke device network maintenance contract to ensure that our devices were under the maintenance of fluke networks for a reasonable price receive and respond to incoming incident tickets in which i go on site if required troubleshoot and resolve wireless issues for customers maintained wireless lan controllers created network wireless documentation diagrams using microsoft visio ensure that physical desktop connections i e rj ethernet jacks rj telephone modem jacks connectors between pcs etc are in proper working order monitored network devices using nagios snmp software student southern il university carbondale august to may as a student at southern il university i gained knowledge and familiarity with multiple software s and programs microsoft office suites became familiar with programs in the microsoft suites such as word excel and powerpoint microsoft visio gained familiarity with visio after creating multiple diagrams to show visuals to show the process of a project in my project management course mysql became familiar with sql upon completion of multiple homework assignment and in class labs with the implementation of things such as creating tables using basic select statements to query data from tables using multiple operators to filter and sort data active directory configuration gained knowledge of ad after completing cloud and networking project required to install and configure ad server create user and groups and assign them proper permissions dns configuration became knowledgeable of dns after completing a project that required me to configure a dns server on a client using windows server r via a virtual machine vsphere dhcp configuration became knowledgeable of dhcp after completing a project that required me to configure a dhcp server on a client using windows server r via a virtual machine vsphere cisco network routing and switching gained knowledge and became familiar with the cisco os after the completion of multiple in class and homework assignment which consisted of creating subnet using vslm switch configuration creation of multiple vlans vlans vlan trunking port interface configuration router configuration also implementing layer protocols such as arp dynamic trunking protocol ospf rip understand and describe network architectures created multiple topologies to plan the infrastructure of my networking projects web applications html java gained knowledge of html java upon the completion of multiple in class labs and homework assignments designed a personal webpage using programming languages such as css and java script vulnerability assessment analysis became familiar with vulnerability assessment upon the completion of multiple assignments that require me to use software such as wireshark and openvas i was required to scan the network i was connect to and analyze packets systems intern roseland community hospital june to august manage and install newly implemented software provide trouble shooting and configuration to end users layer devices the roseland community hospital internship provided me with an understanding of real world work experience and created a portfolio of the work i was engaged in assisted staff directly with technical issues and troubleshooting desktop phone etc achieved project planning and documentation for projects developed documentation presentations and processes for the technical team developed a method of tracking work using microsoft excel worked with patch panels and switches ensure that physical desktop connections i e rj ethernet jacks rj telephone modem jacks connectors between pcs etc are in proper working order performed troubleshooting and cable terminations under cat and standards configured routers and switches using multiple protocols contributed many ideas to meetings with managers in regards to vulnerability assessment reporting and increasing an efficient and effective work flow established work flow processes working relationships between analyst and managerial positions documentation methods to close vulnerability assessment findings education b s in information systems technologies southern illinois university carbondale il august to may skills active directory years cisco years microsoft visio years visio years vulnerability assessment years additional information skills and attributes microsoft office suites microsoft visio mysql active directory configuration dns configuration dhcp configuration troubleshooting cisco network routing and switching understand and describe different wan technologies and their benefits understand and describe network architectures understand configure and troubleshoot serial connections installation and upgrading computers web applications html java data entry database analysis and design project management vulnerability assessment analysis system analysis network security process modeling leadership technical writing including documentation communication skills team player ", "network engineer network engineer conetrix midland tx email me on indeed indeed com r f d c d telecommunication technician satellite systems operator systems and network administrator and technical control facility operator significant expertise within the field of telecommunications systems and satellite communications effective at managing satellite communications terminals associated baseband equipment troubleshoot and repair ancillary laptops and phones excellent at switching routing and multiplexing technologies proficient in providing training opportunities for professional growth and development of the employees professional support of the management personnel and prompt assistance cisco ccent comptia a and security certifications gvf microsoft mcsa windows major accomplishments implemented plans for multiple authorized service interruptions to accomplish maintenance and upgrades as part of an gsc modernization traveled to remote sites on numerous occasions in afghanistan as the lone subject matter expert to repair essential satellite or line of sight links trained technicians on daily operations and equipment characteristics and capabilities resulting in all technicians passing the company s site level certification on first attempt authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer conetrix lubbock tx february to present supervisor adam cates local engineer for midland customers saved conetrix the cost of driving an engineer from lubbock to midland provided all in one it support from help desk and active directory issues to server upgrades and network infrastructure support endeared myself to customers to the point that they would ask for me by name to fix their it issues senior vsat field engineer rignet midland tx november to february supervisor josue martinez sway may contact professionally completed over vsat and rf los installs idirect and spacenet trained new employees on proper installation procedures and rignet sop consistently successfully finding solutions to problems that vex noc engineering telecommunications tech webmaster remote communications inc odessa tx june to november supervisor sean crawford may contact professionally completed over vsat installs or reinstalls often subcontracting for harris caprock and global data systems primarily idirect systems some hughes created remote communications transit case for rental systems created and maintained remotecommunications net and it s ticketing system served as a subject matter expert for cisco networking rf los shots senior rf satellite communications technician instructor satellite communications december to june supervisor chris leslie stefan nichols stnichols telecomsys com may contact ensured proper corrective and preventive maintenance of satellite terminals and all ancillary equipment to include voip phones and laptops developed an implemented training programs on satcom line of sight theory and implementation of very small aperture vsat trained over marines served as a subject matter expert for satellite communications to include master reference terminal mrt operations and linkway and s modem programming ensured proper configuration and operation of cisco and cisco routers in swan snap wppl network stacks network analyst chevron midland tx june to december supervisor joe detiveaux please contact learned analog and voip side of telecom to include cisco call manager supported multiple vsat installations and troubleshooting learned oilfield safety expectations and field ticket and jsa paperwork standards serves as a subject matter expert for cisco networking rf los shots and vsats forward support representative satellite technician telecommunication systems inc camp dwyer may to june senior satellite communications technician section chief hiang charlie company th brigade special troop battalion kapolei hi to installed repaired and performed equipment testing of satellite communications systems to ensure compliance with operational and functional standards acted as a lead point of contact for the troubleshooting and maintenance of terminals provided leadership and guidance for soldier team in the operation of the terminal received new an tsc satellite transportable terminal stt as part of transition into win t joint node network jnn managed proper inventory control distributed vsats trained appropriate personnel to effectively operate them validated fdma raydyne modem and tdma linkway s modem operations for battalion missions satellite systems operator maintenance specialist team leader us army kunia satcom kunia hi to supervisor jonathan o donnell may be contacted coordinated the operations and maintenance programs for the an gsc satellite terminal hvac and backup power systems supervised the performance of technicians responsible for satellite communication operations corrected deterioration failure of any equipment or links coordinated with system supply lead to order tier maintenance and replacement equipment scheduled planned conducted and evaluated professional training and orientation for new personnel and shift technicians directed the operations of multiple modems multiplexers and encryption devices to include om bem ebem lrm tssp etssp fcc kiv kiv kg kg node center and satellite systems operator maintenance specialist us army signal company fort lewis wa to assisted with the creation of documentation for new communications equipment including the brigade subscriber node next generation node center and the smart t hmmwv mounted milstar satellite system antenna provided consistent communications for the rd brigade nd infantry division during iraq deployment provided technical support for the brigade s operations participated in field exercises preparatory to a one year deployment to mosul iraq technical control facility operator us army kunia satcom to was chosen as one of only three soldiers to relocate to the isolated suwon rok air force base tech control facility due to independence and technical proficiency provided professional assistance and support in tech control facility operations education western governor s university december communication systems us army signal center fort gordon ga military service service country us branch army rank sgt july to march ", "network engineer network engineer redmond wa email me on indeed indeed com r c dbdf c e b hardworking ip network engineer skilled with designing implementing and integrating multi vendor technical network solutions detail oriented and proactive with strong engineering and troubleshooting skills telecommunication engineering and years of networking experience on cisco and juniper fast paced learner in dynamic work environment with ability to build user friendly networks of any size specialized in network engineering and telecom domain and authorized to work for any employer in us i am looking for a role as a network engineer in the greater seattle area skills network engineering cisco juniper ccna ccnp network engineer authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer cyber internet services cisco partner to present staging configuring installing testing turn up of new network devices juniper cisco arista administration of network devices in wan lan wlan internet gateways and data center for cisco and juniper environment configuring changing acls routing policies security policies route translation nat pat in networks cisco juniper troubleshooting network connectivity issues in inter data center for underlay network for ospf eigrp bgp mpls vrf mp bgp ipsec gre etc for cisco devices performing junos ios upgrade for installed routers switches firewalls juniper cisco within the network as per the recommended process provided by the vendor performing new nodes addition changes as per change management plan as per the sop with provided mops and back out plans network fault detection and rectification network management surveillance network engineering and root cause analysis by troubleshooting router switches firewalls links for configuration related issues cisco juniper troubleshooting and managing escalation calls from field engineers commissioning and integration of other nodes with core and edge routers in the network cisco and juniper plan and execute network engineering and optimization to meet the company network standard kpis coordination with different engineers and vendors for data center infrastructure management as well as network equipment s health checks coordination with it customer services team for resolving the customer s network issues in minimal time as per agrees slas interacting with network planning teams understanding their needs providing technical support for their networks troubleshooting the issues raised cisco juniper working with sales team for technical discussions related to network and engineering to come up with a solution for customers plan and execute the migration activities within minimal impact of operational network cisco juniper open tac engineering cases and communicate with different vendors cisco and juniper for network issues ccna network cisco engineer network engineer network engineer interactive communication to network monitoring of nms to ensure all devices functioned properly without any outage ensuring maximum uptime of cisco devices deployment of networks from cable installation to routers switches configurations and their troubleshooting maintenance cisco ios up gradation of cisco routers and switches within the network configuration of routing protocols such as bgp eigrp and ospf trouble ticket management and resolution of network issues using siebel on call support for clients diagnose and escalate network issues coordinate with various stakeholders such as engineering team field support team upstream and ldis to resolve them worked with a team for engineers for documentation of network design proposals cisco install new hardware or components while ensuring integration with existing network systems cisco network cisco engineer network engineer assistant network engineer geo hydro consult july to december worked as an assistant network engineer in charge of the local area network for the organization responsible for handling lan and wan issues related to the connectivity and stability of the network apply network engineering principles to the small network cisco based cisco network cisco engineer network engineer education bs in telecommunication engineering national university of computer emerging sciences lahore august to december skills cisco juniper tcp ip ospf bgp eigrp mpls l vpn vrf mp bgp vlan rstp mstp vrrp cisco certified network associate years networking years telecom engineering years traffic engineering years network administration years network security years ccna years links http www linkedin com in enggahmednadeem awards outstanding performance june awarded with outstanding contribution towards vsat network project by cyber internet services certifications licenses ccna ccna routing and switching groups volunteer may to present shaukat khanum cancer foundation additional information hardware cisco cisco asa asa asr k asr k nexus mds juniper mx mx mx mx mx ex ex ex qfx qfx srx srx srx srx srx network virtualization vsrx vmx vios kvm vmware vyatta openstack juno kilo icehouse opencontrail operating systems windows linux ubuntu centos cisco engineer ccna network ", "network engineer los angeles ca email me on indeed indeed com r b d dd b to obtain the position of network engineer architect security in an organization where i can utilize my skills and experience towards the growth of the organization willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer twinmed santa fe springs ca august to june medical supplies distributor network engineer architect for warehouses based multi vendor network infrastructure cisco hp aruba daily network monitoring and optimization security hardening prevented ddos spam email malware attack events deploy troubleshoot large amount of lan lan vpn tunnels some ikev between asa for all offices warehouses deploy troubleshoot cisco remote access and anyconnect vpn configure troubleshoot dmz in datacenter implemented redundant internet circuit duel isp internet auto failover on asa firewall for all locations deploy snmpv syslog server netflow to securely manage all of the network equipment solarwinds based configure troubleshoot site to site ipsec vpn between datacenters and amazon aws cloud implement troubleshoot aruba wi fi virtual mobility controller and ap for multiple remote warehouses to improve wireless network coverage and availability helped implement data center entire company data migration project from hq to new colocation in irvine ca based on nexus vpc ospf and metro ethernet in charge of the nd largest office migration design and implement project successfully from scratch for workstations phone in indianapolis successfully design and implement network infrastructure from scratch for new jersey and portland or warehouses upgraded refreshed network equipment for most existing and newly merged detroit and new york branches warehouses for improving network compatibility stability and availability asa x catalyst x network engineer vxi global solutions los angeles ca july to july multinational bpo ito solutions call center outsourcing network engineer technical support for plus thousand employee hosts call center network infrastructure configure troubleshoot almost full range of cisco asa isr nexus catalyst and wireless deploy wi fi byod with cisco aironet ap wlc for remote branches in us from scratch successfully design and implement call center outsourcing projects with western union bank and comcast based on bgp eigrp successfully built network infrastructure in cincinnati branch office for approximately agents employee from scratch dual catalyst and x stack based strong troubleshooting to enhance the overall network availability and minimize prevent down time network engineer continental exchange solutions buena park ca august to may financial institution network engineer technical support for employee multi vendor infrastructure cisco and hp based work with develop operation team to process a large number of firewall acl nat rules with both cli asdm and hp procure port security change requests to control access between hq and remote offices building and troubleshooting dmvpn and lan to lan ipsec vpn tunnels for dozens of customer partners successfully accomplished one colocation and two offices network implementation independently from scratch on site beijing china branch under a very challenge schedule network engineer foxconn technology group march to november hon hai precision industry international electronics manufacturing corporation groups work as network support and interpreter for large global electronics product line based network infrastructure configure troubleshoot site to site gre ipsec vpn tunnels for remote sites in us asia pacific europe south america configure troubleshoot large amount of acl object groups on asa pix fwsm to securely control access between business groups branch offices and remote sites including server farm data center and enterprise edge configure troubleshoot routing protocols in a large multiprotocol and multi autonomous systems network backbone including eigrp ospf bgp and policy based routing etc configure sla auto qos nbar netflow snmp for monitoring baselining and optimizing network traffic configure implement aaa acs tacacs and pvlan to enhance campus layer security participated and assisted the foxconn us datacenter migration consolidation and upgrading in houston successfully accomplished plan product selection configuring and implementation of foxconn hewlett packard product line network from scratch in singapore based on eigrp hsrp and pvrst successfully accomplished plan equipment selection configuring implementation of foxconn sony vaio laptop repairing facility network expansion and upgrading project in chiba japan l l vpn to backbone accomplished optimizing of hundreds of switch trunks links to improve layer security and bandwidth utilization by pruning vtp in shenzhen campus china install configure test troubleshoot wan links including wic csu dsu international t e t ds e mpls legacy frame relay with at t verizon sprint ntt kddi singtel china telecom etc routine network operations center noc lan wan edge network monitoring traffic analyzing large amount of network document diagrams composing and updating using visio excel word etc worked on cable management that make subsequent management of the cables of the installation easier assisted cabling team to build office telecom rooms data center including idf mdf in shenzhen campus education b s in software engineering nanchang university national key university skills cisco years lan wan years network monitoring years vpn years firewalls years network design years linux years hp networking years cisco nexus years network security years wireless years certifications licenses ccdp cisco certified design professional ccnp cisco certified network professional full score troubleshooting ccda cisco certified design associate ccna routing and switching dnv det norske veritas information security iso isms internal auditor additional information technical expertise hands on eqiupment cisco router series switch nexus and catalyst series firewall asa asa series pix series wireless aironet series wlc series hp series checkpoint sonicwall barracuda firewall foundry kemp load balancer dell force h c series aruba wireless controller virtual controller avocent opengear console server digium switchvox pbx phone cradlepoint g internet wireless wan amazon aws cloud iboss web url filter network monitoring security solarwinds wireshark tcpdump cisco works cisco prime whatsup cacti mrtg prtg nagios scrutinizer intermapper aruba airwave cattool enterprise metasploit gfi languard etc other skills knowledge ipv ospfv ripng to tunnel nexus vdc vpc otv fabric path trill vxlan cloud network virtualization vrf vss nsf vrrp wccp ssl l tp pptp vpn wan technologies sonet mpls legacy wan technologies atm frame relay isdn wireless a b g n lwapp etc multicast span cisco voip phone call manager sip h ibm lotus notes email linux redhat ubuntu etc many distro microsoft windows server active directory cisco ucs dns dhcp vmware ips ids hardware it information security strong troubleshooting and technical problems analytical solving skills good at solution technical design team player and capable of integrating with workgroup ", "network engineer network engineer waldorf md email me on indeed indeed com r d faac a e obtain a position in the network field where i can maximize my network skills quality assurance and training experience i m a quick learner and i work hard to be the best engineer i can be in my position in order to complete my task i look forward to advancing my career in the it field authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer time warner cable november to january experience with multimedia over coax cable and years of hands on experience configuring and testing diagnosing troubleshooting modems experience with installing and testing wireless lan infrastructure quality of service qos throughput with and ghz integrate communication architectures topologies hardware software transmission and signaling links and protocols into complete network configurations test docsis and modems by updating the firmware and software my test results were documented in test cases and presented to the supervisor for examine as a test engineer i deployed wireless modem testing with my cpe on casa e and ubr cmts such as d qualification testing upload and download throughput speed test also troubleshoot any modem problem that was being tested on the cmts vendor would provide new firmware for the time warner engineer to test testing also includes general functionality such as cable modem connectivity to time warner config file telenet access port scan blocking channel bonding and for ipv ipv mode radio frequency rf network test engineer time warner cable herndon va january to rf engineer duties time warner cable january to november perform network layer installments of routers switches mm sm fibers and ethernet cables also troubleshoot bad fiber within the network lab devices perform network layer duties of assigning ip addresses to the senior engineers in the lab also work with other engineers in vlan configurations of switches support the engineers by helping them place their network devices into dsview so the engineers can access their devices through console management support the cable modem engineers by provisioning cm s and troubleshooting any cable plant issues performs radio frequency engineering assignments of moderate complexity such as planning building an more diverse rf network system for easier modem testing for the engineers rf patch panels and active ports were set up at the engineers desk for cm testing provides direct advisory support in the design development of future video build outs and testing of radio frequency rf components circuits and or products such as frequency synthesizers transmitters and receivers supports project managers within own organization in various technical activities such as adding video in the qa lab so set top boxes could be tested by the engineers upon their request also help build new rf system and technical product development of any other network labs in the building or different departments pertaining to rf related issues receives general supervision from management as well as technical guidance and training from the more experienced network engineers pertaining to troubleshoot any cmt servers that needed repairing or modems strong written and verbal communication skills ability to work independently as well as in structured teams plan develop and implement a process for insuring that all cabling in the rf area and all floor area in the rf area are kept clean and maintained build process documents and check it into vss work related list describing the overall plan to maintain that area understanding of fiber optic network components such as transmitters receivers amplifiers multiplexers filters and couplers familiarity with modeling or characterization of fiber optic transmission impediments technical background in signal processing and related topics such as probability and statistical analysis signal detection and classification different rf signal to noise ratio snr ingress or egress noise or filter design plan and add new structure to the qa lab testing plant by adding channel bonding at any cmts provide a solution to monitor the overall wellness of the rf plants static dynamic and cytec automated cmts and voip as well as provide a