- You can use Run Configurations in Intellij IDEA
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8081/websocket/auth/login' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "email":"asd@mail.com", "password": "user" }'
curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8081/websocket/auth/login' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "email":"admin@mail.com", "password": "admin" }'
"type": enum["info", "reply", "failure"],
"info_type": enum[ "test_info_type"],
"failure_type": enum["send_failure", "auth_failure", "illegal_format_failure", "action_type_failure", "auth_token_expired_failure", "missing_field_failure", "unknown_failure"],
"reply_type": enum["subscription_reply", "authentication_success", "authentication_refresh_success"],
"channel": const string ["test-user-channel","test-admin-channel"],
"action": enum["subscribe", "unsubscribe", "send", "refresh_connection"],
"payload": any object,
"category": enum[ "test_category_type"]
open the new Websocket tab on postman
connect to
send request to subscribe a admin channel
{ "channel":"test-admin-channel", "action":"subscribe" }
send request to unsubscribe from the admin channel
{ "channel":"test-admin-channel", "action":"unsubscribe" }
send request to refresh connection the admin channel
{ "action": "refresh_connection", "payload": "token" }
"payload": "This is test message admin",
"action": "send",
"infoType": "test_info_type",
"category": "test_category_type",
"channel": "test-admin-channel",
"sendingType": "ALL" //optional
"payload": "Test Message",
"infoType": "test_info_type",
"sendingType": "SPECIFIED_USER",
"userId": 1
"payload": "Test Message2",
"infoType": "test_info_type",
"sendingType": "ROLE_BASED",