Reference page to link to R implementation of a probabilistic matching function.
If you need to link together two or more datasets that don't have a unique identifier but do have common fields, which may contain minor differences (e.g. first name, surname, address), then you are probably going to want to use a probabilistic matching approach. This approach allows for misspellings, data entry errors and missing values to give you the best possible matching result.
A high-quality implementation of this method in R, which scales well (to millions of records), can be found here:
A paper published by the developers explaining how and why it works can be found here:
NB: This is not my work! The purpose of this repository is to provide a reference point to guide you to the above source.
This example runs on one of the dummy datasets used for the examples in Robin L's python-based fuzzymatcher ( To see how it performs on a larger dataset, you can change "left_3" and "right_3" in the read.csv lines to "left_4" and "right_4" respectively.
# Get data
left <- read.csv("")
right <- read.csv("")
# Make sure names are consistent
names(right) <- names(left)
# Run the matching
matches.out <- fastLink(
dfA = left, dfB = right,
varnames = names(left),
stringdist.match = c("first_name", "surname", "dob","city","email"), # Specifies the variables you want to treat as strings for fuzzy matching
partial.match = c("first_name", "surname","city","email"), # Specifes variables where you want the algorithm to check for partial matches
verbose = T,
threshold.match = .9 # Match probability threshold. The default is .85, and you can play around with different values
# Gives the match rate, estimated falst positive rate (FDR) and estimated false negative rate (FNR)
# Extracts the matched data
a <- matches.out$matches$inds.a
b <- matches.out$matches$inds.b <- merge(cbind(left[a,],"matchindex"=b),
by="matchindex")$score <- matches.out2$posterior