methodology by which we can monitor overall cabling and insure that areas like the static patch panel and voip wall do not become unmanageable provide testers and lab personnel with a process to follow and adhere to in order to police and maintain a strict adherence to quality cabling maintenance technician comcast communications waldorf md to troubleshot and perform network analysis to repair connectivity for digital voice over ip voip customers configured and installed digital high definition boxes and wireless modems with ip addresses repaired county wide network transmission system i e forward and return distribution by balancing radio frequency rf levels at the fiber optic node and mini bridges mb amplifiers troubleshot and repair problems with major cable and modem outages to include replacing amplifiers fiber nodes quality control technician comcast rebuild team to redesigned county distribution system by installing the proper amplifiers for connectivity restored cable outages by replacing fuses in amplifiers fiber node module power supplies and splicing cable education associate degree of arts in arts and science in arts and science college of southern maryland bachelor s degree in science university of maryland university college ", "network engineer miami fl email me on indeed indeed com r a f f c bda willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer next level systems inc miami fl may to december network engineer next level systems inc miami usa december june clients west kendall bomnin chevrolet kendall bomnin chevrolet palmetto ford mcglannan school med health pharmacy law offices accountants offices hialeah hospital and more than small and medium enterprises industry system networking network support and desktop support for all locations by remote control thru kaseya remote systems management of ticket systems and with proper documentation of all work done tickets daily management creation and configuration of outlook and godaddy domain emails calendaring functions installation and configuration of virtual servers with microsoft hyper v backup management and configuration through shadowprotect backup software for all locations installation and configuration of firewall sophos west kendall bomnin chevrolet complete network rebuilds in both locations new car dealer and used installation of gigabyte network switches installation and configuration of ubiquiti networks enterprise ap unifi troubleshooting configuration and testing for old hardware switches ap s cat wiring fiber optic adapters computers network printers laptops cisco wireless controller phone system cameras installation and configuration of a new microsoft windows server dhcp ad dns group policies creation and configuration of wifi networks for employees and customers through cisco systems creation and management of organizational units and policies for different departments of the company assignation of reserved ip s for computers with delicate software of the company and printers troubleshooting and configuration for general motors gm software and firewall fortinet and for software reynolds and reynolds r r for both dealers including migration through a vpn to connect both bomnin chevrolet locations creation of vlans and port exceptions installation of new computers and laptops with their proper software configuration and everything necessary for the user network administrator broward networks fort lauderdale fl march to november network administrator broward networks fort lauderdale usa march to november clients goodlife pharmacy healthymeds pharmacy hillmoor pharmacy e pharmwholesalers cryospace and a call center industry networking network supports and desktop support for all clients on site and remote connection management of ticket systems and with proper documentation of all work done tickets daily configure troubleshoot updates and backups for microsoft products as windows and windows server and ad dhcp dns firewall microsoft office and microsoft exchange troubleshooting networks problems and workstations daily troubleshooting configuration updates and backups of pharmacy softwares abacus rx prime management of the corporate email server creation updates and configuration of new clients and employees registry editing for troubleshooting windows and pharmacy software maintenance installation and configuration of new and used hardware equipment as computers laptops monitors routers switches fingerprint scanners security cameras printers print servers installation and configuration of firewall sonicwall for remote offices creation and configuration of firewall ports for windows remote desktop connection for all clients staff supervisor proyectos y construcciones c a caracas january to december staff supervisor proyectos y construcciones c a caracas venezuela january december client general mills venezuela industry networking civil network installation and security based on cisco technology control and maintenance for existing equipment and networks environment lan wan managed and supervised around subordinates follow up on project execution and cost control managed schedule developed scopes of work and specifications for network related and construction of civil works monitored physical and financial progress of projects and management support contracts education bachelor degree in network engineering in computer science universidad tecnol gica del centro unitec miami fl september to december skills ccna years voip years windows server years c year engineering management years vmware years html year firewalls years management years technical support years engineering years additional information engineer with four years of experience multilingual professional eager to learn and continue growing professionally i have excellent interpersonal communication skills with a keen ability to lead and coach a diverse workforce my career objective is to obtain a management position to develop my skills and accomplish the goals of the organization additional skills speaking listening writing and reading in the following languages english and spanish self motivated required minimum supervision to perform the work and self management skills for dealing with an and solving of highly complex technical problems ability to multi task and manage time efficiently to ensure the best results of the projects good teamwork and leadership skills to lead to excellent results integrated analytical abilities technical intuition and a proactive attitude professional and courteous customer service skills training cisco courses conducted ccna and voip training strong knowledge in microsoft products as windows and microsoft office word excel powerpoint and outlook microsoft exchange server windows server active directory dhcp dns firewall and great troubleshooting skills for all windows products mentioned knowledge of support and maintenance of apple products mac and ios training on oracle vm virtual box hyper v and vmware virtual servers windows and linux maintenance of computers and network devices with due upgrade and security basic courses in c html and javascript basic courses of photoshop and video editing ", "network engineer network engineer cisco email me on indeed indeed com r e c b efa c willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer cisco miami fl to present cisco isr asr v nexus k series and k series cisco ios qos ospf eigrp dns dhcp hsrp ipsec tcp ip vpn lacp pagp ftp access lists vlan trunking framrelay ppp mpls asa vrf lite dell power edge r r r hp proliant gen and checkpoint outlook ftp wireshark riverbed steelhead lennar corporations miami florida current network engineer personally designed and deployed qos asa firewalls x and firepower ebgp ibgp troubleshooting eigrp and ospf troubleshooting f ltm mpls vrf lite deployed dmvpn and vpn site to site configurations live nx live action analysis riverbed steelhead deployments support of meraki wireless infrastructure and access points mr mr mr active participation on sites refreshes designing and deploying cisco environments along with riverbed steelhead appliances active support for offices connected to mpls gateways routers isr with bgp peering active troubleshooting of qos configurations bgp eigrp and dmvpn also designing of visio diagrams for each site edp environment cisco routers isr series asr and and switches series nexus k and k dmvpn ipsec vpn ftp access lists vlan trunking vrf lite live action solarwinds meraki f splunk riverbed steelhead lead network engineer allin interactive fort lauderdale fl to shipyard deployment of proprietary hospitality software in windows infrastructures server active directory dns dhcp group policies iis using vmware or hyper v as virtualization platforms if requested from client configuring cisco networks along with proper acls ether channels vrf lite vlan q also preparation of proper documentation for hand over to support team deployed in las vegas singapore germany texas and mexico environment cisco switches series checkpoint dell power edge r r r hp proliant gen and active directory hyper v vmware ipsec tcp ip vpn ftp access lists vlan trunking framrelay vrf lite network engineer and team lead bowles fluidics corp columbia md to quickly respond to incidents or anomalies in a cisco network environment cisco nexus k s switches and switches vpn connections and firewalls implementation of security standards as acl s group policy network segmentation in order to secure the network and mitigate any vulnerability proactive diagnostic to window server infrastructure to prevent anomalies and resolve errors networking wise file servers with security permissions administration with a quickly and effectively response to storage failure for storage infrastructure composed by emc vnx s emc celera data domain backup platform and backup exec versions and as well as tape storage deduplication techniques and disk staging participated in the migration from emc celera to emc vnx installation from scratch of windows server hyper v core implementation of hyper v replica as well as the participation of the migration of the physical environment to virtual platform developed drp s disaster recovery plan for bowles fluidics corp covering the most important processes that take place in the company environment cisco switches checkpoint dell power edge r r r backup exec cisco ios active directory xencenter hyper v dell kace lifesize ipsec tcp ip vpn ftp access lists vlan trunking framrelay solarwinds network analyst banreservas bank to implementation and administration of backup restore platform veritas netbackup and as well as the administration of terabytes hitachi san array connected to a brocade fiber switch always meeting rpo and rto times given by each platform and application using the best practices to integrate netbackup and to different environments active member of the team responsible of migrating esxi to along with vmotion configurations played pivotal role in the team in charge of the configuration and administration of esxi configuration administration and proactive response to devices such as storagetek l and various dell power vaults implementation of netbackup advance disk linked to hitachi and emc vnx series disk arrays implementation of multiplexing and multistreaming tape techniques documentation and configuration of tests environments destined to test successful recoveries of sensitive data extensive experience in designing implementing and maintaining backup platforms in nas san environments active member of the complete administration of windows server environments and active directory group policies file server administration configuration of ftp servers dns servers file servers and print servers environment emc vnx emc celera cisco dell power edge power edge netbackup active directory vmware esxi vsphere hyper v brocade lifesize ipsec hitachi universal storage platform hitachi vsp hitachi hnas tcp ip vpn ftp access lists vlan trunking framrelay education bachelor in computer science in computer science dominican republic unphu university ", "network engineer wolters kluwer network admin ii ruskin fl email me on indeed indeed com r d de dd authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer wolters kluwer tampa fl december to present wolters kluwer financial services teammate division network engineer ii dec present supervisor stuart mullen government hosting solutions lead liaison and poc for government hosting certification configure and maintain windows servers for hosting clients trouble shooting and resolution for client facing cloud network issues apply patches and windows updates to over servers office of the inspector general it specialist racking power alexandria va june to november supervisor charles lytle testing and upgrade environment architecture migration installation configuration and troubleshooting liaison and poc for pilot test of an enterprise wide telework solution architecture and configuration of test environment for newest versions of audit software physical setup racking power management and assisted with logical configuration of network server and storage in sites in afghanistan and qatar decommissioning wiping and disposing of servers network storage agency representative for federal users group of support personnel serve as component wide teammate champion administrator provide support for over users to analyze troubleshoot and resolve issues for software hardware configuration best practices and policy in a timely fashion provide input on management planning for software upgrades to communicate user needs and wants for software perform diagnostic and troubleshooting functions for network and server related issues to manage performance develop user software documentation for cch teammate with citrix remote servers remote pc and reporting that cch teammate now uses for training purposes ensure templates used for reports are updated to comply with changes in policy edit html code for custom cch teammate reports create additional reports using html code and fix issues associated with cch teammate special reports provide configuration for citrix and assisted with a duplicate citrix environment for load balancing lead for functionality and beta testing for software upgrades patches to ensure the seamless integration and upgrade of our existing software as well as beta testing for various windows software loads for dodig manage and perform setup maintenance and updates of audit software changes on servers conus and oconus for classified and unclassified networks created deployment plans for testing pilot groups and developed a deployment schedule for roll out as well as created and maintained a sharepoint page for report and dissemination of issues and solutions during testing manage data migration and develop migration plans that produce the greatest results with the least impact and manage mass migration of over gb of data set up and configuration of sql database for more than three dod ig components lead for migration and upgrades of audit software from versions for over users and projects on secure and non secure networks archived over historic projects and ensured that users could access them in the future trained over personnel across components from outside agencies and from diverse technical and non technical backgrounds on using the audit documentation software policy methodology best practices and minor trouble shooting techniques install new versions of software and brief management on software development and application develop technical installation and configuration documentation for future technician use ensure data on various resident and remote servers are backed up for ease of recovery perform liaison functions between our information systems directorate and other personnel components of the agency to ensure the continuity of operations track and implement guidance and policy documentation changes into the audit documentation software cch teammate test software from outside vendors to ensure that we are using the best software to meet user needs dod ig representative and contributor at an oig user s group community knowledge base for troubleshooting emerging trends best practices new policy implementation and new software hardware requirements drummer harvest life changers church international woodbridge va may to november active in spiritual growth personally and professionally attends practices and services punctually and reliably rehearse with the group and try out new ideas communicates professionally with band and leader regarding arrangements and scheduling assists with creation and input of click stem and full tracks for performance practices independently with songs and tracks to ensure preparedness for rehearsal and performances practices independently with a variety of other genres for exposure and familiarity adapts to new concepts songs and arrangements quickly and professionally assists the music program of the church auditor department of defense office of the inspector general alexandria va february to may audit of controls over the army navy and air force purchase card programs project no d ck developed briefing charts to advise senior level management of timelines needed to complete site visits and to inform of results from completed site visits analyzed data to develop target areas of review and target cardholders for review delegated assignments to team members during site reviews led a team of three on a site visit to one of the navy bases informed cardholders of practices that were non compliant with respective regulations and advised of corrective actions to take briefed senior level officers and officials of results gathered from the gpc program review selected to lead the navy component of this multi service audit personally prepared the executive summary and other relevant sections of final audit report examined and validated audit documentation of other auditors on the team analyzed closed accounts resulting in over of unclaimed government refunds audit of base realignment and closure brac report no d served as acting team leader during team leader absence and delegated audit assignments to a team of five gathered and analyzed supporting documentation for brac questions to determine if adequate and reliable supporting documentation was provided for over military bases reviewed and identified discrepancies in both test and evaluation and education and training data for over spreadsheet reports and over databases to ensure accurate responses were submitted to the joint cross service groups interviewed dod agency personnel assigned to answer the second brac data call to identify discrepancies in processes and methodologies used in answering data call questions and scenarios identified instances of non compliance with standard operating procedures best practices and government policies prepared report distribution lists working papers and site memoranda retail sales associate pacific sunwear columbia sc september to may provide customer service ring up transactions answer questions about products services and store merchandise ensuring customer satisfaction maintain a positive and friendly attitude exude confident and attentive demeanor with customers gain and maintain brand knowledge attention to detail learn and suggest current sales to customers consistently meet sales goals call center representative at t dsl columbia sc april to september learn operating procedures for the call center complete extensive training in support for dsl support learn and use call center queue technology to accept phone calls meet call goals regularly provide customer service to customers use tools for troubleshooting to resolve customer problems make sales to customers that call to upgrade service special operations command budget department resource management budget clerk u s army september to may supervisor kendel mckeel tel data entry data mining statistical sampling written interviews written questionnaires comparative data analysis ratio analysis detailed cost benefit analysis budget estimates travel estimates st line blemish repair and quality control summer internship michelin n a lexington sc june to september determine whether blemishes on tires were major or minor repair minor blemishes on tires escalate tires that had major blemishes for further review repair or scraping collect samples for quality control and determine the level of repair needed train new hires on procedures transport tires to and from quality control maintain a professional attitude and demeanor while working with peers abide by warehouse safety guidelines including ear eye skin and respiratory safety remain alert and vigilant for safety of my peers while in transit to and from station passing heavy machinery manual laborer janitorial transport old towne antique mall columbia sc june to september loading and unloading truck of various furniture and household items that are for sale and sold assist customers with loading and unloading purchased items ensure neat and clean appearance of all areas including bathroom storage areas and floor ensure both locations are stocked with merchandise appealing to clientele perform minor repairs on household items that are for sale to include minor electrical cosmetic repairs and custom painting staining ensure restrooms are cleaned and stocked with supplies pull sold inventory for loading delivery truck and deliver sold items to customers manual laborer janitorial transport summer old towne antique mall columbia sc june to september loading and unloading truck of various furniture and household items that are for sale and sold assist customers with loading and unloading purchased items ensure neat and clean appearance of all areas including bathroom storage areas and floor ensure both locations are stocked with merchandise appealing to clientele perform minor repairs on household items that are for sale to include minor electrical cosmetic repairs and custom painting staining ensure restrooms are cleaned and stocked with supplies pull sold inventory for loading delivery truck and deliver sold items to customers camp counselor city of columbia columbia sc june to september overseeing the safety security of camp participants to reduce the risk of bodily harm or incidents in a variety of situations organized and implemented daily activities specifically with engaging children in physical activity successfully performed conflict resolution related task between camp participants which prevented further escalation to upper management or possible termination from participation of camp privileges provided first aid care for on site injuries counseled children displaying unruly behavior on the importance of respect kindness and understanding through positive reinforcement informed parents of children s progress and behavioral and observed social issues supervised a groups of children on a daily basis escorted supervised and monitored groups of children on a daily basis and on field trips dairy clerk bagger kroger columbia sc june to august promote corporate brands to customers promote trust and respect among associates create an environment that enables customers to feel welcome important and appreciated by answering questions regarding products sold within the department and throughout the store gain and maintain knowledge of products sold within the department and be able to respond to questions and make suggestions about products offer product samples to help customers discover new items or products they inquire about inform customers of dairy specials provide customers with fresh products that they have ordered recommend dairy items to customers to ensure they get the products they want and need check product quality to ensure freshness review sell by dates and take appropriate action label stock and inventory department merchandise report product ordering shipping discrepancies to the department manager display a positive attitude stay current with present future seasonal and special ads adhere to all food safety regulations and guidelines ensure proper temperatures in cases and coolers are maintained and temperature logs are maintained reinforce safety programs by complying with safety procedures and identify unsafe conditions and notify store management practice preventive maintenance by properly inspecting equipment and notify appropriate department or store manager of any items in need of repair notify management of customer or employee accidents report all safety risks or issues and illegal activity including robbery theft or fraud to store management ensure groceries are bagged with care and with like items help customers load and unload groceries into vehicles maintain an acceptable number of carts and retrieve carts when necessary from the parking lot camp counselor maintenance camp courtney hendersonville nc june to september overseeing the safety security of camp participants to reduce the risk of bodily harm or incidents in a variety of situations organized and implemented daily activities specifically with engaging children in physical activity successfully performed conflict resolution related task between camp participants which prevented further escalation to upper management or possible termination from participation of camp privileges provided first aid care for on site injuries counseled children displaying unruly behavior on the importance of respect kindness and understanding through positive reinforcement informed parents of children s progress and behavioral and observed social issues supervised a groups of children on a daily basis escorted supervised and monitored groups of children on a daily basis and on field trips complete preventive and routine maintenance to camp facilities administer assess clean and repair facilities prior to arrival and after departure maintain camp facilities by keeping facilities clean and in working order facilities to include dining hall camp cabins pool basketball court volleyball court sand childrens play equipment and tetherball courts lawn care for camp areas to include acres of lawn hedges shrubs areas of mulch camp fire grounds and fencing operate various lawn care and camp equipment perform minor repairs and maintenance to camp equipment and vehicles bustboy dishwasher ihop columbia sc april to september working in the kitchen area and cleaning dirty pots pans silverware and plates operate dish washing machines and or wash items by hand maintain an orderly work environment by cleaning the kitchen and guest seating areas basic cleaning duties include taking out trash and clearing tables unloading trucks stocking supplies culinary utensil sanitation engineer dish washer summer camp courtney hendersonville nc june to august transport clean and dirty dishes to and from sanitation area to serving area cooking area and proper storage area clean and sanitize pans pots glasses utensils dishes silverware and cups using dish washing machine or by hand separate organize sort and store clean dishes in designated areas safely and efficiently operate dish washing machine using company procedures and manufacturer manual clean operating areas regularly to include sinks machinery and floors remove trash from kitchen and washing areas perform opening and closing at appropriate times to include installing and removing mats sweeping mopping and powering on and off dish washing equipment follow safety and sanitation policies and procedures education bachelor of science in accounting fayetteville state university fayetteville nc may certifications licenses comptia a february to september comptia security february to