title: CMS entities version aware
issue: NEXT-13273
author: Jan Pietrzyk
author_email: j.pietrzyk@shopware.com
author_github: @JanPietrzyk
- Add version fields to the primary key of all cms entities
- CMS version id as part of the foreign key constraint to cms pages
This change update the primary key of cms_page
, cms_slot
, cms_block
and cms_section
and the corresponding translation tables. If your plugin incorporates foreign keys to these tables you will need to update your migrations and dal entity definitions.
Please use bin/console dal:validate
to see if you have to adjust your plugins anywhere.
If your plugin is already installed the shopware core migration will take care of adjusting the foreign key. A new column {TABLE_NAME}_version_id
is created, and the constraint widened. You will just have to add a version reference field in your definitions.
For a cms_page
relation this would make these lines mandatory in your field definition like this:
use Shopware\Core\Content\Cms\CmsPageDefinition;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\ReferenceVersionField;
new ReferenceVersionField(CmsPageDefinition::class);
If your plugin is newly installed you should add a combined foreign key to your create table statement.
`cms_page_id` binary(16) DEFAULT NULL, # the existing column
`cms_page_version_id` binary(16) NOT NULL',# from noe on mandatory
KEY `_NAME_` (`cms_page_id`,`cms_page_version_id`),
CONSTRAINT `_NAME_` FOREIGN KEY (`cms_page_id`, `cms_page_version_id`) REFERENCES `cms_page` (`id`, `version_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE # notice the two column on two column key
Due to the migration changing the product table as well, the update process might be slower than usual.