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65 lines (44 loc) · 4.17 KB


Improve Microsoft Edge's Read aloud voice selection options by adding Microsoft Eva (Cortana's voice) to Read aloud's voice dropdown list.



Once downloaded, you will need to edit the .reg file using the text editor of your choice. Change the Key Names within the HKEY_CURRENT_USER path for both Tokens\MSTTS_V110_enUS_EvaM and Tokens\MSTTS_V110_enUS_EvaM\Attributes to match Edge's current installation.


You can find the Key Names by opening Registry Editor selecting HKEY_CURRENT_USER and then pressing Ctrl+F. Search for "MSTTS_V110_enUS_DavidM" while selecting Look at: "Keys" and "Match whole string only".


Next, press F3 to cycle through "Find Next" until you locate microsoft.microsoftedge_[version number] (my version was microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe, if your version is different you need to update this Key Name in the .reg file HKEY_CURRENT_USER paths).


In this example, I want to copy the last Isolated Key Name of "k6BwW5fty3XWMlmQDjzUq77TXIsLVjJGt268p8btklc" into the .reg file.

Once the versions have been updated in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER paths, save and double click the .reg file to install.


You will be presented with a warning, click YES to continue.


Click OK.


Finally, you can verify the new Key Name entries in Registry Editor. Open Edge and right-click on a page select Read aloud, go into the upper right corner settings and select Microsoft Eva - English (United States) from the voices selection list.


.reg File Contents

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Children\001\Software\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\Isolated\ [[UPDATE WITH LAST KEY ENTRY FROM REGISTRY EDITOR]] \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\Voices\Tokens\MSTTS_V110_enUS_EvaM]

@="Microsoft Eva - English (United States)"
"409"="Microsoft Eva - English (United States)"

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Children\001\Software\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\Isolated\ [[UPDATE WITH LAST KEY ENTRY FROM REGISTRY EDITOR]] \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\Voices\Tokens\MSTTS_V110_enUS_EvaM\Attributes]

"Name"="Microsoft Eva"
"SayAsSupport"="spell=NativeSupported; cardinal=GlobalSupported; ordinal=NativeSupported; date=GlobalSupported; time=GlobalSupported; telephone=NativeSupported; currency=NativeSupported; net=NativeSupported; url=NativeSupported; address=NativeSupported; alphanumeric=NativeSupported; Name=NativeSupported; media=NativeSupported; message=NativeSupported; companyName=NativeSupported; computer=NativeSupported; math=NativeSupported; duration=NativeSupported"
"SampleText"="You have selected %1 as the default voice."