september computer network enterprise certification additional information skill summary windows configuration and software installation windows configuration and software installation comptia security comptia a certified trainer certified teammate champion html script editing sql data query and script exposure vmware exposure and updating experience windows web server configuration and teammate configuration citrix configuration and trouble shooting for classified network and unclassified network advanced windows diagnosis troubleshooting and system performance knowledge some mac apple os x trouble shooting knowledge analytical and computer skills to include expertise in cch teammate software and database installation configuration integration maintenance and troubleshooting years of cch teammate technical support and training experience excellent oral and written communication acl and data mining experience two years of contract related audit experience two years of contract related and government purchase card gpc transaction auditing experience two years of information technology and information and logical security specialized audit experience data gathering and interviewing techniques secret security clearance renewed in ", "network engineer network engineer fidelity rougemont nc email me on indeed indeed com r daa fae f b c a work experience network engineer fidelity cary nc november to present primary responsibilities network engineer responsible for customer configurations within the axway managed file transfer infrastructure this includes daily operational work as well as the engineering of solutions that allows fidelity to meet high customer demands within a highly complex infrastructure daily duties include onboarding new internal external customer connectivity as well as working in a cross organizational fashion to implement new projects and services implement managed file transfer solutions that can be used across the fidelity enterprise engineering customer connectivity onboarding based on requirements for facilitating the transfer of data between businesses b b consulting with customers on best practices and options business to customer as well as business to business connectivity engineering customer connectivity onboarding based on requirements for facilitating the transfer of data between internal entities i i consulting with customers on best practices and options business to customer as well as business to business connectivity troubleshoot issues related to the managed file transfer infrastructure documentation of technologies and topologies modifications of work flow components using java development create report sql queries system analyst fidelity durham nc june to november nc provide high level technical support for fidelity investments technology group the global trading war room offers a focal point of services related to the support of the global trading production environments primary responsibilities provide support for managing multi site routing provide incident management services via monitoring the environments assist in the identification of storage violations isolation and escalation of problems provide cycle management of web to mainframe environments and multiple distributed systems provide support for distributed systems mainframe and application the duties require one to be proactive and reactive when identifying potential issues under the direction of direct supervisor incidents are escalated to senior management work on multiple projects ranging from moderate to complex assignments participate in the on call rotation assist the team in meeting the goals and or the direction of the organization collaborate with clients and or users to provide event status communication is carried out via sametime instant messaging email and or paging follow the guidelines and processes of itil as it relate to change and problem management provide production and non production support for applications and products maui and gor multi site routing application and market monitoring non production and environmental support order entry support market data application support maui and application install support network security specialist ibm research triangle park nc may to may provided technical expertise to customers in north central south america and partners in conjunction with global support groups engage with customers at their work locations to troubleshoot critical issues utilized as a technical specialist and customer facing liaison for other members of support worked closely with tac sales and engineering on prioritizing and managing customer escalations worked closely with partners and their escalation teams to ensure smooth delivery of service to end customers knowledgeable of intrusion detection prevention network management internet firewalls insect vpns knowledgeable of the following routing protocols ospf rip bgp sr technician usmax corporation gambrills md october to may provided technical support for approximately users setup video conference equipment for users to communicate internationally configured polycom video conferencing equipment using ip or isdn deployed microsoft office to users supported government software application such as creems used ghost software to image workstations setup small lan s for scheduled conferences supported windows windows xp used active directory to manage user accounts installed all peripheral devices such as printers scanners wireless systems and flat screen monitors provided tech support for resource scheduler application collaborated with the it group at usda to implement new projects configured cat cable e business operation analyst ibm durham nc november to june responsible for approximately servers in mixed environment provided operation support for web hosting customers provided first and second level end user support monitored security alerts and solved issues with intrusion via problem determination supported tivoli tools such as netview which was used for proactive monitoring suppressed alerts for system administrators while changes were being implemented supported aix sun solaris nt server microsoft xp scripts were used to stop and start services from the command line collaborated with the switch firewall and netops teams to resolve outages performed nightly backup jobs remotely worked as a backup to the shift lead managed a team of operation support specialists configured lotus notes collaborated with the focal account managers sa s and customers of various accounts it manager life care services severna park md february to november provided network support in a lan wan environment installed and configured pdc bdc and member servers performed lan vpn s and cisco router installations migrated nt to novell supervised daily tasks and planned long term projects responsibilities included procuring contractors and working as a liaison maintained a mixed nt network of approximately users successfully managed off site locations installed iis audited resources and events responsibilities included setting up raid lan administrator constellation senior services inc columbia md november to january provided administrative functions in a user window nt novell environment installed and configured compaq computers administer ms exchange server performed lan installs configured hewlett packard laser printers provided first and second level end user support installed nt windows on workstations diagnosed and solved software hardware conflicts worked with senior systems administrator on long term is plans recommend and implemented configuration profile for all network systems maintain pix firewalls and cisco routers configured dynamic host configuration protocol and static network support specialist interim financial services inc baltimore md april to november performed lan wan installs and configured frame connections for branch offices configured nt workstations and added new users to the domain converted a unix based system to a windows nt network for users configured lexmark and hewlett packard laser printers installed and configured dell pentium computers and attached nic cards built nt on workstations diagnosed and solved software hardware conflicts provided users with assistance and training on microsoft office products provided users with assistance for intranet internet access granted user rights with local logon and setup group accounts secured resources with shared folder permissions installed cisco router s and switches skills and knowledge experience with multiple hardware platforms such as mainframe unix linux windows vmware platforms an understanding of common network protocols experience in the financial industry with an understanding of trading terminology multi tasking ability understanding of mainframe and enterprise system components operations and mainframe cics processing basic understanding of the various os products from vendors db hp ibm linux apple and microsoft knowledgeable of software product monitoring and general remediation techniques ability to work effectively with technical systems staff and communicate with the various business units experience with the itil framework and methodologies understanding of incident problem change management tools provided by hewlett packard experience with tso cics mainframe mvs projects development maintenance support and sysview team player with technical problem solving as well as troubleshooting skills education university of maryland graduate program bachelor of science degree in business administration mis morgan state university ", "network engineer network engineer north las vegas nv email me on indeed indeed com r a b e cd a good network engineer with great it and management experience working in a corporate environment excellent communication and customer service skills positive and professional attitude toward end users and other team members experienced in troubleshooting lan wan and software hardware issues experience in tcp ip protocol suite routers and switch configuration analysis of ip network traffic with the use of various network analyzers in depth understandings of lan wan topologies exceptional experience working in fast paced deadline oriented environments possess excellent telephone verbal and written communication organizational multi lingual english and french and inter personal skills possess excellent strong conceptual skills able to translate ideas into realities able to organize and complete complex projects ability to multitask prioritize and work well under pressure and for long hours self motivated able to work independently and on own initiative with minimal or no supervision strong planning organizational and project management skills fast in learning and adapting good team player and leader excellent network cabling cat cat willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer intouch voice solution isp to responsible for implementation maintenance and administration of intouch voice network carry out coordination installation testing and technical tasks in support of the local and wide area wired and wireless network systems and participate in developing and implementing network security procedures and network management plans in charge of configuring intouch local and wide area wired and wireless networks provide guidance to support technicians for responses to emergency work requests troubleshoot network failures and errors and diagnoses isolate and resolve routine to moderately highly complex network related problems assists the security team with developing monitoring and implementing network security procedures for safeguarding all networking systems perform surveys for network communications and makes recommendations to the senior network engineer for the layout and location of network components equipment cabling and wiring network engineer perform wireless site survey june to june metro communication it consultant design implementation and management of network systems including wireless infrastructures elaborate strategic planning standards policies and procedures perform wireless site survey for optimal access point location install and configure cisco wireless controller wlc network maintaining and monitoring by using solarwinds angry ip scanner wireshark resolution manager aes sonel cameroon limbe branch july to june ensure the smooth running of the computer network it helpdesk desktop support for local office installation upgrade and maintenance of various software packages magellan software applications support troubleshooting and technical support for magellan gps support engineer good mann computer school june to october network manager bifunde communictions limbe cm november to may cameroon smooth running of the technical team by co ordination and supervision of all its activities dialup internet access installation and troubleshooting cabling installation and configuration of pabxs lans and wans monitored bandwidth and network activity by analyzing information provided by mrtg to ensure both efficient and effective network operation document network problems and changes based on trouble tickets education ccna routing and switching cisco academy university of buea cameroon may to may government technical high school bamenda cameroon to certifications licenses ccna routing and switching may to may ", "network engineer omaha ne email me on indeed indeed com r b e aab b authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer united states air force active duty omaha ne june to present network engineer experienced in cisco switches and routers telephone maintenance experienced in pots and cisco unified call manager military service service country us branch united states air force rank ssgt june to present certifications licenses security november to present additional information top secret clearance w sci ", "network engineer it professional hampstead md email me on indeed indeed com r ff b fe systems engineer with years of it experience with a strong background in client server web hosting network environments and itsm demonstrate the ability to provide innovative solutions to internal and external customers accomplished manager mentor and team leader with proven ability to complete projects using effective communication presentation and time management skills accomplishments include planning and building state of the art it labs equipped with cisco telecommunications audio and video teleconferencing capabilities at national guard sites throughout the us and abroad currently serve as the technical and service delivery support manager for several premium verizon web hosting customers authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer t rowe price owings mills md april to present network engineer provide support for and implementation of cisco network equipment for the t rowe price enterprise voice and data network assist in the design install and operation of the network infrastructure that supports all physical and logical links inside the t rowe price network daily support on infrastructure for data center recovery centers trading desks and call centers continuity testing in the event of a disaster that should leave the production network unusable upgrade update cisco network products based on vendor specific requirements create and update network documentation diagrams following implementation of new technology through research and evaluation perform daily network troubleshooting as a major responsibility for administering the cisco data network throughout the t rowe price lan wan unpack rack cable and install hardware in data centers across the company campus ensure initial connectivity to devices such as network server cyber security and cisco voip systems sme in campus area network refresh and data center refresh to the most up to date cisco hardware that is becoming end of life according to vendor specific support monitor network performance security of assets and security of the network through cisco ise cisco acs and cisco prime infrastructure securing publicly used assets in our financial center for clients with the use of x authentication or the use of mab network engineer department of defense fort meade md may to march design configure test implement and maintain lan wans monitor firewall and network performance troubleshoot and resolve complex network issues to ensure no disruption of mission critical services support remote access platform and connectivity from remote overseas locations upgrade update network products based on vendor specific requirements create and update network documentation diagrams following implementation of new technology through research and evaluation perform network troubleshooting as a primary responsibility for administering the cisco voip and vtc systems maintain proficiency on voip vtc and vosip within the enterprise system configure and maintain network security devices such as firewalls ids vpn concentrators network filters and log monitors attached to the gig backbone monitor network traffic to identify system anomalies to ensure implementation of corrective action following ia unpack rack cable and install hardware in data center ensure initial connectivity to devices such as network server cybersecurity and san devices beginner s knowledge in managing cisco ip telephony through ucm and unity assistant architect of campus area network refresh and data center refresh to the most up to date routing and switching cisco hardware it service delivery manager verizon silver spring md january to january directly responsible for the delivery of internet infrastructure and cloud services to multiple high visibility enterprise level e commerce customers with recurring revenue charges of over k per month technical liaison between customer and verizon in operating large highly secure corporate or e commerce enterprise web hosting environments comprised of linux servers windows based servers complex cisco networking equipment and dedicated oracle databases consult with clients on strategic organizational and operational challenges within their webhosting environment directly manage sales services operations and account management personnel throughout the delivery lifecycle of newly acquired solutions establish and maintain long term relationship with clients assist in negotiating closing and maintaining service contracts develop track and report on sla compliance evaluate and implement incoming projects using key performance indicators to determine risk reward directly coach and mentor small team of client delivery personnel perform quality assurance analysis of customer environments in order to make recommendations for monitoring backups routine maintenance and new upgrade equipment additions in order to significantly improve website hardware performance systems and network administration of client environment by executing such requests as load balancing changes on citrix netscaler s firewall rule implementation on cisco asa firewalls and initial troubleshooting of windows server environments through vsphere client facilitate daily weekly and monthly status calls with client engineers for relationship management and to ensure quality of service is consistently in line with their business needs incident management through the tracking updating and closing of service request tickets in order to meet mutually agreed upon sla saas engineer micros columbia md july to december responsibilities include day to day operations incident response documentation and monitoring of over concurrent opera pms production environments qa environments and several training environments which are spread across over windows servers installation configuration and tuning of microsoft windows server oracle g apache and opera pms software for deployment to new hotels including marriott and ihg across the united states perform scheduled monthly maintenance on existing windows servers perform oracle database backup recovery exports and imports technical troubleshooting that includes oracle database and application server issues network connectivity and client interface issues printing and auditing creation customization and tuning of solarwinds it management software to capture monitoring trends to identify critical outages or bottlenecks in order to lead them to mitigation resolution faster systems engineer support center mci verizon business terremark beltsville md may to march trained supervised and supported teams of technicians providing tier and network unix and windows support to more than commercial clients subscribing to verizon web hosting services on a monthly basis supported the team in responding to service tickets led the team to achieve of the alerts processed within minutes sla reducing priority one and two ticket resolution time by personally resolved over regular and escalated tickets and responsible for providing rapid response to premium clients such as honda nestle novartis astrazeneca and accenture with monthly subscription value of k k provided remote services through windows and unix servers including setting up new server accounts managing individual and group user maintenance through active directory restarting computer services such as iis manual and remote server reboots managing terminal service sessions running unix scripts to set up and deploy new websites creating web trends profiles for websites to analyze traffic managing verisign ssl certification and facilitating conference calls for live troubleshooting monitored and supported colocation clients in multiple datacenters in the united states and abroad provided internal corporate domain user account administration and troubleshooting sme and sole support provider to subscribers of verizon s shared hosted microsoft exchange and instant messaging product annually managed internal projects such as server end of life and system migrations managed routine maintenance such as server farm maintenance upgrades and facilitated the resolution of emergency events to ensure meeting all operational sla s implementation project manager saic jil information systems tysons corner va january to may as the lead engineer traveled to several army national guard sites in the us and abroad to deploy it labs classrooms equipped with video teleconferencing capabilities project management of installation configuration of windows servers and windows xp desktop pc s at each site initial configuration of cisco routers and other network equipment developed virtual physical designs for each site based on sla generated comprehensive hardware and software requirements oversaw material acquisition and shipping managed at team of technicians to complete the physical build out wiring and installation of equipment conducted on site and post deployment testing and support provided tier on site and remote support for complex troubleshooting repair of deployed cisco switches and routers windows servers and desktop units as well as various audio visual devices provided onsite and remote support to resolve lan wan connectivity issues with cisco telecom equipment initial configuration management of server active directories and relevant security group policies for each organizational unit liaised with the national guard point of contact poc office to coordinate equipment delivery to the sites as well as scheduling and delivering training sessions for newly installed equipment education computer science anne arundel community college arnold md september to business management university of south carolina columbia sc september to certifications licenses comptia security december to present itil v to present cisco certified network associate ccna february to february cisco certified network associate ccna data center may to may additional information it certifications microsoft mcp comptia security itil v foundation cisco ccent cisco ccna routing and switching ccna data center i am currently studying to become a ccnp in routing and switching operating systems windows server windows xp beginner s knowledge of linux cisco ios web technologies html iis networking ethernet all layers of the osi model tcp ip udp dhcp dns arp nat ftp telnet snmp smtp vpn ldap ipv subnetting routing protocols rip ospf and eigrp and cabling network monitoring tools netiq sitescope impact hostmon and solarwinds software microsoft office suite salesforce cisco ios remote desktop services terminal services client and bomgar exchange norton ghost creston vision tools image pro ticketing systems seibel etms remedy and clarify hardware cisco routers cisco switches cisco acs cisco ucs cisco call manager palo alto firewalls dell and hp servers and workstations crestron control units and touch panels black box video scan converters and scalers tandberg video teleconference equipment sony video projectors and other various video teleconferencing equipment custom cat cat networking and rgb audio video cables it training history pc configuration i and ii pc diagnostics and repair maintaining microsoft exchange server windows server active directory windows server server administrator a certification all in one comptia security certification sybex cisco ccna routing and switching sybex clearance level currently possess a secret clearance ", "network engineer network engineer ogden ut email me on indeed indeed com r a fdd e d authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer first digital telecom salt lake city ut february to june first digital telecom is an internet service provider in the greater salt lake city area with customers nationwide as a network engineer at first digital telecom i worked on a small team of other network engineers and helped to monitor maintain upgrade and expand first digital s network this also included working with customers during network outages if necessary my primary duty on the team was to determine which equipment would work best for each business customer and then configure that network equipment this also included often working directly with the customer and other networking teams in the company i also engineered and configured most of the big residential developments field engineer digis networks american fork ut january to february digis networks now rise broadband is an internet service provider in utah as a field engineer at digis i worked on a team to manage maintain and expand a network which provided fixed wireless internet access to customers the duties of this position include designing planning installing troubleshooting and maintaining a large network of over residential customers in day to day and on call environments tester researcher drop sell it ebay ogden ut may to january at drop sell it on ebay i tested repaired and researched the value of computers electronics and other items to be sold on ebay during this process i learned additional computer repair and diagnostic skills laborer utility trailer mfg co clearfield ut september to august at utility trailer i learned a variety of skills to help construct refrigerated semi trailers in a production environment during this time i learned problem solving skills to help increase quality and rate of production i also used my experience to teach others the skills i had learned education roy high school ", "network engineer network engineer ocala fl email me on indeed indeed com r b f e a highly motivated experienced years and results oriented professional with notable success directing a broad range of enterprise networking services willing to relocate to ocala fl florida authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer covenant health systems knoxville tn to present