Releases: kagonlineteam/KAG-APP
Releases · kagonlineteam/KAG-APP
Version Code 8
- Sortieren nach Stunde im VPlan
- Bug fix der Stundenplan URL
- Tab Bar Änderungen
- Fehler mit Artikeln behoben
- Erste Web Veröffentlichung auf
- Design Änderungen für Tablets
- Erste Tests für Benachrichtigungen
- Hinzufügen des Unterstufen Stundenplan
- Änderungen bzgl. der Position des Moodle Logos im Home Screen
Beta 6
Beta 5
Beta 4
- (Hopefully) Remove warning from AppStore
- For Sek 1 pupil the RPlan View shows why they can't see the RPlan
- The dates for the RPlan are now calculated from 8 o'clock
- Advance message if login is unsuccessful
- Fix bug where when returning to a base view the app would return to the home view
Beta Release 3
- Redesign UserView
- The title of Calendar-entries now uses the whole width
- When a Calendar-entry only lasts One day it won't show "07.01 -> 07.01" anymore. It just shows the date
- Fix issue where the Stundenraster would not be formatted correctly
- Fix issue where the Logo on the HomeView would be too big on wide devices
- On iPhones (X and newer) it would not format properly if you rotated the device. This is fixed
Beta Release 2
- Change Logo on HomeView to fit the rest of the app
- Change the Background color of the dots (RPlan) to be white
- Remove '-' from RPlanDetail when class or subject are empty
- Fix HTML bug
- (Probably) fix a bug on weekends
- Fix issue with the countdown
First Beta Release
Note: This beta-Release is not completely stable.