Almost all Central Universities in India have been forcing their employees, scholars and retirees to take loans for healthcare expenses from their respective university's Cash Advance Program. The illicit "money circulation scheme" known as a Cash Advance Program for healthcare expenses of university members, is hidden within the finances of the universities' so-called "University Maintenance Accounts." This has continued to be orchestrated as an irregular and discriminatory commercial loan and Consumer Credit program, in almost all Central Universities throughout India, by government officials and university administrators.
This type of fraudulence is being carried out by those culpable bureaucrats, instead of allowing Lakhs of snared employees, scholars, and retirees as Consumers from having access to a proper health insurance plan. Each Central University's Cash Advance Program also robs Consumers of their ability to build a "Credit History." Such a theft of equity and opportunity to build legitimate Credit History, would not have been possible, if the university members had instead been allowed to avail a proper health insurance plan from a regular insurance company, instead of being forced to depend on discriminatory cash loans or medical reimbursement claims. These types of exploitative and discriminatory procedures that generate unearned incomes for Central Universities by stealing cash and credit from innocent Consumers, is still being cunningly orchestrated via a nexus of Central Universities and private healthcare providers.
The forcibly imposed loans and long wait times for settlement of medical reimbursement claims thrust upon Consumers, for necessary healthcare expenses, has become the cultural norm among Central Universities. But, such institutional policy-based practices have continued to infringe upon the civil and consumer rights of Central Government's employees, scholars, and retirees belonging to public institutes, while preventing them from accessing the actual Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS).
Indeed, all employees, scholars, and retirees of India's Central Government Entities have been pre-paying for CGHS, partly through taxes automatically deducted from their monthly salaries, scholarships, and pensions, and partly through payments of the Central Government's "Goods and Services Tax" on day-to-day business transactions. So, preventing those tax-payers who are rightly entitled to avail CGHS benefits, from having appropriate access to the CGHS, is an organized and syndicated crime being committed among Central Universities by university officials.
Moreover, the Cash Advance Program of Central Universities in India, have a clandestine and a discrimination based markup or premium, on the forcibly imposed cash loans, that is 30% or up to 70% of the total amount stated in each "medical reimbursement claim" submitted to the university. This is worse than the harm done to poor people by cunning pay-day loan companies.
Worst of all, the discrimination embedded within the disbursement of forced cash loans for medical expenses, through those illegal Cash Advance Programs, is being systematically carried out by university administrators in cahoots with corporate bosses of so-called Referral Hospitals, on the basis of caste, religion, and employment designation. In this sinister nexus between Central Universities and private hospitals, persons belonging to religious minorities or Dalit groups, or those who are non-teaching staff and retirees, are the ones being subjected to harsher mistreatment by university administrators. This type of systematic exploitation of the masses has only ever been done by the British Raj and the mafia's loan sharks, particularly against vulnerable and illiterate victims.
In fact, the worst of loan sharks and pay-day loan companies in the world, would feel embarrassed and ashamed, to ever exploit anyone the way Central Universities in India have been forcibly and surreptitiously exploiting their employees, scholars, and retirees. In addition to such exploitation, deliberate harms are also being inflicted upon the dependent family members of those snared victims. And, such tactics are also a violation of the Competition Act, 2002, because of the significant adverse effect produced on open market competition by such discriminatory and forced Cash Advance Programs being operated by Central Universities, against all private and public companies within India's banking and insurance industry sectors.
All the money stolen and misappropriated by India’s Central Universities from thousands of their staff, scholars and retirees through cash advance schemes over the past decades, must be returned to the victims and survivors in a just manner, along with the financial interest and punitive damages calculated on those long-overdue arrears.
This nation-wide public issue and legal problem, is entirely tractable and solvable, because the amount of money misappropriated by Central Universities via their Cash Advance Programs, is recorded in the accounting books of those universities, to a fair bit of detail and precision. Once that debt owed to victims and survivors is paid up in full, by the Central Government to those debt-holders, the problem will be resolved. However, attempting to let nature take its course in resolving this problem, could invariably lead to every Central University's campus going up in flames, you know, due to "climate change." 🔥 🏫 🔥
Now, the culpable members of the Executive Council of India's Central Universities who had created and implemented such a large-scale scam, might have retired or may have passed away. But, any current member of a Central University or a government ministry who tries to defend this scam, can never be protected from the Public's Eye, regardless of the type of indemnities those wrongdoers may try to shore up for evading The Law.
Most importantly, one must reckon that, History will never be kind to those who try to defend and propagate the theft and fraud, that is still being orchestrated via Cash Advance Programs for medical expenses and medical reimbursement claims, at practically each of India's Central Universities and government owned institutes for higher education.