network engineer for a large multi campus regional healthcare system that includes multiple acute care hospitals clinics and primary care offices responsible for all aspects of a user metropolitan area network infrastructure responsible for designing implementing and troubleshooting permanent and temporary network solutions troubleshooting and problem resolution of enterprise network difficulties and outages responsible for implementing maintaining network connectivity to remote sites ase metroe t t dsl cable maintain cisco edge routers hp core routers and hp layer edge switches build and maintain current visio documentation for network infrastructure maintain websense web proxy system and hp imc network management platform maintain mrv dwdm equipment between data center and dr site maintain whatsupgold network monitoring system maintain ngenius infinistream data collection and sniffer system maintain cisco asa vpn appliance with l l vpn tunnels network engineer baptist health systems east tennessee us to provided direct network support for a multi campus healthcare system that included four hospitals a regional cancer center heart institute senior health centers pain institute and doctors office buildings responsible for all enterprise networking hardware including switches routers and firewalls installed and maintained iprism internet filtering appliance installed and administrated cisco vpn concentrator performed daily network monitoring and troubleshooting with protocol analyzer sniffer performed domain admin tasks including maintaining dns and dhcp field service engineer ibm tss division bradenton fl to performed daily computer data communications maintenance and repairs for contracts within a large geographic area in central florida and east tennessee installed configured and serviced all major brands of computers printers and related peripherals installed and configured both lan and wan hardware including satellite communication equipment surpassed customer satisfaction goals throughout region field service engineer general electric computer service bradenton fl to performed daily computer data communications maintenance and repairs within large geographic area throughout central florida installed and serviced many types of computer hardware from desktops to high end servers installed configured and maintained airline ticket systems worked in a strong team oriented environment helping technicians in other areas as needed base administration computer maintenance united states air force to base administration launched implementation procedures to automate a large inventory of af publications and forms installed and configured all system hardware and software performed daily maintenance and system backups received the air force commendation medal for my accomplishments on this project education year technical degree in microcomputers and microprocessors mcgraw hill national radio institute of technology tampa fl to two years in computer sciences st leo college tampa fl to skills see below under additional information years military service service country us branch air force rank e august to august commendations air force commendation medal awards united states air force commendation medal certifications licenses microsoft certified systems engineer mcse cisco ccna comptia network comptia a additional information professional skills successful track record with increased responsibility in network engineering and analysis demonstrated capacity to implement and support enterprise wide networking solutions possess adept leadership abilities able to manage motivate and lead project teams using excellent communication and people skills core competencies hardware operating system analysis network engineering and analysis network and systems security operating system platforms microsoft dos windows xp nt windows professional windows vista windows server server novell netware cisco ios adtran ios and linux networking ethernet vlan tcp ip vpn ssh ftp dhcp dns snmp dwdm microsoft active directory layer and layer devices from cisco hp alcatel allied telesyn mrv and netscreen juniper tools cisco asa ngenius infinistream whatsupgold hp imc platform websense bluecat dhcp dns hp ata sophos ms visio hp tippingpoint network associates sniffer languard solarwinds network engineers edition snmpc management console watchguard firewall sourcefire ids iprism barracuda networks solarwinds websense ", "network engineer network engineer carmel in email me on indeed indeed com r ffafcdc f be network engineer routing and switching network engineer security engineer position desired will provide an opportunity to utilize my troubleshooting skills to resolve system and network problems lan wan and security design challenges using routers switches security servers and firewalls are also desired network engineer i have a knowlege of networking switches routers hubs lan wan tcp ip qos bgp ospf isis ppp can work well with other people i am able to work independently i have planning and organizational skills i can work long hours on rotation and on weekends i am also amenable to travel on duty willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer i international kokomo in to position network engineer in a very short term project team experience in the installation of cisco catalyst type series in a global company in kokomo indiana company worked for i international member of a team involved in the upgrading of corporate network switching infrastructure roles and responsibilities in the position as a network engineer i was involved in the replacement of a catalyst switch with a newer model various roles to entrepreneur in computer sales marketing shipping parent writer technical support technician engineer calltech communications to in a verizon project a major internet service provider member of a network operating center company worked for calltech communications a contractor of verizon roles and responsibilities in this position i provided telecommunications support cisco router support modem support and computer system troubleshooting configuration and operations support in the project to verizon dsl internet subscribers in this role i was able to help some of the remote customers who call into the network operations center with their issues with internet connectivity in this high pressure role in a network operating center i helped verizon dsl customers with a variety of issues which affect their internet connectivity some of these issues include router problems computer problems modem problems and problems with their telecommunications links were handled in a collaborative team environment ictc to network setup maintenance basic advanced computer training graduate training university of california berkeley ca to teaching assistant graduate training university of california berkeley ca to usa assistant lecturer university of ibadan ibadan nigeria to science mathematics teacher ibadan boys high school to ibadan nigeria university of ibadan ibadan ng to b sc hons chemistry university of ibadan ibadan nigeria education m sc in polymer science technology ahmadu bello university ", "network engineer network engineer fordham university santa clara ca email me on indeed indeed com r ef b a hard working technician with experience in problem resolution team leadership and customer service with a self motivated goal of efficiency experience leading projects involving building maintaining and dismantling large scale active networks recognized for remaining charismatic and calm while returning high quality solutions in stressful situations an entrepreneurial spirit of innovation and a passion for problem solving an attitude to strive for perfection and a genuine interest in customer satisfaction willing to relocate to san mateo ca authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience network engineer fordham university bronx ny may to present recruited as a network engineer responsible for enacting the full life cycle of networking and server solutions including network maintenance and vip client solutions challenged with the responsibility of training new hires and delegation of work created and maintained complex databases of current network status including new installs and issue resolution experience with hands on management and delegation of tasks on large scale projects configured and installed several switches routers hubs and access points to expand network capabilities resolved large scale network connectivity issues trained new staff on network upkeep responsible for tracking ip usage in a large static environment designed network layouts for several buildings and offices troubleshot thousands of network related issues performed several network analysis tests and data captures using programs such as wireshark provided on site support for network connectivity issues in time sensitive situations network technician highstreet it fordham bronx ny may to august summary recruited as a systems monitor to troubleshoot and resolve issues with malfunctioning systems involved in the decommission process of older systems responsible for monitoring the current state of all devices connected to our network completed installation of new systems into server racks and configured them to be monitored by remote tools such as wug and solar winds responsible for troubleshooting malfunctioning systems created of several sql programs and macro intensive excel files to make the systems easier to monitor infrastructure technician highstreet it fordham islandia ny may to august summary recruited to wire the store fronts of sleepy s locations up and down the u s east coast between maine and south carolina responsible for setting up new locations and troubleshooting issues in existing locations wellsaustyn gmail com installed and configured pod and pos equipment in hundreds of storefronts responsible for creating cable connections to each pos configured and installed remote switches and routers for each location averaged store setups per day electronic repair technician highstreet it fordham islandia ny may to august summary recruited to aid warehouse functions in the department of refurbished equipment challenged to refurbish all malfunctioning equipment back to working standards responsible for repair of all malfunctioning pc s phones printers and servers installed new software updates cleaned and reimaged virus infected pc upgraded pc hardware assisted in warehouse management of hardware inventory for maintenance support network security internship fordham university bronx ny march to may summary interned under the head of it security at fordham university responsible for all data collection and management performed intrusion testing responsible for password basic password checks and resets created several large macro intensive excel files education bachelor of arts in computer science in computer science university at albany suny september to may skills c years cabling year command line interface year maintenance year network analysis year microsoft excel years putty year wireshark year additional information relevant skills proficient in microsoft power point microsoft excel command line interface and c experience in office management cabling switch rack installations network maintenance troubleshooting equipment and network analysis ", "oanh do database developer salt lake ut email me on indeed indeed com r oanh do cb f fafe years of working experience in software development especially in database reports and etl years of experience in project management involve in defining process template planning controlling progress coordinating development and qa teams offshore and onshore teams years of onsite us experience expertise in dbms data warehouses and business intelligence suites microsoft sql informatica pentaho mysql experienced in agile and rup methodologies major clients kiewit micros sheridan healthcare inc zurich uk medplus plexis authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience associate engineering manager database developer csc vietnam th nh ch minh may to april vietnam may to apr managed micros offshore development team using agile jira the team included members and divided into three sub teams each team is responsible for developing and maintaining a specific system of micros hospitality platform my responsibilities were defining working process for each sub team supporting team with difficult database issues creating project plan tracking daily activities progress and reporting to csc and micros managers worked onsite at kiewit headquarter as an onshore coordinator my main tasks were getting works from client and transfer to offshore team working closely with offshore manager to ensure the team understand client s expectation and deliver products in time worked onsite at kiewit headquarter as an db reporting developer maintained and enhanced the most complex report of kiewit cost report using sql server and ssrs technical lead of zurich uk team we created a single data store in sql server which takes inputs from multiple sources globally then used informatica to transform the data into a standard data format and produces a single view of risk i involved in requirement analysis technical designs issue management and implementing informatica etl workflows technical lead of peregrine network team the team built a data warehouse system using mysql and used pentaho to transfer data to data warehouse and develop a report system including financial and operational reports i involved in requirement analysis designing and implementing etl packages and reports supporting team with db issues database report developer in sheridan healthcare smart project the project was to build a full revenue cycle management system for a healthcare provider my responsibilities included requirement analysis with onshore smes database design implementing sql stored procedures functions ssrs reports deployment and performing demo presentation to end users database report developer in projects plexis claim processing medplus healthcare client portal third millennium inc rcms involved in many database tasks o worked at client site as a database report developer o developed database design document o developed reports using ssrs crystal report o converted databases from ms sql to ms sql from ms sql to oracle o wrote stored procedures functions database scripts and supported client s developers with database tasks o optimized sql queries o backup restore database o prepared database and scripts for builds created sample data net developers in various projects which developed desktop web applications for csc s clients my tasks involved mostly in coding and unit testing with c vb net mssql server net database developer minh tue ltd th nh ch minh to may developed an accounting system for small and medium size companies in vietnam i was responsible for key components in that system such as account receivable inventory and reporting technologies used vb net crystal report sql education bachelor of computer science university of natural sciences september skills sql server reporting services mysql crystal report pentaho etl and reporting informatica etl ms project visio jira hpqc svn additional information soft skills team leadership coaching negotiation people management good operational organizational and planning skills good communication enthusiasm and have ability to work under high pressure ", "senior network engineer senior network engineer bank of america ararat nc email me on indeed indeed com r c b dfecafa network engineer with years of professional experience with demonstrated success in network administration data communication design wireless network maintaining and troubleshooting cisco juniper huawei hp routers and switches cisco asa firewalls palo alto firewalls load balancers troubleshooting fine tuning of firewalls vpn configuration experience with nexus k k k kseries nexus v operate in cisco nx os software and aci cisco router series isr ncs asr series ios xrv series series cisco catalyst e cx x xr meraki ms mr h mr mr mr series switches experience with networking software systems ios ios xr ios xe nx os and core technologies cisco aci vxlan fcoe lisp ciso one deployed cisco wireless controller cisco aironet series juniper experience devices with sdn ready mx mx edge router ptx ptx ex ex ex srx srx series mx routers aruba wireless access points deliver superb wi fi performance aruba series wireless client bridge mobility controller worked on arista data center switch series arista t gigabit hpe flexnetwork series hpe flexnetwork hi series deploy and manage with advanced security and network management tools like aruba clearpass policy manager aruba airwave and cloud based aruba central implementation configuration troubleshooting the issues related to virtual servers pools nodes experience with f load balancers to provide land balancing towards access layer from core layer and configuring f ltm both by gui and tmsh cli and cisco load balancers csm ace and gss worked on f ltm gtm series like for corporate applications and make sure their availability to end customers firewall experience with asa x with firepower services asa series asa x with firepower ssp palo alto next generation firewalls provide complete visibility into all network traffic based on applications users content and devices pa pa pa deployed check point next generation firewall for enterprise network security high performance multi core capabilities deep knowledge of significant experience with and deep expertise in many of the following ethernet d ip tcp vlan vtp stp bgp ospf hsrp vrrp glbp pim igmp msdp mpls ldp dns http ssl netflow g g futures linux unix understanding of tcp ip networking ip routing server load balancing and network security architecture and core technologies server load balancers firewalls acls dns dhcp ipam ldap nfs etc implementing aaa using acs servers using tacacs and radius have worked on validating a b g n ac wmm uapsd products working knowledge of windows layered products including ms exchange dns and active directory proficient with ms office suite excel powerpoint word outlook and visio complete understanding of ieee g and n wireless standards x and eap authentication wpa and wpa security rf conditions and performance capacity planning qos policy enforcement and network management dns dhcp proxy functions forward and reverse security protocols ipsec tls ssl etc time protocols e g ntp tag and label switching real time protocols for voice sip h rtp and ipv and ipv knowledge of unix linux administration willing to relocate anywhere work experience senior network engineer bank of america charlotte nc july to present responsibilities design wan lan wlan network architecture and configure and troubleshooting layer layer configured nexus basic interface parameters layer interfaces layer interface bidirectional forwarding detection port channels vpcs ip tunnels q in q vlan tunnels configured nexus smart channel static and dynamic nat translation layer data center interconnect ietf rfcs supported by cisco nx os interfaces configured limits for cisco nx os interfaces configured cisco asr series link bundles point to point layer services multipoint layer services ieee ah provider backbone bridge multiple spanning tree protocol layer access lists vxlan configured cisco catalyst series ios xe e using the command line interface and web graphical user interface cleanair interface and hardware component ipv layer lightweight access point mobility network management qos radio resource management routing security stack manager and high availability system management videostream vlan wlan configured for wi fi standard qos command line interface cli web interface webui logical and physical interfaces creating firewall roles and policies deployed aruba and cisco wireless controllers loading an ssl certificate gui ssl certificate cli configuring bands n parameters dhcp proxy snmp aggressive load balancing fast ssid changing bridging enabling mulitcast mode ip mac address binding troubleshooter and configured f load balance virtual server nodes load balancing pools profile configuration managing application layer traffic enabling session persistence managing protocol profiles local traffic ssl traffic application traffic nats snats irules deployed cisco asa basic cisco remote access ipsec vpn solutions advanced cisco anyconnect full tunnel ssl vpn solution cisco asa basic site to site ipsec vpns advanced site to site ipsec vpns cisco asa configured site to site vpn architectures and technologies gre over ipsec vpns vti based site to site ipsec vpns site to site ipsec vpns dmvpns cisco asa configured remote access vpn architectures and technologies remote access solutions using ssl vpn remote access solutions using cisco easy vpn palo alto networks firewall pan db categorization enable a url filtering vendor determine url filtering policy requirements palo altouse an external dynamic list in a url filtering profile monitor web activity configure url filtering palo alto networks firewall connect securely over a public network configured site to site vpn interfaces and zones for the lsvpn enable ssl between globalprotect lsvpn components globalprotect gateways for lsvpn working understanding of code and shell script bash powershell php python perl and or ruby implement and troubleshoot layer protocols cdp lldp vlan access ports vlan database normal extended vlan voice vlan vtp spanning tree pvst rpvst mst stp configured device security using cisco ios aaa with tacacs and radius aaa with tacacs and radius local privilege authorization fallback design implement and troubleshoot highly available and redundant topologies vpc fabricpath stp vxlan otv evpn ptp ntp dns dhcp macsec acl private vlans configure verify and troubleshoot single area and multi area ospf eigrp rip for ipv ipv implement and troubleshoot peer relationships ibgp and ebgp bgp ipv ipv vpn address family configured and troubleshoot mpls operations mpls l vpn encapsulation gre dynamic gre experienced with dmvpn single hub nhrp dmvpn with ipsec using preshared key qos profile ios aaa using local database implement and troubleshoot first hop redundancy protocols hsrp glbp vrrp redundancy dhcp network time protocol ntp master ipv network address translation static nat dynamic nat policy based nat pat nat alg ip sla icmp udp jitter voip wireless engineer citigroup new york ny february to july responsibilities design and implementation of network security solutions within enterprise network deployed next generation firewall solutions configuration of security policies in a complex multi vendor environment and working with business units inside and outside of the environment to develop best practice security solutions monitors and manages the remedy firewall operations trouble ticket queue assigns and resolves remedy incidents and service requests expertise in communication protocols network operating systems servers firewall implementation ips ids systems and advanced malware detection systems implemented and support wlans by performing and documenting wireless surveys support new cisco s high capacity wlan controllers and over thousands of ap over multiple local locations used air magnet survey and spectrum analyzer analyzing collected rf data to determine cell boundaries ap power settings and noise and interference sources is preferred but not required will determine ap placements and deploy aps and perform post implementation surveys in order to optimize wlan performance diagnose difficult network performance problems and interact with application support teams to diagnose network or application performance issues trouble shoot network issues related to asymmetry used cleanair to troubleshoot interoperability with non rf devices trouble shoot and validate specialized with wi fi client devices such as cisco ip phones samsung and apple tablets wyse terminals and biomedical equipment experience as a cisco wireless lan specialist with hands on implementation and support experience experience with real time location systems rtls tracking experience with a g n ac cisco wlc capwap lwapp be able to use tools such as cisco prime infrastructure airmagnet suite to design and support wlans experience with l l and wireless security features including access lists wpa wpa cckm aes ccmp cckm x eap peap radius and tacacs hands on experience and well versed in utilizing networking tools and applications such as cisco works solarwinds network engineer citrix systems fort lauderdale fl january to december responsibilities design and architecture complex network routing switching and forwarding issues across multiple routing and switching platforms investigating network suspected network incidents and working towards mitigation resolution of the issue hands on experience with cisco data center switches nexus k k and k hands on experience with cisco asr routers configured vlan trucking q stp and port security on catalyst switches hands on experience in cisco catalyst series configured routing protocol ospf eigrp bgp with access control lists implemented as per network design design and create dedicated vlans for voice and data with for prioritizing voice over data on catalyst switches and basic voip configuration worked on nexus platform and deployed vpc vdc and otv fabric path and successfully implemented vss on the cisco catalyst switches use layer switching in cisco s catalyst switches c c c series and other layer devices to work with customers and business units working knowledge of cisco ios cisco ios xr cisco cat os cisco nx os junos assisting and troubleshooting on cisco meraki solutions remotely including a b g ac wireless networks performing junos ios upgrade for installed routers switches firewalls juniper cisco within the network as per the recommended process provided by the vendor assisted in the transition from the all juniper legacy network to an all cisco network which included installing testing and maintenance of the cisco equipment juniper qf series ex switch q series jpod cisco cat series ssg branch firewalls responsible for performing predictive wireless designs site surveys with airmagnet planner cisco aruba access points and conducting physical wireless site surveys with airmagnet survey perform wireless rf site surveys with air magnet and offline surveys working on global ac wlan upgrade project performed network devices cisco arista eol replacement and new installed large scale data centers reviewed designs as sme hands on experience with big ip environment utilizing two or more of the following gtm ltm apm or asm worked on upgrading f device from to to remediate http classes and profiles and upgrading and relicensed f ltm configuration migrations upgrades of f big ip ltm running v x to x active standby experience with convert checkpoint vpn rules over to the prime cisco asa solution migration with both checkpoint and cisco asa vpn experience configuring administering and troubleshooting checkpoint solaris and asa firewall configured palo alto firewall models pa k pa k and pa k as well as centralized management system panorama to manage large scale firewall deployments upgrade of checkpoint management servers from gaia r to r ga using cpuse via hotfix did a complete rebuild of checkpoint firewall from gaia r to gaia r ga version perform checkpoint and pix firewall ids design integration implementation for cyber trap client networks integrated panaroma with palo alto firewalls for managing multiple palo alto firewalls with single tool configured snmp on palo alto firewalls for receiving incident alerts and notification and wrote ssl decryption policies for decryption of traffic to provide anti virus malware protection experience working with and designing network architectures with ip routing protocols such as bgp ospf eigrp dmvpn and iwan layer switching technologies and related wan technologies like mpls dwdm t t oc and other wan technologies actively involved in switching technology administration including creating and managing vlans port security x trunking q rpvst inter vlan routing and lan security on cisco catalyst r e and nexus switches experience in working with nexus k k k k devices created dedicated vlans for voice data with qos for prioritizing voice over data experience with voip phone systems including sip codecs qos fax and unified messaging troubleshoot lan wan related network issues using cisco works and solar winds and participate in x on call worked with mpls to improve quality of service qos by defining lsps that can meet specific service level agreements slas on traffic latency jitter packet loss and downtime deployed a large scale hsrp solution to improve the uptime of collocation customers in the event of core router becoming unreachable experience in implementing site to site and remote access vpn technologies using gre ipsec mpls experience with network monitoring solutions nagios solar winds etc network engineer genpact bangalore karnataka september to november l l responsibilities provided deployment guidelines for inserting new ip technology and upgrades into mpls on backbone network worked with vendors cisco huawei in validating hardware and software features troubleshooting the latency issues in the wan network experience in configuring site to site and remote access vpn solutions ensure all network elements are deployed as per deployment template and standard configuration template providing x technical supports to complete team management of netops server for providing uninterrupted services to customers ensure network is migrated to mpls architecture up to core switch level configured client vpn technologies including cisco s vpn client via ipsec configuring acl to allow only authorized users to access the servers participated in on call support in troubleshooting the configuration and installation issues developed route redistribution mechanism between bgp and ospf for large scale networks ensure all elements with uptime ensure redundancy for all critical network elements in lacp mode configuring ip sec vpns as per customer requirements with standard encryption and encapsulation documentation of network details reporting the network health status to respective teams for action configured snmp on all the network devices and added them to solarwinds for monitoring configured routing protocols such as ospf bgp static routing and policy based routing knowledge of implementing and troubleshooting complex layer technologies such as vlan trunks vtp ether channel stp and rstp mstp lacp configured hsrp and vlan trucking q vlan routing on catalyst switches switching related tasks included implementing vlans vtp rstp and port security dealt with the configuration of standard and extended acls for security continually monitor assess and improve network security test with the help of solarwinds worked along with the team in resolving client raised incident tickets monitoring the wan links using solarwinds and what s up gold monitoring troubleshooting cisco core routers and and switches cisco and com switches network support engineer apollo hospitals chennai tamil nadu june to august worked with routing protocols of rip eigrp ospf mpls to ensure high availability of system resources to the end users and to maximize the uptime of doing the necessary work to diagnose detect and rectify the faults in time coordinating the technical activities with their vendors telco to keep the systems and network uptime to and submission of monthly reports on the project apollo hospital chennai india jun aug network support engineer responsibilities installation and configuration of various routers like and configuration of various cisco switches like local computer and lan support for employees implementation of various routing protocol like eigrp ospf on routers configure and troubleshoot spanning tree protocol in the switching network implement the technical solution sold to clients test and pre configure equipment to be sent to site reporting network operational status by gathering prioritizing information provide assistance to field engineers during installations resolve any technical issues that arise during the project implementation open tac cases with network vendors to solve issues assist in troubleshooting national internet virus attacks and prevention of virus infiltration assisting in network security issues relating to internet or network hacking misuse troubleshoot and repair of local area network outages using fluke optiview telnet sniffer ping trace route and internet technologies provide project status reports to upper management skills cisco years eigrp years lan years ospf years security years additional information technical skills switches cisco ios and catos platforms cisco cisco data center platforms nexus ucs cisco sdn platforms nexus v asa v csr v routers cisco ios and ios xe platforms cisco asr firewalls cisco asa x x x cisco pix fwsm asam load balancers cisco ace css f ltm f gsm wan optimization riverbed steelhead cisco waas network technologies topologies wan mpls mpls layer vpn s frame relay gre ipsec vpn vpn sip pstn services layer networking d w s ethernet ppoe ether channel layer networking ipv ipv ospf eigrp rip v bgp mp bgp pfr ospfv eigrpv ripng advanced redistribution vrf lite multicast networking multicast sparse dense msdp anycast auto rp bsr pim ssm security cbac zone based firewall reflex acl nat ip source guard urpf cisco ips ips rsa envision qos congestion avoidance and congestion management mqc cbwfq llq nbar wred auto qos voip cisco voice gateway functionality srst unified computing virtualization design support configure upgrade cisco ucs systems data center fabricpath fex vpc ucs fcoe wireless wireless lan controllers all lwap and autonomous ap models ncs skills must have clearpass aruba wireless aos airwave networking x clearpass deployment integration experience clearpass tacacs onboard and onguard policy features vpn ssl vpn ipsec vpn and dmvpn phase and ezvpn anyconnect additional knowledge skills operating system utilities windows windows server windows xp professional red hat linux solaris dns dhcp netflow wireshark professional skills network drawing tools including ms visio presentation skills and experience including mpowerpoint ", "senior network engineer analyst senior network engineer analyst chesterfield va email me on indeed indeed com r cb f f d f to obtain a rewarding and challenging position as a network design or senior network engineer active ccie written routing and switching exam and ccnp routing and switching certification currently studying for the ccie lab authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience senior network engineer analyst dominion power glen allen va march to march as a sr network engineer i provide highly available and high performing network solutions for our internal dominion customers i am responsible for the design process and facilitating the installation of the design i am well versed with the advanced engineering of multiprotocol routers multilayer switches network security devices copper and fiber optic cabling i am responsible to train junior members of the team and see them and dominion thrive in excellence of skill and attitude i am a self motivated and diligent engineer i enjoy the diversity of working in solitary as well as being part of a team in accomplishing goals and tasks set by others and myself i flourish in a technical environment while still being a people person of great communication designed and deployed lan to wan networks at numerous power stations and substations for the eastern part of the country using asr k e e juniper and palo alto firewalls i aps to support enterprise wireless voice data and video solutions designed a network solution as well as assisted with the wireless sites surveys in order to upgrade dominion campus area networks to support nd generation cisco n series access points with cisco series wireless lan controllers network engineer northrop grumman corporation chester va february to march implementation and design as the senior technical lead for a team of people i work to fulfill the design and implementation requests for virginia state agencies at remote location using cisco equipment including routers and switches as listed and s other experience virginia air national guard june to january honors honorable discharge from usaf may southwest asia service medal operations desert storm southern watch july united states air force november to may education implementation and design campus area networks additional information operating systems experience using unix linux and nt in working environments of operations centers network management systems experience using hp ito hp open view naviscore netcool cisco works and what s up gold ticketing and configuration management tools experience using remedy and itsm which are used for ticketing configuration management asset management and service level management specialized training foundry certified network engineer advanced ip routing bgp and ospf bay networks naviscore training management ", "senior network engineer security engineer aurora co email me on indeed indeed com r df f c f efbe authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience senior network engineer teletech englewood co may to may outsourcing network engineer security responsible for administration of multivendor firewall check point cisco asa had just started the rollout of palo alto and the building out in a lab checkpoint r information security analyst first data greenwood village co june to april financial services security analyst for first data s security and firewall team lead engineer for remote access using juniper sslvpn primary point of contact for all changes design of access provide on call support upgraded the juniper devices both hardware and software with no down time or service interruption for over users created a secure vendor portal to allow offshore contractors to connect to vdi environment allowing offshore application development and support support global security operations for over security devices in u s china and apac datacenters manage and support checkpoint juniper pix asa firewalls blue coat and rsa for both first data and eftps environments in a on call rotation responsibilities included system administration policy planning and administration hardware and software upgrades working with customer to provide instructions for rule efficiencies change management via remedy and ca service desk primary engineer responsible for security review of all firewall requests to ensure requested access was within first data security policies and pci standards create and maintain great working relationships with other teams within first data such as lan mainframe networking desktop support ids spectrum splunk and various engineers throughout the company provided sslvpn training to the help desk to enable them to provide level support checkpoint cisco juniper sslvpn juniper netscreen fw routing windows desktop support networking and internet protocol suite tcp ip remote access security engineer ibm greenwood village co january to june internet services responsible for administration of checkpoint firewalls in provider environment responsibilities included rule addition route updates hardware and software upgrades assist customers with design and integration into existing infrastructure design redundant firewall cluster to ensure continuous up time for customer provide x support to customer schedule changes for firewall team to ensure workload is balanced troubleshoot firewall and network issues with customers engage various teams to ensure customers issue is resolved information technology professional i lead for migration colorado department of labor and employment denver co march to december denver colorado government system administrator responsible for windows servers desktops and user accounts located in cities throughout colorado lead for migration to server ad from nt with no down time during migration responsible for the setup of all equipment in state run workforce centers including servers desktop network printers and laptops work with isp to resolve all network issues troubleshoot problems remotely and on site when required responsible for ownership of any issue within the workforce centers responsible for the continual ghost image updates network security engineer ge access boulder co april to october system and security engineer responsible for firewall network and system administration involved in all aspects of the design installation tuning optimization and maintaining of firewalls networks and systems evaluated customer requirements setup sun hardware and software lab environment based on their requirements provided security consulting services to various customers on site worked with customers to plan sans nas solutions designed raid backup and disaster recovery solutions for various customers troubleshot an array of system problems over the phone to included design issues hardware software and human error issues evaluate and optimize firewall rules for companies to ensure the best balance of security and business requirements determine the hardware and software configuration to best meet the business and security requirements of the company check switches and hubs to ensure they are functioning properly check os parameters to facilitate communications between systems on the lan wan administrator manager platoon sergeant th cmmc automation support division fort lewis wa january to april supervised thirty five technical and non technical personnel handled various management functions from shift scheduling performance counseling personal counseling and daily meeting with upper management to ensure company and personnel requirements were met translated the goals of management to the technical staff translated to management what could be done what equipment software personnel or training was needed to reach the goal designed installed administered and maintained lan ethernet for a node network including three nt server pdc bdc and one iis running on a windows server administrator for a hp with over users nationwide responsible for upgrade to hp ux to meet y k compliance requirements webmaster for the company designed built and maintained company internet and intranet websites this resulted in reduced physical traffic to the company by units could upload or download information via the websites implemented a security policy for websites network and systems enforced these policies and procedures audited the systems network and websites to ensure compliance with dod security regulations programmed web pages using html visual basic and a little c project lead for development of a data pull program which saved to company seven to nine man hours a week setup network labs for technical staff to train reinforce and test network system troubleshooting techniques and skills ensured daily backup were completed for all servers trained senior personnel in the use of the full microsoft office suite trained new technical personnel in the proper procedures of administration troubleshooting and maintenance of lan wan hardware and software throughout the company system administrator squad leader th id division support command fort hood tx september to january supervised two personnel in the support operations office during the digital battlefield experiment task force this tested the feasibility of using secure lans and wireless radio satellite networks to connect various and diverse army units in real time installed and verified all network components phone ethernet token ring cisco routers switches radio and some satellite equipment were operational to ensure little to no down time was experienced verified all systems in division support command had the latest hardware and software updates administrator for a sun unix box in a token ring environment developed the standard for information exchange which saved two hours daily in data processing time provided technical support and training to other companies on fort hood interfaced with contractors to resolve questions or problems outside of my understanding ensured resolution was completed handpicked over superiors to brief both domestic and foreign officials on our operations and to answer all technical questions about the systems performed all functions in an office and field remote environment responsible for the power setup using up to three pair of kw generators accountable for worth of equipment with no loss education associate degree pierce college october ", "senior network engineer senior network engineer verizon business round hill va email me on indeed indeed com r efe daa d c willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience senior network engineer verizon business ashburn va august to present duties accomplishments and related skills as a network engineer team lead for verizon i manage the united states army reserve wide area network i ensure cisco routers switches and edge devices are configured and maintained for user operability i utilize the customers ca spectrum ticket systems to communicate and escalate outages and network issues i also ensure ip allocations are implemented on dhcp servers i ensure network stability between the army reserve network and the active army network network operations management manage the wide area network wan and security technologies that comprise the department of the interior and army reserve vbns very high speed backbone network service networks to accurately track internetworking availability security posture and customer relay active secret clearance manage an enterprise wide security posture including ids ips firewalls and vulnerability scanners this job functionality is enhanced by applying experience obtained from utilizing ciscoworks neusecure tacacs infovista enira active scout and stealthwatch develop and implement new router architecture to support system requirements for network configuration this implementation requires the constant analysis of the operating system so that enhancements are timely and meet network needs both in real time and for future upgrades manage the ever changing requirements of the network operations center by configuring and troubleshooting cisco routers and switches which include proactively monitoring the wan network utilizing peregrine network monitoring tools network engineer amerind december to april duties accomplishments and related skills deliver install and turn up of data circuits and services implementation of these services requires hardware and software upgrades to the data network switches dns and cwi provided cpe and configuration of cisco routers series support customer frame relay applications utilizing internal routing protocols ospf eigrp rip ripv and routed protocols ip ipx via hp open view and cisco tools implementation was realized via the cisco with b a standards for wireless point to point networks reliable integration services fairfax va united states salary usd per year hours per week network engineer duties accomplishments and related skills monitor and diagnose all system operations to effectively track problems to make recommendations for changes ensure that management software and proper documentation are available for support monitor production networks via open view nnm netiq application manager bmc patrol s monitor and net scout probes and network associates sniffer pro senior network engineer cable wireless fairfax va september to september duties accomplishments and related skills test ds ds circuits remotely via react test systems and titan by utilizing the remedy ticketing systems for documenting system outages configuration of ip ipx standard extended access lists serve as team lead supervisor for staff of network engineers in addition to acting as second level escalation point provide support for frame relay nni spuni apuni service by delivering operation overviews and the appropriate escalation procedures this required the development and presentation of implementation plans and the verification of tables for accuracy after translations were completed initiate configuration of cisco routers and fast com frads during the implementation stage configure ethernet interface setup and point to point and point to multipoint links on all required serial interfaces configure cisco routers for ospf eigrp and rip routing protocols as well as ip ipx routed protocols education bachelor s strayer university ashburn ashburn va august certifications licenses ccna november ccna security november itil v august ccda november ", "senior network engineer senior network engineer seattle wa email me on indeed indeed com r aa fe d ac work experience senior network engineer the o brien business group edmonds wa to edmonds wa to provides it services to small medium and large sized businesses for non profit and for profit organizations senior network engineer administered environments with physical servers in separate domains across puget sound built and maintained vmware servers and virtual hosts installed designed configured installed and managed network equipment including routers firewalls switches and wireless access points installed maintained and administered microsoft servers and server applications leveraged shadowprotect backup and vipre antivirus software at many client locations autotask problem tracking system with centrastage for endpoint management interacted successfully with all employee levels from a ceo to non technical end users used plesk to manage client s websites and email network administrator northwest center industries seattle wa to seattle wa to a developmental disabilities advocacy organization with m in annual revenues network administrator administered environment with physical servers in separate domains across locations installed maintained and administered ms exchange server and server applications supervised helpdesk technicians and distributed workload provided desktop escalation support designed configured installed and managed network equipment including routers firewalls switches and wireless bridges managed active directory ad and storage area network san troubleshot internet system and network connectivity in a lan wan environment planned lan and wan infrastructure maintenance and additions provided shoretel voip system planning maintenance administration and upgrades performed physical security management for corporate office managed cell phone plan change and additions reducing costs by annually while increasing airtime and coverage shannonlampe yahoo com senior systems engineer virtuoso to managed physical servers using ms virtual server running at least servers each administered customer email server running communigate with approximately domains and users installed maintained and administered ms content management server running over websites maintained authoritative dns server records for over hundred domains installed maintained and administered server applications such as version one timetracker and ultimate survey planned in house infrastructure changes and additions installed configured and managed network equipment including switches and wireless access points administered and maintained mediabin resource management server with gig s of data troubleshot internet system and network connectivity in a wan virtuoso seattle wa to an international luxury travel network comprised of travel advisors and travel partners technical support engineer ii virtuoso to administered lucent pbx and intuity lx with avaya management tools managed the equipment inventory and ordering backup to senior systems engineer created and managed ad user accounts exchange mailboxes and associated server security troubleshot desktop hardware software operating systems and network connectivity supported multi media equipment including projectors scanners and digital cameras used blue ocean s trackit for problem tracking network administrator nokia seattle wa to years administered domain with servers including vpn for secure remote access to network terminal server two sql servers running mission critical databases for the company primary and backup domain controllers exchange server iis servers file servers and backup server arcserve pc technician years as contractor hewlett packard vancouver division vancouver wa with arc troubleshot desktop hardware software and operating systems network connectivity upgraded hardware software and operating systems provided customer support to site with over users lan technician years as contractor amax minerals corp englewood co with arc built and installed new novell servers for remote locations on the wan with over servers supported wan with users in a multi platform environment including unix novell mainframe vax as specific software applications education b s in computer science university of dayton dayton oh ", "senior network engineer senior network engineer carefusion malaysia us email me on indeed indeed com r eaa ff ca always eager to learn new things and prefer a hands on approach rather than just reading it from a book very curious person that likes to ask a lot of questions to complete my knowledge focus a lot of attention on small details to make sure that my work is close to perfection do not mind working long hours on tasks that i am assigned to and i would do everything i can to meet its deadline easy to work with and i do possess good leadership skills work experience senior network engineer carefusion malaysia june to present location bangsar south date joined jun present position tier network engineer job scope monitor the operation of the networks and system to ensure proper utilization of line hardware and software tune networks for optimal system performance serve as point of escalation for complex problem resolution typically for level issues prepare and maintain technical specification and documents drawings and system documentation interpret complex technical diagram in order to affect problem resolution understands and follows change management procedures and practices assist in the evaluation of vendor proposals with respect to the hardware communication protocols switching methods access methods and tariffs and in the procurement of software and equipment recommend equipment for purchase or lease test and verify all changes to ensure changes occur without interruption involve in test turn up ttu process prior to migration ttu process includes new circuit testing configuration insertion and health check monitoring and testing liaise with cisco nce providing network optimization support to customer proactively ensure all network devices are functioning to optimum states provide recommendations for improvement and adhere to network security aspect mainly work on issues related to routing mpls eigrp bgp ospf wccp and tunneling switching spanning tree vlan etherchannel access list vlsm trunking and nexus environment wireless load balancer and wan optimization involve in ios upgrade for cisco routers switches and citrix wan accelerator involved with cisco high touch engineer to monitor closely the network and escalate the cases work with dimension data cisco and citrix for further network troubleshooting document network issues and solutions for future reference involve in network projects globally engineering and prepare project documentation completed projects as below o network relocation at australia and hong kong o redesign network at malaysia and adding new devices to network o update existing diagrams by analysing the current network design and traffic flow for asia pacific region malaysia singapore thailand india and pakistan reason for leaving looking for challenges looking for a change in my role as a network engineer and seek newer avenues and greater challenges network engineer american international group aig june to may location century square cyber jaya date joined jun may position escalation engineer leader job scope perform changes to the network devices such as routers and switches as per tid documents provided the changes include minor and major such as vlan changes ip addresses ios upgrade new device commissioning and decommissioning devices and parts replacement device migration and etc monitoring the migration work performed by local third party vendor on site focus on layer layer network architecture design focus on various technologies such as mpls mpls vpn metro e vpls and enterprise campus network participate in low level design deployment with the principal vendor cisco for various telecom networking projects involve in site survey staging and installation configuration commissioning and testing in sp enterprise in multi protocol environment involve directly with network deployment and service deliverable to the customer liaise with customer s noc to provide maintenance support from st level to rd level of troubleshooting either remotely or onsite depending on severity of the cases perform a step by step to isolate the network issue and do corrective maintenance to restore the network s services as per sla to ensure all network devices performed optimum state and availability targets are achieved performed preventive maintenance hardware and links migration and software upgrade and mitigation risks liaise directly with cisco tac perform troubleshooting on any escalated issues level support and work closely with the monitoring team noc work with dimension data cisco and citrix for further network troubleshooting deliver user support both in person and over the phone in a professional manner involve in network projects globally engineering and prepare project documentation completed projects as below o network relocation at pakistan and china o business unit integration bui for thailand o ios upgrade globally for citrix branch repeater cbr o network auditing assessment for aig partners at india chennai and bangalore o wireless intrusion prevention system wips implementation globally o redesign network at data centre malaysia and adding new devices to network reason for leaving enhanced education experience utilize my education and experience to enhance my professional profile job technology consultant hewlett packard hp november to may location hp global center cyber jaya date joined nov may position tier network operation leader job scope monitor and troubleshoot network devices cisco and hp procurve provided on the job training for new staff worked with vendors at t and verizon to resolve complex circuit routing issues mainly worked on issues related to routing bgp eigrp frame relay isdn switching vlan access list and trunking voice integrated g cellular ip routing and wireless issues cisco access points and wireless bridges responsible in managing and guide the team in the right direction involved in ios upgrade for cisco access points and wireless bridges involved in global network device migration project migrating cisco switches to hp procurve switches reason for leaving career growth could not see myself growing in the company and that is why looking for newer job where i can improve and learn more in this field infrastructure associate electronic data systems eds may to october location enterprise cyber jaya date joined may oct job scope identifies analyze troubleshoot monitor and resolve network issues cisco devices assisting and restoring circuit and network device down communicate effectively with a diverse client base both verbally and in writing troubleshoot every case assigned and drive towards positive resolution thereby to fix the issue and achieve customer satisfaction work as a team member with other technical staff to ensure connectivity and compatibility between systems worked in hours shift morning and night mainly worked on eigrp routing isdn frame relay ip routing and vlan reason for leaving integration of eds to hp enterprise services education bachelor s in network computing coventry university skills cisco networking procurve networking load balancer citrix firewall wan optimazation web design and development multimedia editing certifications licenses cisco certified network professional ccnp february to february certified ip associate cipa february to present it infrastructure library itil v october to present additional information core competencies layer routing including use of static and dynamic igp protocols such as ospf and eigrp layer switching design and troubleshooting use of vlans hsrp etherchannel nexus vpc and spanning tree protocol for segmentation loop avoidance and redundancy of layer switching ipsec and gre tunneling for site to site vpn ipvpn familiar with cisco sdm gui for configuring cisco access point and firewall documentation of networks using microsoft visio diagrams familiar with layer and mpls proof of concept testing bug scrub for new release ios familiar dealing with cisco technical assistance center tac for troubleshooting purpose and analyzing root cause of the major issues worked with cisco ace load balancer familiar with network monitoring tool using netflow and snmp protocol such as solarwinds orion cisco prome hp na netqos and whatsup gold familiar with ip address manager solarwinds infoblox worked with cisco nexus and series for data center deployment familiar with wan acceleration and optimization riverbed citrix network monitoring and troubleshooting on hp procurve devices worked with cisco asa firewall familiar with sniffer tools netscout infinistream demonstrated effective verbal and written communications with ability to prioritize and handle multiple task curriculum vitae mohana sundaran sekaran personal characteristics willingness to share information and ideas commitment to teamwork continuous learning ideas ability to react deliver fast quality service in meeting tight deadlines sense of ownership of work and ideas ability to communicate clearly honestly with peers client technical skills knowledge hardwares cisco nexus switches cisco catalyst routers cisco catalyst switches cisco wireless access points cisco wireless bridges cisco ace load balancer cisco asa firewall hp procurve switches citrix branch repeater and riverbed wan optimization softwares and utilities remedy citrix solarwinds orion solarwinds ip address manager infoblox ip address manager whatsup gold wug wireshark vital qip netqos hpna netscout infinistream cisco prime microsoft office ms visio ms project ms word ms excel ms access ms powerpoint ms outlook flash dreamweaver photoshop visual studio networks and protocols tcp ip ipv ipv telnet ssh ssl ethernet http smtp pop osi protocols routing protocol dns dhcp ssl and ftp operating systems windows server windows server windows server windows windows windows xp windows vista windows professional windows nt server novell netware and above databases sql server mysql and ms access service management methodologies frameworks itil v ", "senior network engineer senior network engineer independent professional consulting union grove wi email me on indeed indeed com r c d deecb dc b highly accomplished network engineer with strong technical skills and outstanding customer service over years experience in it industry with high proficiency in juniper and cisco technologies including video telepresence solutions background includes pre sales engineering support administration and escalation support in small to large scale complex enterprise environments expertise in design implementation and support of lan wan technologies skilled in communicating with senior management third party vendors technical staff as well as non technical end users trusted by management to direct complex mission critical network designs and projects under challenging time constraints computer networking skills hardware cisco fwsm ace nam and supervisor switch blades for cisco enterprise switches cisco series routers switches cisco pix asa firewalls juniper t series core mx series edge m series routers and srx firewalls extreme networks s series k series and black diamond series routers and switches riverbed granite virtual edge sonic wall nsa and firewall vpn security solutions poloalto pa firewalls cisco telepresence profile ex codec c c and c codian mcu vcs controls expressway polycom hdx vsx crestor tandberg mxp cisco acs appliance cisco nexus k fex k k k k devices networks mpls frame relay dsl vpn atm token ring vpls lan wan wlan man protocols tcp udp ssh ssl ipv sip h atm dsl ethernet fddi http https ppp telnet smtp ipx ftp tftp lacp isis ospf eigrp rip bgp ibgp igrp ipsec voip platforms systems unix linux solaris hp ux aix windows server authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience senior network engineer independent professional consulting february to present offer network and security solutions with integration training and documentation feb current clients cdw zebra rexnord chi cardinal health froedtert medical senior network engineer created best practice solutions for managing isp and external vendor support and implemented said solutions into production practices to streamline change and problem management tools for stability of outsourced environment created and implemented process for adding devices into identity services to assist in controlling device access onto the network design build integrated network solutions into acquired businesses for standardizing connectivity and workflow into those businesses modified firewall rules to support new application and workflow requirements for acquired businesses while working in the medical hospital environments brought up many remote clinics replaced and updated closet technologies and modernized the application and user interactions by upgrading epic remediating all data center and closet hardware and re designed the firewall solution for client and associate access utilizing paloalto devices mentored network engineers in handling escalation and resolution of outages surrounding internal and external customer issues with connectivity and security created reaction and responsive behavior documentation for dealing with non pci compliant customers with requirements surrounding connectivity and the need to share secured and compliant environments built out cisco prime solution for configuration management control over network devices and prepared devices and environment for complacency alignment plan develop install configure and secure lan wan and vpn networks monitor and analyze network traffic and provide capacity planning solutions for all related assets senior network engineer nippon express october to february support network configuration and functionality for worldwide logistics company responsibilities included but not limited to and integrated router configuration for mpls and vpn sites configuration of and switches for access and distribution layer functionality and asa for firewall security requirements worked on call functions for off hour changes network related issues and outages integrated lightweight and other autonomous wireless ap s g ag into large warehouse center utilizing and controllers designed upgrade path for l separation requirements for business this included existing router and switch configurations and additional policies to support video and voice additions integrated cisco nexus with existing ibm pureflex solution for leveraging gig ethernet to handle new virtualization challenges within the business managed monitoring environment utilizing tools like wlc wcs acs asdm and websense developed proof of concept for utilizing vpls alternatives for simplifying site rollouts supported data center role swap for proof of concept which included mpls default route and internet route connectivity for vpn customers professional experience senior network engineer hsbc capital one may to october supported large ip phone roll out including unified ip phones like cisco nortel e ntys and integrated it with telepresence video conferencing equipment unified communications manager integration with multiple internal applications like exchange server cisco vcs s control express with maintenance focusing on qos policies associated with voice and video requirements introduced new solutions utilizing extreme networks router and switches to reduce costs and move from standard three tiers to two tier networks with manageability managed and maintained network devices like poe while supporting hardware and software tools for a large banking business tools include acs ncm openview ehealth wcs and other opnet tools for capacity planning application performance monitoring and network performance monitoring as well as netscout infinistream and service desk for trouble and change management tickets design and maintain procedures and business as usual tasks for network management team including unified communication manager call manager user adds and deletes acs and ncm device adds and deletes openview discovery and snmp trap consolidation for network monitoring senior network engineer k force technology staffing milwaukee wi to integrated cisco telepresence video solutions utilizing vcs control vcs expressway tms management server and codian mcu polycom vsx and hdx in addition to in house scheduling setup video conferencing bridge for both ip isdn video devices with integration for calendar and scheduling systems with user interface design and configure enterprise and managed switch platforms for global network services and network engineering groups devices included cisco vg and design and implement site models for voice and wireless networks configure enterprise switch and load balance policies for large server base solution utilizing f big ip for application security and gateway services for inbound and outbound traffic requirements develop lan wan traffic optimization including virtualized services utilizing riverbed s virtual edge and cisco solutions perform daily network support and maintenance on global networks including but not limited to mpls vpn dmvpn site connectivity for layer device configuration on lead role in optimizing configuring maintaining and reviewing daily riverbed status for sites professional experience network engineer research and development analyst fidelity information services fis efunds corp deluxe data new berlin wi to new berlin wi leading provider of core financial institution processing card issuer and transaction processing services switching and transaction management network engineer research and development analyst designed and configured enterprise cisco products into working solutions for web and application portal for large internet banking product access supported network connectivity for of the largest global banking institution customers including discovery citibank bank of america hsbc boa ussa and mastercard collaborated with management product groups technical leaders and key personnel to establish level of engineering involvement while implementing and supporting specific network projects resolved production issues performed situation analysis and recommended appropriate courses of action to developers technicians and management on operation issues reviewed routine processes maintained router and switch configuration per pci and company standards including hardening updating ios and configuration standards password and monitoring implementation utilized cisco solutions in many customer connectivity environments including eigrp hsrp bgp ospf complex route map distributions and access lists on g slb and series routers and switches conducted upgrade and replacement analyses wrote support documentation and developed service levels for network operations in the common areas vpn mpls frame atm dial up solutions skills analyzer years cisco years citrix years netscout years openview years additional information software packages cisco unified communication manager cisco telepresence management suite cisco device manager cisco ucs manager intrusion detection tools encryption software sniffer tools cisco nam wire shark azure remedy aperture cisco ise cisco prime cisco wcs cisco acs cisco ncm net qos performance center steelhead mobil controller citrix metaframe ehealth hp openview riverbed central management console netscout accelops whatsup gold solar winds and orion database network and system management suite utilizing network performance and server application monitoring and additional toolsets like virtualization manager netflow traffic analyzer ip address manager ", "sr network engineer sr network engineer united nations ny new york ny email me on indeed indeed com r cb d a e over years of experience in networking sector including hands on experience in providing network support installation and analysis for a broad range of lan wan man communication systems worked on f ltm gtm series like for the corporate applications and their availability experience in managing inventory of all network hardware management and monitoring by use of ssh syslog snmp ntp strong knowledge on wireless standards and technologies i e ethernet wan lan ieee b g n wi fi cisco wireless management system pci standards very good knowledge on ieee bluetooth mesh networks etc hands on experience in configuring cisco catalyst and nexus series switches and cisco series routers load balancers cisco firewalls working knowledge of network monitoring management tools like wireshark tcp dump cisco prime net flow prgt solar winds hands on experience in configuring and supporting site to site and remote access cisco ipsec vpn solutions using asa pix firewalls cisco and vpn client knowledge of implementing and troubleshooting complex layer technologies such as vlan trunks vtp ether channel stp rstp and mst implementation of hsrp vrrp for default gateway redundancy moderate knowledge in configuring and troubleshooting cisco wireless networks lwapp wlc wcs stand alone apps roaming wireless security basis ieee rf spectrum characteristics extensive hands on experience in configuring and troubleshooting juniper routers m mx ptx t qfx series platforms experience with juniper netscreen m firewall and palo alto network firewall worked extensively in configuring monitoring and troubleshooting cisco s asa pix security appliance failover dmz zoning configuring vlans routing nat with the firewalls as per the design in depth knowledge and hands on experience in tier ii isp routing policies network architecture ip subnetting vlsm tcp ip nat dhcp dns ft t ft t sonet pos ocx gige circuits firewalls f big ip application load balancing subject matter expert with concentration on layer load balancing using i rule scripting in tcl extensive knowledge of deploying troubleshooting tcp ip implementing ipv translation from ipv to ipv multilayer switching udp ethernet voice data integration techniques strong knowledge of tacacs radius implementation in access control network background in network design including wide area networking wan local area networking lan multiple protocol labeling switching mpls ds experience on monitoring tools like wireshark solar winds tcp dump nagios open nms prtg remedy opnet vmware riverbed snmpv snmpv installation advanced configuration and troubleshooting of cisco and f s load balancing devices expert in configuration of virtual local area networks vlans using cisco routers and multi layer switches and supporting stp rstp pvst rpvst along with trouble shooting of inter vlan routing and vlan trunking using q in depth knowledge of mpls vpls vpws l vpn l vpn ldp rsvp is is ospf mp bgp vrfs and multicasting knowledge on cisco wireless lan controller cisco wlc models for creation of aps and their convergence good experience with vpns and the associated tunneling technologies l tp mpls etc switching spanning tree and other switching technology as required firewalls and associated technologies as required configuring nexus fabric extender fex which acts as a remote line card module for the nexus configuring vdc vpc in nexus k k k and k extensive knowledge of voice communications technology and voip protocols good understanding of upgrading cucm cuc and voice gateways vg vg hands on experience with cucm cuc and cisco ios x x experience with scripting or programming languages including python slax and netconf and experience with automation frameworks such as puppet chef ansible or others is a plus expertise in network management snmp wireshark nessus whatsupgold solar wind extensive knowledge in developing test plans procedures and testing various lan wan products and protocols strong experience with sp networks bgp is is mpls bfd l vpn l vpn vpls lag configuring and implementing routing protocols including rip tcp ip rip v v ospf eigrp isis and bgp good knowledge on network terminating equipment nte emss jdsu test sets performed switching technology administration including vlans inter vlan routing trucking port aggregation and link negotiation excellent customer management resolution problem solving debugging skills and capable of quickly learning effectively analyzing results and implement and delivering solutions as an individual and as part of a team willing to relocate anywhere work experience sr network engineer united nations ny march to present responsibilities installed and tested cisco router and switching operations using ospf routing protocol asa firewalls and mpls switching for stable vpns worked on heterogeneous networks such as frame relay ethernet fiber etc installed eigrp and ospf routing protocols on cisco routers prepared check point firewall configurations for conversion to cisco asa series firewalls primary network security engineer for fiserv firewall vpn support and management on checkpoint crossbeam and vsx pix asa involved in configuring and implementing of composite network models which consists of cisco series routers configured routing protocols such as ospf bgp rip static routing and policy based routing team member of configuration of cisco router with vpn and configuration of catalyst switches configured nexus including nx os virtual port channels nexus port profiles nexus version and nexus vpc peer links deployed cisco nexus k series to support virtualization san infrastructure and high performance computing environments implementation and proactive monitoring of mpls mpls vpn qos layer and layer and bgp technology worked with tacacs radius implementation in access control network commissioned nine srx cluster and integrated them into mts network developed redundant load balancing design based on four mx and two srx using route leaking and policy routing implemented vpls and worked on route reflectors route targets ldp l vpn s vrf s exclusively worked on inflobox to automate core network actions across the data center environment experience in inflobox dns dhcp ipam ddi core network services developed redundant load balancing design based on four mx and two srx using route leaking and policy routing implementation configuration and support of checkpoint ngx r r and r juniper firewalls srx srx and srx configured wireless access points controllers using cisco prime experience working with market data networks and dealing with clients and deploying network designs designed gigabit networks using cisco nexus series switches and cisco series routers working migration project upgrading all service provider cisco circuits including leased lines k mb ppp hdlc channelized lines t t fiber optic circuits from oc up to oc speed frame relay and atm to cisco asr k router layer vpn etc experience with setting up mpls layer vpn cloud in data center and working with bgp wan towards customer involved in configuring and implementing of composite network models consists of cisco series and cisco series switches responsible for network support cisco asa firewalls responsible for voice technology operations based on cisco voip solutions with specific expertise in several areas including cisco call manager unity voicemail windows servers linux servers and router switching gateway telephony technologies managed the network devices routers switches cisco acs cisco ise cisco access points wireless controllers and maintained the inventory of the devices in the network using cisco prime analyzed and tested network protocols ethernet tcp ip using wireshark tool experience using diagnostic security and networking tools such as nmap wireshark etc utilize wireshark nmap and command line prompts daily troubleshoot traffic passing managed firewalls via logs and packet captures involved in a project for a re design of the lan network cisco catalyst and nexus switches and the virtualization of some systems troubleshoot mpls and bgp connectivity issues between sap sites and various isp providers working with vendors such as cisco to address any configuration issues prior experience with the following juniper platforms is ideal mx ex qfx and srx and junos space worked with juniper net screen and juniper srx implemented vpls and worked on route reflectors route targets ldp l vpn s vrf s exclusively installed and tested cisco router and switching operations using ospf routing protocol asa firewalls and mpls switching for stable vpns worked a little on scripting languages like python and perl experience working with bgp ospf protocols in mpls cloud deploying vpn tunnels using ipsec encryption standards and configuring and implementing site to site vpn remote vpn worked with python scripting for network automation in the organization worked on heterogeneous networks such as frame relay ethernet fiber etc deployed vpls for dci for spanning the vlans across the datacenters to provide support for low latency and critical applications assist in layer issues with the senior engineer as well as monitor the status of the network with solarwinds for the lan wan and cisco prime for the wireless aps prepared check point firewall configurations for conversion to cisco asa series firewalls created policies and procedures for cucm cuc and automated attendant macd move add and changes primary network security engineer for fiserv firewall vpn support and management on checkpoint crossbeam and vsx pix asa redesigned internet connectivity infrastructure for meeting bandwidth requirements worked on juniper mx mx worked as a tier technical support engineer for all juniper screenos and junos based srx configuring voice gateways vg vg sip trunks and other voice related devices configured hsrp and vlan trucking q vlan routing on catalyst switches optimized performance of the wan network consisting of cisco switches by configuring vlans experience with hardware load balancer administration and support preferably with f and cisco ace load balancers experience in configuring load balancers and riverbed wan optimizers configured vlans with q tagging configured trunk groups ether channels and spanning tree for creating access distribution and core layer switching architecture monitored and analyzed intrusion detection systems ids intrusion prevention system ips to identify security issues for remediation configuration and troubleshooting of cisco switches series hands on experience in the network management of circuits using tdm and frame relay network performing configuration and provisioning management fault management and performance monitoring environment cisco series routers cisco series switches vlan trunking asa vpls checkpoint frame relay mpls pix ospf vpn sip wan uccx firewalls nmap wireshark juniper infoblox tacacs tacacs python cisco eigrp bgp virtualization network engineer lowes raleigh nc february to march responsibilities worked in configuration and extension of vlan from one network segment to other segment between different vendor switches cisco juniper provided technical support in terms of upgrading improving and expanding the network providing technical security proposals detailed rfp responses security presentation installing and configuring asa firewalls vpn networks and redesigning customer security architectures project to migrate re design customer connections mpls frame out of retired data center to new juniper m handled and organized all migrations adds and changes related to infrastructure implement and maintain local wide area network over branches configured rip ospf and static routing on juniper m and mx series routers configuration of nat design and implement catalyst asa firewall service module for various lan s innovated with support of palo alto for remote and mobile users and for analyzing files for malware in a separate cloud based process that does not impact stream processing key contributions include troubleshooting of complex lan wan infrastructure that include routing protocols eigrp ospf bgp implemented vpls and worked on route reflectors route targets ldp l vpn s vrf s exclusively perform hardware and software diagnostics fault isolation and coordinate repairs and or replacement of faulty equipment configured client vpn technologies including cisco s vpn client via ipsec support design and planning of juniper mx ex qfx network routing products within the customer infrastructure configure switch vlans and inter switch communication build and setup network laboratory configuring vlan spanning tree vstp snmp on ex series switches design and configuring of ospf bgp on juniper routers mx mx and srx firewalls srx srx subcontracted to perform a migration from multiple cisco catalyst s equipped with pix firewall services modules to juniper srx s responsible for oversight of the engineering maintenance modification construction of isp osp fiber optic plant and wireless networks actively involved in troubleshooting on network problems with wireshark identifying and fixing problems time to time upgrade network connectivity between branch office and regional office with multiple link paths and routers running hsrp eigrp in unequal cost load balancing to build resilient network ensure network system and data availability and integrity through preventive maintenance and upgrade responsible for service request tickets generated by the helpdesk in all phases such as troubleshooting maintenance upgrades patches and fixes with all around technical support deployment of cisco switches in standalone and vss modes with sso and nsf converted company s phone system from avaya to cucm and later to cucm supporting eigrp ospf and bgp based network by resolving level problems of internal sites providing daily network support for global wide area network consisting of mpls vpn and point to point site experience working on cisco asr asr troubleshooting issues cucm unity uccx analog gw sip sccp h collaborative hybrid cloud solutions development based on cisco ucs technologies experience working with network management software nsm design and configuring of ospf bgp on juniper routers and srx firewalls implementing and maintaining network management tools fluke network nortel enms jffnms snmp mrtg and nmis monitoring and management of cisco ucs c series server configured network using routing protocols such as isis rip ospf bgp and troubleshooting l l issues configuring acl to allow only authorized users to access the servers maintain effective communications with vendors peers and clients in resolution of trouble tickets equipment return material authorizations and support requests troubleshoot hardware cisco ios install and configure cisco routers and switches participated in on call support in troubleshooting the configuration and installation issues installation maintenance troubleshooting local and wide areas network by using isdn frame relay ddr nat dhcp and tcp ip environment cisco routers cisco switches lan wan eigrp ospf rip bgp f load balancer vtp dns vlan hsrp htp ipv nexus k k ltm gtm network engineer emc santa clara ca october to january responsibilities designed and implemented cisco voip infrastructure for a large enterprise and multi unit office environment met aggressive schedule to ensure a multi office reconfiguration project which was successfully delivered responsible for service request tickets generated by the helpdesk in all phases such as troubleshooting maintenance upgrades patches and fixes with all around technical support supporting eigrp and bgp based pwc network by resolving level problems of internal teams external customers of all locations upgrade cisco routers switches and firewall pix ios using tftp updated the hp open view map to reflect and changes made to any existing node object handled srst and implemented and configured the gateways voice gateways studied and analyzed client requirements to provide solutions for network design configuration administration and security configuring hsrp between the router pairs for gateway redundancy for the client desktops configuring stp for switching loop prevention and vlans for data and voice along with configuring port security for users connecting to the switches ensure network system and data availability and integrity through preventive maintenance and upgrade modified internal infrastructure by adding switches to support server farms and added servers to existing dmz environments to support new and existing application platforms involved in l l switching technology administration including creating and managing vlans port security trunking stp inter vlan routing lan security working directly with the isp to support the network in case of any backbone failure worked on the security levels with radius tacacs experience in the configuration of virtual chassis for juniper switches ex firewalls srx srx srx completed service requests i e ip readdressing bandwidth upgrades ios platform upgrades etc identify design and implement flexible responsive and secure technology services configured and tested the sip trunking production environment implemented this new solution globally in depth knowledge of cisco asr k mpls is is ospf mp bgp vrfs and multicasting experienced with juniper ex ex ex mx and m series srx and srx configured switches with port security and x for enhancing customer s security implementing and troubleshooting firewall rules in juniper srx checkpoint r gaia and vsx as per the business requirements monitored network for optimum traffic distribution and load balancing using solar winds validate existing infrastructure and recommend new network designs created scripts to monitor cpu memory on various low end routers in the network experience on multicast in a campus network by using igmp and cgmp on catalyst switches installed and maintained local printer as well as network printers handled installation of windows nt server and windows nt workstations handled tech support as it relates to lan wan systems environment net flow tacacs eigrp rip ospf bgp vpn mpls csm sup ether channels cisco routers fluke and sniffer vpls m series srx and srx juniper firewall srx srx srx cisco switches checkpoint firewalls splat network engineer c i technologies hyderabad andhra pradesh in june to september responsibilities performed ios upgrades on catalyst series switches and series routers responsible for maintenance and utilization of vlans spanning tree hsrp vtp of the switched multi layer backbone with catalyst switches actively participated in upgrading fast ethernet layer switched routed lan infrastructure from cisco to cisco isr routers and switches at access level to configuring troubleshoot issues with the following types of routers cisco and series to include bridging switching routing ethernet nat and dhcp as well as assisting with customer lan man router firewalls implemented and configured routing protocols like eigrp ospf and bgp connected switches using trunk links and ether channel assisted in network engineering efforts consistent with the infrastructure of an internet service provider and support of such network services helped in designing and implementation of vlan for the new users used network monitoring tool to manage monitor and troubleshoot the network configured vlans with q tagging configured trunk groups ether channels and spanning tree for creating access distribution and core layer switching architecture configured cisco ios feature set nat and simple network management protocol snmp for network security implementation implemented redundant load balancing technique with internet applications for switches and routers support network technicians as they require training support for problem resolution including performing diagnostics configuring network devices environment cisco routers routing protocols eigrp ospf bgp including vpn mpls and ether channels network engineer ii info edge solutions hyderabad andhra pradesh in june to may responsibilities designed and implemented site to site dmvpn mgre tunnel with ospf routing protocol configured an ipsec tunnel with static routing protocol for eight remote vpn sites extensively installed configured and performed troubleshooting of cisco routers isr in depth experience in the entire working of cisco catalyst and team member of the noc and was meticulously involved in troubleshooting lan wan issues prime respondent for service request tickets in remedy generated by the helpdesk in every aspect of technical support such as troubleshooting maintenance upgrades patches and fixes setup and management of infoblox dns ipam for microsoft dns dhcp and inflobox grid manager to manage dns forward and reverse lookup zones responsible for drafting managing and installing cisco firewalls policies from the asdm environment cisco catalyst switches cisco routers isr remedy inflobox cisco firewalls skills catalyst years cisco years dhcp years lan years ospf years additional information technical skills routers cisco asr k adtran e routing ospf eigrp bgp rip v v pbr route filtering redistribution summarization and static routing switches nexus k k k k cisco catalyst switching lan vtp stp pvst rpvst inter vlan routing multi layer switch ether channels transparent bridging network security cisco asa acl ipsec f load balancer checkpoint palo alto load balancer f networks big ip ltm and lan ethernet ieee fast ethernet gigabit ethernet wan ppp hdlc channelized links t t fiber optic circuits frame relay voip gateway redundancy hsrp and glbp wan optimizer riverbed steelhead appliance dhcp and dns infoblox various features services ios and features irdp nat snmp syslog ntp dhcp cdp tftp ftp aaa architecture tacacs radius cisco acs network management wireshark snmp solarwinds ", "sr network engineer senior engineer bronx ny email me on indeed indeed com r e eaad b a willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience sr network engineer charan enterprises new york ny may to june sr network engineer date charan enterprises inc long island city ny configuration and installation of juniper switches ex ex configuration and installation of dell poweredge server r configuration and installation of juniper firewall srx maintain ip addressing scheme and continuously support the implementation of optimal routing policies and architecture allocate ip addresses when necessary and maintain the register of used and available ip addresses configuration and installation of ip cameras troubleshooting and resolution of complex ip network issues knowledge of dynamic routing protocols ospf isis eigrp bgp etc evaluate new technology options to provide better service to our clients develop and maintain technical standards and configuration templates create detailed network designs and validate in the lab document designs and ensure a smooth transition to the deployment and operations teams expertise in the design and implementation of network technologies including a subset of the following cisco routing switching cisco wireless acs asa firewall mpls multicast f load balancing optical networking network visibility toolsets netflow gigamon tools designed implemented and managed networks utilizing tcp ip ospf bgp gre ipsec vrrp qos protocols hsrp and snmp protocols senior engineer huawei technologies lagos ng january to august network integration dept educate huawei employees and clients on the critical nature of information security the key role they play and the best cyber security practices i also ensure they understand privacy issues and the rights and responsibilities associated with them that impact their deliverables perform routed and switched network design activity for very large and complex network i also perform troubleshooting on a complex router and switch network serve as an engineering interface to the customer in support of the design and implementation of the customer s wan lan wlan enterprise network projects create engineering orders for implementation to configure network hardware and software perform router and switch network hardware and software upgrades provide ip routing strategy routing protocol development bgp ospf eigrp hsrp vsrp etc provide ip addressing strategy nat re addressing h perform wan ip routed network integration i ensure that every department within the organization is always in full compliance with cyber regulations and legislation with our online compliance training customized to the industry or specific situation bringing it developers and administrators up to speed on current issues in information security the evolving threat and their role in developing and maintaining a secure infrastructure provided proactive maintenance service support and delivery to huawei customers on various equipments supported change management service delivery as requestd by clients designed and implemented systems applications security and network configurations including network and domain migrations upgrade paths and firewall configuration and support provided top tier escalation support and mentoring for help desk technicians specialist service delivery dept august to january performed advanced system diagnostics debugging and performance analysis and created reports for all activities such as traffic analysis and generated solutions designed and developed test strategies and acceptance procedures for customers provided detailed written feedback on design requirements system troubleshooting and validation including test methodologies log files results analysis conclusions and recommendations for improvement worked closely with sales team and third party vendors to coordinate technical solutions and served as subject matter expert in network design created scope of work sow for installation optimization and operation of network products and systems installation configuration and maintenance of various telecommunication equipment installation and maintenance of fiber optics cables cat and cat cables coaxial cable back office support engineer lm ericsson nigeria ltd august to july coordinated and reported weekly transmission faults on the network ensured transmissions links operated within acceptable international standard and advised on periodic maintenance periods performed root cause analysis on network failures and proactively designed a measure to prevent future occurrence handled configuration of multiplexes satellite servers high capacity microwave radios and fiber optic testing for metro connection broad experience of lan wan tcp ip based networks including associated technologies vpn ipsec mpls bgp ospf and eigrp protocols consults with information technology teams and leadership to evaluate requirements recommend designs and provide cost analyses plan projects and coordinate tasks for installation of communication networks analyzes troubleshoots and resolves problems with lan wan wi fi internet networks and serves as technical specialist for other teams to resolve production network problems works with vendors to resolve complex network problems planning design installation and coordination of the installation of data networks and systems maintenance and troubleshooting of network hardware systems software conducts research on network technologies and components to determine compatibility feasibility and cost with current and proposed system education computer engineering obafemi awolowo university september skills network design years optimization years firewall years router years security years additional information technical skills microsoft project microsoft office suite word excel powerpoint visio outlook cisco router and switch configuration sonet sdh and broadband technologies experience ip mpls professional dwdm technology computer software and hardware support experience fiber optics specialist microwave radio and satellite communication project management capacity planning and network design windows xp rsa securid logrhythm avaya definity pbx macintosh computers cisco secure communications and vpn icnd asa firewall cisco security agent ids ips experience and hands on penetration testing and telecommunications fundamentals ", "sr network engineer sr network engineer humana health louisville ky email me on indeed indeed com r b bfd ef a hands on experience with installation design configuration administration and troubleshooting lan wan infrastructure with cisco juniper routing switching and security with cisco hardware software experience experience in configuring cisco catalyst and nexus series switches and cisco series routers load balancers cisco firewalls in depth expertise in the analysis implementation troubleshooting documentation of lan wan iwan architecture and good experience on ip services experience in cisco physical cabling ip addressing wide area network configurations frame relay mpls routing protocol configurations rip eigrp ospf bgp knowledge of implementing and troubleshooting complex layer technologies such as vlan trunks vtp ether channel stp and rstp switching related tasks included implementing vlans vtp rstp and port security configuring and installing client and server network software for upgrading and maintaining network and telecommunication systems worked on network topologies and configurations tcp ip udp frame relay token ring bridges routers hubs and switches in depth knowledge and experience in wan technologies including oc e t e t ppp hdlc mpls and frame relay experience through hand on experience with configuring t gigabit ethernet channelized t and full t ocx atm frame relay and voip voice over internet protocol configured and managed nexus k fabric extender k and k switch network at the client s location hands on experience on sdn technology including vmware nsx and cisco aci ip addressing and ip address scalability by configuring nat pat experience in configuring and monitoring contrail cmc of juniper software define networking sdn working knowledge with monitoring tools like solar winds network packet capture tools like wire shark and opnet experience working with mcafee antivirus storage area network san and data storage system in depth understanding of using fort igate firewalls and forti web firewalls for ips and other virtual web applications experience with f load balancers and cisco load balancers csm ace and gss basic and advance f load balancer configurations including migrating configurations from cisco ace to f and general troubleshooting of the f load balancers experience with ip address management ipam such as infoblox solar winds etc experience on load balancing strategies techniques expertise in application switching traffic managing experience in installing and configuring dns dhcp server and involved in designing and commissioning wan infrastructure for redundancy in case of link failure knowledge in implementing and configuring f big ip ltm and gtm load balancers proficient in configuring and installing various network hardware software such as avaya series switches and avaya unified communication manager software have knowledge on various advanced technologies like voip h sip qos ipv multicasting and mpls strong hands on experience on pix firewalls asa firewalls implemented security policies using acl firewall ipsec ssl vpn ips ids aaa tacacs radius worked extensively in configuring monitoring and troubleshooting cisco s asa pix security appliance failover dmz zoning configuring vlans routing nat with the firewalls as per the design experience with convert checkpoint vpn rules over to the cisco asa solution migration with both checkpoint and cisco asa vpn experience troubleshooting the juniper srx and series juniper net screen routers with site site vpn and firewalls excellent in documentation and updating client s network documentation using visio implementation of juniper firewall ssg series net screen series isg srx series configuring vm s on esx server and installing hosts and migrating virtual machines across various vmware esx server workstation and vmware servers highly enthusiastic creative team player project implementation analytical interpersonal and communication skills efficient at use of microsoft visio office as technical documentation and presentation tools willing to relocate anywhere authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience sr network engineer humana health louisville ky april to present responsiblities in depth expertise in the analysis implementation troubleshooting documentation of lan wan architecture and good experience on ip services working closely with data center management to analyze the data center sites for cabling requirements of various network equipment involved in configuring and implementing of composite network models consists of cisco series routers and cisco series switches configured nexus including nx os virtual port channels nexus port profiles nexus version and nexus vpc peer links managed nat rules and policies on cisco asa checkpoint firewalls involved in solving day to day tickets for checkpoint and asa firewalls raised by partner companies security policy review and configuration in palo alto cisco asa firewalls in us offices and data centers configured load balancing for fewer applications on netscaler k and k in older data center and part of migration team from netscaler to f implementation of qos to enable cost saving cloud voip worked with management tools like csm and cisco acs experienced working with security issues related to cisco asr k checkpoint and juniper netscreen firewalls expert in developing web services with python programming language experience in object oriented design and programming concepts using python providing guidelines for subject matter expert sme involvement during proof of concept phase to sep sepm expertise in creating custom i rules health monitors vip s pools nodes for f ltm gtm worked on leveraging f ltms gtms to improve web application delivery speed and replication deployment and management of cisco routing switching firewall and ips ids platforms worked on traffic optimization analyzing with the help of qos netflow and wireshark experience in monitoring and troubleshooting of ise and cisco mse worked on f ltm gtm series like for the corporate applications and their availability supporting ospf and bgp based on the network by resolving level problems of internal teams external customers of all locations providing support to create virtual private cloud vpcs and gateways in aws console involved in software development and testing using c language on linux and unix platforms created visio dean visio documentation to give complete picture of network design for each building strong knowledge of tacacs radius implementation in access control network responsible for preparation of the upgrade documents responsible in implementation and configuration of the ucce solution ensuring the overall functioning of the whole system and to reproduce the scenarios for testing and troubleshooting configured cisco ise for domain integration and active directory integration experience with alg rtp rtsp and ftp dns http dhcp worked with network services like dns dhcp ddns ip ip ipsec vpn etc worked with infoblox for securing and managing dns dhcp and ipam management of infoblox grid manager to manage dns forward and revers lookup zones perform various scheduled maintenance tasks across numerous platforms and datacenters such as building vlans and configuring switch ports on cisco brocade experience with security firewalls nat pat ipsec s s experienced working with nexus os ios catos and nexus k k k switches knowledge of with api s for troubleshooting network issues using wireshark and ntop worked on the environment of sequential exchange protocol sep for end point security worked on configuration and deployment of switches and routers firewalls load balancers hp procurve c enclosures and intrusion protection devices worked on ftp http dns dhcp servers in windows server client environment with resource allocation to desired virtual lans of network worked on load balancers like f s v gtm s s to troubleshoot and monitor dns issues and traffic related to dns and avoid ddos successfully configured aruba wireless lan ap and involved with troubleshooting wireless lan issues provide escalation support to l l members of network team installed and maintained hp blade system c enclosure incorporating hp servers utilizing hp blade mgmt applications hp onboard administrator and hp virtual connect perform problem management and root cause analysis for p p p p incident efficient at use of solar box automated network map as technical documentation and presentation tools environment nexus k k cisco routers cisco switches lan wan ospf rip bgp eigrp hsrp ppp vpn f load balancers aruba cisco asa dns dhcp nat infoblox netscaler mcafee epo eop vpc vdc active directory windows server voip linux unix sr network engineer pwc tampa fl january to march responsibilities design deployment and maintenance of enterprise networks and datacenters configured maintained and troubleshoot routers and switches ranging from the series through the series routers and the series through the series switches in a highly redundant dual homed environment implementing and trouble shooting load balancing in lan wan configurations worked extensively on cisco firewalls cisco pix e e asa series experience with converting pix rules over to the cisco asa solution worked extensively on cisco catalyst switch s s and cisco ise appliances and and cisco ise on vmware s knowledge on set up of test environments for remote test engineers which included rack fc switches and c enclosures including setting up interconnects and blade servers worked extensively in configuring monitoring and troubleshooting cisco s asa pix security appliance failover dmz zoning configuring vlans routing nat with the firewalls as per the design content switching osi layer switching load balancers deployment of datacenter lan using cisco nexus k k k switches designed implemented remote site palo alto riverbed and brocade switches implemented various ex srx j series juniper devices configuring rip ospf and static routing on juniper m and mx series routers troubleshooting aruba wireless issues like slow performance intermittent connectivity authentication failure low signal strength replacing ap s and controllers supported enterprise environment including aruba controllers airwave and aps cisco wireless controllers experience with converting checkpoint vpn rules over to the cisco asa solution migration with cisco asa vpn experience extensive mpls eigrp and bgp design using dmvpn as a backup connectivity to our data centers configured and supported f and netscaler load balancer to support corporate internal applications implemented site to site vpn in juniper srx as per customer configuration of cisco sup sup catalyst switches for network access experience with f ltm gtm design implementation maintenance and troubleshooting of large network consisting of load balancing wan lan and vpns maintained and managed assigned systems splunk related issues and administrators configuring vlan spanning tree vstp snmp on ex series switches assisted in troubleshooting complex layer and connectivity using wireshark protocol analyzer and recommended solution for better performance configured aruba wap cisco meraki and wireless controller cisco prime cisco mobility services engine mse for proper access of wireless internet checking and configuring cisco and routers at data center for remote sites issues working on cisco and series switches for lan requirements that include managing vlans port security and troubleshooting lan issues supporting eigrp and bgp based network by resolving level problems of internal teams external customers of all locations environment cisco routers and cisco switches nexus k k k juniper m mx series routers routing rip ospf eigrp bgp switching vlan vtp stp vstp cisco pix e e cisco asa aruba checkpoint firewall r r f load balancers network engineer cisco asa secaucus nj november to december responsibilities designed planned and implemented network and security infrastructure managed the internet and intranet firewalls cisco asa and f net ip asm managed third party connections using cisco asa and palo alto firewalls processed the requests for access to it resources of the main data center thru the firewall processed creation of vpn request for remote users third parties such as remittance companies and mobile phone companies analyzed logs in syslog server generated by ids ips firewall router and switch devices created reports of network utilizations worked on troubleshooting network security issues related to address translations connectivity application access routing issues and low latency networking backed up device configurations escalated incidents and issues to isps and global technology sector divisions facilitated it business solutions for corporate users and third party needs attended meetings with corporate users to gather the requirements need for secure access to it resources such as client vpn and ssl vpn access created policies to provide secure access to the internet to specific business websites and secure access to and from third parties worked on incidents changes problems and provided resolution with in sla time frame configured maintained ipsec vpn in cisco asa palo alto firewalls monitoring alerts events in cisco ips implemented tacacs for administering user accounts escalating and working with product vendors for unresolved issues and following up with them till the closure of the issue worked on change control tickets prepared knowledge base for all the incidents change and problems resolved prepared sop standard operations procedures and shared it with customers and internal teams for resolving issues rsa assigning rsa token configuration of rsa secure id for the users management of web sense emails gateway symantec endpoint protection and ips environment lan wan cisco asa palo alto firewalls cisco routers cisco switches hp service manager nnm ipsec vpn ssl vpn rsa tokens ids ips syslog server tacacs server jr network engineer sarayodha soft technologies hyderabad andhra pradesh in june to september responsibilities configured ip routing protocols such as ripv and ospf on and series cisco routers configured vlans using cisco routers and multilayer switches and supporting stp rstp and pvst along with troubleshooting on inter vlan routing and vlan trunking protocol q implemented traffic rules on cisco routers using standard and extended access control lists worked on installation maintenance and troubleshooting of lan wan frame relay nat dhcp tcp ip worked in configuring csu dsu devices and also helped troubleshooting csu dsu devices involved in troubleshooting of dns dhcp and other ip conflict problems installed wireless access points waps at various locations in the company involved in troubleshooting ip addressing problems and updating ios images using tftp performed and technically documented various test results on lab tests conducted troubleshoot problems on day to day basis and provided solutions to fix the problems involved in troubleshooting and resolved problems related to the networking and server environments used network monitoring tool to manage monitor and troubleshoot the network documented customer database which includes ip address password interface and network diagrams environment cisco routers cisco catalyst switches routing protocols ripv ospf inter vlan routing q acl stp rstp pvst vlsm hsrp network support engineer technical strategies india pvt ltd hyderabad andhra pradesh in january to may responsibilities provides technical support to all areas of network administration telecommunications systems and network architecture and personal computer administration maintaining of cisco adaptive security appliances asa firewall for lan wan and internet connectivity manage local area network by maintaining vlans and wireless aps tp link devices setup and configure network monitoring and management systems which include cisco works to manage cisco devices troubleshoot network connectivity issues such as dns wins and dhcp develops and maintain it security policy related to lan and wlan operated the router point defense intrusion detection system for the data network asims director net ranger director and via firewall vpns helped standardize workstations and file servers including hardware software naming conventions and ip addresses implemented file system firewall security and disaster recovery strategies designed and implemented windows networks and active directory ad and security group hierarchy based on delegation requirements environment cisco adaptive security appliances asa firewall vlans and wireless aps tp link devices asims director firewall vpns dns wins and dhcp window s networks and active directory ad skills cisco years lan years ospf years security years wireless years additional information technical skills firewalls load balancers cisco asa juniper srx juniper netscreen juniper ssg firewalls check point palo alto f big ip ltm and blue coat sg av av a load balancers routers cisco routers cisco l l juniper routers m i m i m switches cisco switches nexus routing rip eigrp ospf bgp route filtering redistribution summarization static routing routing protocols rip ospf eigrp and bgp switching protocols vtp stp rstp mstp vlans pagp and lacp lan technologies ethernet fast ethernet gigabit ethernet nat pat fddi wan technologies frame relay isdn t e ppp atm mpls leased lines dsl modems secure access control server tacacs radius voip devices wireless technologies cisco ip phones qos avaya cucm uccx cipc and ucs wireless lwapp wlc wcs standalone aps client roaming wireless security basics ap groups wlans cisco prime site maps network management snmp cisco works lms hp open view solar winds aci ethereal layer switching multi layer switching ether channel carrier technologies mpls mpls vpn redundancy protocols hsrp vrrp glbp security protocols ike ipsec ssl aaa access lists prefix lists qos cbwfq llq wred policing shaping monitoring tools packet tracer wireshark opnet gns info solar winds security technologies cisco fwsm pix asdm nokia checkpoint ng juniper srx mcafee proxy servers fortinet bluecoat operating systems microsoft xp vista unix linux kernel programming redhat ", "sr network engineer sr network engineer department of health and human services clairton pa email me on indeed indeed com r fbc a eb e to acquire a senior network position that will utilize my year career in the information technology field and leverage my leadership skills experience and education in contributing to the profitable growth of an organization authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience sr network engineer department of health and human services rockville md october to present employed as a senior network engineer supporting the department of health and human services health resources services administration my primary responsibilities included ios upgrading configuration and maintenance of cisco switches throughout the enclave evaluation of existing systems and departmental needs to configure analyze and implement for out of band management selected accomplishments included upgrade of cisco network equipment stacked and s for the agency s infrastructure implemented analyzed and recommended appropriate system for the out of band management monitoring utilizing solarwinds for primary and disaster recovery site monitored and responded to network anomalies utilizing solarwinds orion s software and recommended appropriate network solutions for issues department of justice fbi headquarters washington dc june to august sr network engineer employed as a senior network engineer supporting the department of justice s federal bureau of investigation s headquarters my primary responsibilities included configuration and maintenance of cisco switches and routers creating and maintaining network diagrams documentation and configurations for classified and unclassified networks evaluated existing systems and users needs to analyze design recommend and implement system changes as needed by bureau directives selected accomplishments included applied creative approaches and innovative thinking to the design of a new and enhanced customer network architecture utilizing microsoft visio researched developed tested and documented unclassified and classified network designs analyzed and recommended appropriate network upgrades to support future requirements managed customer timelines and deliverables to help facilitate successful engineering project activities throughout the bureau worked in conjunction with senior management to align it programs with the functional business units of the agency sr network engineer dell services federal government fairfax va february to september employed as a senior network engineer supporting the department of defense s business transformation agency main responsibilities included configuration and maintenance of cisco switches routers and vpn managed firewall modifications and network traffic security policies using sidewinder scheduled shifts for junior network engineers and support staff to ensure operations required to maintain a am to pm environment achieving the goal of network uptime over the course of fy selected accomplishments included management of web proxy and external spam filtering administration maintenance troubleshooting upkeep and management for web filtering and gateway security utilizing secure computing smart filter configuration installation and maintenance of enclave wireless network under dod guidelines information assurance management for dod agency following guidelines performed security audits and developed training for ia security awareness programs validate ia controls and verify disa stigs have been met utilizing and array of network analyzing tools i e rem retina gold disk hbss and scri worked in conjunction with senior management to align it programs with the functional business unit s of the agency wrote and implemented project plans for network equipment upgrades to include ios catos image upgrades and configuration changes perform duties of the information assurance manager for reacting to and tracking iavm s poa m and diacap package status for ato accreditation agency lead for ids notification and remediation in conjunction with arl cndsp for incident violations gold disk to assist junior systems administrators engineers with accrediting new systems and updating vms emass as required perform regular backups and ensured that backups were moved to offsite location assisted with draft and deployment of server hardware architecture senior network engineer manager sirius xm satellite radio washington dc october to january employed as a senior network engineer for sirius xm radio main responsibilities included tier solutions for layer and environment switching drafted and implemented acl security policies spearheaded the network scaling expansion and infrastructure development of the in house network responsible for providing next generation solutions to senior management selected accomplishments included day to day support for user network environment in national and international remote sites management of wireless hardware and software for the installation of company wlan this included corporate headquarters in washington dc and an auxiliary site cio and it staff in fairfax va managed contractors for stand up of secondary office in fairfax va complete infrastructure build out from bare bone structure to it staff environment which included all network telephony data and tele presence conferencing for users managed resources for re cabling of copper and fiber plus runs for main campus office supervised contracted staff for the expansion of data and voip capabilities network drops and voip phones supervised contracted staff for the datacenter fiber and copper expansion project increase provided backup restored and migrated databases for required application upgrades configuration of f bigip to provide load balancing for development and production farms built and maintained visio documentation database of network technology researched solutions for network scalability to include cloud backup services and forensic data recovery processed and implement firewall change request for national and international production and test environments network engineer children s hospital of pittsburgh pittsburgh pa september to march employed as a fulltime network engineer supporting the children s hospital of pittsburgh primary duties included ensuring hippa certification requirements implementation and compliance managed layer and switching and routing via command line interface responsible for maintaining network availability during disasters on call hours selected accomplishments project lead in conversion of com infrastructure to cisco backboned network at chp main campus and remote sites performed routine and required server maintenance backups virus definitions security patching installed and configured wireless network and the project included the entire hospital and offsite locations primary support vocera wireless communications project this included the design site survey and the installation of air monitoring defense devices installed maintained cisco switches s and wireless access points via cli configuration of vlan s trunking qos and other ccna level duties monitoring testing and troubleshooting hardware and software issue pertaining to the lan and wlan network administration for documentation and support of plus user device environment group it specialist beverly healthcare fort smith ar august to september provided consultation for a national healthcare institution by providing support for distributed nursing homes throughout pennsylvania acted as the primary poc for networking and systems issues worked in conjunction with management to outline future technologies and expansion selected accomplishments performed support for all system network upgrades installations and development responsible for sites day to day operational status of the network and systems x onsite support administered account creation group policy and conduct audits throughout the western pennsylvania region responsible for the management and configuration of computers and peripheral devices actively tested nextgen solutions for network improvement with corporate headquarters network lab administrator north hills junior high pittsburgh pa august to august maintained multiple computer labs for faculty and student use duties were mainly centered on lab maintenance and upkeep selected accomplishments maintained macintosh computer lab and trained student and staff use installed new macintosh computers and peripheral equipment as required database administrator united way of pittsburgh pittsburgh pa february to august performed database administration in legacy dbase in the development of where to turn book project key contributions created and updated master database as required performed regular maintenance to include indexing backups query routines conduct quality control on all entries in the where to turn for publication primary duty cable splicer and installer at base telephone at marine corps base camp pendleton united states marine corps camp pendleton ca february to october camp pendleton ca primary duty cable splicer and installer at base telephone at marine corps base camp pendleton education american history duquesne university june to december cable splicer school at sheppard air force base wichita falls tx march to december additional information skills technical os cisco cli server k k ms windows apple os working knowledge of linux tools citrix cisco vpn mcafee epol suite army gold disk retina security scanner netstumbler and flying squirrel mcafee hips agent tcp ip suite dhcp dns epol ids host based and network hardware cisco routers xx xx xx xx and xx series cisco switches xx xx xx stacked and xx and xx management cisco acs f bigip configuration and maintenance routing protocols bgp ospf eigrp and rip leadership project management team lead teamwork strong communication skills customer service and technical writing ", "sr network engineer sr network engineer hexagon us federal honolulu hi email me on indeed indeed com r fe e e network and fiber optic engineer project manager with over years of experience in the information technology industry which includes networking electrical and communication expertise i demonstrate tremendous leadership skills able to excel within a team troubleshooting knowledge network management and client coordination willing to relocate to san diego ca phoenix az denver co authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience sr network engineer hexagon us federal march to present network engineer for installation and maintenance of a naval secured network design and implement a secured network across geographic locations meeting dod and doe security requirements installation configuration and support of tcp ip routing ospf bgp radius atm dwdm sonet mpls sdh tdm vpn wan lan wlan vlan cisco routers switches firewalls network administration and network wiring perform switch router ios upgrades and maintenance perform network security scans to determine network vulnerability help develop and implement plans of action to resolve any vm s that arise develop poa m implement stig s implementing latest technologies to continuously monitor the network and reduce downtime provide remote assistance to clients to minimize network down time to ongoing projects maintain cryptographic equipment through taclanes for encryption of secure data on the network network engineer fiber itc service group hawaiian telecom may to march project manager for installation and maintenance of it systems to include ip addressing mac filtering port forwarding and router configuration for clients level and level install configuration and support tcp ip routing atm dwdm sonet sdh and tdm dns wan lan wlan vlan cisco routers switches firewalls network administration and network wiring provide oversight and hands on installation repair of vdsl systems delivered through advanced fiber optic and copper network infrastructure install terminate and test no polish fiber optic lines to client sites which include enterprise and residential sites voice data and video through vdsl and rf technology provide remote assistance to clients to minimize down time utilizing usams dslams fiber optic and twisted pair troubleshooting partner network engineer project manager advanced interior electronics may to may lead manager for the residential and commercial audio video and automation installation group responsible for network system design installation and maintenance of client hardware software equipment and systems include audio video security cameras card access systems biometrics etc installation configuration and support of wan lan wlan vlan tcp ip routers switches firewalls network administration and network wiring provide oversight and hands on experience for the installation and repair of ip based automation systems performed software and hardware design installation and maintenance hired and trained new employees developed standard operating procedures sop s for current and future technicians created employee handbooks and disciplinary policies project management worked with sales force technicians and end users at all stages of the project coordinated purchasing storage and installation of materials for jobs developed manuals for end users that easily described the automation of all the integrated electronics system design attended manufacture training sessions helped guide and design projects with the sales force optimizing the interoperability of the multitude of audio video and automation products created job flow diagrams and integrated project database systems created standard operating processes sop for fleet purchase design and maintenance schedules managed and streamlined quarterly and annual budgets helped grow the business from employees to over in that time i also helped increase the gross revenue each year went from a company in to a m in owner network engineer reasonable audio and video january to may started maintained and ran the residential and commercial audio video installation group responsible for network system design installation and maintenance of client hardware software equipment and systems include audio video security cameras card access systems biometrics etc installation configuration and support of wan lan wlan vlan tcp ip routers switches firewalls network administration and network wiring provide oversight and hands on experience for the installation and repair of ip based automation systems performed software and hardware design installation and maintenance responsible for sales project design and hiring training of employees scheduling purchasing and management of jobs vdsl network technician qwest february to march installed and repaired vdsl systems on the telephony network voice data and video of vdsl provided remote troubleshooting for customers utilizing usams dslams twisted pair troubleshooting extensive customer interaction and education in all areas of the phoenix metropolitan area technician vdsl network january to february installed and repaired vdsl systems on the telephony network voice data and video of vdsl provided remote troubleshooting for clients usams dslams twisted pair troubleshooting bridge tap removal extensive customer interaction and education in all areas of the phoenix metropolitan area aircraft electrical and environmental systems technician air force italy october to october installed and repaired electrical systems on f aircraft maintain detailed logs of service and repairs maintained a secret security clearance education bs in information technology network security western governors university utah july to june skills dsl years excel years f years project manager years training years network administration years tele years certifications licenses cisco certified entry networking technician ccent march to march comptia security july to july comptia network july to july comptia a december to december cisco certified network associate ccna june to june additional information skills secret clearance interim naclc level years of network engineering administration it telecom skills fiber optics data dsl vdsl phone years lead project manager for client network audio video and automation systems electrical and environmental systems training through the u s air force specifically for f infrastructure windows xp through windows qualified microsoft office word excel publisher access ", "strategic alignment network engineer strategic alignment network engineer daystar inc dover nh email me on indeed indeed com r cb bd f a technologist working at the intersection of process and communication authorized to work in the us for any employer work experience strategic alignment network engineer daystar inc newington nh may to present accomplishments created the new position of strategic alignment network engineer reporting to ceo primary technical contact for managed clients in myriad local industries designed and implemented all process workflow for this new position client onboarding point network evaluations decision maker it strategy meetings developed an internal project tracking platform with an in house dev to support the strategic alignment team s organizational needs systems analyst it support community partners dover nh january to april accomplishments responsible for new hire orientations and technical training programs for incoming staff rolled out new helpdesk inventory and remote assistance solutions agency wide primary point of contact between it department and agency employees dining room manager one dock at the kennebunkport inn to server bartender events atlanta ga to education clark university class of magna cum laude b a screen studies and communication interests film board games food spirits references and samples available upon request please continue onto the next page objective communicate innovate design implement ba screen studies concentration communication and culture cloud backups film degree written and verbal communication qos enabled years front of house hospitality experience extensive food wine knowledge product knowledge personalized service suggestive selling leap of faith endpoint administration new platform implementations remote assistance software helpdesk software inventory solution client onboard process design and implementation job experience education bachelor s in screen studies clark university worcester ma to skills t it support years network administration years system administration years technical writing years hospitality years links http linkedin com in aidanms additional information passion for making it accessible and understandable for everyone highly organized and detail oriented with excellent written and verbal communication process and policy nerd with an interest in workflow design and improvement personally invested with a proven technical skillset and a long tenure in hospitality and customer service lifelong learner with a strong preference for team based environments professional skillset thorough knowledge of the smb technology stack domain administration comprehensive list of platforms and technologies available per request tier tech support and hardware software troubleshooting onsite and remote infrastructure evaluation and it project design recommendation proficient in building and maintaining meticulous technical documentation "]